

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-10-21 15:12 JS, revision 75054

Fix selection drawing for table cells

2013-10-21 15:10 JS, revision 75053

Fix HasCharacter/PragraphAttributes to use the focus object

2013-10-20 19:42 JS, revision 75052

Corrected wxRTC IsDefault() implementations

2013-10-20 19:19 JS, revision 75051

Avoid crash when deleting range that includes the focus object.

2013-10-19 21:27 SC, revision 75050

CoreText is always available on 10.5+, so using all this code unconditionally, committing Vadim's suggestions with two extensions, see #15580

2013-10-19 14:05 VZ, revision 75049

Disable wxDataObject in wxDFB build at configure level. Otherwise we'd just get an error when compiling wx/dfb/chkconf.h later. Closes #15594.

2013-10-19 08:48 SC, revision 75048

turn off web wxWebView on iOS at the moment

2013-10-18 21:27 JS, revision 75047

Fixed some data transfer bugs

2013-10-18 20:15 VZ, revision 75046

Avoid sending wxEVT_CHAR events when text is inserted by the program in wxOSX. This should fix crashes due to infinite recursion in the code that calls wxTextCtrl::WriteText() from wxEVT_CHAR handler. Closes #15345.

2013-10-18 20:15 VZ, revision 75045

No real changes, just restrict wxMacEditHelper interface. There is no need to provide GetCurrentlyEditedView() when a simpler IsCurrentlyEditedView() suffices.

2013-10-18 20:15 VZ, revision 75044

Fix ItemDeleted() call in wxTreeListModel. While it doesn't matter when exactly do we call it with the generic or GTK native implementations, under OS X we must update the internal model first and call this method afterwards because it refreshes the control contents immediately and so was calling back to the model and getting the pointer to the item about to be deleted, which resulted in a crash when this pointer was dereferences later. Closes #15575.

2013-10-18 17:00 VS, revision 75043

XRC spec: say that all properties are optional. Provide defaults for all properties in the spec. In XRC schema, make all properties optional. The previously required ones are annotated as "important" (read: should be set unless you know what you're doing), but aren't enforced. The code already behaved like this, so this just synchronizes the specification with the reality.

2013-10-18 17:00 VS, revision 75042

XRC schema: Validate wxSizerItem flag property rigorously. Validating all style flags strictly would be unmaintainable mess of verbose regular expressions that would quickly get out of sync. But we can validate at least wxSizerItem flags, which are both stable and so frequently used that it is worth the effort.

2013-10-18 17:00 VS, revision 75041

XRC: File bugs in wxFileCtrl spec, schema and samples. Incredibly, there were bugs, inaccuracies or missing content in all three of them, but each one had its own unique problems. Fix them all to be in sync with the implementation.

2013-10-18 16:59 VS, revision 75040

Use wxHORIZONTAL default for wxWrapSizer in wxSizerXmlHandler. For consistency with all other wxSizer kinds, use the default of wxHORIZONTAL instead of 0 (which has no meaning here) for wxWrapSizer too.

2013-10-18 13:21 VZ, revision 75039

Add a simple README for the XRC schemas. Explain how they can be used.

2013-10-18 10:44 SC, revision 75038

adding web view files for building Xcode projects, fixes #15590

2013-10-18 10:43 SC, revision 75037

adding web view files for building Xcode projects, see #15590

2013-10-18 09:16 SC, revision 75036

fixing compile after cleanup

2013-10-18 07:13 SC, revision 75035

fixes #15591

2013-10-18 00:28 VZ, revision 75034

Revert changes to the drawing of the tree item buttons in the generic renderer. This reverts r74887 as this created problems when drawing them at standard size. See #15526.

2013-10-18 00:26 VZ, revision 75033

Fix syntax error in the dialogs sample after r75028. An extra "&&" was left in the preprocessor check, remove it. Also remove the check for __WXMAC_OSX__ as it's unneeded as USE_NATIVE_FONT_DIALOG_FOR_MACOSX is only defined as 1 under wxOSX and, actually, wrong, as __WXMAC_OSX__ is never defined anywhere and was probably a corruption of __WXOSX_MAC__ in the first place.

2013-10-18 00:26 VZ, revision 75032

Fix gcc architecture checks added to wx/msw/genrcdefs.h. Use "#if defined" instead of "#ifdef" for the checks involving "||".

2013-10-17 23:21 VZ, revision 75031

Update wxString Unicode documentation to reflect the default wchar_t use. And other minor fixes to Unicode-related documentation.

2013-10-17 18:37 PC, revision 75030

make m_modalShowing private