

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-10-30 17:03 MW, revision 42731

Some watcom warnings.

2006-10-30 16:34 BIW, revision 42730

wxaui notebook tabs can scroll; notebook themability improved

2006-10-30 16:18 VZ, revision 42729

generate wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_COPY event in wxHtmlWindow

2006-10-30 16:14 ABX, revision 42728

Updated to recently added files.

2006-10-30 16:04 VZ, revision 42727

GetCurrentSelection() was documented but not present in all ports (just MSW and GTK); moved it to the base classes

2006-10-30 15:41 VZ, revision 42726

include wx/msw/private.h before wx/msw/uxtheme.h for consistency with other headers (it's not needed, strictly speaking, as uxtheme.h now includes it itself anyhow, but it's more clear like this)

2006-10-30 15:37 VZ, revision 42725

need to include wx/msw/private.h to get GetHwnd() which is used here

2006-10-30 15:02 RR, revision 42724

Mark GetMinSize() as virtual and explain why.

2006-10-30 14:46 RR, revision 42723

[ 1587248 ] Segfault w/o Session Manager (e.g. KDE/GNOME ...)

2006-10-30 14:33 ABX, revision 42722

Updated to recently added files.

2006-10-30 13:57 RR, revision 42721


2006-10-30 13:29 ABX, revision 42720

Match EscapeSqlChars() interface.

2006-10-30 13:25 RR, revision 42719

Moved overridden SetMinSize() to base class.

2006-10-30 13:18 RR, revision 42718

Make SetMinSize() and SetMaxSize() virtual so they can be overridden in wxTLW to set WM hints. Actually did that for wxGTK, nothing required for wxMSW, no idea about wxMac. Documented this in tlw.tex.

2006-10-30 12:45 ABX, revision 42717

Keep buildable.

2006-10-30 12:33 VS, revision 42716

moved wxScrollBar geometry methods out of wxRenderer, they are common for all themes

2006-10-30 12:24 VS, revision 42715

renamed wxControlWithArrows::HitTest() to HitTestArrow() to avoid conflict with wxWindow::HitTest()

2006-10-30 12:16 MW, revision 42714
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/fileback.h

Moved to include/wx/private/fileback.h

2006-10-30 11:56 ABX, revision 42713

Minor header cleaning.

2006-10-30 11:46 RR, revision 42712

[ 1587059 ] wxLaunchDefaultBrowser fix for KDE

2006-10-30 11:41 VS, revision 42711

don't use deprecated wxSTRING_MAXLEN

2006-10-30 11:29 VZ, revision 42710

define wxLongLong_t as long long if it is supported, only fall back to long otherwise as we want to be able to pass wxLongLong_t to the standard C99 functions working with long long

2006-10-30 11:25 VS, revision 42709

compilation fix for !wxUSE_MIMETYPE

2006-10-30 11:20 VZ, revision 42708

slightly reduce the number of #ifndef __WATCOMC__

2006-10-30 11:08 ABX, revision 42707

Temporary ugly trick to make release for OpenWatcom possible.