

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-04-22 15:44 VZ, revision 15240

reset g_delayedFocus when the window is deleted to avoid crashes when using it

2002-04-22 15:44 VZ, revision 15239

removed unused OnSetFocus()

2002-04-22 15:22 VZ, revision 15238

fixed warnings about main used as a variable name

2002-04-22 14:33 JS, revision 15237

Added some missing wxTextCtrl features to to-do list in wxX11's readme.txt Made the wxTipDialog fonts all Swiss (TODO: use current GUI setting for the font family) Worked around focus anomaly by suppressing parent's FocusIn event when child's focus is being set by clicking on it (TODO: move some of this to SetFocus() to make it work programmatically)

2002-04-22 14:01 VZ, revision 15236

compilation fix for ms_dllext definition and old compilers

2002-04-22 12:53 JS, revision 15235

Made default theme win32 under wxX11 since I think the default should be 'vanilla'; less exciting but as fast as possible

2002-04-22 12:28 VZ, revision 15234

fixed a fatal bug in DLL loading code: the deleted entries were never removed from the list of the loaded libraries

2002-04-22 11:19 JS, revision 15233

Fixed drawing sample compilo for wxMotif (doesn't have wxRegion::Offset) Put m_ok earlier in SelectBitmap, else get assert after SelectObject(wxNullBitmap) 'Fixed' longlong to long conversion messages by redefinging GetMillisecondsTime

2002-04-22 10:32 JS, revision 15232

Fixed wxMotif compilo

2002-04-22 09:09 JS, revision 15231

wxUniversal fixes: window.cpp's WM_CLOSE now calls Close() for wxUniv, else dialogs/ frames won't get closed using system menu/button. Added missing NULL init for m_artProvider in themes to cure crash Added 2 sample dsp files for wxUniv (not ideal perhaps but it will save these getting lost, and much user frustration)

2002-04-22 04:12 DW, revision 15230

More bitamp and image fixes

2002-04-21 17:36 MBN, revision 15229

Removed the need for wxStream::GetSize in wxHTML. Ascape '&' in text/plain.

2002-04-21 16:43 RR, revision 15228

Bunch of GTK theme changes. Make wxStatusBar use themes. SetStatusText() now uses Refresh() since I don't know why it shouldn't.

2002-04-21 11:45 VS, revision 15227

wxWizardPage(Simple) can do two-phase creation now

2002-04-21 00:33 VZ, revision 15226

use SetFocusFromKbd() instead of SetFocus()

2002-04-21 00:32 VZ, revision 15225

fixed WM_GETDLGCODE processing to include the bits returned by the DefWindowProc() as well; removed unneeded SetFocus()

2002-04-21 00:32 VZ, revision 15224

implement SetFocusFromKbd() to select all text in the controls whose dialog code has DLGC_HASSETSEL

2002-04-21 00:31 VZ, revision 15223

added and documented wxWindow::SetFocusFromKbd

2002-04-20 23:36 VZ, revision 15222

initialize (and delete) the themes art provider - fixes wxUniv app crashes

2002-04-20 23:30 VZ, revision 15221

compilation sample in !WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_2 mode

2002-04-20 21:18 JS, revision 15220

Typo fixed in tsizer.tex; no change to setup0.h

2002-04-20 13:59 VZ, revision 15219

mention that doing SetFocus() results in the focus event being sent

2002-04-20 13:53 VZ, revision 15218

fixed initial focus handling in the dialog and made SetFocus() send the focus events as under wxMSW

2002-04-20 13:51 VZ, revision 15217

added wxGetTopLevelParent()

2002-04-20 12:30 VZ, revision 15216

fixed another return FALSE in a function returning a pointer (patch 545046)

2002-04-20 11:20 VZ, revision 15215

made operator==() and \!=() const (still doesn't make them correct probably)

2002-04-20 11:10 VZ, revision 15214

fixed huge memory leak in wxFileDialog (closes patch 544060)

2002-04-20 10:00 VZ, revision 15213

fixed logic in limiting spin ctrl values (patch from Dimitri)

2002-04-20 09:57 VZ, revision 15212

implemented DoGetSize() for wxSlider (patch from Dimitri)

2002-04-20 09:53 VZ, revision 15211

fixed focus tracking for spin controls (patch from Dimitri)

2002-04-19 22:12 RL, revision 15210

Added knowledge of virtual size to wx(Scrolled)Windows, they can now manage their own scrollbars with the help of a sizer or other user clues (SetVirtualSizeHints) without the need for an ancillary container. Added SetSizerAndFit convenience method. SetSizer now enables/disables AutoLayout automagically. Logic bugfix for scrollsub sample. Syntax bugfix in parser.y. Compiler warning fix in textctrl.cpp. Modified Files: docs/latex/wx/scrolwin.tex docs/latex/wx/sizer.tex docs/latex/wx/window.tex include/wx/scrolwin.h include/wx/sizer.h include/wx/window.h include/wx/generic/scrolwin.h include/wx/gtk/scrolwin.h samples/scrollsub/scrollsub.cpp src/common/parser.y src/common/sizer.cpp src/common/wincmn.cpp src/generic/scrlwing.cpp src/gtk/scrolwin.cpp src/msw/textctrl.cpp

2002-04-19 21:40 DW, revision 15209

More updates for gdi

2002-04-19 21:05 GD, revision 15208

poll is not available under Darwin/Mac OS X and select should be used instead

2002-04-19 20:12 RD, revision 15207

SWIGed changes for wxGTK

2002-04-19 20:12 RD, revision 15206

Demo updates

2002-04-19 18:39 GD, revision 15205

use specific linker flags under Mac OS X when linking executables against the wxWindows dynamic shared library (LDFLAGS_EXE)

2002-04-19 17:39 RR, revision 15204

Updated makefile for mobile sample. Updated changes.txt. Moved contents of ::Update() to ::GtkUpdate() Moved internal idle functions in wxApp to its own function. Tried to fix themed background redraw problem (probably same bug in wxNotebook and in wxStatusBar and others).

2002-04-18 23:32 VZ, revision 15203

select the whole text in the single line text control when its SetFocus() is called (which also happens when the user TABs to it)

2002-04-18 16:41 RR, revision 15202

Moved mobile dir. Made enable-no_rtti etc NO default.

2002-04-18 13:30 DW, revision 15201

back to void for DoFloodFill

2002-04-18 13:15 JS, revision 15200

Only create wxBuffer on wxMSW and wxMac platforms

2002-04-18 05:43 RD, revision 15199

Typo fix

2002-04-18 05:43 RD, revision 15198

Reorganized the tree in the wxPython demo, hooked the MDI demos into the main demo.

2002-04-18 05:42 RD, revision 15197

wxDF_HTML and FloodFill interface updates

2002-04-18 05:37 RD, revision 15196

Some wxGrid related classes now support OOR.

2002-04-18 05:36 RD, revision 15195

Don't do the wx cleanup if wxPython didn't do the initialization.

2002-04-18 05:35 RD, revision 15194

Moved the cleanup code to an EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY handler.

2002-04-18 05:32 RD, revision 15193

Some secondary grid classes now derive from wxClientDataContainer.

2002-04-18 05:12 DW, revision 15192

Bitmap updates

2002-04-17 22:44 RR, revision 15191

Various changes to focus handling when TLW start. Changed wxWindow::Clear() to use m_clearRegion.