

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-12-29 01:01 VZ, revision 75447

Avoid crashes when deleting owned top level windows. Don't delay the TLW destruction if it has a parent and its parent is already being deleted: we can't delay the inevitable in this case and only succeed in making the program crash if we try. Closes #15743.

2013-12-29 01:01 VZ, revision 75446

Prevent wxGrid rows/columns from becoming too small on double click. The minimal size wasn't respected when auto-sizing rows/columns in Set{Row,Col}Size() which was called in response to double clicking the separator line, which resulted in clearly wrong behaviour as the user was prevented from resizing the row/column to a smaller size by dragging them but not by double clicking, so fix this to respect the minimal size as well. Closes #15627.

2013-12-29 01:01 VZ, revision 75445

Fix harmless MSVC warning. Avoid "converting value to bool" warning introduced by r75310.

2013-12-28 23:20 VZ, revision 75444

Update the generated file after change. Regenerate the file to use the symbolic constants instead of the raw values. See #15783.

2013-12-28 23:20 VZ, revision 75443

Use symbolic constants names in the generated wxSTC files. Update the script generating stc.cpp to put the symbolic constants names and not their raw numeric values into the generated code. This makes it much easier to read and understand. Closes #15783.

2013-12-28 16:11 VZ, revision 75439

Mention that raw pixel access is efficient only with DIBs under MSW. While accessing DDBs (now) works too, it's inefficient and should be avoided.

2013-12-28 16:11 VZ, revision 75438

Make raw pixel access work even with DDBs under MSW. This is inefficient, because we need to copy pixels to and from them, but better than silently doing nothing.

2013-12-24 23:17 RD, revision 75428

Fix blank wxComboBox appearance broken by the changes of r75134.

2013-12-23 23:05 RD, revision 75417

Add comment about use of wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW

2013-12-23 23:04 RD, revision 75416

Document ctors and dtor for wxListView

2013-12-23 23:04 RD, revision 75415

Add the ability to show a CallTip in the stc sample.

2013-12-23 23:04 RD, revision 75414

Guard against trying to use extend() with None

2013-12-23 23:04 RD, revision 75413

Include frame.h at the beginning of the file instead of in the middle. It will be needed earlier in some cases.

2013-12-23 23:04 RD, revision 75412

Use wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW style for the STC’s calltip window to avoid crashing on OSX.

2013-12-23 21:02 RD, revision 75411

A new branch for minor tweaks needed for wxPython 3.0.0.

2013-12-23 17:43 VZ, revision 75409

Use wxPENSTYLE_{SOLID,TRANSPARENT} instead of deprecated versions in the docs. Don't push people to use the deprecated wxSOLID and wxTRANSPARENT. Closes #15775.

2013-12-21 23:26 VZ, revision 75408

Add wxNumberEntryDialog default ctor and Create(). Allow creating wxNumberEntryDialog in 2 steps, as most of the other classes. Closes #15769.

2013-12-21 15:59 SC, revision 75405

- one single method for sending char events from a NSString - adding insertText override for multiline fields as char events went missing after r74945

2013-12-21 13:23 VZ, revision 75404

Add wxPasswordEntryDialog default ctor and Create(). Allow creating wxPasswordEntryDialog in 2 steps, as most of the other classes. Closes #15770.

2013-12-20 18:55 VZ, revision 75403

Don't link with -lm if the check using it failed. It is useless and can, apparently, result in problems, see #15746.

2013-12-20 18:50 VZ, revision 75402

Document wxEVT_MEDIA_XXX event types. Closes #15768.

2013-12-20 17:03 SC, revision 75401

reverting r74098, applying John's version, see #15008, #15765, #13841 will be backported if no regressions are discovered

2013-12-18 17:18 VZ, revision 75400

Don't crash in wxAuiToolBar::GetToolBarFits(). The code could crash if m_overflowVisible was true but m_overflowSizerItem was NULL. Ideally this shouldn't happen in the first place, but it did, so at least fix the crash for now -- and hopefully this code will be refactored to make it more clear later. Closes #15747.

2013-12-18 17:18 VZ, revision 75399

Don't crash in wxAuiToolBar::GetToolBarFits(). The code could crash if m_overflowVisible was true but m_overflowSizerItem was NULL. Ideally this shouldn't happen in the first place, but it did, so at least fix the crash for now -- and hopefully this code will be refactored to make it more clear later. Backport from trunk, see #15747.

2013-12-18 17:00 VZ, revision 75398

Add wxHtmlWindow::SetDefaultHTMLCursor(). This allows to change the cursors used by any HTML windows, before creating them. Closes #15324.

2013-12-18 17:00 VZ, revision 75397

Document wxMediaState enum. Closes #15760.

2013-12-18 17:00 VZ, revision 75396

Treat empty variants as null ones in wxMSW OLE code. Simply ignoring VT_EMPTY variants doesn't make any sense and can result in completely unexpected results, so don't do it. Closes #15757.

2013-12-18 17:00 VZ, revision 75395

Remove wx/generic/colrdlgg.h from common GUI headers. This header is not used in all ports, notably not in wxMSW nor wxGTK. See #15753.

2013-12-18 17:00 VZ, revision 75394

Add default ctor and Create() to wxContextHelpButton. Allow two step creation of wxContextHelpButton. Closes #14848.

2013-12-18 17:00 VZ, revision 75393

Document wxMediaState enum. Closes #15760.

2013-12-16 19:55 VS, revision 75388

wxTextFile: don't loose data with CRCRLF line endings. Previously, when reading files with completely nonstandard - but occurring in the wild thanks to broken Notepad - files with CRCRLF, all content would be replaced with empty lines. Fix the code to do what many editors do with such files: treat this as data line followed by an empty one. This is not ideal, but it is better than discarding data - and arguably, silently cleaning up the endings wouldn't be great either (and would add extra complications for what is an obscure and broken case). See

2013-12-16 19:54 VS, revision 75387

wxTextFile: don't loose data with CRCRLF line endings. Previously, when reading files with completely nonstandard - but occurring in the wild thanks to broken Notepad - files with CRCRLF, all content would be replaced with empty lines. Fix the code to do what many editors do with such files: treat this as data line followed by an empty one. This is not ideal, but it is better than discarding data - and arguably, silently cleaning up the endings wouldn't be great either (and would add extra complications for what is an obscure and broken case). See

2013-12-16 17:36 VS, revision 75386

Support keyboard navigation with Tab in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Move keyboard focus between columns with Tab and Shift-Tab. Works similarly to left and right arrows, but wraps around to go to the next or previous line and doesn't collapse tree nodes. If focus reaches the last or first cell, the key event is skipped, allowing normal Tab handling for moving to another control.

2013-12-16 12:12 JJ, revision 75385

Update OpenVMS compile support

2013-12-16 11:51 JJ, revision 75384

Add OpenVMS to the systems that support the Bind-Event

2013-12-15 03:07 PC, revision 75383

fix inconsistent line endings

2013-12-15 03:04 PC, revision 75382

just put GtkBorder variable on the stack fixes missing runtime version check

2013-12-15 02:29 PC, revision 75381

fix missing/incorrect GTK runtime version checks

2013-12-14 16:33 JS, revision 75380

Ensure a small spanned column doesn't shrink its columns too much by checking for min column sizes

2013-12-14 16:32 JS, revision 75379

Ensure a small spanned column doesn't shrink its columns too much by checking for min column sizes

2013-12-12 17:08 SC, revision 75378

backport, fixes #15688

2013-12-11 18:27 VZ, revision 75377

Afrikaans translations update from Friedel Wolff.

2013-12-11 18:26 VZ, revision 75376

Afrikaans translations update from Friedel Wolff.

2013-12-11 13:06 JS, revision 75375

Fix for occasionally missing cells in tables

2013-12-11 13:05 JS, revision 75374

Fix for occasionally missing cells in tables

2013-12-10 16:24 JS, revision 75373

Added scrollbar hysteresis detection to stop infinite looping when vertical scrollbar presence or absence affects the content height.

2013-12-09 22:09 SC, revision 75364

trying 10.5 / 10.6 fix for #15688

2013-12-08 11:30 JS, revision 75363

Fixed overlapping text and floating objects by simplifying the available rectangle calculation

2013-12-08 11:30 JS, revision 75362

Fixed overlapping text and floating objects by simplifying the available rectangle calculation

2013-12-07 16:51 JS, revision 75361

Clicking on a floating (non-container) object no longer sets the caret position. Double-clicking on a floating (non-container) object selects it instead of selecting a word. Selection refresh now takes floating objects into account. The last line of a paragraph now takes floating objects into account.

2013-12-07 16:50 JS, revision 75360

Clicking on a floating (non-container) object no longer sets the caret position. Double-clicking on a floating (non-container) object selects it instead of selecting a word. Selection refresh now takes floating objects into account. The last line of a paragraph now takes floating objects into account.

2013-12-07 16:12 JS, revision 75359

Backported r75354: Fix layout of content within a floating object by using Move and not SetPosition; prevent creeping of floating objects on layout.

2013-12-07 13:30 VZ, revision 75358

Don't build wxOSX/Cocoa twice in wxOSX buildbot. Both trunk builds were using Cocoa, change the one supposed to be Carbon to use Carbon instead. Also add Carbon stable branch build as this is probably even more important than testing Carbon in the trunk.

2013-12-07 12:59 VZ, revision 75357

Clarify wxGetTopLevelParent() behaviour for TLWs. It doesn't return the parent of a TLW but TLW itself. Whether this is a good idea or bad one, this is how it works since a very long time and we don't want to change it any more.

2013-12-07 12:55 VZ, revision 75356

Big Galician translation update from Nuria Andión.

2013-12-07 12:55 VZ, revision 75355

Big Galician translation update from Nuria Andión.

2013-12-05 20:56 JS, revision 75354

Fix layout of content within a floating object by using Move and not SetPosition; prevent creeping of floating objects on layout.

2013-12-05 20:16 SC, revision 75353

backporting SDK 10.5

2013-12-05 10:13 SC, revision 75352

support 10.5 SDK build

2013-12-04 15:33 VS, revision 75351

wxOSX Retina fixes: wxImageList::GetSize(). wxImageList returns size of its bitmap as pixel size, i.e. twice the displayed screen on HiDPI screens. Unfortunately, wxImageList::GetSize() is used heavily in (generic) GUI drawing code, e.g. to properly size wxListCtrl's icon columns. As wxImageList is used primarily by controls, it seems reasonable to adjust for scaling here, rather than requiring all users of the class to do it.

2013-12-04 15:33 VS, revision 75350

wxOSX Retina fixes: size wxStaticBitmap and wxBitmapButton properly. The size is expressed in logical coordinates and needs to use bitmap's scaled size, otherwise it would appear twice as large in both dimensions.

2013-12-04 15:32 VS, revision 75349

wxOSX Retina fixes: wxImageList::GetSize(). wxImageList returns size of its bitmap as pixel size, i.e. twice the displayed screen on HiDPI screens. Unfortunately, wxImageList::GetSize() is used heavily in (generic) GUI drawing code, e.g. to properly size wxListCtrl's icon columns. As wxImageList is used primarily by controls, it seems reasonable to adjust for scaling here, rather than requiring all users of the class to do it.

2013-12-04 15:32 VS, revision 75348

wxOSX Retina fixes: size wxStaticBitmap and wxBitmapButton properly. The size is expressed in logical coordinates and needs to use bitmap's scaled size, otherwise it would appear twice as large in both dimensions.

2013-12-04 14:23 VS, revision 75347

Auto grow the last wxDataViewCtrl column on all platforms. The GTK+ implementation always did this and it doesn't make much sense to let the space be wasted, so do as GTK+ does: expand the last column to cover the remaining unused space in the OS X and generic implementations too. Don't do anything if the space is insufficient. Respect the last column's minimal width. See #13904.

2013-12-04 13:38 VS, revision 75346

Fix fixed-width progress columns in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Both native wxDVC implementations grow the progress column, the generic one didn't. This change fixes it and _seems_ not to break other things. As a consequence, progress columns no longer have a 40px minimal width, but that should be OK. Fixes #15745.

2013-12-04 13:36 VS, revision 75345

Fix fixed-width progress columns in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Both native wxDVC implementations grow the progress column, the generic one didn't. This change fixes it and _seems_ not to break other things. As a consequence, progress columns no longer have a 40px minimal width, but that should be OK. Fixes #15745.

2013-12-03 19:41 JS, revision 75344

Applied patch #15744: wxRichTextCtrl: HitTest can't find top-level floats (dghart)

2013-12-03 19:41 JS, revision 75343

Applied patch #15744: wxRichTextCtrl: HitTest can't find top-level floats (dghart)

2013-12-03 15:53 VZ, revision 75342

Fix crash when Destroy()-ing a TLW with a non-TLW parent. Generalize the code in wxTopLevelWindowBase dtor checking for the children of the TLW being destroyed pending for deletion themselves to work when the child TLW is an indirect child, i.e. was created with a child window of this TLW as parent and not this TLW itself. Closes #15743.

2013-12-03 15:53 VZ, revision 75341

Fix crash when Destroy()-ing a TLW with a non-TLW parent. Generalize the code in wxTopLevelWindowBase dtor checking for the children of the TLW being destroyed pending for deletion themselves to work when the child TLW is an indirect child, i.e. was created with a child window of this TLW as parent and not this TLW itself. Closes #15743.

2013-12-03 14:38 VZ, revision 75340

Work around wrong vsscanf() declaration under HP-UX. Under this system vsscanf() is declared as taking a non-const char* as first argument which prevented our code using it from compiling. Wrap it in wxCRT_VsscanfA() adding the necessary const_cast<> to fix this. Closes #15638.

2013-12-03 14:36 VZ, revision 75339

Work around wrong vsscanf() declaration under HP-UX. Under this system vsscanf() is declared as taking a non-const char* as first argument which prevented our code using it from compiling. Wrap it in wxCRT_VsscanfA() adding the necessary const_cast<> to fix this. Closes #15638.

2013-12-02 18:46 VS, revision 75336

Minor clarifications to wxTextEntry::SetHint() docs. Update platforms support docs. Mention event handlers interaction in the generic implementation.

2013-12-02 18:46 VS, revision 75335

Implement wxTextEntry::SetHint() natively for GTK+3.

2013-12-02 18:46 VS, revision 75334

Don't use native cue banners in wxTextEntry::SetHint() on XP. The code apparently expected EM_SETCUEBANNER to return false on pre-Vista systems (where the cue banners don't work). This isn't the case in practice, so check for Vista explicitly and use the generic implementation on XP.

2013-12-02 18:45 VS, revision 75333

Don't use native cue banners in wxTextEntry::SetHint() on XP. The code apparently expected EM_SETCUEBANNER to return false on pre-Vista systems (where the cue banners don't work). This isn't the case in practice, so check for Vista explicitly and use the generic implementation on XP.

2013-12-02 18:45 VS, revision 75332

Backport r75319: support for localized help menus

2013-12-02 17:50 VZ, revision 75331

Try to use /proc/self instead of /dev/core in the unit test. /dev/core doesn't seem to exist on the machines running Travis CI builds, check if /proc/self can work there.

2013-12-02 17:34 VZ, revision 75330

Fix clicking on checkboxes in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Back port the fix of r75329 from the trunk but without changing GetEffectiveAlignment() visibility to avoid changing the ABI. See #15731.

2013-12-02 17:30 VZ, revision 75329

Use correct cell alignment in generic wxDataViewCtrl mouse handling code. Don't fall back to wxALIGN_CENTRE, even if the renderer doesn't specify its own alignment we still have to take the column alignment in consideration, so use GetEffectiveAlignment() (which had to be made public for this). This notably fixes (again) hit testing for wxDataViewToggleRenderer in the generic version. Closes #15731.

2013-12-02 13:58 VZ, revision 75328

Check if colour really changed in wxGenericListCtrl::SetBackgroundColour(). Call the base class version to update the colour stored in the base class and also to avoid changing the colour of the main window unnecessarily if the colour didn't really change. This is also consistent with the code in SetForegroundColour() just below.

2013-12-02 13:58 VZ, revision 75327

Don't change header window foreground colour in wxGenericListCtrl. As calling wxGenericListCtrl::SetBackgroundColour() doesn't change the header window background, don't change its foreground in SetForegroundColour() neither. Closes #15741.

2013-12-02 13:58 VZ, revision 75326

Add a missing string in Slovakian translations. Closes #15740.

2013-12-02 13:56 VZ, revision 75325

Don't change header window foreground colour in wxGenericListCtrl. As calling wxGenericListCtrl::SetBackgroundColour() doesn't change the header window background, don't change its foreground in SetForegroundColour() neither. Closes #15741.

2013-12-02 13:52 VZ, revision 75324

Add a missing string in Slovakian translations. Closes #15740.

2013-12-02 11:38 JS, revision 75323

Fixed #15717: wxRichTextStyleOrganiserDialog returns wxID_OK when closed with Escape key (ikamakj)

2013-12-02 11:38 JS, revision 75322

Fixed #15717: wxRichTextStyleOrganiserDialog returns wxID_OK when closed with Escape key (ikamakj)

2013-12-02 10:06 JS, revision 75321

Apply fix for #15734: wxRichTextCtrl: A floating wxRichTextTable's cells aren't drawn (dghart)

2013-12-02 10:06 JS, revision 75320

Apply fix for #15734: wxRichTextCtrl: A floating wxRichTextTable's cells aren't drawn (dghart)

2013-12-01 21:10 SC, revision 75319

support for localized help menus

2013-11-28 17:50 JS, revision 75318

Partial fix for #15714: Caret jumping problem in wxRichTextCtrl text selection

2013-11-28 17:50 JS, revision 75317

Partial fix for #15714: Caret jumping problem in wxRichTextCtrl text selection

2013-11-28 17:29 JS, revision 75316

Fix for #15716: wxRichTextCompositeObject::Dump() should also dump the object itself?

2013-11-28 17:29 JS, revision 75315

Fix for #15716: wxRichTextCompositeObject::Dump() should also dump the object itself?

2013-11-28 17:24 JS, revision 75314

Fix for #15718: wxSymbolPickerDialog crashes on ampersand character

2013-11-28 17:24 JS, revision 75313

Fix for #15718: wxSymbolPickerDialog crashes on ampersand character

2013-11-28 17:23 JS, revision 75312

Fix for #15715: NULL check required in wxRichTextBuffer::SetStyleSheetAndNotify()

2013-11-28 17:23 JS, revision 75311

Fix for #15715: NULL check required in wxRichTextBuffer::SetStyleSheetAndNotify()

2013-11-28 14:47 VZ, revision 75310

Fix wxCommandProcessor::IsDirty() for unsaved unmodified case. IsDirty() still returned true even after undoing all the commands which was wrong, as there was nothing to save in this case. Closes #15722.

2013-11-28 14:46 VZ, revision 75309

Fix wxCommandProcessor::IsDirty() for unsaved unmodified case. IsDirty() still returned true even after undoing all the commands which was wrong, as there was nothing to save in this case. Closes #15722.

2013-11-28 13:43 VZ, revision 75308

Fix unwanted focus events when deleting a wxTreeCtrl item in wxMSW. Disable setting focus in response to TVN_SELCHANGING when deleting an item in a single selection control too -- this was already done in multi selection case but not in this one, for some reason. Also refactor the code to avoid duplicating TreeView_DeleteItem() calls. Closes #15721.

2013-11-28 13:43 VZ, revision 75307

Round values in wxBitmap::CreateScaled() and GetScaledSize(). Do it for consistency with wxMSW and because rounding probably makes more sense than truncation here. Closes #15720.

2013-11-28 13:39 VZ, revision 75306

Fix unwanted focus events when deleting a wxTreeCtrl item in wxMSW. Disable setting focus in response to TVN_SELCHANGING when deleting an item in a single selection control too -- this was already done in multi selection case but not in this one, for some reason. See #15721.

2013-11-27 17:12 VZ, revision 75305

Fix wxCHECK_MINGW32_VERSION() definition. Include _mingw.h before testing for __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION as it's only defined in that header. Closes #15696.

2013-11-27 17:12 VZ, revision 75304

Fix wxCHECK_MINGW32_VERSION() definition. Include _mingw.h before testing for __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION as it's only defined in that header. Closes #15696.

2013-11-27 16:34 VS, revision 75303

Fix OS X startup to not hang if the application doesn't get focus. If the application launches while the parent process doesn't have an active window, [NSApp run] won't terminate immediately, as was assumed here. Instead, it blocks until some input arrives, e.g. clicking the Dock icon. Work around this by adding a dummy event to the queue.

2013-11-27 16:34 VS, revision 75302

Fix OS X startup to not hang if the application doesn't get focus. If the application launches while the parent process doesn't have an active window, [NSApp run] won't terminate immediately, as was assumed here. Instead, it blocks until some input arrives, e.g. clicking the Dock icon. Work around this by adding a dummy event to the queue.

2013-11-27 00:31 VZ, revision 75299

Fix wxWindow::SetSizeHints() documentation. Add the missing @overload. Closes #15707.

2013-11-27 00:30 VZ, revision 75298

Fix wxWindow::SetSizeHints() documentation. Add the missing @overload. Closes #15707.

2013-11-26 15:50 VZ, revision 75297

Yet another fix after wxMenu::Remove() refactoring. wxMenu::Remove() was still broken in wxMSW after r75250, even with the fix in r75290, as wxMSW code relied on the item still being present in wxMenu::m_items. Delay removing it from there until after DoRemove() call to fix this. See #3424.

2013-11-26 15:28 SC, revision 75296

correct behavior in case it is still used with ShowModal

2013-11-26 15:18 SC, revision 75295

fixing shadowed var

2013-11-26 15:16 SC, revision 75294

fixing shadowed var

2013-11-26 13:53 SC, revision 75293

correct behavior in case it is still used with ShowModal

2013-11-25 17:50 PC, revision 75292

always initialize m_statText

2013-11-25 15:21 SC, revision 75291

backporting r75289

2013-11-25 14:57 VZ, revision 75290

Fix menu item destruction broken by r75250. The menu items were not removed from the menu any longer when they were deleted or destroyed after the changes in this revision. Fix this by calling the public Remove(), which does the right thing, instead of the private DoRemove(), which only does part of the job of removing the item, in DoDelete() and DoDestroy(). See #3424.

2013-11-25 14:51 SC, revision 75289

making sure no pending deletes get executed while a modal loop is running, avoiding double deletes because the dialogs are mostly allocated on the stack.

2013-11-25 14:41 VZ, revision 75288

Fix multiple calls to wxSocket::Initialize() in wxMSW. Subsequent calls didn't initialize the hidden window correctly because wxSocket::Shutdown() unregistered the window class used for it, but wxSocket::Initialize() still kept a pointer to the previously registered class name. Don't remember it any longer, unlike in the other cases where we use wxCreateHiddenWindow(), this function is only ever going to be called once until the class is unregistered anyhow, so it doesn't have to be static. Closes #15701.

2013-11-25 14:40 VZ, revision 75287

Fix multiple calls to wxSocket::Initialize() in wxMSW. Subsequent calls didn't initialize the hidden window correctly because wxSocket::Shutdown() unregistered the window class used for it, but wxSocket::Initialize() still kept a pointer to the previously registered class name. Don't remember it any longer, unlike in the other cases where we use wxCreateHiddenWindow(), this function is only ever going to be called once until the class is unregistered anyhow, so it doesn't have to be static. Closes #15701.

2013-11-25 13:31 VZ, revision 75286

Correct the author of wxAuiToolBarXmlHandler. See #15686.

2013-11-25 13:12 VZ, revision 75285

Document the order in which event tables are examined. Static event tables are search top to bottom while dynamic event tables are searched in the most-recently-bound to the most-early-bound order.

2013-11-24 19:07 PC, revision 75284

avoid deprecated gtk_style_context_get_font(), closes #15697

2013-11-24 18:20 VS, revision 75283

fix GCC warning "logical ‘or’ applied to non-boolean constant"

2013-11-23 17:23 VZ, revision 75282

Remove never used ALL_WX_LIBS variable from configure. It wasn't up to date (e.g. aui, ribbon, propgrid, richtext were not included in it) and wasn't used anywhere anyhow.

2013-11-23 16:10 VS, revision 75281

Recognize Windows 8 and 8.1 in wxGetOsDescription().

2013-11-23 16:10 VS, revision 75280

Differentiate between WXK_UP etc. and WXK_NUMPAD_ variants in NSMenuItem code.

2013-11-23 16:10 VS, revision 75279

Don't add NSFunctionKeyMask to NSMenuItem modifiers. This code probably misunderstood NSEvent documentation, where this mask is mentioned, but setKeyEquivalentModifierMask: documentation doesn't list it as allowed. More importantly, it causes "fn" to appear in the menu item and the accelerator doesn't work.

2013-11-23 16:10 VS, revision 75278

Recognize Windows 8 and 8.1 in wxGetOsDescription().

2013-11-23 16:09 VS, revision 75277

Differentiate between WXK_UP etc. and WXK_NUMPAD_ variants in NSMenuItem code.

2013-11-23 16:09 VS, revision 75276

Don't add NSFunctionKeyMask to NSMenuItem modifiers. This code probably misunderstood NSEvent documentation, where this mask is mentioned, but setKeyEquivalentModifierMask: documentation doesn't list it as allowed. More importantly, it causes "fn" to appear in the menu item and the accelerator doesn't work.

2013-11-23 11:56 VS, revision 75275

Fix selection behavior on right-click in wxGTK wxDataViewCtrl. Select the item under the cursor even when right-clicking it, because it's expected behavior (Nautilus does it too). Fixes #13531.

2013-11-23 11:56 VS, revision 75274

Allow NULL model in wxGTK's wxDataViewCtrl. This is consistent with other ports. Fixes #14616.

2013-11-23 11:56 VS, revision 75273

Fix selection behavior on right-click in wxGTK wxDataViewCtrl. Select the item under the cursor even when right-clicking it, because it's expected behavior (Nautilus does it too). Fixes #13531.

2013-11-23 11:56 VS, revision 75272

Allow NULL model in wxGTK's wxDataViewCtrl. This is consistent with other ports. Fixes #14616.

2013-11-23 01:34 VZ, revision 75271

Add XRC handler for wxAuiToolBar. Also add the demonstration of AUI handlers (this one and the existing one for wxAuiNotebook) to the xrc sample. See #15686.

2013-11-23 01:34 VZ, revision 75270

More version change related changes to the generated files. Somehow not all files seem to have been regenerated after version.bkl change.

2013-11-23 01:33 VZ, revision 75269

Initialize wxAuiNotebookXmlHandler::m_isInside in ctor. Closes #15694.

2013-11-21 21:54 JS, revision 75268

Improved equality test to ignore invalid attributes

2013-11-21 21:54 JS, revision 75267

Improved equality test to ignore invalid attributes

2013-11-21 16:25 JS, revision 75266

Corrected bugs with text effects comparison and style removal

2013-11-21 16:25 JS, revision 75265

Corrected bugs with text effects comparison and style removal

2013-11-21 14:51 VS, revision 75264

Add symbols added in r75258 to

2013-11-21 14:49 VZ, revision 75263

Update version to 3.0.1. And regenerate everything.

2013-11-21 14:49 VZ, revision 75262

Correct the name of Doxyfile containing the version. Use the correct file name in the version update script and version update instructions, it is called just Doxyfile and not Doxyfile_inc now.

2013-11-21 14:47 VZ, revision 75261

Update version to 3.1.0. And regenerate everything.

2013-11-21 14:45 VZ, revision 75260

Correct the name of Doxyfile containing the version. Use the correct file name in the version update script and version update instructions, it is called just Doxyfile and not Doxyfile_inc now.

2013-11-21 14:13 VS, revision 75259

Override ClearColumns() in wxDataViewListCtrl. Without this, the associated store's columns would be out of sync, causing asserts next time a column is appended. Fixes #14952.

2013-11-21 14:11 VS, revision 75258

Override ClearColumns() in wxDataViewListCtrl. Without this, the associated store's columns would be out of sync, causing asserts next time a column is appended. Fixes #14952.

2013-11-21 01:08 VZ, revision 75257

Fix joystick detection in configure under OS X. Don't compare toolkit with OSX which is never used for it, compare it with OSX_COCOA instead. Closes #15692.

2013-11-21 01:08 VZ, revision 75256

Fix wrong printf() format specifiers in the joystick sample. Use "%ld" for the long values, not "%d", they are not the same under LP64 platforms. Closes #15691.

2013-11-21 01:07 VZ, revision 75255

Don't perform any tests for joystick in configure under OS X. The test for setEventCallout() was added in r34541 to work around some problem with OS X 10.1 SDK. As we don't support this version of OS X since a very long time, it shouldn't be needed any longer. See #15692.

2013-11-21 01:07 VZ, revision 75254

Fix joystick detection in configure under OS X. Don't compare toolkit with OSX which is never used for it, compare it with OSX_COCOA instead. Closes #15692.

2013-11-21 01:07 VZ, revision 75253

Fix wrong printf() format specifiers in the joystick sample. Use "%ld" for the long values, not "%d", they are not the same under LP64 platforms. Closes #15691.

2013-11-20 17:04 VZ, revision 75252

Don't process events handled in user code in generic scrolling code. Undo the change introduced, probably accidentally, by r11369 (12 years ago) and skip the default handling of all events except wxEVT_SIZE and wxEVT_PAINT, which are special for the reasons explained in the comments in the code, if the user code has already handled the event. This allows to customize scrolling by selectively handling some scrolling events only and generally makes sense. Closes #15684.

2013-11-20 13:01 VZ, revision 75251

Fix wxRegion::Offset() copy on write behaviour in wxMSW. Offset the correct, new and unshared, region handle instead of the old and possibly shared one. Closes #15690.

2013-11-20 13:01 VZ, revision 75250

Fix assert message when removing non-existent items from wxMenu. The assert complained about a bug in wxMenu code itself, but actually could be triggered by simply trying to remove a non-existent item from the menu. Fix this by checking for the item existence, and also removing it from the internal menu data structure, in wxMenuBase::Remove() and only dealing with the item itself in DoRemove(). Closes #3424.

2013-11-20 13:01 VZ, revision 75249

Fix wxRegion::Offset() copy on write behaviour in wxMSW. Offset the correct, new and unshared, region handle instead of the old and possibly shared one. Closes #15690.

2013-11-19 15:15 VZ, revision 75248

Fix swapping items client data in wxEditableListBox. Use wxUIntPtr, not long, and SetItemPtrData() instead of SetItemData(), to ensure that we preserve the values of client data pointers in 64 bit build, otherwise they were truncated to 32 bits. Closes #15687.

2013-11-19 15:15 VZ, revision 75247

Fix swapping items client data in wxEditableListBox. Use wxUIntPtr, not long, and SetItemPtrData() instead of SetItemData(), to ensure that we preserve the values of client data pointers in 64 bit build, otherwise they were truncated to 32 bits. Closes #15687.

2013-11-19 14:13 VZ, revision 75246

Don't allocate way too much memory in wxVector::reserve(). We multiplied the number of items by the size of each element twice, once in wxVector::reserve() itself and once in Ops::Realloc() it called, so we allocated much more memory than actually needed. Fix this by passing the number of elements to Ops::Realloc().

2013-11-19 14:12 VZ, revision 75245

Don't allocate way too much memory in wxVector::reserve(). We multiplied the number of items by the size of each element twice, once in wxVector::reserve() itself and once in Ops::Realloc() it called, so we allocated much more memory than actually needed. Fix this by passing the number of elements to Ops::Realloc().

2013-11-18 15:21 VZ, revision 75244

Fix replacing "Window" menu in wxMDIParentFrame in wxMSW. When setting a new "Window" menu (as opposed to just modifying the existing one which did work correctly), we shouldn't show it immediately in the menu bar if there are no MDI children, this results in wrong UI and assert failures. Closes #15663.

2013-11-18 15:20 VZ, revision 75243

Fix problem with inserting menus in wxMDIParentFrame menu bar. Account for the "Window" menu (and any other foreign windows lurking in our menu bar) correctly in wxMenuBar::Insert() instead of the old code which apparently tried to do something similar but didn't make much sense and didn't work when trying to insert the menu at the position actually occupied by the "Window" menu in the menu bar. Closes #15662, #1732.

2013-11-18 15:19 VZ, revision 75242

Fix replacing "Window" menu in wxMDIParentFrame in wxMSW. When setting a new "Window" menu (as opposed to just modifying the existing one which did work correctly), we shouldn't show it immediately in the menu bar if there are no MDI children, this results in wrong UI and assert failures. Closes #15663.

2013-11-18 15:19 VZ, revision 75241

Fix problem with inserting menus in wxMDIParentFrame menu bar. Account for the "Window" menu (and any other foreign windows lurking in our menu bar) correctly in wxMenuBar::Insert() instead of the old code which apparently tried to do something similar but didn't make much sense and didn't work when trying to insert the menu at the position actually occupied by the "Window" menu in the menu bar. Closes #15662, #1732.

2013-11-18 12:14 JS, revision 75240

Use % instead of percent in Size dialog; controls more legible on wxGTK

2013-11-18 12:14 JS, revision 75239

Use % instead of percent in Size dialog; controls more legible on wxGTK

2013-11-18 08:49 JS, revision 75238

Fixed refresh bug in border preview control when resizing

2013-11-18 08:49 JS, revision 75237

Fixed refresh bug in border preview control when resizing

2013-11-17 22:55 JS, revision 75236

Backported colour/color consistency

2013-11-17 22:50 JS, revision 75235

Applied #15681: wxRichTextCtrl: Crash when deleting a wxRichTextTable row or column (dghart)

2013-11-17 22:50 JS, revision 75234

Applied #15681: wxRichTextCtrl: Crash when deleting a wxRichTextTable row or column (dghart)

2013-11-17 19:03 VS, revision 75233

Fix Czech translation of "About %s". It is used for the app name, translate it in the commonly used way ("About application %s").

2013-11-17 19:03 VS, revision 75232

Put Services submenu into the Apple menu on OS X. Native applications have a Services submenu in the apple menu. wx applications didn't until now.

2013-11-17 19:03 VS, revision 75231

Add wxMenuBar::OSXGetAppleMenu(). Native OS X apps sometimes have certain app-wide comments in the Apple/app menu ("Check for Updates" is a typical example). Make it possible to write well-behaved OS X apps by exposing this menu to user code.

2013-11-17 19:02 VS, revision 75230

Fix i18n-unfriendly About menu code in wxOSX. The code didn't follow the golden rule of localization and broke user-visible string into separately translated substrings. Replace with the same _("About %s") string already used in wxAboutDialog.

2013-11-17 19:02 VS, revision 75229

Don't duplicate code for Apple menu creation. Have just one copy of the code, instead of two. Eliminate differences between the two versions. As a result, applications now properly have preferences and about items even if window-less.

2013-11-17 19:02 VS, revision 75228

Fix Czech translation of "About %s". It is used for the app name, translate it in the commonly used way ("About application %s").

2013-11-17 19:02 VS, revision 75227

Put Services submenu into the Apple menu on OS X. Native applications have a Services submenu in the apple menu. wx applications didn't until now.

2013-11-17 19:02 VS, revision 75226

Add wxMenuBar::OSXGetAppleMenu(). Native OS X apps sometimes have certain app-wide comments in the Apple/app menu ("Check for Updates" is a typical example). Make it possible to write well-behaved OS X apps by exposing this menu to user code.

2013-11-17 19:02 VS, revision 75225

Fix i18n-unfriendly About menu code in wxOSX. The code didn't follow the golden rule of localization and broke user-visible string into separately translated substrings. Replace with the same _("About %s") string already used in wxAboutDialog.

2013-11-17 19:02 VS, revision 75224

Don't duplicate code for Apple menu creation. Have just one copy of the code, instead of two. Eliminate differences between the two versions. As a result, applications now properly have preferences and about items even if window-less.

2013-11-17 13:43 JS, revision 75223

Removed GetId/GetId and changed span storage to be compatible with 3.0. Fixed border control style.

2013-11-17 11:37 JS, revision 75222

Backported part of r75124: Generalised wxRICHTEXT_CHANGE_OBJECT command so it can now apply to a paragraph as well as an object within a paragraph.

2013-11-17 11:32 JS, revision 75221

Backported r75109: Corrected multiple cell property editing

2013-11-17 11:28 JS, revision 75220

Backported r75108: Fixed print preview glitch and vertical cell alignment.

2013-11-17 11:23 JS, revision 75219

Backported r75107: Fixed selection bug.

2013-11-17 11:20 JS, revision 75218

Backported layout fixes portion of r75105

2013-11-17 10:43 JS, revision 75217

Don't delete composite objects when defragmenting (backport of r75099 from trunk)

2013-11-17 00:41 VZ, revision 75216

Don't eat TAB presses for wxComboBox with wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER in wxMSW. Still allow to use TAB for navigation even when a wxComboBox has wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER style. Use the same hack for wxTextCtrl, i.e. implement the navigation ourselves as we can't let IsDialogMessage() handle it but still get VK_ENTER key presses. Closes #12808.

2013-11-17 00:41 VZ, revision 75215

Add xh_auinotbk.{h,cpp} to the manually maintained VC10 project files. This file existed in automatically generated projects but not this one. Closes #15673.

2013-11-17 00:41 VZ, revision 75214

Allow changing the colour of wxInfoBarGeneric text. Override SetForegroundColour() to forward it to the text control. See #15671.

2013-11-17 00:41 VZ, revision 75213

Set wxInfoBarGeneric text colour correctly. For some reason SetOwnForegroundColour() was used, but we really need to set the colour of the child text control and not our own colour here (which is not used for anything). This makes the text visible even when using non default tooltip colours, which could previously result in black-on-black text. See #15671.

2013-11-17 00:40 VZ, revision 75212

Define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG for Windows. This is important not only for consistency with the other platforms but also because without SIZEOF_LONG_LONG being defined, "%lu" format specifier can't be used with size_t values under Win64, as Arg_Size_t is not defined correctly there if SIZEOF_LONG_LONG is unknown. Closes #15670.

2013-11-17 00:40 VZ, revision 75211

Fix wxSocket::WaitForAccept() in worker thread. This was broken because Select() never returned wxSOCKET_CONNECTION_FLAG which is supposed to be set when a connection is accepted. Closes #15669.

2013-11-17 00:37 VZ, revision 75210

Don't eat TAB presses for wxComboBox with wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER in wxMSW. Still allow to use TAB for navigation even when a wxComboBox has wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER style. Use the same hack for wxTextCtrl, i.e. implement the navigation ourselves as we can't let IsDialogMessage() handle it but still get VK_ENTER key presses. Closes #12808.

2013-11-17 00:37 VZ, revision 75209

Add xh_auinotbk.{h,cpp} to the manually maintained VC10 project files. This file existed in automatically generated projects but not this one. Closes #15673.

2013-11-17 00:37 VZ, revision 75208

Allow changing the colour of wxInfoBarGeneric text. Override SetForegroundColour() to forward it to the text control. See #15671.

2013-11-17 00:37 VZ, revision 75207

Set wxInfoBarGeneric text colour correctly. For some reason SetOwnForegroundColour() was used, but we really need to set the colour of the child text control and not our own colour here (which is not used for anything). This makes the text visible even when using non default tooltip colours, which could previously result in black-on-black text. See #15671.

2013-11-17 00:37 VZ, revision 75206

Define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG for Windows. This is important not only for consistency with the other platforms but also because without SIZEOF_LONG_LONG being defined, "%lu" format specifier can't be used with size_t values under Win64, as Arg_Size_t is not defined correctly there if SIZEOF_LONG_LONG is unknown. Closes #15670.

2013-11-17 00:37 VZ, revision 75205

Fix wxSocket::WaitForAccept() in worker thread. This was broken because Select() never returned wxSOCKET_CONNECTION_FLAG which is supposed to be set when a connection is accepted. Closes #15669.

2013-11-16 14:29 VZ, revision 75204

Make OSXIsGUIApplication() documentation more clear for non Mac people. Provide a more detailed explanation of what this function does and does not.

2013-11-16 14:28 VZ, revision 75203

Port OSXIsGUIApplication() documentation from trunk too. Now that it is implemented (see r75201), it should be documented as well.

2013-11-16 08:19 SC, revision 75202

non-unicode fixes

2013-11-16 08:19 SC, revision 75201

porting fix for non-bundled apps to 3.0.1

2013-11-16 08:11 SC, revision 75200

fixing non-unicode compile

2013-11-15 19:25 VS, revision 75199

Don't crash in wxWindowMac::OSXSimulateFocusEvents(). The code didn't properly account for the possibility of wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS handler deleting the focused window (as happens e.g. in wxListCtrl inline edit controls). E.g. rapidly clicking wxEditableListBox buttons could trigger a crash here when sending wxEVT_SET_FOCUS to an already-deleted window. Use wxWeakRef<> to check if the window is still alive.

2013-11-15 19:25 VS, revision 75198

Don't crash in wxWindowMac::OSXSimulateFocusEvents(). The code didn't properly account for the possibility of wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS handler deleting the focused window (as happens e.g. in wxListCtrl inline edit controls). E.g. rapidly clicking wxEditableListBox buttons could trigger a crash here when sending wxEVT_SET_FOCUS to an already-deleted window. Use wxWeakRef<> to check if the window is still alive.

2013-11-15 18:28 PC, revision 75197

Simplify mode matching test, and add actual mode (not function parameter) to modes list, in GetModes()

2013-11-15 16:26 VZ, revision 75196

Fix blank wxComboBox appearance broken by the changes of r75134. We didn't repaint the owner drawn combobox items any more because they were not found by MSWFindItem(). Fix this by restricting the check to the real windows with the same ID as the combobox, not the dropdown items which are not windows at all. See #15674.

2013-11-15 16:24 VZ, revision 75195

Fix blank wxComboBox appearance broken by the changes of r75134. We didn't repaint the owner drawn combobox items any more because they were not found by MSWFindItem(). Fix this by restricting the check to the real windows with the same ID as the combobox, not the dropdown items which are not windows at all. Closes #15674.

2013-11-15 14:40 VZ, revision 75194

Update the branches to use in the buildbot builds. Stable branch is 3.0 now and not 2.8 any more.

2013-11-15 14:35 VZ, revision 75193

Don't eat mouse wheel events if we can't handle them in wxGTK. The recent changes to mouse wheel scrolling broke it for the generic wxListCtrl and probably any other situation in which scrollbars don't scroll the window itself but some subwindow of it. In this case, the scroll wheel event handler doesn't have any scrollbar to adjust, so it simply does nothing and shouldn't return true, as it did since r74911. Just return false in case we are not doing anything to let the mouse wheel work as before.

2013-11-15 14:34 VZ, revision 75192

Fix assert due to incorrect format being used in listctrl sample. "%d" can't be used with long wxListEvent::GetIndex() value in 64 bit builds.

2013-11-15 14:33 VZ, revision 75191

Don't eat mouse wheel events if we can't handle them in wxGTK. The recent changes to mouse wheel scrolling broke it for the generic wxListCtrl and probably any other situation in which scrollbars don't scroll the window itself but some subwindow of it. In this case, the scroll wheel event handler doesn't have any scrollbar to adjust, so it simply does nothing and shouldn't return true, as it did since r74911. Just return false in case we are not doing anything to let the mouse wheel work as before.

2013-11-15 14:33 VZ, revision 75190

Start a new change log for the changes in wxWidgets 3.1 and later. Keep the old change log as docs/changes_30.txt, it will need to be updated with docs/changes.txt from the 3.0 branch in the future.

2013-11-15 14:33 VZ, revision 75189

Fix assert due to incorrect format being used in listctrl sample. "%d" can't be used with long wxListEvent::GetIndex() value in 64 bit builds.

2013-11-15 14:33 VZ, revision 75188

Add a few more post-release TODO items to the instructions. Announce the release at

2013-11-15 07:16 PC, revision 75187

Introduce variables for the display and screen in the video mode functions. This cleans up the code somewhat, and prepares for some upcoming changes.

2013-11-14 13:15 VS, revision 75186

Grow text editor control to contain all text in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Implement the behavior that Explorer uses: if the column is too narrow to fit the current text of a cell into it, don't create a too-small text control for it, because it is annoying and confusing (typically, the beginning of the text would be hidden, which is disastrous if it happens to contain numbers). Instead, grow the text control to be larger than the column for more comfortable editing.

2013-11-14 13:14 VS, revision 75185

Cancel editing in generic wxDVC when clicking outside of the editor control. wxDataViewCtrl should behave as Explorer does on Windows: when an inline editor control is open, clicking outside of it should close the editor (preserving changes) in most cases - as a rule of thumb, when the subsequent action could interfere with the editor somehow. This was implemented by watching for focus change and so ignored clicks made on non-focusable controls outside of wxDVC's main window area. In particular, clicks on the list's header were ignored, even though they could result in modifications of the editor's position or size. Don't finish editing when the user right-clicks on the header, consistently with Explorer. Opening the menu likewise still doesn't finish editing, it is needed for access to editing operations. Fixes #15152.

2013-11-14 13:13 VS, revision 75184

Cancel editing in generic wxDVC when clicking outside of the editor control. wxDataViewCtrl should behave as Explorer does on Windows: when an inline editor control is open, clicking outside of it should close the editor (preserving changes) in most cases - as a rule of thumb, when the subsequent action could interfere with the editor somehow. This was implemented by watching for focus change and so ignored clicks made on non-focusable controls outside of wxDVC's main window area. In particular, clicks on the list's header were ignored, even though they could result in modifications of the editor's position or size. Don't finish editing when the user right-clicks on the header, consistently with Explorer. Opening the menu likewise still doesn't finish editing, it is needed for access to editing operations. Fixes #15152.

2013-11-14 13:13 VS, revision 75183

Grow text editor control to contain all text in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Implement the behavior that Explorer uses: if the column is too narrow to fit the current text of a cell into it, don't create a too-small text control for it, because it is annoying and confusing (typically, the beginning of the text would be hidden, which is disastrous if it happens to contain numbers). Instead, grow the text control to be larger than the column for more comfortable editing.

2013-11-13 19:03 PC, revision 75182

build fix for GTK+ 3.10, closes #15667

2013-11-13 18:43 JS, revision 75181

Fixed clashing attribute values

2013-11-13 13:53 VZ, revision 75180

Fix crash when setting invalid label with "&" at the end. We detected that the label was invalid and gave a debug warning message about it but then still proceeded to crash by accessing the data beyond the end of the string. Don't do this. Closes #15665.

2013-11-13 13:52 VZ, revision 75179

Fix crash when setting invalid label with "&" at the end. We detected that the label was invalid and gave a debug warning message about it but then still proceeded to crash by accessing the data beyond the end of the string. Don't do this. Closes #15665.

2013-11-12 19:06 VZ, revision 75178

Merge the changes from 3.0 branch.

2013-11-11 21:59 VZ, revision 75177

Update the checksums for the 3.0 release notes files. Also mention the binaries existence in the top level file.

2013-11-11 14:22 VZ, revision 75176

Tag 3.0.0 release.

2013-11-11 14:10 VZ, revision 75175

Remove "rc2" from the release notes. The hashes are still the old ones and will be updated later as the binaries are not ready yet.

2013-11-11 14:10 VZ, revision 75174

Update the version in wx/version.h and add an item for it to the docs. Mention the need to udpate this file in the release checklist.

2013-11-11 14:10 VZ, revision 75173

Fix the 3.0.0 release date and update the release announcement slightly.

2013-11-11 14:10 VZ, revision 75172

Update the README file to follow the manual introduction closer. It makes sense for the introduction to be a longer version of the README, not a completely different topic.

2013-11-11 13:37 VZ, revision 75171

Add the scripts used to build MSVS wxMSW binaries. Closes #14495.

2013-11-10 19:35 PC, revision 75170

don't need Pango workaround code with GTK+3

2013-11-10 19:26 PC, revision 75169

use gtk_combo_box_get_wrap_width(), we require GTK+ 2.6 now

2013-11-10 19:26 PC, revision 75168

fully initialize GTypeInfo structure

2013-11-10 19:25 VZ, revision 75167

Fix wxFileName compilation in Cygwin builds. Do define StatAny() helper calling either stat() or lstat() under Cygwin, it is available and should be used there even if __WIN32__ is defined.

2013-11-10 19:25 VZ, revision 75166

Add a comment explaining the need for a temporary NULL variable. Explain the changes of r75162 as they risk not being preserved otherwise. Also make this variable static and const because it's really a constant.

2013-11-10 19:25 VZ, revision 75165

Use Cocoa by default for --with-osx and --with-mac configure options. Even though Cocoa is now officially the default port, these options still selected Carbon.

2013-11-10 19:25 VZ, revision 75164

Update minimal required GTK+ version to 2.6 in another place. It really should only appear in a single place only, ideally, but currently we have it in several different documents inside and outside the manual.

2013-11-10 19:13 PC, revision 75163


2013-11-10 18:26 PC, revision 75162

avoid NULL casts, clang says casting nullptr_t is not allowed closes #15660

2013-11-10 16:56 JS, revision 75161

Corrected and tidied XML import/export of standard data members

2013-11-10 14:45 DS, revision 75160

spelling and styling fixes

2013-11-10 14:28 DS, revision 75159

Doc changes. Updated some wxOSX related information.

2013-11-10 10:09 DS, revision 75158

Spelling fixes. Changed "MacOS X" occurrences to "OS X" (in docs only).

2013-11-10 02:48 PC, revision 75157

spelling fixes