

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-08-26 22:44 VZ, revision 61765

Use correct array size for weekday names. DAYS_PER_400_YEARS was erroneously used instead of DAYS_PER_WEEK which resulted in creation of much larger object file than needed as the array is initialized. Closes #11143.

2009-08-26 22:44 VZ, revision 61764

Use #pragma message and not #pragma warning for MSVC. This fixes MSVC compilation with wxUSE_APPLE_IEEE==0. Closes #11141.

2009-08-26 22:43 VZ, revision 61763

Compilation fix for wxUSE_INTL==0 in wxMSW MDI code. Using wxGetTranslation().wx_str() doesn't work when wxUSE_INTL==0. Closes #11142.

2009-08-25 00:49 KO, revision 61760

Restore pattern creation, and do sanity checks before destroying the pattern or the surface. Closes #11140.

2009-08-24 23:42 VZ, revision 61759

Don't append text following CDATA section to its node itself. Reset wxXmlParsingContext::lastAsText flag when CDATA section ends to avoid appending the text following it to its node. Instead new text nodes should be created for it. Also update the unit test to not work around the bug any more. Closes #10552.

2009-08-24 23:42 VZ, revision 61758

No changes, just fix unused variables and parameters warnings. Fix warnings in wxGTK wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT==1 build.

2009-08-24 23:42 VZ, revision 61757

Add A0 and A1 formats to wxPaperSize enumeration. Closes #11083.

2009-08-24 09:31 JJ, revision 61756

Update OpenVMS compile support

2009-08-24 02:23 BBE, revision 61755

Better diagnostic information for inotify fswatcher

2009-08-24 00:48 VZ, revision 61754

Allow entering minus sign in wxMSW wxSpinCtrl if needed. Only restrict input to wxMSW wxSpinCtrl to digits only if it doesn't support negative values, otherwise the user can't enter any negative numbers. As there is no built in support for entering digits and minus sign only, simply allow all characters to be used if the negative numbers must indeed be possible to enter. Closes #11082.

2009-08-24 00:25 VZ, revision 61753

Never overflow the output buffer in wxBase64Decode(). Don't write extra NUL bytes obtained by decoding the padding at the end of input into the output buffer as there may be not enough place in it for them. And in any case the buffer is not (always) NUL-terminated as no NUL bytes are obtained in absence of padding, so it's better to never terminate it for consistency. Closes #11101.

2009-08-24 00:25 VZ, revision 61752

Correct the order of coordinates in CGPoint initializer. The order was reversed. Closes #11020.

2009-08-24 00:24 VZ, revision 61751

Show the current range of valid dates in the calendar sample. See #11081 (point C).

2009-08-24 00:24 VZ, revision 61750

Added wxGridSize::GetEffective{Cols,Rows}Count(). These functions return the number of columns or rows being currently used and not 0, unlike the existing Get{Cols,Rows}(), if the corresponding number is determined dynamically. Closes #10254.

2009-08-23 23:39 VZ, revision 61749

No changes, just clarify a comment for WXK_XXX values. Part of patch in #10268.

2009-08-23 23:39 VZ, revision 61748

Make WXK_NUMPAD_TAB member of WXK_CATEGORY_TAB. See #10268.

2009-08-23 23:36 VZ, revision 61747

Unload GDI+ DLL during wxWidgets shutdown. This was done during static objects cleanup time previously resulting in deadlocks when wxWidgets was used as a DLL as DLLs can't be unloaded when wxWidgets DLL itself is being finalized because of the global loader lock. This is a back port of r48778 and r54233 from trunk. Closes #11127.

2009-08-23 23:31 VZ, revision 61746

Extract event handlers chain documentation in a separate section. The explanation of event handlers chaining was too big and distracted from the main point of the event processing section which was to explain in which order different handlers are looked up.

2009-08-23 20:38 JMS, revision 61745

Made wxPropertyGridHitTestResult a real class (works better that way with SWIG)

2009-08-23 17:34 JMS, revision 61744

Removed obsolete conditional compile option wxPG_CREATE_CONTROLS_HIDDEN

2009-08-23 17:31 JMS, revision 61743

Added label editing capability into wxPropertyGrid

2009-08-23 15:31 BBE, revision 61742

Rename support for MSW file system watcher. Fixed incorrect handling of patch with depth > 1. Cleanup & style improvements.

2009-08-23 15:30 BBE, revision 61741

Little style correction

2009-08-23 11:21 MJM, revision 61740

Reimplement setting of styles for wxAuiNotebook

2009-08-23 10:35 SC, revision 61739

gcc 4.2 fix

2009-08-23 09:52 MJM, revision 61738

(Re)implement focus behaviour for tabs of notebooks

2009-08-23 03:02 BBE, revision 61737

Event loop sources refactoring for Unix console loop, GTK loop and OSX Cocoa loop

2009-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 61736

Added wxKeyEvent::IsKeyInCategory() method. This allows to test whether a given key belongs to the category of e.g. arrow keys or navigation keys in a more concise and more readable manner. Closes #10268.

2009-08-23 00:48 BBE, revision 61735

Rename support for inotify file system watcher

2009-08-22 19:40 VZ, revision 61734

Back port of wxSocket-related fixes from trunk. This patch combines the changes from the following trunk revisions: - r61675 - r61676 - r61677 - r61678 - r61685 - r61686 - r61687 - r61688 - r61689 - r61690 - r61696 - r61726 It refactors wxSocketImpl creation to use a Mac-specific version of it in GUI Mac applications which fixes generation of socket events under Mac (see #11030) and also fixes bug in wxSocketServer::WaitForAccept() (see #11107).

2009-08-22 15:59 VZ, revision 61732

Document wxGraphicsPath::AddArc() better. The angles passed to it are measured clockwise from the horizontal axis, contrary to the usual mathematical convention so take care to mention this in the documentation. Closes #11112.

2009-08-21 20:46 VZ, revision 61731

Only use wxLocale functions if wxUSE_INTL == 1. Don't use locale-dependent formats in wxDateTime::ParseFormat() when locale support is disabled. Closes #11121.

2009-08-21 20:46 VZ, revision 61730

Fix typo in wxNewEventFunctor() comment. Closes #11117.

2009-08-21 20:22 SC, revision 61729

supporting earlier xcode version

2009-08-21 17:25 VZ, revision 61726

Do wait for connection in the server socket. The code returned immediately from wxSocketBase::DoWait() if it wasn't connected but it only made sense for the client sockets, not server ones which could be calling this function precisely in order to wait until a connection is made. Also added a test for this bug in the sockets/server sample. Closes #11107.

2009-08-21 12:54 VZ, revision 61725

Allow creating initially hidden controls in wxOSX/Cocoa. If wxWindow is hidden before being really created, we must create the native control hidden too. Not only this allows to create the controls initially hidden, as intended, but it also avoids the wx and native visibility flags from getting out of sync which results in many other problems. Closes #11131.

2009-08-21 12:41 VZ, revision 61724

No changes, just removed hard tabs and trailing white space. This commit is huge but there are no non-white-space changes in it. Some files containing third-party sources (src/msw/wince/time.cpp, src/x11/pango*.cpp) were left unchanged.

2009-08-20 02:44 VZ, revision 61720

Fix signatures of various image handlers methods. Use wxBitmapType instead of long for the type parameter and made SaveFile() methods const to follow the base class changes. Now that the signatures are the same as in the base class these handlers have a chance to work again while their methods couldn't be called at all before this change.

2009-08-20 02:44 VZ, revision 61719

Refactor and clean up slider labels drawing code. This change fixes multiple g++ 4 warnings about unsafe expressions with bit-wise operators (completely justified, for once, as the expressions were absolutely incomprehensible and almost certainly incorrect too) and refactors the determination of where to draw the slider labels in a single function instead of triplicating it. Also reformat to follow wxWidgets conventions and use more clear variable names.

2009-08-20 02:44 VZ, revision 61718

Fix warning about converting literal strings to non-const char*.

2009-08-20 02:44 VZ, revision 61717

Remove declarations of two non-existent functions in wxMSW wxListCtrl. wxGetInternalData() were left overs from old versions of the code and don't exist any more.

2009-08-20 02:44 VZ, revision 61716

Fix harmless unused parameter warnings in wxX11 wxCursor. Parameters in wxCursor ctor are unused because it is not implemented but this is already indicated by a wxFAIL_MSG() in it.

2009-08-20 02:44 VZ, revision 61715

Rename wxRendererNative::DrawRadioButton() to DrawRadioBitmap(). This old name function conflicted with the one in wxRenderer in wxUniv and also was misleading as this function draws only a bitmap and not the entire wxRadioButton control. The old workaround for the warnings about the function names conflict was ugly and unmaintainable, as proven by the fact that wxRenderer method signature already became different from the wxRendererNative one.

2009-08-20 02:44 VZ, revision 61714

Fix extraction of standard command line arguments in wxX11. The original number of arguments should be used when checking the argument index for validity. Additionally, memmove() wasn't moving the correct number of bytes because of forgotten sizeof(). See #11124.

2009-08-20 02:01 VZ, revision 61713

Fix extraction of standard command line arguments in wxX11. The original number of arguments should be used when checking the argument index for validity. Additionally, memmove() wasn't moving the correct number of bytes because of forgotten sizeof(). See #11124.

2009-08-20 01:51 VZ, revision 61712

Flush log events in console applications as well. Move wxLog::FlushActive() call from wxAppBase::ProcessIdle() to wxAppConsoleBase::ProcessIdle(). Now that log messages from background threads are queued until the main thread log target is flushed, we need to call wxLog::FlushActive() periodically to see them at all, see #11115. Besides, even though the default log target in console applications outputs the messages immediately without queuing them, it is quite possible to use a non-default target which does require flushing so this change also fixes a potential bug with non-default log targets.

2009-08-19 16:09 JMS, revision 61711

Have DoRemoveFromSelection() take active editor into account

2009-08-19 15:01 SC, revision 61710

adding gc aware code, fixes #11061

2009-08-19 14:39 SC, revision 61709

making sure an empty label is not reserving place above, fixes #11123

2009-08-19 08:00 PC, revision 61708

Fix loading BMPs, broken in r60852. Parenthesize shift expressions.

2009-08-19 01:08 BBE, revision 61707

Removed spurious code

2009-08-19 01:05 BBE, revision 61706

Checking if m_service != NULL before delete. Removed hard tabs

2009-08-18 20:07 JS, revision 61704

Numeric keypad Del fix

2009-08-18 19:33 JS, revision 61703

Fix numpad Del not working in wxRTC

2009-08-18 19:33 JS, revision 61702

Fix numpad Del not working in wxRTC

2009-08-18 17:54 SC, revision 61701

support for plug-in unloading, closes #10836

2009-08-18 17:39 SC, revision 61700

better variant support, fixes #11114

2009-08-18 17:32 SC, revision 61699

gcc 4.2 warning fix

2009-08-18 17:30 SC, revision 61698

simplifying native string handling, see #11061

2009-08-18 17:19 SC, revision 61697

fixing 64bit OSX, closes #11118

2009-08-18 16:49 SC, revision 61696

added wakeup implementation for osx_cocoa

2009-08-18 16:28 JMS, revision 61695

Made code that uses wxArrayPGProperty more STL compliant (still can't use wxVector for it because I think there is no wx equivalent of std::sort)

2009-08-18 13:44 VZ, revision 61694

Include wx/filefn.h to fix PCH-less compilation.

2009-08-18 03:22 VZ, revision 61693

Fix compilation for wxUSE_LOG==0. Move wxObject and wxFrame forward declarations so that they are accessible to empty wxLogXXX() functions defined in wxUSE_LOG==0 case too. Also take wxFormatString, not wxString, in these functions to avoid overload ambiguities. Closes #11103.

2009-08-18 03:22 VZ, revision 61692

Fix last error display in wxLogSysError(). After recent changes of wxLogXXX() functions into macros the last error was overwritten by wxString::Format() called between the call to wxLogSysError() and wxLog::CallDoLogNow() which called wxSysErrorCode() and so its original value was lost and, unless the last error was specified explicitly, it always came out as 0. To fix this, call wxSysErrorCode() directly when calling wxLogSysError(). This may be unnecessary (if the error is given explicitly) but there doesn't seem to be any other way to fix it and the overhead of calling wxSysErrorCode() shouldn't be that big. Also add a unit test checking that wxLogSysError() behaves as expected.

2009-08-18 02:27 VZ, revision 61691

Don't define wxArrayPGProperty as std::vector in STL build. wxArray::Remove() method is used on it so defining it as std::vector<> breaks compilation in STL build. It is also insonsistent with all the other arrays in wx none of which used "#if wxUSE_STL" around its definition.

2009-08-18 01:46 VZ, revision 61690

Added missing wx/log.h header. This fixes compilation without PCH.

2009-08-18 01:02 VZ, revision 61689

Force linking of src/osx/core/sockosx.cpp. Without this the file was omitted by linker entirely in the static build and the correct socket manager wasn't used for the GUI applications (see #11030).

2009-08-18 01:02 VZ, revision 61688

Cleanly separate GUI socket-related code from net library. This fixes linking problems under Unix introduced by recent changes which fixed previous problems which were due to files not being linked in at all. In order to provide a clean separation between base, net and core libraries we now use the same wxSocketManager (wxSocketFDBasedManager), defined in net library for both console and GUI Unix applications and just use different FD IO manager for them: the latter can be defined in base and core libraries as it doesn't involve wxSocketImpl at all, only its base wxFDIOHandler class. At more detailed level, these changes required: 1. Adding the new wxFDIOManager class. 2. Refactoring the old (and now removed) wxSocketFDIOManager to use the same code as wxSocketFDIOManager. This involved: a) Adding handler and direction parameter to RemoveInput(). b) Storing the mask of registered events in wxFDIOHandler itself. c) Defining wxFDIOManagerUnix which works with wxFDIODispatcher. 3. Changing the traits classes in Unix ports to define GetFDIOManager() instead of GetSocketManager().

2009-08-18 01:02 VZ, revision 61687

No changes, just put the files in alphabetical order. List files in BASE_UNIX_AND_DARWIN_SRC in alphabetical order for consistency with the other file names variables and to make it more convenient to update it.

2009-08-18 01:02 VZ, revision 61686

Extract wxFDIOHandler in its own header. The files defining classes processing events on file descriptor only need this class and not wxFDIODispatcher itself so reduce build dependencies by extracting wxFDIOHandler in a separate header which they can include instead of the entire fdiodispatcher.h.

2009-08-18 01:02 VZ, revision 61685

Added wxFDIOHandler::IsOk() and use it with wxSocketImplUnix. This will allow to use the base wxFDIOHandler class only in GUI-specific network code and this remove its dependency on wxSocketImplUnix. IOW it paves the way for a proper solution of the problem fixed by r61336 without the hack of r61335 which results in linking problems (which went undiscovered until now but were, in fact, always present, i.e. r61335 couldn't work).

2009-08-17 20:36 JMS, revision 61681

Added multiple selection feature to wxPropertyGrid (enabled by setting wxPG_EX_MULTIPLE_SELECTION style)

2009-08-17 19:59 PJC, revision 61680

The tab bar of a ribbon bar is now hidden by default when there is only a single tab (the old behaviour can be achieved via the new wxRIBBON_BAR_ALWAYS_SHOW_TABS flag).

2009-08-17 01:14 VZ, revision 61678

Fix hangups when using sockets under OS X. A socket event apparently doesn't count as a real event under OS X and our wxEventLoop::DispatchTimeout() doesn't return when it happens -- so we need to generate an artificial wake up event ourselves to make it do it and return control to the code in wxSocket::DoWait() in order for it to process the event.

2009-08-17 01:14 VZ, revision 61677

Don't forget to reset wxSocketImplMac members to NULL. This avoids an assert in dtor.

2009-08-17 01:13 VZ, revision 61676

Use CF socket manager in GUI OS X applications. wxSocketManagerMac was never created under OS X since wxSocket code refactoring as wxGUIAppTraits::GetSocketManager() wasn't overridden. Doing this required an extra nasty hack with a global variable in the base library which is used just to pass the socket manager pointer from the net library to the core one without creating a dependency between them but this seems unfortunately unavoidable. See #11030.

2009-08-17 01:13 VZ, revision 61675

Virtualize wxSocketImpl creation by routing it via wxSocketManager. This is necessary to create different kinds of sockets for the console and GUI applications under OS X: unlike Unix which use different socket managers for the console and GUI programs but still use the same data structures in both cases as X11 and derived toolkits APIs are very similar, Core Foundation sockets don't have anything in common with their console counterparts and so we need to use different wxSocketImpl versions too. A side effect of this commit is that now we need to force linking of src/msw/sockmsw.cpp when using sockets: this wasn't necessary before because it contained wxSocketImpl method definition but now that there are no more direct dependencies on it, MSVC linker simply discards the object file unless we force it to link with it. Notice that this commit doesn't change anything yet, it simply refactors the code to use wxSocketManager::CreateSocket() instead of wxSocketImpl::Create() in preparation for the next change.

2009-08-17 01:13 VZ, revision 61674

Create both the full and OS X specific tag files in Also don't duplicate the files already processed by the generic create_tags in OS X-specific part.

2009-08-16 17:17 JMS, revision 61673

Fixed bug: wxPGProperty::SetName() crashed if it was called before property was added to grid (fixes #11111)

2009-08-16 15:32 VZ, revision 61672

Add samples files missing from distribution. Mostly XPM icons but also a header from dataview sample.

2009-08-15 19:41 BBE, revision 61670

Fixed build error on MSW: missing virtual method implementation

2009-08-15 17:35 BBE, revision 61669

Fixed corrupted source files.

2009-08-15 07:30 JMS, revision 61668

Added workaround for VC6 internal compiler error (fixes #11104)

2009-08-14 21:09 MW, revision 61667
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/buildbot/config/buildbot.css

Remove buildbot.css as it's never been used.

2009-08-14 20:57 MW, revision 61666
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/buildbot/config/include/testdrive-unix.xml
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/buildbot/config/include/testdrive-win.xml
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/buildbot/config/include/testdrive.xml
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/buildbot/config/testdrive-unix.xml
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/buildbot/config/testdrive-win.xml

Remove testdrive bots.

2009-08-14 20:55 MW, revision 61665

Add new unix bots.

2009-08-14 20:45 MW, revision 61664

Rename ravnsgaard.xml to unix.xml

2009-08-14 02:06 VZ, revision 61663

Allow customizing wxDebugReportCompress output file. It may be useful to change the directory where it is generated to allow the users to find it more quickly. Also allow changing the crash report base name for completeness.

2009-08-14 02:05 VZ, revision 61662

Added wxStandardPaths::MSWGetShellDir(). This function allows to get the location of Windows shell special folders not covered by wxStandardPaths methods (yet), e.g. CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY.

2009-08-13 19:32 VZ, revision 61661

Corrected fix for #11014 in r61506.

2009-08-13 14:32 VZ, revision 61660
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2009_FSWATCHER/samples/fswatcher/fswatcher_vc7.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2009_FSWATCHER/samples/fswatcher/fswatcher_vc8.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2009_FSWATCHER/samples/fswatcher/fswatcher_vc9.sln

Remove fswatcher sample solution files from svn. The solution files are not stored in the svn with a few exceptions and there is no reason to store them for this sample.

2009-08-13 14:31 VZ, revision 61659

Check that wxUSE_FSWATCHER is defined. All user-ssettable wxUSE_XXX symbols must be checked in this file and wxUSE_FSWATCHER is no exception.

2009-08-13 14:07 VZ, revision 61658

Indicate that wxFileSystemWatcher is new since 2.9.1.

2009-08-13 11:58 VZ, revision 61657

Minor updates to Vietnamese translations. Patch from Trần Ngọc Quân.

2009-08-13 11:50 VZ, revision 61656

Set correct EOL style for .po files which didn't have it.

2009-08-13 00:42 BBE, revision 61655

Fixed bug in wxConsoleEventLoop: it didn't unregister its wakeup pipe fd on delete, which resulted in blocking the place in the map for the next entry with the same fd

2009-08-13 00:39 BBE, revision 61654

Commented out one test, because it cannot pass at the moment

2009-08-12 23:31 PJC, revision 61653

Fixed wxRibbonMSWArtProvider scroll right button having wrong arrow.

2009-08-12 21:50 BBE, revision 61652

include <wx/*> => include wx/*. wxFSWatchEntry::GetLastState now returns by const reference. A couple of minor changes.