

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-10-08 14:00 JS, revision 41706

Use paragraph's attributes for paragraph-related styles, and also use combined attributes

2006-10-08 14:00 JS, revision 41705

Don't use double buffering on platforms that do it automatically. Filters out unrecognised keycodes in OnChar, and added numeric keypad navigation keycodes. Added SetStyleEx which takes flags for specifying option such as optimization (only apply necessary styles), char/para style only, and use undo. Used SetStyleEx when applying styles to avoid applying character styles to paragraph objects, and vice versa.

2006-10-08 13:59 JS, revision 41704

Added paragraph symbol font (Get/SetSymbolFont in attribute) and use this font instead of paragraph font if specified. wxRichTextBuffer::SetStyle extended to respond to flags for specifying undo, optimization (only apply the style necessary for display when content/base/paragraph attributes are combined), and para/character styles only. wxRichTextBuffer::GetStyleForRange gets the common attributes for a range, e.g. for showing common attributes in a formatting dialog. Implemented Roman numeral bullet points. Fixed wxRichTextImage copy bug.

2006-10-08 13:49 VZ, revision 41703

don't use 8 bit copyright symbol

2006-10-08 13:44 VZ, revision 41702

Unicode compilation fix

2006-10-08 13:10 VZ, revision 41701

rebaked with aboutdlg.* files

2006-10-08 13:08 VZ, revision 41700

added GTK+ 2.6 implementation of wxAboutBox

2006-10-08 13:01 JS, revision 41699

Added missing image.h header

2006-10-08 12:53 VZ, revision 41698

test credits in about dialog

2006-10-08 12:21 VZ, revision 41697

added --enable-aboutdlg

2006-10-08 12:11 VZ, revision 41696

reformat and add files

2006-10-08 12:07 VZ, revision 41695

added native Mac implementation of wxAboutBox(); also moved aboutdlg.* files from core to adv library as they depend on wxHyperlinkCtrl which is in adv

2006-10-08 11:11 VZ, revision 41694

use wxSTRINGIZE_T instead of _T(wxSTRINGIZE())

2006-10-08 11:10 VZ, revision 41693

use wxVERSION_NUM_DOT_STRING_T instead of wxVERSION_NUM_DOT_STRING to fix the Unicode build

2006-10-08 11:09 VZ, revision 41692

added Unicode-friendly variants of version string macros

2006-10-08 11:07 VZ, revision 41691

added Unicode-friendly wxSTRINGIZE_T()

2006-10-08 10:59 VZ, revision 41690

use wxSTRINGIZE instead of redefining a special STRINGIZE in this file

2006-10-08 08:04 PC, revision 41689

Move some things to wxBitmapBase to avoid much duplication. Use proper const for XPM data, and const void* for arbitary bitmap data.

2006-10-08 06:42 RD, revision 41688

return values of overloaded virtuals should match the base class version

2006-10-08 06:37 RD, revision 41687

Override CreateItem so wxListBox can turn its notifications into events.

2006-10-08 01:21 VZ, revision 41686

added wxAboutBox-related files

2006-10-08 01:20 VZ, revision 41685


2006-10-08 01:19 VZ, revision 41684

use the main frame icon if no icon is explicitely specified

2006-10-08 01:02 VZ, revision 41683

initial implementation of wxAboutBox()

2006-10-08 00:59 VZ, revision 41682