

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-08-23 03:02 VZ, revision 77340

Implement item & subitem rect/pos in wxQT list ctrl

2014-08-23 03:02 VZ, revision 77339

Implement get next list item (adapted from generic) in wxQT

2014-08-23 03:02 VZ, revision 77338

Implemented item state getter and setter in wxQT list ctrl

2014-08-23 03:02 VZ, revision 77337

Implemented items and column deletion in wxQT list ctrl

2014-08-23 03:02 VZ, revision 77336

Implement item data in wxQT list control

2014-08-23 03:02 VZ, revision 77335

Refactor qt list item handling (check if not null)

2014-08-23 03:02 VZ, revision 77334

Implemented item text setter and getter

2014-08-23 03:02 VZ, revision 77333

Refactor get Qt list ctrl item to its own method

2014-08-23 03:02 VZ, revision 77332

Fix font in listctrl row

2014-08-23 03:02 VZ, revision 77331

Fix row colours (fg/bg) in wxQT list ctrl

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77330

Implemented column getter and setter in listctrl

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77329

Refactory the list ctrl signal handler

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77328

Implement simple listctrl methods in wxQT

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77327

Improve erasing issues (let Qt handle them)

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77326

Fix default wxTextCtrl color background due PostCreation

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77325

Implement missing wxQT helpers for QLabel This now is needed to correctly paint the background, allows the static text / bitmap to handle events and signals, and maybe a better destruction process.

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77324

Fix default widget fore/background colour

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77323

Simplificate QWidget* assignment (new PostCreation method) Also reducing the redundant m_qtWindow code, this could help to unify application of background style and default colors (for painting, that was not being enforced and could cause issues). Window style code is commented in the original, maybe it belongs to wxFrame. PostCreation method name was taken from wxGTK, that has similar features.

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77322

improve clipboard to not include qt headers in it's headers

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77321

Improve flags emitted from wx-config for building external programs

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77320

improve top level window initialization

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77319

clipboard support

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77318

Fix crash caused when exiting. The lost focus event was triggered to the central widget. Since this widget does not map to a qt widget, there is no wxWindow derived destructor for it, so the handler must be set to NULL from the frame.

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77317

Implement selection event and get item in list ctrl

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77316

Add colour support for list ctrl items

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77315

Implement set item in list ctrl (and item count and insert item return value)

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77314

Implement basic item insertion in list ctrl

2014-08-23 03:01 VZ, revision 77313

Implement column insertion basics in wxQT list ctrl

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77312

Use the correct widget QTreeWidget and helper for list control

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77311

Derive list control from wxListCtrlBase in wxQT This fixes missing methods compilation errors: EnableBellOnNoMatch, EnableAlternateRowColours, AppendColumn and OnGetItemAttr

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77310

Block Qt signals if widget is being deleted This avoid most of the problems caused by receiving a signal if the wxWindow is deleted (for example, notebook changing the default page, see previous commits). I've tried two other methods without success: * m_qtWindow::disconnect() should do the disconnection of all signals but returns false * QApplication::instance()->removePostedEvents(m_qtWindow); seems to have no effect (also, installEventFilter could be used)

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77309

Avoid crash if a control is deleted and a signal is received For example, this could happen if the wxNotebook was deleted and there were pending singals (i.e., emmited due the removal of the current page). This should not happen, signals will be blocked in the destructor in following commits, but this is in place just in case to avoid segmentation fauls (debug message will be print by the wxQT helper)

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77308

Add sanity checks for Qt event/signal handlers * Use the window pointer to detect if the class is dead or alive to avoid crashing caused by deleteLater() being processed in the event loop * Print debug messages if the handler (wxWindow) is NULL (deleted), just for safety and debugging as that code should not be reached if Qt signals are blocked or Qt events are filtered / removed (comming in future commits) * Set the window pointer immediatelly in wxQt helper template constructor to avoid problems if wxWindow base class was not fully initialized and a Qt event/signal is received GetHandler will return NULL if the wxWindow object was deleted, so it should be verified in the signal handlers in each derived class (events are automatically verified by the helper)

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77307

Fix uninitialized value causing 'Painter not active', thanks @seandepagnier

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77306

Fix missing __WXQT__ guard in include, thanks @seandepagnier

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77305

Postpone the shortcut handler destruction to avoid seg. faults

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77304

Removed GetHandle (virtual) call from wxWindow dtor in wxQT

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77303

Implemented wxBitmap::GetRawData in wxQT (similar to wxGTK)

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77302

Fix cairo image buffer paint DC in wxQT * do not destroy the image as it holds the pixel data buffer * hence, do not create a new image as it isn't necessary This solution is similar to cairo qt surface internals, that stores image and image_equiv -the cairo image surface-.

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77301

Fix wxQtDCImpl::GetHandle() to return QPainter This is needed by the grahpic context

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77300

Fix font face name getter (using actual info from Qt) It was returning an empty string (if no facename was given at the font ctor), and that caused a segmentation fault in cairo_show_text

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77299

Fix font weight and underline setters

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77298

Implement missing font family, weight & style getters

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77297

Implement missing font info constructor in wxQT (This is also needed by the drawing sample)

2014-08-23 03:00 VZ, revision 77296

Added basic Cairo paint DC for wxQT (tentative) This is a very minimal approach (drawing to a cairo image surface and not a qt surface), but will help to avoid crashing (for example, in drawing sample, even if qt surface is not available).

2014-08-23 02:59 VZ, revision 77295

Removed dummy Graphic Context in wxQT If available, use Cairo like in wxGTK and other ports, but cairo qt surface not implemented yet.

2014-08-23 02:59 VZ, revision 77294

Fix SIGSEGV on children destruction (frame and msgdlg)

2014-08-23 02:59 VZ, revision 77293

Remove Qt's libraries dependency from wxBase

2014-08-23 02:36 VZ, revision 77292

implement wxToolBar from QToolBar

2014-08-23 02:36 VZ, revision 77291

fix memory leak/crash in wxFrame

2014-08-23 02:36 VZ, revision 77290

fix memory leak (which also fixes crashes from events that were triggered after the message box is destroyed)

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77289

Fix DC device clipping region in wxQT Qt only uses logical coordinates for clipping methods, so this workaround removes temporarily the transformation (translation / scale) to match the physical device coordinates.

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77288

Instantiate correct DC class in Qt paint handler Uses wxPaintDC instead of wxWindowDC directly, as now it prepares the Qt painter

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77287

Fix cell editor positioning Qt seems to place slightly bigger control that will be drawn outside cell area, so then the remaining space will be not fully repainted when the editor is hidden.

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77286

Added some __WXQT__ guards in grid The size of the cell should not substract the grid line to be drawn correctly. Also, the highlight rect should not be reduced to cover all the cell like in wxGTK (if not, it left white pixel line surrounding it). The other guards (set background and layout direction) are for consistency with wxGTK. There are still some painting issues related to the clipping regions and cell editor positioning.

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77285

Prepare the Qt painter for wxDC Note that the function QtPreparePainter was already there but unused.

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77284

Fix adding child window in scroll containers in wxQT This also fixes scrolling of children that weren't moved before (for example, see the erase sample). The solution is the same as in the wxFrame case (viewport instead of centralWidget).

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77283

Implement missing static bitmap get methods This fix a sising issue too (as GetBitmap() is used in GetBestSize), see controls and erase samples.

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77282

Fix incorrect wording in erase sample

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77281

Fix background style regression (again) Qt should not clear the background in advance even in wxBG_STYLE_ERASE

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77280

Use wxGTK default row height in wxQT

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77279

Use the Qt paint event region instead bounding rect

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77278

Removed now duplicate set background style

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77277

Fix draw bitmap to honour transparent background

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77276

Fix transparency style sheet setting in wxQT

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77275

Only set transparency in inner scroll area viewport

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77274

Fix SIGSEGV setting background style after creation in wxQT

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77273

Don't draw and reset wxClientDC if empty in wxQT This fixes an issue when wxClientDC is used just for metrics calculations (for example, in wxTreeCtrl::Expand), so there is nothing to draw but if the QPicture is not reset, wxWindow::QtHandlePaintEvent get confused and don't use a wxPaintDC for an event generated by Refresh (thinking wxClientDC is valid and asking a repaint, but it will not replay anything).

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77272

Add a debug message if qt painter is aborted

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77271

Fix erasing background regression in wxQT Default paint handler has to clear the background is style is Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent (needed for wxBG_STYLE_ERASE so wxClientDC works outside the paint event). The background will remain black (unpainted) or inconsistent if not cleared in this case.

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77270

Add some paint debugging messages (in wxGrid)

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77269

Use wxLogDebug for paint debugging messages Removed wxLogTrace and guards.

2014-08-23 02:33 VZ, revision 77268

Only disable auto-erasing for generic panels

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77267

Add basic logging facilities to debug wxQT paint issues

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77266

Prevent Qt to auto-erase the background on paint events This is need by wxClientDC to be able to draw outside the paint event. Now this is set by default now for all the widgets but can be changed by SetBackgroundStyle (so it will need to be revised that background erasing is working properly).

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77265

Divide wxClientDC & wxPaintDC logic in paint event handler wxClientDC should not erase the background nor generate a wxPaintEvent, it only replay the QPicture painted outside the event handler. This way was originally designed but it was not working in prior versions due lacking update region & background support.

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77264

Don't initialize the Qt Picture size This avoids setting an excesive update region that was clearing the whole widget in the paint event handler. Now, wxClientDC will only paint the effective drawn rect.

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77263

Repaint only the rect affected and handle scroll area

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77262

Make QtGetScrollBarsContainer public for wxClientDC

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77261

Remove compilation warnings in wxWindow (wxQT)

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77260

Create Qt widget painter just once in ctor outside paint event

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77259

Fix update / refresh in wxQT scroll bar containers Note that Qt don't propagate the paint event if sent to the entire area (only the viewport "virtual space" can draw anyway).

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77258

Remove last wxQT paint warnings Implemented get scroll bar container method to missing controls (that also derive from QScrollArea) as in them the painter should be created only in the viewport (logic already coded in wxWindow paint event and for wxPanel), else the following warning is emmited: {{{ QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1 }}}

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77257

Add missing popup method in wxQT combo box

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77256

Always use native double buffer on wxQT (Qt's painter is double buffered)

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77255

Send Id in wxQT paint event

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77254

Fix erase event (cleared DC) in wxQT

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77253

Implement leading font metric in wxQT

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77252

Guard missing wxUSE_ACCEL in wxWindow wxQT

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77251

Fix default system font on wxQT

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77250

Fix region iteration in wxQT This was preventing iterating in any region (as most has only one rect), hence the grid painting was not working propertly.

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77249

Don't force a repaint if nothing to replay (wxClientDC wxQT)

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77248

Avoid painting recursion for wxClientDC in wxQT Firing a repaint inside a paint ever could be recursive, update() should be used in that case but it is not immediate. Also, note that now the wxClientDC would work even if it is used inside the paint event, and could be used to simplificate the logic.

2014-08-23 02:32 VZ, revision 77247

Fix paint of wxClientDC in wxQT Moved the painter replay inside the paint event, so the erase and paint wx event are processed (wxPaintDC) before actions drawn outside the event handler (wxClientDC). After this, background was not prepared correctly and the drawing could become inconsistent (specially if the wxClientDC was just used for measures, ie: no drawings)

2014-08-23 02:31 VZ, revision 77246

Handle central widget paint events in wxQT Add wxQtCentralWidget helper and fix minor logic in paint event to detect the scrollable area

2014-08-23 02:31 VZ, revision 77245

Fix invalid destruction of painter in wxQT The DC is not really associated to the window, so the m_qtPainter is owned by this class and should be deleted in base dtor

2014-08-23 02:31 VZ, revision 77244

Paint directly wxWindowDC without buffer in wxQT This solution avoid flicker and is more optimal as the intermediate buffer is not need: * use QPainter* instead of QImage* in wxWindow paint event (no more m_qtPaintBuffer) * change m_qtPainter to pointer in wxQtDCImpl (created on subclasses) * rename QtPreparePainter internal method (not used right now) * initial erase left to Qt (auto fill background) Still more tweaks are needed to avoid problems on begin() and test background erasing

2014-08-23 02:31 VZ, revision 77243

Implement style background & transparency in wxQT

2014-08-23 02:31 VZ, revision 77242

Fix wxQT painting to honor background style Note that although this works better, the internal m_qtPaintBuffer still causes some issues and is inefficient (not needed as Qt already do a double buffering for widget painting) Also, QWidget::setBackgroundRole should be enforced too (and tested), to properly handle transparent and system backgrounds

2014-08-23 02:31 VZ, revision 77241

Add wxNORMAL_FONT in native system setting