

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-01-10 18:01 VZ, revision 70310

Add missing wxUSE_TOOLTIPS and wxUSE_UXTHEME checks to wxMSW. Allow compiling wxStatusBar without tooltips and theme support. Closes #13846.

2012-01-09 19:59 VS, revision 70308

Don't crash in generic wxDataViewCtrl if selected column is removed.

2012-01-09 19:48 VZ, revision 70307

Add check for _T() to svn pre-commit hook. _T() shouldn't be used in any new code so don't allow committing it. We could have used "svnlook diff" instead of "svnlook cat" and check only for _T() not being added but in practice there shouldn't be any difference and using "cat" is simpler.

2012-01-09 19:48 VZ, revision 70306

Use wxT() instead of _T() in XTI code. _T() is deprecated and doesn't work with Solaris compiler, use wxT() instead. Also change one occurrence of _T() inside a comment in wx/debug.h.

2012-01-09 19:48 VZ, revision 70305

Use wxT(), not _T(), in wxRichText code. _T() doesn't compile with Sun CC and is deprecated, please don't use it.

2012-01-09 19:48 VZ, revision 70304

Resolve ambiguity between two wxAuiNotebook overloads. wxAuiNotebook-specific InsertPage() and the version inherited from wxBookCtrlBase were ambiguous if used with default values for their 2 last arguments. Resolve this by removing defaults from the inherited version.

2012-01-09 15:19 JS, revision 70303

Improved layout, in particular passed a container size in order to allow relative size calculation

2012-01-09 15:04 DS, revision 70302

no code changes, fixed some typos

2012-01-09 08:18 JJ, revision 70301

Correction for the #define wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP 0 case

2012-01-09 07:31 PC, revision 70300

move render params out of wxDataViewCustomRenderer they only need to exist for the duration of the render() call

2012-01-08 19:27 JS, revision 70299

Fixed default style setting to take into account text boxes; fixed AddBoxStyle

2012-01-08 15:52 VZ, revision 70298

Fix menu creation in wxOSX/Carbon when using wx in a plugin. In this case the host application may have its own menu so we need to avoid conflicting with its menu elements. Closes #13832.

2012-01-08 15:52 VZ, revision 70297

Enhance wxRibbonToolBar functionality to wxRibbonButtonBar level. Allow inserting and deleting tools and not only appending them. Add possibility to enable/disable and toggle tools. Send wxUpdateUIEvent for the tools. Add various properties accessors. Closes #13835.

2012-01-08 15:52 VZ, revision 70296

Don't generate drag events without valid item in wxGenericListCtrl. Dragging the mouse from the empty area of the control must not generate any drag events as there is nothing to drag there. Also, MSW version doesn't do it. So fix the generic version to avoid generating such invalid drag events too by checking that we have a valid item before checking that we're dragging. Closes #1619.

2012-01-08 15:52 VZ, revision 70295

Add wxTopLevelWindow::SetRepresentedFilename(). This currently is only implemented under OS X and sets the proxy icon there but could be implemented to do something useful under the other platforms too in the future. Closes #13797.

2012-01-08 11:54 VZ, revision 70294

Another wxOSX/Carbon compilation fix after wxListCtrlBase changes. Fix DoInsertColumn() parameter const-ness too.

2012-01-08 08:12 PC, revision 70293

use correct signature for init functions

2012-01-08 07:40 PC, revision 70292

remove unnecessary class definitions and variables

2012-01-08 07:30 PC, revision 70291

remove unnecessary finalize overrides

2012-01-08 01:55 VZ, revision 70290

Fix wxOSX/Carbon compilation after wxListCtrlBase introduction. Make wxListCtrl::SetColumn() item parameter const reference.

2012-01-07 17:35 VZ, revision 70287

Compilation fixes to joystick sample after r70279.

2012-01-07 17:11 VZ, revision 70286

Compilation fix for PCH-less build after wxListCtrlBase changes. Include the base class declaration from wx/listbase.h.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70285

Improve column auto-sizing code in generic wxListCtrl. Take the width of the header itself into account when setting width to wxLIST_AUTOSIZE. Also refactor the code to reuse the code used in wxLIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER case in SetColumnWidth() when inserting or updating the column width to this value.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70284

Add support for wxLIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER to InsertColumn(). Use the fixed default width in InsertColumn() by default for compatibility but allow more useful behaviour in it by supporting wxLIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER as well.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70283

Add convenient wxListCtrl::AppendColumn() wrapper. In the vast majority of cases, columns are just appended to the end and not inserted at arbitrary positions in wxListCtrl so provide a convenient wrapper to do this, especially as it's really trivial to do it now when it can be done only once at wxListCtrlBase level.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70282

Implement best size calculation for report mode wxListCtrl. Use the column labels to determine the minimal width required by the control to show them all in full. Also declare all image list and column-related wxListCtrl methods in wxListCtrlBase now as we need some of them in DoGetBestClientSize() implementation.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70281

Replace 3 copies of wxListCtrl mode tests with a single one in wxListCtrlBase. Move InReportView() and IsVirtual() into the base class as they were the same in all the implementations.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70280

Add wxListCtrlBase common base class for port-specific wxListCtrl. This base class is currently trivial, more methods will be moved to it from the derived classes later.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70279

Set Z-position correctly for wxEVT_JOY_ZMOVE events. Z-move events don't have (x, y) position, but they do have Z-position which needs to be set. Also don't use (x, y) position for these events in the sample. See #748.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70278

Joystick messages coordinates are unsigned, treat them as such. Apparently the joystick messages (x, y) coordinates are unsigned, so use LOWORD/HIWORD to extract them from LPARAM. See #748.

2012-01-05 16:48 JS, revision 70275

Removed compilation ambiguity between different forms of ...WithUndo functions.

2012-01-05 15:10 JS, revision 70274

Fixed box style application.

2012-01-05 15:08 JS, revision 70273

Fixed #13833: wxRichTextCtrl: 'Copy' can grab an extra character

2012-01-05 13:51 VZ, revision 70272

Ensure that wxListEvent::m_itemIndex and m_item.m_itemId are in sync. Unfortunately we have two ways to get the item affected by wxListEvent: via its m_itemIndex (or GetIndex()) and m_item.m_itemId (or GetItem()). This can't be changed for the usual backwards compatibility reasons but at least make sure that both contain the same values in the events sent by the generic version (MSW one already did it).

2012-01-05 13:51 VZ, revision 70271

Don't fill wxListEvent::m_item when using virtual list control in wxMSW. When using virtual list control the main program already has the items data so it's completely useless to call GetItem() when preparing an event for it. It is also inefficient to call GetItem() for potentially many items. For both of these reasons the generic version already didn't fill the item contents for virtual list controls events. Now modify wxMSW to not do it neither.

2012-01-05 13:51 VZ, revision 70270

Initialize wxListItem::m_itemId to -1, not 0. Currently we have two redundant pieces of data in wxListEvent: m_itemIndex and m_item.m_itemId. The former is initialized to -1 by default which makes sense as it means "no item". But the latter was 0 by default which not only didn't make sense but also made it inconsistent with m_itemIndex for the events which really didn't have any associated item. Fix this by initializing m_itemId to -1 as well.

2012-01-05 11:21 VZ, revision 70269

Fix wxDateTime unit test compilation without PCH. Include wx/time.h to get wxGetTimeZone() declaration.

2012-01-05 01:47 VZ, revision 70268

Implement support for "%z" in wxDateTime::Format() and Parse(). "%z" specifier can now be used when printing the dates out to specify the time zone and is also recognized when parsing dates. Closes #1215.

2012-01-04 20:38 JS, revision 70267

Added box style functionality to style manager dialog

2012-01-04 17:32 JS, revision 70266

Implement missing wxTextBoxAttr::IsDefault function

2012-01-04 16:53 VZ, revision 70265

More pt_BR translations from Felipe. All the messages are now translated.

2012-01-04 15:41 JS, revision 70264

Possible fix for #13821: wxRichTextCtrl using 100% CPU

2012-01-04 15:00 JS, revision 70263

Background now drawn within the border instead of beyond the margin

2012-01-04 14:39 VZ, revision 70262

Fix wxRibbon compilation when wxUSE_TOOLTIPS==0. Add wxUSE_TOOLTIPS tests after the changes of r70175. Closes #13827.

2012-01-04 13:50 JS, revision 70261

Fixed border drawing bug when width is more than 1

2012-01-04 11:42 JJ, revision 70260

Update makefile for OpenVMS

2012-01-04 08:54 SC, revision 70259

fixes #13826

2012-01-04 00:27 VZ, revision 70256

Fix wxEncodingConverter::Convert(wchar_t) documentation. This method mistakenly "inherited" the same documentation as 2 argument Convert() overloads. Closes #13825.

2012-01-03 16:24 JS, revision 70254

Disable drag and drop if the control is not editable

2012-01-03 15:09 JS, revision 70253

Applied #13819: wxRTC drag and drop, by dghart, with tweaks