

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-03-04 01:29 VZ, revision 70793

No changes, just cleanup TopLevelWindowTestCase unit test a little. Remove the unnecessary overrides of setUp() and tearDown(). Also get rid of trailing whitespace.

2012-03-04 01:29 VZ, revision 70792

Add documentation of wxFileSelectorEx() and wx{Load,Save}FileSelector(). Document all wxFileDialog-related functions and not just wxFileSelector(). See #14051.

2012-03-04 01:29 VZ, revision 70791

Better documentation for the default parameters values. Use symbolic names for them and document them separately. Closes #14051.

2012-03-04 01:29 VZ, revision 70790

Fix showing MDI child from wxDocManager::ActivateDocument(). This fix has 2 components: first, call Raise() instead of simple SetFocus() from ActivateDocument() as this corresponds better to what we want to do here. And second, override Raise() to call Activate() in wxMDIChildFrame to ensure that it works as expected as raising an MDI child doesn't work otherwise in most ports (with the exceptions for wxOSX which, on the contrary, needs a small fix to preserve the existing working Raise() behaviour). Closes #13946.

2012-03-04 01:28 VZ, revision 70789

Use wxHAS_IMAGES_IN_RESOURCES instead of explicit platform checks. Add a special symbol which is defined only if the icons and other images (e.g. cursor) are in the separate resource files and don't need to be embedded as XPMs in the main program. This makes the checks more clear and more customizable as it's enough to change wxHAS_IMAGES_IN_RESOURCES definition instead of changing many platform checks. Closes #14050.

2012-03-03 21:23 VZ, revision 70788

Czech translations update from Zbynek Schwarz.

2012-03-03 18:30 SC, revision 70787

we have to export every virtual method in this template class for clang

2012-03-03 14:09 SC, revision 70786

just in case we have an erroneous character on the server as well at the end of this file

2012-03-03 11:36 SC, revision 70785

testing another implementation for avoiding WakeUp Problems within tracking loops

2012-03-02 23:26 VZ, revision 70784

Add Tamil translations by DINAKAR T.D.

2012-03-02 22:51 RD, revision 70774

fix missing and broken items in the datetime interface

2012-03-02 13:43 JS, revision 70773

Darker border for wxComboCtrl on Mac

2012-03-02 13:43 JS, revision 70772

Small improvements to wxComboCtrl appearance on Mac: darker border and no white button border

2012-03-02 09:55 JS, revision 70771

Use a non-native toolbar on Mac so small buttons aren't stretched horribly. The style combo control also appears now that the toolbar is non-native.

2012-03-02 08:17 SC, revision 70770

adding translation of NSDragOperationGeneric to wxDragCopy fixes #14059

2012-03-01 19:52 JS, revision 70769

Improved the appearance of the property grid checkbox on Mac and GTK+

2012-03-01 17:44 PC, revision 70768

remove signal-blocking variable, instead just connect to signal when ready

2012-03-01 17:36 PC, revision 70767

use m_ prefix for web_view member, and make it a WebKitWebView* to eliminate many casts

2012-03-01 17:14 PC, revision 70766

remove extra g_object_ref() on web view widget

2012-03-01 16:04 JS, revision 70765

Added MacInternalOnSize() to allow windows to resize themselves independently of size events

2012-03-01 08:09 PC, revision 70764

Fixes to allow running with 64-bit wxGTK - use correct printf format specifiers - don't perform operations requiring a window until the window has been created

2012-03-01 08:09 SC, revision 70763

applying Andrew's patch, closes #13440, fine now that we have raised the minimum deployment to 10.5

2012-03-01 02:05 VZ, revision 70759

Add wxGCDC benchmarks to graphics benchmark for comparison with wxDC. Also benchmark rectangles and bitmaps in addition to lines drawing.

2012-03-01 02:05 VZ, revision 70758

Correct wxCOMPILER_PREFIX definition when wxMSVC_VERSION is predefined. Fix the wrong concatenation macro name that was used as using wxMSVC_VERSION could not work as expected before (which also shows that nobody ever used it).

2012-02-29 23:40 VZ, revision 70757

Recognize MSVC 11 instead of warning about unknown MSVC version. Define __VISUALC11__ for it.

2012-02-29 19:29 PC, revision 70756

remove unnecessary gtk_widget_show(m_widget) calls, PostCreation() takes care of that

2012-02-29 19:13 PC, revision 70755

small includes cleanup

2012-02-29 19:05 PC, revision 70754

remove unnecessary gtk_widget_show() calls, PostCreation() takes care of that

2012-02-29 16:06 JS, revision 70753

Always send wxEVT_COMMAND_RICHTEXT_DELETE event if delete or back key pressed

2012-02-29 15:45 VZ, revision 70752

Ignore setting empty path in wxGTK wxFileDialog. wxGenericFileButton calls wxFileDialog::SetPath() with empty path if no initial path is explicitly specified and this clearly shouldn't do anything -- but it did, as it set the file dialog path to the initial directory (cwd by default), and so opened it in the parent of that directory which was completely unexpected and not useful at all. Simply don't do anything when SetPath("") is called.

2012-02-29 14:59 VZ, revision 70751

Remove redundant assignment in wxDialUpManagerMSW code. No real changes, just remove a redundant assignment flagged by a static code analysis tool.

2012-02-29 14:58 VZ, revision 70750

Replace incorrect uses of wxString::empty() with the intended clear(). empty() doesn't empty the string but just checks for its emptiness, clear() was supposed to be used here instead. Thanks to PVS-Studio for finding these problems.

2012-02-29 14:58 VZ, revision 70749

Initialize m_isShown correctly in wxGenericDragImage::BeginDrag(). The code initialized m_isDirty twice which was clearly wrong. The original intention was probably to set both m_isDirty and m_isShown to false. Thanks to PVS-Studio for finding this bug.

2012-02-29 14:58 VZ, revision 70748

Move checks for m_art != NULL before code using m_art in wxAuiToolBar. It doesn't make sense to check whether a pointer is NULL after using it, so do the checks first. In fact the m_art pointer probably can never be NULL at all as other code uses it without checking and so these checks could probably be removed completely, but keep them for now as I'm not totally sure if having NULL art provider is really impossible.

2012-02-28 23:48 VZ, revision 70744

Use /bin/echo for creation of Mac OS X PkgInfo files. The built-in of /bin/sh doesn't handle "-n" option that we use (at least not under OS X 10.6), so we were getting "-n APPL????" in the generated files. Fix this by using /bin/echo which does support this option.

2012-02-28 19:23 PC, revision 70741

avoid deprecated gdk_net_wm_supports()

2012-02-28 19:06 PC, revision 70740

remove run-time check for now-required GTK 2.4

2012-02-28 18:25 PC, revision 70739

remove unnecessary override of AddChildGTK

2012-02-28 18:06 PC, revision 70738

fix virtual override broken in r58875

2012-02-28 17:30 SC, revision 70737

removing Quickdraw call

2012-02-28 15:41 VZ, revision 70736

Fix unused parameter warning in wxOSX build. No real changes.

2012-02-28 15:39 SC, revision 70735

making sure TextMatrix is always identity, there were strange artifacts sometimes, maybe due to interference with cocoa text system, adding debug method CheckInvariants

2012-02-28 06:29 PC, revision 70734

Remove code to query GDK window origin from DoGetPosition(), it should not be necessary, and was probably wrong anyway. This allows removing unnecessary assertions on m_widget (see #14052). Also, avoid setting initial position to (-1,-1)

2012-02-28 05:40 PC, revision 70733

avoid crash if IsMaximized() is called before native widget is created, fixes #14052

2012-02-28 03:05 VZ, revision 70732

Fix setting default file name in wxGenericFileDirButton in wxGTK. Set the default directory first, if it's specified, and the file name later to ensure that it's interpreted relatively to this directory. Otherwise we could have a mismatch between the directory shown in the dialog and its initial path.

2012-02-28 03:04 VZ, revision 70731

Interpret default file name relatively to initial dir in wxGTK wxFileDialog. Use the initial dialog directory to build the absolute path required by GTK+ in wxFileDialog instead of the current working directory. This makes more sense and makes specifying the default directory and (just) the default file name work correctly and avoids GTK+ warnings like Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_file_folder_unix_get_info: assertion `strcmp (dirname, folder_unix->filename) == 0' failed (and in some older versions of GTK+ -- 2.10? -- this even results in a crash).

2012-02-28 00:51 RD, revision 70722

Add a bit of docs for the FS Handlers

2012-02-28 00:50 RD, revision 70721

Phoenix needs to see the implementation of pure virtuals so it knows that this class is not abstract.

2012-02-28 00:50 RD, revision 70720

Add missing RemoveHandler

2012-02-28 00:50 RD, revision 70719

Add interface declarations for stock file system handlers.