

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-04-27 22:47 VZ, revision 15290

fixed uninitialized m_bPassMessages and wxLogChain::SetLog() which was completely wrong

2002-04-27 22:37 VZ, revision 15289

really fixed memory leak in wxLogChain

2002-04-27 22:33 VZ, revision 15288

fixed memory leak in wxLogChain

2002-04-27 22:14 VZ, revision 15287

fixed memory leak in wxLogChain

2002-04-27 20:02 VZ, revision 15286

some docs for wxArray(int n) mods

2002-04-27 20:02 VZ, revision 15285

wxArray(int n) mods for wxArrayString

2002-04-27 11:10 VZ, revision 15284

mention that creation time only lives up to its name under Windows

2002-04-27 11:05 VZ, revision 15283

fixed wxFileName::GetModificationTime()

2002-04-27 11:03 GD, revision 15282

ignore process serial number command line argument (-psn) passed to application when launched from the Finder

2002-04-27 10:38 VZ, revision 15281

ARCHINCDIR must be defined in makeb32.env, not makefile.b32 (patch 548990)

2002-04-27 10:37 SN, revision 15280

Fixes to my last commit.

2002-04-27 10:35 VZ, revision 15279

fixes for operator new declaration/definition (patch 549349)

2002-04-26 23:08 VZ, revision 15278

clean up of memory debugging macros and chanegs to compile with CW7 (patch 548408)

2002-04-26 22:44 VZ, revision 15277

added a few virtual keywords for consistency (no real changes) (patch 543922)

2002-04-26 22:26 DW, revision 15276

More bitmap and imaging updates

2002-04-26 21:59 VZ, revision 15275

fixed array tests compilation and a bug in obj array test

2002-04-26 21:58 VZ, revision 15274

added support for add/insert/deleting many items at once in wxArray (patch 548050)

2002-04-26 21:06 VZ, revision 15273

implement wxColourDialog::Move() (patch 548048)

2002-04-26 20:35 VZ, revision 15272

refresh and flicker even more to ensure proper refresh in the resizeable dialogs

2002-04-26 20:34 VZ, revision 15271

added VC++ project file

2002-04-26 19:38 RR, revision 15270

Added sample to reproduce resize display bug.

2002-04-26 18:28 RR, revision 15269

Added background inheritance to wxUniv. Added sample to show this...

2002-04-26 17:40 SC, revision 15268

corrected wxMacSetColorTableEntry (although it is not needed currently)

2002-04-26 14:54 JJ, revision 15267

Committing in . OpenVMS also need wxBuffer defined. Modified Files: wxWindows/utils/dialoged/src/reswrite.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2002-04-26 13:08 DW, revision 15266

Minor OS/2 bug with a misplace #endif

2002-04-26 12:58 DW, revision 15265

Updates to OS/2 to catch up with lib changes and for image processing.

2002-04-26 09:52 JS, revision 15264

Fixed my sloppy fix for redundant path separators

2002-04-25 20:20 MBN, revision 15263

Rewrote Metal theme to use delegation. requires more cut'n'paste than I like, but I don't see any way around this - sigh. Anyway 594 << 4000 lines :-)

2002-04-25 20:19 MBN, revision 15262

Glitches in wxDelegateRenderer

2002-04-25 18:19 VZ, revision 15261

fixed typo in wxString::swap() which was completely broken

2002-04-25 18:12 VZ, revision 15260

fixed bug with the text attr not being reset even after SetDefaultStyle(wxTextAttr()) call

2002-04-25 10:25 JS, revision 15259

In GetPath(), don't append separator if there's already one at the end

2002-04-25 09:06 SC, revision 15258

updated to 1.1.4

2002-04-24 20:31 RL, revision 15257

Added {S,G}etItem{Text,Background}Colour methods.

2002-04-24 19:53 SC, revision 15256

uses native implementation for mac

2002-04-24 16:54 SC, revision 15255

corrected eventobject setting for mouse events and capture

2002-04-24 14:40 SC, revision 15254

changed window creation class for dialogs (layering probs under X)

2002-04-24 12:41 SN, revision 15253

Fixed compilo (include image.h since cursor.h no longer does this implicitly).

2002-04-24 05:59 GD, revision 15252

corrected post increment operators which must return value before increment

2002-04-23 23:51 VZ, revision 15251

replaced unnecessary #include with a forward decl

2002-04-23 22:03 VS, revision 15250

no need to expand the hidden root (in fact, it is forbidden now)

2002-04-23 22:03 VS, revision 15249

use some Audacity icons in wxHTML instead of my uglu ones (with author's permission)

2002-04-23 22:03 VS, revision 15248

gcc3 compilation fix

2002-04-23 20:16 MBN, revision 15247

Make Univ/GTK compile again

2002-04-23 17:56 SN, revision 15246

Speed-up for very large grids by more efficient search for rows/columns that need to be updated (in various locations).

2002-04-23 16:18 VS, revision 15245

added wx/msw/missing.h

2002-04-23 15:58 RD, revision 15244

A couple demo tweaks

2002-04-22 21:45 RD, revision 15243

Changes to match CVS updates over the weekend.

2002-04-22 21:25 RL, revision 15242

buggy cast == buggy scrolling in Life!

2002-04-22 21:18 RD, revision 15241

Added wxImage.GetDataBuffer which returns an in-place edit buffer of the image data. (Patch #546009)