

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-01-02 11:40 MBN, revision 63034

Fix method name in wxInfoBar interface.

2009-12-31 14:37 VZ, revision 63032

Change the year in copyright messages to 2010. Backport of r63031 from trunk. See #11584.

2009-12-31 14:36 VZ, revision 63031

Change the year in copyright messages to 2010. Happy new year to all wx-ers! Closes #11584.

2009-12-31 14:32 VZ, revision 63030

Add wxWinVersion_7 to the private wxMSW wxWinVersion enum. Also correct wxWinVersion_2003 definition, it should have the same value as wxWinVersion_XP. And add wxWinVersion_XP_SP2 == wxWinVersion_2003_SP1.

2009-12-31 09:39 SC, revision 63028

adding placeholders and work in progress files

2009-12-31 00:40 KO, revision 63027

Fix issue that was causing ShowWithoutActivating to indirectly call wxNonOwnedWindow::Show.

2009-12-30 18:44 MW, revision 63024

Add another test for sparse file support so that the large file tests can run as part of the default suite for more platforms.

2009-12-30 18:41 KO, revision 63023

To support playing async sounds on the stack on Mac, do not delete the wxSoundData when its wxSound object is destroyed if it's in the queue of sounds to be played. Instead, mark it to be deleted and delete it after it has played.

2009-12-30 18:39 MW, revision 63022

Repair the stream tests.

2009-12-30 18:38 MW, revision 63021

Support large files with stdio on mingw.

2009-12-30 18:07 JMS, revision 63020

wxOwnerDrawComboCtrl -> wxComboCtrl

2009-12-30 18:06 JMS, revision 63019

Updated entries regarding wxPropertyGridManager

2009-12-30 14:46 VZ, revision 63017

Don't create an invalid iterator in wxDateTime::ParseTime(). Creating an iterator pointing beyond the string end resulted in an assert from MSVC 9 CRT. Fix this by using wxString ctor taking length (which may be greater than the length of the string) instead of the one taking two iterators (which must both be valid).

2009-12-30 14:38 VZ, revision 63016

Explicitly mention MSVC std::fstream(wxString) incompatibility issue. The fact that std::fstream provides a non-standard constructor in MSVC CRT implementation is sufficiently confusing to merit a special mention.

2009-12-30 09:35 SC, revision 63015

fixing SetSubMenu for OSX_Cocoa, fixes #11581

2009-12-29 17:04 JMS, revision 63012

Changed wxPropertyCategory to use same cell rendering code as regular properties. This allows labels for category columns other than the first. Rendering code was heavily modified to allow 'merging' of cells when needed.

2009-12-28 21:01 VZ, revision 63008

Use memmove() instead of memcpy() in wxString::AssignCopy(). This allows the code like "s = s.c_str()" to work correctly, although it doesn't fix all self-assignment-related bugs. See #11245.

2009-12-28 17:18 VZ, revision 63007

Ensure that frame is re-laid out when its toolbar is deleted. The code in wxFrameBase::SetToolBar() didn't work correctly when toolbar was unset using SetToolBar(NULL) because the frame toolbar pointer was reset before layout was done resulting in the frame not recognizing its (still existing) toolbar child as one of its bars and so nothing was done at all when the frame had a single child, as in the toolbar sample. Correct this by carefully ensuring that the toolbar pointer is still set at the moment of the layout but hide the toolbar to ensure that no place is allocated for it. Also mention that it is not necessary to call SetToolBar(NULL) at all if the toolbar is being deleted anyhow in the sample as toolbar does this itself in its destructor.

2009-12-28 17:18 VZ, revision 63006

Correct initial value of "Toggle toolbar" check menu item in the sample. This item should initially be checked because the toolbar is initially shown.

2009-12-28 02:56 PC, revision 63003

don't use ==, fixes ##11580

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 63001

Account for cells spanning multiple grid cells better when autosizing. The total size of a multi-span cell was accounted for each row/column it covered, resulting in too much space being allocated to them. Only take into account the average size of each row/column computed by dividing the total cell size by number of rows/columns it occupies to fix this. Closes #11498.

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 63000

Return the kind of cells span from wxGrid::GetCellSize(). Behaviour of GetCellSize() may be very surprising for the unwary as it can return negative or null "size" of the cell. Add CellSpan return value to allow the caller to check what kind of cell are we dealing with easier. Also document the new return value as well as the function (and matching SetCellSize()) itself carefully as its behaviour is far from obvious.

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 62999

Don't call SetMinSize() when creating the window if no initial size was given. Calling SetMinSize() is unnecessary in this case. It also results in GTK+ errors when creating wxFileDialog as it is not created yet when this is called (but it does take care to pass wxDefaultSize to this function as its size can't be set yet). See r62814 and r62817.

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 62998

Avoid defining COMPILER_PREFIX for autoconf format. This fixes a fatal bakefile error due to undefined COMPILER variable when using wx presets with autoconf backend introduced in r62458.

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 62997

Correct wxUSE_MACOSX_VERSION_MIN setting when running under OS X 10.4. sw_vers outputs e.g. 10.4.11 under 10.4 so comparing its result with just 10.4 is wrong, match it against "10.4*" using case instead to ensure that 10.4.11 is indeed recognized as 10.4. Closes #11579.

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 62996

Document wxString::operator<<(wxUniChar). wxUniChar overload was somehow omitted from the list. Closes #11568.

2009-12-27 20:39 VZ, revision 62995

Override some methods in wxF(F)ileStream to resolve ambiguities. Override virtual methods IsSeekable(), GetLength() and OnSysSeek/Tell() to forward to wxF(F)InputStream base class as otherwise it's impossible to use them at all because of ambiguity between the versions inherited from this class and wxF(F)OutputStream (even though the two versions should do the same thing as they operate on the same file descriptor/handle). Also improve documentation of these classes: provide a brief description, correct the base classes. Closes #11577.

2009-12-26 17:36 VZ, revision 62994

Take into account the initial buttons state when creating wxGTK toolbar. With wxMSW it is possible to call e.g. wxToolBarTool::Enable(false) on a tool before calling wxToolBar::Realize() to create the tool in an initially disabled state but this wasn't done in wxGTK version. Override Realize() now under wxGTK to bring the native toolbar buttons state in sync with the internal state of the corresponding wxToolBarTools.

2009-12-26 17:36 VZ, revision 62993

Don't forward declare wxSystemColour enum. Forward declaring enums is illegal in standard C++ and while MSVC allows this as an extension, it doesn't compile with g++. Just include wx/settings.h instead.

2009-12-26 17:36 VZ, revision 62992

No changes, just fix a typo in and rephrase a comment. Comment in wxToolBarBase::Realize() was probably copied from some port-specific file but didn't make sense any more in common code.

2009-12-26 11:51 JMS, revision 62991

Reduced unnecessary wxT usage

2009-12-26 11:45 JMS, revision 62990

Replaced 'InlineHelp' property attribute with 'Hint'; Use SetHint() wxTextCtrl and wxComboCtrl member function to set it; Added a small section about help string and hint text in propgrid overview

2009-12-26 11:33 JMS, revision 62989

Added wxComboCtrl::SetHint(), GetHint()

2009-12-25 21:43 KO, revision 62988

Remove the native toolbar from the frame in Destroy() rather than the destructor, as removing it in the destructor causes resize / repaint events to fire on the native control, which then goes to wx controls being deleted.

2009-12-25 21:40 KO, revision 62987

Use NSTrackingArea when available (building for 10.5+) so that we can get mouse moved events for inactive / non-focused windows too.

2009-12-25 12:36 VZ, revision 62986

Always show hint in text entries, even when they have focus. It was impossible to show the hint for the initially focused child of a dialog before, as the hint was hidden from the very beginning. By showing it always we avoid this problem. We may want to add an option/flag for SetHint() to make this configurable later if somebody really needs to show hints only for as long as the control doesn't have focus.

2009-12-25 10:47 SC, revision 62985

removing event handlers on non-owned windows when the destroy event is sent

2009-12-25 10:18 JMS, revision 62984

Refactored a very confusing condition in wxPGComboBox item paint code

2009-12-25 10:04 JMS, revision 62983

Added wxComboCtrlBase::SetFore/BackgroundColour()

2009-12-25 09:39 SC, revision 62982

fixing parameter names

2009-12-25 09:33 JMS, revision 62981

Added documentation for wxPGEditor::SetControlAppearance()

2009-12-23 22:42 VZ, revision 62980

Erase toolbar background even if it doesn't contain any controls/spaces. Minor correction to changes in r62971: we still need to hook WM_ERASEBKGND in toolbar parent when painting the toolbar itself even when there are no dummy separators in it (and so we don't need to paint them over). Without this, the background of simple toolbars without controls was not erased correctly.

2009-12-23 14:56 VZ, revision 62977

Don't pass 0 timer ids to ::SetTimer(). Creating timers with 0 id failed because Windows SetTimer() function requires a non-zero id. Fix this by using a (impossible at wx API level) -1 id value in this case instead. Closes #11392.

2009-12-22 22:22 MW, revision 62974

Add support for large stdio files for VC 8+. What versions of the other Windows compilers?

2009-12-22 17:12 JMS, revision 62973

Added wxPropertyGrid::SetUnspecifiedValueAppearance(); Added wxPGEditor::SetControlAppearance() for applying wxPGCell attributes on a property editor.

2009-12-22 16:37 VZ, revision 62972

Remove the test of erase background events from the toolbar sample. Handling erase background events for toolbars never worked for the ports other than wxMSW and now it doesn't work for MSW neither as we need to skip erasing the background in WM_ERASEBKGND handler to avoid flicker which would result from erasing the background twice, from there and from WM_PAINT handler which must do it. So don't even try to test if it works, it's unlikely to be very useful anyhow. This reverts the change to this file in r62805.

2009-12-22 16:37 VZ, revision 62971

Finally really correct background erasing for wxMSW wxToolBar. Do use TBSTYLE_FLAT and TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT (the former actually implies the latter) for MSW toolbar as it is the only way to avoid the flicker of toolbar buttons. These styles were disabled before because of lack of understanding about how they worked: with them, the toolbar supposes that its parent takes care of erasing its background but wx didn't do this (in fact wxFrame did accidentally erase toolbar background because of the use of Win32 client rectangle, including tool/status bars, instead of wx client rectangle, excluding them, in wxWindowMSW::DoEraseBackground(), but it didn't do it correctly). Now we allow hooking WM_ERASEBKGND events processing in a parent window by a child one and use this to handle toolbar background erasing in toolbar itself. We still prevent the native toolbar from drawing dummy separators and always erase the area occupied by them ourselves and thus avoid the flicker entirely. The only remaining flicker in the toolbar sample is that of embedded wxStaticText control. It does appear with correctly transparent background and bitmaps with alpha channel also (still) are drawn correctly in wxStaticBitmaps embedded in the toolbar. Finally, we still use solid background brush for toolbar but we can easily use a themed background if really desired, there is just a single function to change to do it (MSWGetToolbarBgBrush()).

2009-12-22 16:37 VZ, revision 62970

Fix best size computation for buttons without image and with empty label. If a button was initially created with an empty label (but without image neither), its best size was computed and cached as being null. Correct this by giving the button the default size instead, as expected.

2009-12-21 16:20 JMS, revision 62960

Added wxMSW wxChoice::GetClassDefaultAttributes(), initially used in wxComboCtrl

2009-12-21 11:04 CE, revision 62959

remove ;

2009-12-20 16:07 FM, revision 62958

fix miscellaneous Doxygen 1.6.1 warnings

2009-12-20 15:50 FM, revision 62957

fix a few doxygen warnings

2009-12-20 15:24 FM, revision 62956

add a detailed description to wxMenuItem::SetItemLabel() partially moving docs from wxMenu::Append; add usage examples; organize wxMenuItem functions in 3 sections (getters, setters, checkers) to make it easier to browse the docs; use @onlyfor tag where necessary instead of the (Windows only) text

2009-12-20 13:48 JMS, revision 62955

Added wxPropertyGrid::GetUnspecifiedValueText(). Use it instead of assuming that the unspecified value text is always an empty string.

2009-12-20 13:31 JMS, revision 62954

Added some missing SetupTextCtrlValue() calls

2009-12-19 16:07 JMS, revision 62948

Suppress 'unused argument' warnings

2009-12-19 15:47 JMS, revision 62947

Added wxWindowMSW::MSWGetThemeColour(); initially use it in wxComboCtrl::OnThemeChange()

2009-12-19 13:08 JMS, revision 62946

Properly notify active editor control when it receives the focus.

2009-12-19 13:00 VZ, revision 62945

Document wxSpinCtrlDouble in correct header file. The public header for this class is wx/spinctrl.h, but it was documented in wx/generic/spinctrg.h which didn't even correspond to an existing real header file (which is called spinctlg.h). Move the documentation to wx/spinctrl.h and remove the old file. Closes #11548.

2009-12-19 13:00 VZ, revision 62944

Document wxSizerItem::Assign{Window,Sizer,Spacer}() methods. Also explain why SetSpacer() and SetSizer() are deprecated. Closes #11555.

2009-12-19 12:59 VZ, revision 62943

Document wxDV_NO_HEADER style. Closes #11559.

2009-12-19 12:17 VZ, revision 62942

Corrections to expander position calculations and drawing in generic wxDVC. Correct the calculation of the indent for the columns following the expander and the calculation of the position of the expander itself. See #11558.

2009-12-19 12:17 VZ, revision 62941

Correct selection/drop highlight rectangles width in generic wxDataViewCtrl. The third parameter of wxRect ctor is the width, not the right edge. See #11558.

2009-12-19 12:17 VZ, revision 62940

Always draw standard-sized checkboxes in generic wxDataViewToggleRenderer. The checkbox should be always shown in its normal size, otherwise it looks strange. And this also fixes the overflow of the checkbox in the next column which happened if the size passed to Render() had negative width before. See #11558.

2009-12-19 12:17 VZ, revision 62939

Use correct width in wxDataViewCustomRendererBase::RenderText(). The text should be ellipsized to fit in the text rectangle, not the total cell one (which is larger). See #11558.

2009-12-19 12:13 JMS, revision 62938

In wxPropertyGrid::HandleCustomEditorEvent(), also filter out excess wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED events that originated from wxComboCtrl-derived editors.

2009-12-18 23:31 VZ, revision 62935

Don't create labels with wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE flag with empty size by default. Since r57627 wxStaticText objects with wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE flag created with wxDefaultSize were created with zero width. This accounted for the disappearance of the labels for the toolbar controls (as could be seen in the toolbar sample where the combobox label was not shown any more). Fix this by explicitly setting the correct initial size after the correct label is set.

2009-12-18 23:31 VZ, revision 62934

Don't draw over dummy separators in MSW toolbar, just don't draw them at all. Prevent the native toolbar from drawing the separators which we use simply as placeholders by excluding them from the update region when handling WM_PAINT. This reduces flicker by not redrawing the areas occupied by these separators twice and also prevents them from ever being shown (you could see them briefly appear before being erased before). The other toolbar tools still flicker though, there doesn't seem to be any simple way to prevent the control from entirely invalidating itself whenever it is resized.

2009-12-18 21:49 VZ, revision 62933

Don't explicitly set the background colour for wxChoice. This is unnecessary and results in flicker when the control is resized because we explicitly erase its background ourselves and then it does it itself.

2009-12-18 21:49 VZ, revision 62932

No real changes, just change type of MSWGetBgBrush() argument. Pass wxWindow instead of HWND to it as in most cases we already have wxWindow for the HWND we have and calling wxFindWinFromHandle() once more is unnecessary. This also makes the code of MSWGetBgBrushForChild() slightly simpler.

2009-12-18 21:49 VZ, revision 62931

Don't force themed background for wxToolBar under MSW, just use the default. Native toolbars don't have themed background under Vista/7 and don't look good with rebar background (which is the same one as used for the menus) as toolbars don't appear on the top of the window. Erasing background ourselves also results in flicker and display problems and makes the code much more complicated. Simply don't do this to avoid all the problems.

2009-12-18 18:28 JMS, revision 62930

Have wxComboCtrl honour any custom foreground and background colour.

2009-12-18 18:03 JMS, revision 62929

In wxComboCtrl, prefer focus rectangle colours over custom ones.

2009-12-18 17:42 JMS, revision 62928

Have wxComboCtrl honour any application-specified foreground and background colour.

2009-12-18 15:47 VZ, revision 62927

Don't access the first character of a possible empty USEMAP parameter. This fixes an assert when using debug CRT in VC9.

2009-12-18 15:47 VZ, revision 62926

Only call GetTextMetrics() in wxDC::GetTextExtent() if necessary. A micro-optimization: avoid ::GetTextMetrics() call if we don't use its results (as is the case if neither descent nor external leading were requested).

2009-12-18 15:47 VZ, revision 62925

Call SymCleanup() in wxStackWalker to fix problem with next call to it. Calling SymInitialize() second and subsequent times failed (and hence so did wxStackWalker::WalkFrom() and other methods) as we didn't call SymCleanup() because of some problems with old versions of debughlp.dll. These problems don't seem to exist any more so do call SymCleanup() so that we can walk the stack more than once. Closes #11544.

2009-12-18 15:46 VZ, revision 62924

Don't use "-I @" in ctags command line as cmd.exe handles '@' specially. Just use the file path instead as '@' is used for the "response files" by cmd.exe, at least under Windows 7.

2009-12-18 15:46 VZ, revision 62923

No changes, just minor cleanup. Don't call wxWindow::PrepareDC() which doesn't do anything anyhow. Use wxBitmap::IsOk() instead of Ok().

2009-12-18 15:46 VZ, revision 62922

Restore the use of the correct brush for toolbar background erasing. The call to SetBrush() was mistakenly removed in r62850 but it is needed because wxClientDC only inherits background colour but not the brush used by DrawRectangle() call in wxToolBar::MSWEraseRect(), so the wrong colour was used under systems < Vista. Restore this call now.

2009-12-17 22:52 VZ, revision 62919

Compilation fixes and cleanup for wxSymbian. Avoid duplicating Unix files, reuse the existing ones instead. Remove unnecessary gcc pragmas. Add Symbian-specific chkconf.h. Closes #11551.

2009-12-17 18:51 VZ, revision 62916

Correct wxDateTime::GetWeekOfMonth() for days in the beginning of January. This function was implemented in terms of GetWeekOfYear() which made it tricky to get it right as GetWeekOfYear() can, correctly, return week number for the previous year for the first days of January (and also from the next one for the last days of December). Replace this implementation with a simple one directly counting the number of weeks since the first of the month, this seems to be much simpler and does pass the new unit test case which the old version failed. Also make the unit test failures more informative by using WX_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE() instead of CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(). See #11561.

2009-12-17 17:44 VZ, revision 62914

Add test of accelerators using both ASCII and non-ASCII keys to the sample. Test using 'Ctrl-A', just 'A' and 'Esc' as accelerators as all of them except the first one were reported not to work in some cases.

2009-12-17 17:44 VZ, revision 62913

Always use FVIRTKEY for the accelerators under MSW. Not using FVIRTKEY results in problems in non-US keyboard layouts and, in fact, we were already always using it because wxCharCodeWXToMSW() returned true in its output IsVirtual argument most of the time. Just do it always now and also remove IsVirtual parameter with badly (if at all...) defined meaning from wxCharCodeWXToMSW() as it's not used anywhere any longer.

2009-12-17 15:41 JMS, revision 62912

Allow wxPropertyGrid::RecalculateVirtualSize() execute even if pg is not completely initialized (otherwise virtual size calculations may go wrong)

2009-12-17 14:39 SC, revision 62911

fix for sleep mode on displays, fixes #11557

2009-12-17 13:15 SC, revision 62909

supporting sleep mode properly, see #11557

2009-12-17 11:52 VZ, revision 62908

Initialize all fields of EXCEPINFO object to avoid crashes later. We could call SysFreeString() on uninitialized pointers if IDispatch::Invoke() failed.

2009-12-16 20:27 VZ, revision 62903

Correct typo in wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_DOUBLECLICKED. An underscore was omitted between LISTBOX and DOUBLECLICKED.

2009-12-16 19:59 JMS, revision 62902

Fixed display of 'InlineHelp' attribute

2009-12-16 19:48 JMS, revision 62901

Slightly improved check whether or not to execute wxPropertyGrid::RecalculateVirtualSize()

2009-12-16 18:10 PC, revision 62900

preserve type when loaded image is rescaled, #11543

2009-12-16 09:30 CE, revision 62899

force rebuild of all docs

2009-12-16 07:32 PC, revision 62898

allow setting client size to work properly before window is shown

2009-12-15 23:44 VZ, revision 62896

Avoid GTK+ errors when using AUI wxPseudoTransparentFrame hack. wxPseudoTransparentFrame is not a top level window at all and the code in wxGTK wxTopLevelWindow::DoSetSizeHints() fails for it when it is called from wxWindowBase::CreateBase() because of it and spits GTK+ errors as it calls gtk_window_set_geometry_hints() with NULL widget. Fix this by simply skipping wxTopLevelWindow implementation of this method in wxPseudoTransparentFrame. A better fix would be to get rid of this hack completely, of course.

2009-12-15 22:12 VZ, revision 62895

Remove asserts in wxChoicebook::Get/SetPageImage(). It's better to silently return an error code than assert when these methods are called as their failure is relatively harmless and the user code may call them via base class pointer without caring if it works with a control which supports images or not.

2009-12-15 16:38 VS, revision 62894

define NDEBUG if not using debug CRT

2009-12-15 16:38 VS, revision 62893

define NDEBUG if not using debug CRT

2009-12-15 12:25 VS, revision 62891

compilation fix for wxUSE_IMAGE=0 case

2009-12-15 12:24 VS, revision 62890

compilation fix for wxUSE_IMAGE=0 caseinclude/wx/iconbndl.h