

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-04-24 13:22 JS, revision 71276

Added custom properties to style definitions and style sheets

2012-04-24 07:38 PC, revision 71275

Remove code to find topmost X window in SetTransparent(). The purpose of this code is unknown, but it may be intended to make WM decorations transparent. But it causes a crash when docking an AUI panel. And in my testing the decorations are transparent even without this code. Fixes #4841

2012-04-23 18:54 JS, revision 71268

Added flags to SetStyle with specific object

2012-04-21 02:07 RD, revision 71247

Fix missing and broken interface items for Phoenix

2012-04-20 18:05 PC, revision 71246

defer queue-resize until after size-allocate processing, to keep it from being ignored by GTK3

2012-04-20 17:34 PC, revision 71245

silence warning about wxOSX_USE_COCOA not being defined

2012-04-20 10:10 JS, revision 71244

Always Resume logging

2012-04-20 07:41 RD, revision 71242

Make wxTaskBarIcon's ctor have the same API on all platforms even though setting the icon type can only be done on wxOSX-cocoa

2012-04-20 07:41 RD, revision 71241

Document SetDoubleBuffered

2012-04-19 19:15 PC, revision 71240

move widget resize handling from DoSetSize to DoMoveWindow

2012-04-19 18:51 PC, revision 71237

simplify default border code in DoSetSize

2012-04-19 18:44 PC, revision 71236

rearrange some code in DoSetSize to facilitate upcoming changes

2012-04-19 18:14 VZ, revision 71235

Fix for wxUniv/GTK compilation. wxWindowBase needs to be explicitly cast to wxWindow in wxUniv/GTK build but this wasn't done in the changes of r70597. Cloes #14235.

2012-04-19 18:14 VZ, revision 71234

Correct wxPaintDC base class in the documentation. wxPaintDC derives from wxClientDC, not wxWindowDC.

2012-04-18 18:30 PC, revision 71228

Adjust x,y parameters by pizza scroll offset in DoSetSize This should cause no change in behavior, and is merely preparation for further changes

2012-04-18 11:23 VZ, revision 71227

Don't set focus to hidden window in wxSetFocusToChild(). The window that had focus previously could be hidden now, but its parent could be hidden as well so it's not enough to set focus to it but we need to loop until we find a visible ancestor. Closes #14230.

2012-04-17 19:00 RD, revision 71215

Fix missing and broken interface items for Phoenix

2012-04-17 18:57 SC, revision 71214

avoiding potential mismatch between true and expected state of wxGraphicsContext because it might have been changed through its direct API meanwhile, fixes #14226

2012-04-17 15:57 VZ, revision 71213

Add possibility to change the test message box title in dialog sample. All the other message box elements were configurable, so why not this one.

2012-04-17 08:13 SC, revision 71212

building on 10.5

2012-04-16 17:45 PC, revision 71211

remove AdjustForParentClientOrigin call, it does nothing in wxGTK

2012-04-16 16:33 VZ, revision 71210

Reset hover item when mouse leaves wxAuiToolBar. The hover item was not reset properly in some circumstances, do it now. Also check for the item being disabled in SetHoverItem() itself instead of doing it several times before calling it. Closes #14189.

2012-04-16 16:30 VZ, revision 71209

Fix wxCairoContext creation from wxWindow under MSW. cairo_win32_surface_create() must be passed the window HDC and not HWND itself, the old code calling it was broken. Add WindowHDC object and pass its HDC to this function now to make it work. Closes #14194.

2012-04-16 16:29 VZ, revision 71208

Add default ctor to wxMSW private WindowHDC helper class. Allow to use objects of this class without any valid HWND, this is useful for the derived classes which may, or may not, need the corresponding HDC. See #14194.

2012-04-16 16:19 VZ, revision 71207

Fix type mismatch in wxLogTrace() call in wxSocket. Cast socket handle to a 32 bit value as we use it with "%d" (or "%u" now as it makes more sense) format specifier to avoid problems with type mismatches under Win64. Closes #14204.

2012-04-16 15:53 VZ, revision 71206

Add wxFSInputStream providing stream interface to wxFileSystem. This class allows using virtual wxFSFiles with any wx functions taking streams. E.g. it makes it possible to load images and animations from wxFileSystem. Closes #14185.

2012-04-16 15:53 VZ, revision 71205

Added wxWrapperInputStream class. This stream allows to wrap another stream. This is a useful base class for adapter classes providing stream interface on top of something else, like the upcoming wxFSInputStream. See #14185.

2012-04-16 14:12 VZ, revision 71204

Added support for page tooltips to wxAuiNotebook. Allow setting tooltips for the tabs of the individual pages of wxAuiNotebook. Closes #14216.

2012-04-16 14:12 VZ, revision 71203

Added wxAcceleratorEntry::ToRawString(). This function can be used to obtain language/locale-independent representation of an accelerator. This is particularly useful for storing it in configuration files. Closes #14228.

2012-04-16 14:12 VZ, revision 71202

No real changes, just some typo fixes for previous commits. Fix wxCOMPtr comment and don't use "s_" for non-static variable. Closes #14227.

2012-04-16 01:18 VZ, revision 71201

Use new style directory selection dialog under Vista and later. Use IFileDialog in wxDirDialog implementation if possible, it shows a much more user-friendly dialog than the one used by SHBrowseForFolder(). Closes #11401.

2012-04-16 01:18 VZ, revision 71200

Added wxCOMPtr<> helper class. This allows to avoid error-prone manual AddRef() and Release() calls when writing COM code in wxMSW. See #11401.

2012-04-16 01:18 VZ, revision 71199

Fix WXK_MENU handling in wxStyledTextCtrl. Map it to SCK_MENU instead of treating it as a modifier and simply swallowing it. Closes #14205.

2012-04-16 01:18 VZ, revision 71198

No real changes, just fix misspellings in comments in wxGTK code. Also remove a couple of wrong $Id$ expansions. Closes #14203.

2012-04-15 00:37 VZ, revision 71197

Call wxThread::OnExit() from wxThread::Exit() in wxMSW too. Exit() is documented to call OnExit() and the pthreads version of wxThread did behave as documented, so make wxMSW follow it as well and explicitly call OnExit() before exiting the thread. Closes #14212.

2012-04-15 00:31 VZ, revision 71196

Add support for VT_I8 (long long) values to wxAutomationObject. Just map VT_I8 to wxLongLong. Closes #14210.

2012-04-15 00:27 VZ, revision 71195

Add support for horizontal mouse wheel events to wxGTK too. Handle GDK_SCROLL_{RIGHT,LEFT} directions in scroll-event handler in wxGTK. Closes #14221.

2012-04-15 00:27 VZ, revision 71194

Fix the check for wxUSE_DATETIME in wxGenericValidator code. The #endif was somehow added at a wrong place and too much wxDateTime-unrelated code was disabled when wxUSE_DATETIME was off. Closes #14222.

2012-04-14 09:33 SC, revision 71193

make sure status item rect in bar is highlighted when clicked, fixes #13630

2012-04-12 23:15 SJL, revision 71192

Always check that we get a valid IDispatch* from get_Document as sometimes the call can succeed but return NULL. Fixes #14182

2012-04-12 07:33 RD, revision 71190

Add missing interface items for Phoenix

2012-04-10 05:27 RD, revision 71172

Add missing interface items for Phoenix

2012-04-10 05:27 RD, revision 71171

Fix missing and broken interface items for Phoenix

2012-04-10 05:27 RD, revision 71170

Remove the wxPython-only doc snippets from the C++ docs

2012-04-10 05:27 RD, revision 71169

Minor tweak to improve understandability

2012-04-10 05:27 RD, revision 71168

Add CreateTextSizer

2012-04-08 20:10 VZ, revision 71154

Always use UTF-8 for file names passed to GTK+ functions under MSW. When building wxGTK under MSW, always use UTF-8 as file name encoding because GTK+ doesn't use G_FILENAME_ENCODING there. Add a helper wxGTK_CONV_FN() macro to hide the difference between the platforms. Closes #14035.

2012-04-08 20:10 VZ, revision 71153

No real changes, just add extra brackets to wxGTK_CONV() macro. These brackets are probably not really necessary but add them just in case they can help with parsing some strange expressions and for consistency with the other wxGTK_CONV_XXX() macros. See #14035.

2012-04-08 20:10 VZ, revision 71152

Compilation fixes for Cairo-based wxGraphicsContext code under MSW. Include MSW-specific headers under MSW to fix various compilation problems under MinGW. Closes #14194.

2012-04-08 15:25 VZ, revision 71151

Fix typo in wxKeyEvent::GetKeyCode() documentation example. Use GetKeyCode() instead of (undefined) "keycode" variable.