

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-05-19 18:49 VZ, revision 71502

Fix compilation in !wxUSE_LOG_DEBUG && !HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS case. Define the "unused" variable unless wxLogDebug() calls are variadic macros (not evaluating their arguments at all) and not functions. Fixes compilation broken since r71466.

2012-05-19 18:49 VZ, revision 71501

Fix compilation in wxUSE_STL=1 build after r71467. Restore explicit conversion of wxString to char*, there is no implicit conversion in wxUSE_STL build. Use utf8_str() instead of c_str() removed by r71467 however as this is what we need for wxGTK.

2012-05-19 16:24 SC, revision 71500

removing unnecessary - and incorrect - override, fixes #14319

2012-05-19 15:17 SC, revision 71499

adjusting min requirements

2012-05-19 08:33 SC, revision 71498

fixes #14318

2012-05-19 08:21 RD, revision 71493

Add interface and simple docs doe wxOverlay and wxDCOverlay.

2012-05-19 08:21 RD, revision 71492

Add some missing setters for wxRect.

2012-05-19 08:21 RD, revision 71491

Interface fixes for Phoenix

2012-05-18 21:54 RD, revision 71483

10.5 is the minimum SDK for both OSX ports now

2012-05-18 21:54 RD, revision 71482

Interface fixes for Phoenix

2012-05-18 13:09 SC, revision 71481

fixing c++11 build

2012-05-18 12:35 SC, revision 71480

fixing c++11 build

2012-05-18 12:34 SC, revision 71479

fixing c++11 build

2012-05-18 11:56 SC, revision 71478

fixing c++11 build

2012-05-18 11:56 SC, revision 71477

fixing c++11 build

2012-05-17 18:10 VZ, revision 71470

Improve wxDir::Traverse() documentation. It didn't describe wxDIR_FILES correctly and didn't mention OnOpenError().

2012-05-17 18:10 VZ, revision 71469

Fix wrong format specifiers in the samples. Use "%ld" instead of "%d" to format long values, using "%d" results in an assert failure under LP64 systems as int and long have different sizes there. Closes #14311.

2012-05-17 17:46 PC, revision 71468

mark virtual overrides as virtual

2012-05-17 17:46 PC, revision 71467

remove some unnecessary c_str() calls

2012-05-17 17:45 PC, revision 71466

eliminate unused variable warning with wxUSE_LOG_DEBUG==0

2012-05-17 17:29 PC, revision 71465

Remove use of "size-request" signal for wxWindow sizing. This signal has been removed from GTK3. Instead have wxPizza keep track of child size, and use gtk_widget_set_size_request() for wxWindows in native containers.

2012-05-17 04:47 RD, revision 71459

Interface fixes for Phoenix

2012-05-16 17:10 VZ, revision 71443

Make variable containing port number an ushort in the sockets sample. A port number is an unsigned short, not long, so don't make it long just because wxCmdLineParser doesn't provide a convenient way to get the value of an unsigned short option (it would be nice if it did...). This fixes the problem with using "%d" format specifier with a long variable as this resulted in an assert under LP64 systems. See #14311.

2012-05-16 17:10 VZ, revision 71442

Fix wxWakeUpIdle() in Unix console application broken by r71089. Initialize m_pipeIsEmpty to true as we don't have anything in the pipe initially and if this variable was false, nothing was ever written to the wake up pipe and it was never set to true as nothing was read from it neither. Closes #14166.

2012-05-16 15:24 VZ, revision 71441

Don't use printf() with non-literal string as format. Replace calls to printf() with puts() in the typetest sample. See #14311.

2012-05-16 12:59 JS, revision 71440

The object size page now has full position attribute editing.

2012-05-15 12:04 VZ, revision 71439

Fix pasting large amounts of text in wxGTK. We need to process GDK_PROPERTY_NOTIFY events when yielding for wxEVT_CATEGORY_CLIPBOARD, otherwise we never receive large selections. As GDK_PROPERTY_NOTIFY can be also used for non-clipboard stuff, exceptionally assign 2 categories to it and process it in either case. Closes #14284.

2012-05-15 12:04 VZ, revision 71438

Correct the documentation of wxSpinCtrl initial and value arguments. It does make sense to specify "initial" if "value" is empty. See #13589.

2012-05-15 12:04 VZ, revision 71437

Add support for wxArrayString to wxVariant-to-OLE conversion. This allows to call COM methods taking arrays of strings easily. Also remove support for the old and non-existent any more "stringlist" variant type. And add more error checking. Closes #14296.

2012-05-15 12:04 VZ, revision 71436

Enable variadic macros for VC9 and later. VC9 and 10 support variadic macros so define HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS for them too. This currently only affects wxLog{Debug,Trace} definitions in wx/log.h.

2012-05-15 12:03 VZ, revision 71435

Fix keyboard navigation in wx{List,Choice,Tree,Tool}book controls. Inherit from wxNavigationEnabled<wxBookCtrlBase> instead of just wxBookCtrlBase to ensure that the keyboard navigation works correctly for these controls. The toolbar in wxToolbook still doesn't accept focus from keyboard but at least the pages can be TAB-bed too and from. And the rest of the controls are now fully accessible using only the keyboard. Closes #14303.

2012-05-15 12:03 VZ, revision 71434

Use iterators instead of indices in wxStripMenuCodes(). Make the function more efficient when using UTF-8 wxStrings by using iterators instead of indices in the loop searching for "&". Closes #14307.

2012-05-14 19:23 JS, revision 71433

Clear styles popup if there is no style sheet

2012-05-14 00:13 VZ, revision 71432

Simplify wxEventLoopManual pending events processing logic. Don't try to process any remaining pending events in ProcessEvents() itself as this was inconsistent: we only processed low-level toolkit pending events in the main event loop itself if the loop was exited from a normal event handler but only processed the wxApp-level pending events if it was exited from a pending event handler. It also required more code than the new version that simply processes all the remaining pending events, of both kinds, after the main event loop termination. This corrects changes of r71304 and replaces those of r71329. Closes #14250.

2012-05-14 00:05 VZ, revision 71431

Fix wxDateTime unit test after the changes of r71430. Don't test the return value of ParseFormat(wxCStrData) any more as this function is void now.

2012-05-13 23:37 VZ, revision 71430

Don't return a dangling pointer from wxDateTime::ParseXXX(wxCStrData). We don't have any sufficiently long-lived pointer to return from this overload, so don't return anything from it -- it's better to break the compilation of the existing code rather than make it crash during run-time. Closes #14214.

2012-05-13 23:37 VZ, revision 71429

No changes, just simplify the code using wx2stc() a little. Assign wx2stc() return value to a suitably const variable instead of using ugly casts to get rid of constness. Also use wxCharBuffer/char* explicitly inside explicit wxUSE_UNICODE checks, using wxWX2MBbuf here doesn't gain us anything and just confuses the reader of this code.

2012-05-13 23:37 VZ, revision 71428

Fix wxStyledTextCtrl compilation in non-Unicode build. The value returned by wx2stc() in non-Unicode build is a simple "char*" and we can't call length() method on it, add a helper wx2stclen() function to get the length from the original wxString itself in this case. Closes #14013.

2012-05-13 23:37 VZ, revision 71427

Don't assert if no icon is specified for a wxDataViewCtrl item. An item in a column using wxDataViewIconTextRenderer might not have any valid icon associated with it, don't assert in case it doesn't in the native GTK version. Notice that the generic wxDataViewCtrl implementation already supports this but not perfectly: no space is reserved for the icon in the images without one, so giving the image to only some of them looks ugly. The GTK version aligns both the items with and without icon properly and simply leaves the image part blank and it would be better to modify the generic version to do the same thing in the future.

2012-05-13 23:37 VZ, revision 71426

Minor change to wxString pretty-printer for gdb. Calling string() explicitly isn't necessary, at least not with gdb 7.2, and is actually harmful when using Python 2.5 (which doesn't support UTF-32) with wide strings.

2012-05-13 23:37 VZ, revision 71425

Don't handle branches specially when sorting items in wxDataViewCtrl. The generic version of wxDataViewCtrl tried to put all branches before the leaves when sorting. This had a couple of problems: first, it didn't do it correctly and actually placed the branches after the leaves which didn't make any sense. Second, this was only done in the generic version and not the native GTK one making the behaviour inconsistent between platforms. Finally, this behaviour just doesn't make sense in general (i.e. when items don't necessarily represent anything in the file system and maybe even sometimes when they do) and there doesn't seem any good reason to do it by default. So stop doing it, partially reverting the changes of r47562. Closes #14100.

2012-05-13 15:17 VZ, revision 71424

Disable the use of UTF-8 by default in Unix builds. Add up-to-date description of UTF-8 support to the Unicode overview.

2012-05-13 15:17 VZ, revision 71423

Remove wxDECLARE_APP() from wxIMPLEMENT_APP_NO_MAIN(). There is no need for a separate declaration inside wxIMPLEMENT_APP() as wxGetApp() is defined by it and redeclaring it immediately after definition results in a warning with some compilers/environments (Eclipse CDT). The move of wxGetApp() to the beginning of the macro is only to ensure that a semicolon is still required after wxIMPLEMENT_APP_NO_MAIN() and the other macros terminating with it, such as wxIMPLEMENT_APP() itself.

2012-05-12 00:15 JS, revision 71419

Fixed layout and hit-testing problem particularly with centred lines

2012-05-12 00:10 VZ, revision 71418

Document that wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_COLUMN_REORDERED is OSX-specific. This even is not generated by neither generic nor GTK version right now. See #14297.

2012-05-12 00:10 VZ, revision 71417

Fix extra event sent by wxTextEntry::ChangeValue() since r71308. The changes of r71308 sent the event unconditionally in case the text didn't really change but no events should be sent if the flags don't include SetValue_SendEvent, add a check for it. Re-closes #13936.

2012-05-12 00:06 RD, revision 71416

Enable access to the native bitmap object wrapped by wxGraphicsBitmap

2012-05-12 00:06 RD, revision 71415

Ensure a 32-bit cairo surface is created if it is needed

2012-05-11 08:28 SC, revision 71414

fixes SetFirstItem, Thanks to David Wright

2012-05-11 00:38 RD, revision 71402

More interface fixes for Phoenix