

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2000-02-23 16:54 JS, revision 6238

Misc small changes, some for VC++ 1.5

2000-02-23 16:15 VZ, revision 6237

fall back on text value if no long/double value could be retrieved from the cell

2000-02-23 15:58 VZ, revision 6236

removed saveValue param in EndEdit()

2000-02-23 15:45 VZ, revision 6235

fix for (too big) combobox height

2000-02-23 15:38 VZ, revision 6234

command events are not redirected to focused window

2000-02-23 15:32 VZ, revision 6233

fix to allow non-extension based template choosing to work from Vegh Janos

2000-02-23 13:17 SB, revision 6232

Add exemple for redirecting cout

2000-02-23 12:31 GT, revision 6231

TablesInUse did not have DeleteContents() set to TRUE in __WXDEBUG__ mode

2000-02-23 07:15 MB, revision 6230

Added wxGrid::DrawGridSpace function to suppress junk beyond last row and col of grid.

2000-02-23 07:03 RD, revision 6229

Some mouse events need to be handled even when outside the grid. Added flag and accessors to enable/disable the dragging of the grid lines.

2000-02-23 04:45 RD, revision 6228

delay getting the default editor and renderer (by data type) until actually needed

2000-02-23 00:30 VZ, revision 6227

multiple/single sel mode can now be toggled from menu

2000-02-22 23:06 DW, revision 6226

More wxWindow updates

2000-02-22 22:48 RL, revision 6225

added missing files to life & poem, added wxPython/demo

2000-02-22 22:39 RR, revision 6224

Playing with scrolling, als fixed redraw bug in wxGrid (outer regions). You must not to maths with update regions within an scroll related OnPaint(). Everything else is allowed.

2000-02-22 20:09 VS, revision 6223

fixed divide by zero exception when layouting justified text

2000-02-22 20:09 VS, revision 6222

one of error messages had way too much spaces in it

2000-02-22 20:08 VS, revision 6221

better documented wxListCtrl::GetItem (it was absolutely unclear how to use it)

2000-02-22 20:02 RD, revision 6220

1. wxGridCellEditor::SetSize needs to use the wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE flag otherwise the choice editor will not move to row 1, (the wxRect given has a -1 y value.) 2. I fixed wxGridCellChoiceEditor::BeginEdit to not only set the current value into the text field, but also to make it the current selection in the dropdown. 3. EndEdit was getting called twice for each cell when you leave it with the TAB or ENTER. I commented out a call to SaveEditControlValue in SetCurrentCell to take care of this. It shouldn't hurt anything since SaveEditControlValue is also called within the EnableCellEditControl(FALSE) which gets called next. If this causes no problems for anybody it can be removed entirely.

2000-02-22 18:20 GL, revision 6219

AVI file playing on Windows is working Many fixes

2000-02-22 17:25 SN, revision 6218

Compilation fixes

2000-02-22 17:23 KB, revision 6217


2000-02-22 17:19 DW, revision 6216

GetSubcontrols now returns a reference to an Arraylong

2000-02-22 17:11 DW, revision 6215

no message

2000-02-22 16:57 VZ, revision 6214

added combobox editor

2000-02-22 16:03 VZ, revision 6213

column autosizing added

2000-02-22 15:29 RR, revision 6212

SetSelection() in wxNotebook now sets the focus, SPACE in wxListCtrl now sends Activate in multiple sel mode

2000-02-22 15:22 VZ, revision 6211

1. corrected bug with LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED being sent even if second click in dbl click was on another item 2. moved private classes from listctrl.h -> listctrl.cpp 3. made sample messages include the item index

2000-02-22 14:29 VZ, revision 6210

added renderers/editors for long/float, not fully tested yet, but seems to work - see the demo in the (updated) sample

2000-02-22 13:00 MJ, revision 6209

dbbrowse.cpp dbbrowse.h

2000-02-22 11:08 VZ, revision 6208

don't draw cell highlight over the cell editor (improves wxGCBoolEditor appearance

2000-02-22 10:53 MJ, revision 6207

dbbrowse.cpp dbbrowse.h de/ de/dbbrowse.po

2000-02-22 10:17 VZ, revision 6206

1. wxMenuBar::FindMenu() made "const" 2. documented it 3. documented recent change to wxYield()

2000-02-22 10:09 VZ, revision 6205

attempt at HP-UX compilation fix

2000-02-22 10:00 VZ, revision 6204

added wxLog::Suspend/Resume and wxYield() uses them now so that it won't flush the messages any more

2000-02-22 09:56 VZ, revision 6203

removed some default value for wxGrid compatibility ctor resolving ambiguity of writing wxGrid(this, -1)

2000-02-22 09:53 VZ, revision 6202

moved wxMenuBar::FindMenu(title) from MSW to common code

2000-02-22 08:54 JS, revision 6201

Moved the wxDialog BringWindowToFront fix to Show because it happens in modeless dialogs too, if other windows have been disabled.

2000-02-22 05:34 DW, revision 6200

no message

2000-02-22 04:06 MB, revision 6199

Added view menu items to toggle row and col drag-resizing. Removed setting of cell background colour for the moment.

2000-02-22 03:51 MB, revision 6198

Added functions to enable/disable drag-resizing of rows and cols.

2000-02-22 00:01 RR, revision 6197

Removed some debug code.

2000-02-21 23:22 RD, revision 6196

forgot to uncomment a few things

2000-02-21 23:17 RD, revision 6195

Added ability for tables, grids, editors and renderers to handle nonstring data.

2000-02-21 23:02 RL, revision 6194

added wxPython control files and a few changes

2000-02-21 22:57 RL, revision 6193

added PYTHON_DIST for creating Debian source

2000-02-21 22:18 GRG, revision 6192

End of stream reading stuff

2000-02-21 22:09 RD, revision 6191

added typcast needed for VC++ 6

2000-02-21 20:33 RL, revision 6190

removed redundant #! line

2000-02-21 20:29 RL, revision 6189

allow '=' inside a value on command line. return error code from calling makefiles in lower 8 bits so any Makefile calling will correctly interpret fatal build errors.