

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-02-21 21:11 MW, revision 70662

Remove testing against zip in a pipeline as it no longer supports it.

2012-02-21 17:23 SC, revision 70661

making sure eventual borders get updated when windows are hidden

2012-02-21 10:24 JS, revision 70660

The tree only sets the focus in response to a TVN_SELCHANGINGW event if the tree is not being deleted. TVN_SELCHANGINGW is generated when the tree items are deleted. Without this change, if a tree control is in a dialog being closed, the newly active window will become inactive momentarily when tree items are deleted and you will see a flicker.

2012-02-21 06:39 RD, revision 70659

Rewrite DoPaint, FullPaint and add FullPaintDC to help deal with flicker problems and to be more like how the other Scintilla ports are working now.

2012-02-21 06:38 RD, revision 70658

If WXWIDGETS is not set and if on cygwin then set it to a DOS style path. (This assumes that it is not a cygwin oxygen that is being run, if that's not the case then set WXWIDGETS before running

2012-02-20 22:57 VZ, revision 70656

Don't crash in wxImage::SaveFile() if MIME type is not recognized. Insert a missing "return false" whose lack resulted in a crash if the handler for the given MIME type wasn't found. Closes #14028.

2012-02-20 22:57 VZ, revision 70655

Minor fixes to wxDateTime documentation. Use @onlyfor{wxmsw} for MSW-specific methods; fix the return type of operator+=(). Closes #14024.

2012-02-20 22:57 VZ, revision 70654

No changes, just simplify some code in wxX11. Don't use redundantly weird flags tests. Closes #14020.

2012-02-20 22:57 VZ, revision 70653

No changes, just remove a redundant wxGROW. Closes #14018.

2012-02-20 22:56 VZ, revision 70652

Remove documentation of inexistent wxEvtHandler::TryThis(). This method existed only briefly and was replaced by Try{Before,After}(). Closes #14012.

2012-02-20 22:56 VZ, revision 70651

Allow handling EVT_UPDATE_UI for wxID_UNDO/REDO at wxDocument level. Don't require using wxCommandProcessor for this, only use it if it exists. Closes #14011.

2012-02-20 22:56 VZ, revision 70650

Document wxNotificationMessage::Timeout_XXX values. Closes #14009.

2012-02-20 22:56 VZ, revision 70649

Fix typos in wxRibbonButtonBar documentation. Closes #14008.

2012-02-20 22:56 VZ, revision 70648

Minor documentation fixes to wxHelpController. Fix the methods signatures to match the real ones. Closes #14007.

2012-02-20 22:56 VZ, revision 70647

Add skeleton documentation for wxMessageDialog::ButtonLabel. This class shouldn't be really used directly but document it just to make the interface header valid C++ as this class was used as parameter type but never defined. Closes #14006.

2012-02-20 22:56 VZ, revision 70646

Fix wxRichTextBuffer::InsertParagraphsWithUndo() documentation. Use the same parameters order as in the real header file. Closes #14005.

2012-02-20 22:56 VZ, revision 70645

Add @onlyfor tag to wxToolBar::SetBitmapResource() documentation. Closes #14004.

2012-02-20 22:56 VZ, revision 70644

Add @onlyfor tags for Unix-specific wxStandardPaths methods. Closes #14003.

2012-02-20 22:56 VZ, revision 70643

Add @onlyfor tag for wxSound::IsPlaying() documentation. This is not totally precise as the method is available in all Unix-based ports but currently there doesn't seem to be any way to specify this so just mention its availability in wxGTK which is what counts. Closes #14002.

2012-02-20 22:56 VZ, revision 70642

Make wxSingleChoiceDialog::GetSelectionData() const. Also restore const-ness of GetSelectionClientData() lost in r70514. Closes #14001.

2012-02-20 22:56 VZ, revision 70641

Fix wrong spelling of wxRegKey::HasSubkeys() in the documentation. This method is currently called HasSubkeys() and not HasSubKeys() even though the latter would have been more consistent with HasSubKey() so we might consider renaming it in the future. But for now just fix the documentation. Closes #13998.

2012-02-20 22:56 VZ, revision 70640

Remove inexistent wxPropertySheetDialog::SetInnerSizer() from documentation. Closes #13997.

2012-02-20 22:56 VZ, revision 70639

Synchronize wxPropertyGridManager documentation with the real API. Fix GetSelection() return type; remove SetStringSelection() which doesn't seem to exist any more; other minor fixes. Closes #13996.

2012-02-20 22:56 VZ, revision 70638

Synchronize wxPropertyGrid documentation with the real API. Document DoRegisterEditorClass() (even though it's not really clear whether it should be documented); remove the inexistent SetButtonShortcut() documentation and other minor fixes. Closes #13995.

2012-02-20 22:55 VZ, revision 70637

Don't initialize wxFileDialog::m_filterIndex to 1 in wxMotif. This makes it consistent with all the other ports. Closes #1129.

2012-02-20 22:55 VZ, revision 70636

Use wxPageSetupDialogData instead of old wxPageSetupData everywhere. No real changes, just don't use the old and kept for compatibility only wxPageSetupData name. Closes #13992.

2012-02-20 22:55 VZ, revision 70635

Remove wxDialog::OnSysColourChanged() documentation. This event handler is a private implementation detail and shouldn't be documented. Closes #13964.

2012-02-20 19:02 JS, revision 70633

Removed unnecessary newlines.

2012-02-20 18:58 JS, revision 70632

Minor fixes

2012-02-20 18:57 JS, revision 70631

Corrected missing angled bracket

2012-02-20 12:38 JS, revision 70630

Added wxEVT_WIZARD_BEFORE_PAGE_CHANGED event to allow the application to influence the return value of GetNext after Next is clicked.

2012-02-20 11:59 VZ, revision 70629

Fix unit test French locate checks for glibc >= 2.8. Until 2.7 glibc wrongly used periods instead of slashes as separators for the French date format and the test accounted for this, breaking it with recent glibc versions in which this bug was fixed. Fix this by limiting the workaround to the old glibc versions only.

2012-02-19 16:50 VZ, revision 70628

Don't apply svn commit hook checks to 2.8 branch. Some of the files in 2.8 still use the old conventions, allow doing changes in them without completely updating them to follow the rules checked by the hook.

2012-02-19 16:50 VZ, revision 70627

Don't exclude message catalog files from UTF-8 checks in svn hook. The message catalogs do use UTF-8 now, so check that no non-UTF-8 ones are checked in in the future.

2012-02-19 16:04 SN, revision 70626

Spelling fixes, backport of r70625. Additionally changed _T to wxT in updated files to make pre-commit check happy.

2012-02-19 15:49 SN, revision 70625

Spelling fixed for comments and a wxASSERT_MSG. Fixes #14022.

2012-02-18 20:59 SN, revision 70624

Fixed spelling errors, fixes #14021.

2012-02-18 20:46 SN, revision 70623

Backported spelling fixes from r70622.

2012-02-18 20:43 SN, revision 70622

Spelling fixes to comments, fixes #13994.

2012-02-18 20:37 SN, revision 70621

Backport of spelling fixes from r70620.

2012-02-18 20:31 SN, revision 70620

Fixed miss-spelling in output messages (enviroment -> environment, occured -> occurred), fixing 13993.

2012-02-18 18:12 VZ, revision 70619

Update the main translation template and all the message catalogs. This was done mostly to ensure that updating works correctly after the last round of manually fixing the catalogs.

2012-02-18 18:12 VZ, revision 70618

Remove duplicate "About" entries from message catalogs. Somehow we had duplicate entries for "About" string in almost all the message catalogs. This prevented them from compiling correctly.

2012-02-18 15:24 JS, revision 70617

Removed OnSelect

2012-02-18 15:22 JS, revision 70616

Fixed name of GetCombinedStyleForLevel

2012-02-18 15:20 JS, revision 70615

Applied #14000 (wxRichTextXMLHandler interface fixes)

2012-02-15 17:41 PC, revision 70611

modification to fix in r70597, has-window check is unnecessary and perhaps incorrect

2012-02-15 16:40 VZ, revision 70610

Add forward declarations to fix wx/propgrid/editors.h compilation. This header resulted in compilation errors if it was included as the first propgrid header. Fix this by adding the required forward declarations. Closes #13989.

2012-02-15 16:40 VZ, revision 70609

Remove wrong "const" from wxPosition::operator{+,-}=() documentation. Closes #13991.

2012-02-15 16:40 VZ, revision 70608

Fix the name of wxPersistentTreeBookCtrl in the documentation. It was misspelt as wxPersistentTreeBook. Closes #13990.