

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-05-02 20:09 MBN, revision 15340

Missing bracket in array.tex Documentation for wxStatusBar::Push/PopStatusText Documentation for wxFrame::Push/PopStatusText and Get/SetStatusBarPane.

2002-05-02 20:07 MBN, revision 15339

Implemented wxStatusBar::Push/PopStatusText. Implemented wxFrame::Push/PopSTatusText ( just forward to the status bar ). Implemented wxFrame::DoGiveHelp, to show menu/toolbar help in the status bar. Added Get/SetStatusBarPane to get/set the status bar pane the menu/toolbar help will be show in

2002-05-02 20:03 MBN, revision 15338

Generate EVT_TOOL_ENTER when the user moves the mouse out of the toolbar

2002-05-02 19:56 MBN, revision 15337

wxExecute takes a char**, not a wxChar**

2002-05-02 16:03 SC, revision 15336

corrected DoDrawPoint

2002-05-02 13:56 VZ, revision 15335

you don't have to set BCCDIR for compilation with Borland any longer (patch 550105)

2002-05-02 13:52 VZ, revision 15334

dumb fix for wxDC::Clear() crash

2002-05-02 13:52 VZ, revision 15333

small code cleanup while looking for an inexistent problem

2002-05-02 13:36 VZ, revision 15332

splitted wxFileStream docs in 2 files to make the classes appear in the alphabetic order (patch 549657)

2002-05-02 13:30 VZ, revision 15331

fixed type: wxUint16 -> wxUint32 (patch 549556)

2002-05-02 06:18 RD, revision 15330

Changes for the embedded sample to build on Linux Swigged updates for wxGTK

2002-05-02 04:45 RD, revision 15329

Fixed the bugs preventing wxPython from being embedded in a wxWindows app, and added a sample showing how to do it.

2002-05-02 02:49 RD, revision 15328

Removed wxVTKRenderWindow since VTK now includes a much better python module that allows you to use VTK in a wxPython window.

2002-05-02 02:46 RD, revision 15327

Changed the name of export.h to wxPython.h so it wouldn't be so generic. This is the header that should be included by 3rd party stuff that is embedding wxPython or making a new wxPython extension module.

2002-05-01 16:44 VZ, revision 15326

changed wxUSE_MS_HTML_HELP to 1 by default

2002-05-01 16:25 VZ, revision 15325

fixed definition of TRUE broken by the last commit

2002-05-01 16:20 VZ, revision 15324

added WX_TRUE_DEFINED to allow preventing the redefinition of TRUE/FALSE

2002-05-01 16:15 VZ, revision 15323

added a few more consistency tests which used to be in wx\msw\setup.h

2002-05-01 16:14 VZ, revision 15322

disabled wxWin memory debugging by default

2002-05-01 16:13 VZ, revision 15321

fixed the wrong custom build messages

2002-05-01 08:57 MBN, revision 15320

Fixed Unicode breakage I caused

2002-04-30 22:31 DW, revision 15319

More image processing updates

2002-04-30 22:29 DW, revision 15318

Some new members to assist in bitmap rendering

2002-04-30 07:34 JS, revision 15317

Renamed wxBuffer to deBuffer

2002-04-30 04:27 RD, revision 15316

wxTimer was in the wrong place in the demo

2002-04-30 04:26 RD, revision 15315
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/wxPython/SWIG

Removed the old patch files for swig

2002-04-30 02:56 RD, revision 15314

Ignore generated Makefile

2002-04-30 02:49 RD, revision 15313

swigged updates for wxMac fix for wxMac refresh problem in the demo

2002-04-29 23:21 RD, revision 15312

swigged updates for wxGTK

2002-04-29 23:17 RD, revision 15311

Switch to using a wxBufferedPaintDC, also draw/erase the focus indicator differently to workaround double focus event problem.

2002-04-29 23:09 RD, revision 15310

Put the panel-under-htmlwindow hack back in since the problem still happens.

2002-04-29 20:19 RD, revision 15309

Updates for building wxSWIG on Linux

2002-04-29 20:04 RD, revision 15308

Added execut bit for configure

2002-04-29 19:56 RD, revision 15307

Since I have made several changes to SWIG over the years to accomodate special cases and other things in wxPython, and since I plan on making several more, I've decided to put the SWIG sources in wxPython's CVS instead of relying on maintaining patches. This effectivly becomes a fork of an obsolete version of SWIG, :-( but since SWIG 1.3 still doesn't have some things I rely on in 1.1, not to mention that my custom patches would all have to be redone, I felt that this is the easier road to take.

2002-04-29 18:55 RD, revision 15306

Various minor updates

2002-04-29 18:38 VS, revision 15305

fixed wxZipInputStream::OnSysSeek wrt memory requirements and malloc(0) (will backport to 2.2)

2002-04-29 14:55 VZ, revision 15304

don't generate an endless stream of asserts for the 0-sized images

2002-04-29 12:37 VZ, revision 15303

added Append(const wxString&) overload and replaced all wxASSERTs with wxASSERT_MSGs in attempt to make them more clear

2002-04-29 06:38 SC, revision 15302

setting the correct event object for EVT_ENTER_WINDOW and EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW

2002-04-29 04:00 DW, revision 15301

Lots of image/bitmap processing updates.

2002-04-29 04:00 DW, revision 15300

New Moddef file

2002-04-28 15:34 SN, revision 15299

Minor changes to test/show expanded array functions.

2002-04-28 14:39 VZ, revision 15298

don't pass arrays by value (and also fixed signed/unsigned comparison warning

2002-04-28 14:30 VZ, revision 15297

changed DoDragDrop(bool) into DoDragDrop(int) and added support for wxDrag_DefaultMove flag

2002-04-28 13:34 VZ, revision 15296

added a (commented out) example of how to force the default action to be move

2002-04-28 13:28 VZ, revision 15295

removed a wxPaintDC::Clear() fatal to wxGTK

2002-04-28 10:33 VS, revision 15294

compilation fixes for C++ standard library

2002-04-28 09:35 GD, revision 15293

derive wxBitmapButton from wxBitmapButtonBase

2002-04-28 00:39 SN, revision 15292

Replaced internal calls to XToCol/YToRow added in 1.197 by internal macro which treats the out of grid case in a way that's more suitable.

2002-04-27 22:59 VS, revision 15291

use XML namespace in XRC files