

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-05-11 00:34 RD, revision 71401

Add wxFormatInvalid, and tweak the docs for wxDataObject::GetDataHere and SetData

2012-05-11 00:34 RD, revision 71400

Add doc for wxCliboard::Get

2012-05-10 13:59 JS, revision 71399

Added wxRichTextXMLHandler::RegisterNodeName so custom content classes can be added without breaking XML loading

2012-05-10 13:53 VZ, revision 71398

Set LF EOL style for file. This file is only used under Unix so should have Unix EOLs, e.g. to allow building Unix ports from the sources checked out under Windows. Closes #14266.

2012-05-09 19:16 VZ, revision 71397

Add missing wx/scopeguard.h include to fix the build. Closes #14285.

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71396

Fix wxGenericListCtrl best size calculation in report view. Just let the base class do it instead of using hard coded default value in wxGenericListCtrl::DoGetBestClientSize().

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71395

Unconditionally define IID_IShellItem in wxMSW sources. This GUID may not be defined in uuid.lib even when __IShellItem_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ is defined in the headers, so just define it always to avoid any problems. Closes #14244.

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71394

Implement constrained best size calculation in wxMSW wxListCtrl. This fixes wxListbook controller size to avoid spurious scrollbars. Closes #13898.

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71393

Improve wxBookCtrlBase controller size calculations. Use GetBest{Height,Width}() in wxBookCtrlBase to compute the controller control size height/width from its known (from wxBookCtrlBase size itself) width/height. This will allow to correctly compute the size of wxListCtrl used by wxListbook once it provides the necessary support for width-from-height and height-from-width calculations. See #13898.

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71392

Add wxWindow::GetBest{Height,Width}(). These functions will be used when it is necessary to determine the best size of the control if one of its size components is fixed. Currently none of the classes implements DoGetBestClient{Height,Width}() yet but wxListCtrl will do it soon, see #13898.

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71391

Improve wxWindow best size documentation, mention DoGetBestClientSize(). Custom classes should typically override DoGetBestClientSize() instead of DoGetBestSize() to avoid having to deal with the borders. Also don't reference the deprecated SetInitialBestSize() unnecessarily and document its non-deprecated replacement.

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71390

Mention wxFoobookEvent change from classes to #defines in the change log. These classes can't be forward-declared any more as they're not really classes any longer but just compatibility #defines and can't be made classes again as this would break the existing code using wxBookCtrlEvent in 2.9. See #14242.

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71389

Allow entering more digits in wxSpinCtrl in wxMSW than fits into it. Scroll the control automatically if there is not enough space. This is consistent with (single line) wxTextCtrl and wxSpinCtrl under the other platforms. Closes #14211.

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71388

Attach MDI "Window" menu to the parent frame menu bar in wxMSW. This makes sense and fixes the regression with "Window" menu commands not being processed any more after the changes of r71114. Closes #14207.

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71387

Correct the initial value setting in wxMSW wxSpinCtrl. Always use value argument for the text control contents and also override the initial numeric value with it if it's numeric. This seems to be the only consistent thing to do, so document this behaviour and add a unit test checking for it. Closes #13589.

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71386

Remove assert checking bitmap size in wxMenuItem drawing code in wxMSW. This assert was fatal, as usual when asserting from a WM_PAINT handler, as the function was reentered resulting in nested asserts and program abort, so remove it to at least let the program continue to run even if there is not enough space for the bitmap in the menu. There is, of course, still something wrong with the menu geometry calculations if this happens but I can't even reproduce this any more so not sure what exactly. See #11657.

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71385

Fix creation of wxBitmap from wxIcon in wxMSW: premultiply the pixels. wxBitmap in wxMSW is supposed to store its data in alpha-premultiplied format but didn't do it when it was created from an icon (or a cursor), resulting in wrong display of wxIcons with alpha channel when they were used for e.g. menu items. Fix this by ensuring that the data is always premultiplied. This is not the best solution as in some cases (e.g. if this wxBitmap is added to wxImageList later) we could need to undo this premultiplication later which is quite inefficient but at least it's simple and straightforward. Closes #11414.

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71384

Fix wxString unit test when not using UTF-8. Restrict the tests added in r70987 to run when using UTF-8 strings only, they test for something that is simply not true (and for a bug that can't happen) with non-multibyte encodings.

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71383

Fix compilation of wxVariant code with VC6. This was broken by the changes in r71196 as the original VC6 SDK doesn't define VARIANT::llVal. See #14210.

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71382

Use better face names first in wxGTK wxNativeFontInfo::SetFamily(). Try better matches and not the most widespread ones first when building a list of face names to try for the given family. This gives better results when these better fonts are indeed available and doesn't change anything if they are not. See #14126.

2012-05-09 16:24 VZ, revision 71381

Check that item ID is initialized when inserting it in wxListCtrl. Using uninitialized ID happened to work by accident with 2.8 but it doesn't work any more, try to detect this as early as possible and give a clear explanation of why it doesn't to help fixing the broken code that used to accidentally work.

2012-05-09 16:23 VZ, revision 71380

Fix wxStaticBitmap best size calculation in wxMSW. Take the control borders into account by overriding DoGetBestClientSize() instead of DoGetBestSize(). Also invalidate the default best size computed before we have any valid image when setting the initial image in Create(). Closes #4099.

2012-05-09 13:06 JS, revision 71379

Added field implementation

2012-05-08 19:31 JS, revision 71378

Moved default margins to buffer class Init; reduced chance of accidental selection when clicking

2012-05-07 17:47 JS, revision 71377

Corrected top-level object layout in paragraphs

2012-05-07 15:13 JS, revision 71376

Fixed inconsistent calculation of line height in paragraph layout

2012-05-07 15:12 VZ, revision 71375

No real changes, just fix some typos in comments. Closes #14276.

2012-05-07 15:12 JS, revision 71374

Added non-breaking space to whitespace check

2012-05-07 15:12 VZ, revision 71373

Use XkbKeycodeToKeysym() instead of deprecated XKeycodeToKeysym(). XKeycodeToKeysym() is deprecated in new X11 headers because it doesn't work correctly with all symbols ( Use XkbKeycodeToKeysym() instead, this should help with some keys and also avoids deprecation warnings during compilation.

2012-05-07 15:12 VZ, revision 71372

Create a wrapper file for X11/XKBlib.h header. We need some hacks for the older systems before including this header, extract them from src/x11/utilsx.cpp into a new private header to be able to reuse it from wxGTK in the next commit.

2012-05-07 14:23 VS, revision 71371

Make wxDocTemplate::CreateDocument() exceptions-safe. Don't create the document object if InitDocument() throws.

2012-05-07 13:15 VS, revision 71370

Fix performance of wxHtmlParser::SkipCommentTag() in UTF-8 build. Avoid computing the difference between two potentially distant iterators, which is O(1) in wchar_t build, but O(n) in UTF-8 one. See #13445.

2012-05-06 18:56 VS, revision 71368

Fix r71367: don't set bgCol twice needlessly.

2012-05-06 15:10 VS, revision 71367

Fix wxOwnerDrawnComboBox background on with classic theme. In wxMSW, if the classic theme was used, read-only wxOwnerDrawnComboBox had gray background, but native look should be the same for both editable and read-only combo boxes: white text entry-like rectangle. Apparently, a similar problem existed with non-classic themes too before, as there was a workaround in place. Fixed by moving the workaround into code used by both themed and classic rendering.

2012-05-05 16:09 VZ, revision 71366

No changes, just spelling corrections in the comments. Closes #14275.

2012-05-05 13:22 VZ, revision 71365

Update the field widths on demand in wxStatusBarGeneric. This ensures that the value returned from GetFieldRect() is always up to date, even when this method is called from the user-defined wxEVT_SIZE handler, i.e. before our own OnSize() could run. Also remove the now unneeded hack with calling the base class OnSize() from the statbar sample. Closes #14268.

2012-05-05 07:32 SC, revision 71364

fixes crashes with embedded controls in toolbars after toolbar destruction, code was moved in r62988, but apparently Destroy doesn't have to be called, so do a last check, fixes #14258

2012-05-05 00:20 VZ, revision 71363

Don't return NULL widget from wxFileCtrl page of widgets sample. This makes all the common operations such as setting tooltip, colours &c on this page simply crash.

2012-05-05 00:20 VZ, revision 71362

Derive wxGenericFileCtrl from wxControl. wxFileCtrl -- which can be #define'd as wxGenericFileCtrl -- is documented to inherit from wxControl and does derive from it in the native GTK version, so do it for the generic version too.

2012-05-04 22:35 VZ, revision 71361

Improve documentation of wxDataViewCtrl mouse event handling. Explain that catching mouse events directly doesn't work. Also make it clear that double clicking an item can be caught by processing wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_ACTIVATED. See #14111.

2012-05-04 22:35 VZ, revision 71360

Fix precompiled headers use with MSVC in wxGTK sources. Don't use PCH for C sources, do include wx/wxprec.h from all wxGTK C++ sources. Closes #14224.

2012-05-04 22:35 VZ, revision 71359

Declare variables before doing anything else in C code. Don't put statements before variable declaration in C source file. This fixes compilation with non C99-compliant C compilers such as MSVC. See #14224.

2012-05-04 22:35 VZ, revision 71358

Allow using non-MSW toolkit in MSVC-specific auto-linking header. This makes it possible to auto-link wxGTK library when using MSVC too. Closes #14272.

2012-05-04 22:35 VZ, revision 71357

Define wxCONCATn() macro up to n=9 from n=5 previously. We'll need it for n=6 for the next commit, so increase the max value of n a bit more. See #14272.

2012-05-04 22:35 VZ, revision 71356

Use GTK-based wxWebView when using GTK+, not under Unix. Test for the GTK+ toolkit, not Unix platform to determine whether GTK+ wxWebView version should be used. Closes #14273.

2012-05-04 22:35 VZ, revision 71355

Add wxDir::GetNameWithSep() and use it to avoid consecutive slashes. It is wrong to use dir.GetName()+"/" to obtain a slash-terminated directory name as this results in (usually harmless but at best ugly) double slashes at at the beginning of the string for the root directory. Add GetNameWithSep() to obtain the correct result in all cases.

2012-05-04 22:35 VZ, revision 71354

Document wxTP_DEFAULT as a standalone constant. Make sure the declarations in the documentation header can be really parsed. Closes #14270.

2012-05-04 20:31 VZ, revision 71353

Don't remove the last slash from "/" directory name under Unix. This was totally wrong as it returned empty string as (invalid) directory name.

2012-05-04 01:30 RD, revision 71349

Add wxDropSource::SetIcon for wxGTK to mimic SetCursor on the other ports.

2012-05-04 01:30 RD, revision 71348

* Change "def" to defResult as def is a reserved word in Python * Correct some methods that were marked pure virtual but which aren't. * etc.