

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-05-03 22:22 VZ, revision 39003

moved wx/msw/helpbest.h to HTML_HDR from MSW_DESKTOP_HDR

2006-05-03 22:19 VZ, revision 39002

compilation fix when not using PCH

2006-05-03 21:50 ABX, revision 39001

Include wx/stream.h according to precompiled headers of wx/wx.h (with other minor cleaning).

2006-05-03 17:10 VZ, revision 39000

remove non existing AM_OPTIONS_WXRC: it results in an error with aclocal 1.4, even though it's inside a comment

2006-05-03 16:18 VZ, revision 38999

fixed printf format warning on 64 bit platforms

2006-05-03 13:12 VZ, revision 38998

documented GetPathWithSep()

2006-05-03 13:11 VZ, revision 38997

include volume in path returned by GetPathWithSep()

2006-05-03 04:36 KO, revision 38996

Initial implementation of wxWidgets build scripts for Mac and Unix. To run tests, just run dobuilds in mac and unix dirs.

2006-05-03 04:30 KO, revision 38995

Include and use the shared docopydocs function.

2006-05-03 04:28 KO, revision 38994

Make sure to include the current values for INCLUDE, LIB, PATH.

2006-05-03 04:25 KO, revision 38993

Move the copying of docs that are included in several tarballs into its own function.

2006-05-03 04:12 PC, revision 38992

wxASSERT(false) --> wxFAIL

2006-05-03 03:20 RD, revision 38991

CHANGES updates

2006-05-03 03:19 RD, revision 38990

Ignore Destroy calls on wx.BusyInfo

2006-05-03 03:19 RD, revision 38989

Docstring fix

2006-05-03 03:18 RD, revision 38988

Fix bug that prevents the generation of an XRS file. Workaround for core dump when multiple resources are loaded into the memory FS.

2006-05-03 03:17 RD, revision 38987

Count children correctly, avoiding an exception for non-window children

2006-05-03 03:15 RD, revision 38986

Apparent typo fix

2006-05-03 03:15 RD, revision 38985

Ensure the button still exists after the Notify before doing anything with it.

2006-05-03 02:44 vell, revision 38984

minor cleanup - reformatting

2006-05-03 02:29 RD, revision 38983

Bump subrelease number

2006-05-03 01:47 RD, revision 38982

Patch from Eli Golovinsky. Adds generation of _() code for gettext and other tweaks.

2006-05-03 00:43 VZ, revision 38981

update the sizes of all pages when the control size changes

2006-05-03 00:42 VZ, revision 38980

don't invalidate the tree size when pages are added/removed, we don't want the tree size to jump on its own ad the programmer should call FitTree() explicitely if this is desired

2006-05-03 00:36 VZ, revision 38979

fixed setting selection when there are NULL pages in the tree