

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-12-11 19:34 PC, revision 78263

avoid generating wxEVT_CHAR when WriteText() is called from wxEVT_CHAR handler, closes #16717

2014-12-10 02:04 VZ, revision 78262

Restore Kolya Kosenko copyrights on parts of wxQt code. The original code was originally submitted of #12042. Closes #16721.

2014-12-10 01:14 VZ, revision 78261

Cast size_t value when using it with printf() in a test. Use %lu with a cast to avoid warnings in both 32 and 64 bit builds. Closes #16720.

2014-12-09 18:11 AW, revision 78260

Refactor: mark wxPropertyGridManager::SetId() as overridden virtual method.

2014-12-09 18:07 AW, revision 78259

Reconnect wxPropertyGridManager event handlers when wxPG id is changing. Because some event handlers are bound to the particular id's they need to be reconnected when wxPG id is the subject of change.

2014-12-09 13:51 VZ, revision 78258

Update wxGetTranslation() documentation. Document "i18n" trace mask. Correct warning about [not] using wxT(). See #16714.

2014-12-09 13:51 VZ, revision 78257

Update i18n overview in the manual. Remove obsolete warning about gettext 0.10, add a link to Poedit instead. Also fix Doxygen markup: @see can't be used inside a list item. See #16714.

2014-12-07 17:40 VS, revision 78256

Don't crash on OS X on exit if -NS* argument used When converting argv[] from char* to wchar_t* in ConvertArgsToUnicode(), keep an extra (shallow) copy of argc and the argv[] array so that it can be safely freed in FreeConvertedArgs(). The reason is that other functions such as wxApp::Initialize() may modify argv[] and remove some arguments from it; this is indeed exactly what wxOSX does. After such changes, gs_initData.argv would no longer be in the original state and could contain e.g. duplicate pointers or be missing some of the pointers that we should free.

2014-12-07 17:40 VS, revision 78255

Use int& type for argc in wxInitialize and wxInitializer Other functions that take (argc,argv) arguments (wxEntry, wxEntryStart) take argc by reference, because they may manipulate the arguments list. wxInitialize() used passing by value, so any modifications would be silently lost. Make all the functions consistent in their handling of argc by using int& everywhere.

2014-12-07 17:40 VS, revision 78254

Don't crash on OS X on exit if -NS* argument used When converting argv[] from char* to wchar_t* in ConvertArgsToUnicode(), keep an extra (shallow) copy of argc and the argv[] array so that it can be safely freed in FreeConvertedArgs(). The reason is that other functions such as wxApp::Initialize() may modify argv[] and remove some arguments from it; this is indeed exactly what wxOSX does. After such changes, gs_initData.argv would no longer be in the original state and could contain e.g. duplicate pointers or be missing some of the pointers that we should free.

2014-12-07 14:47 VZ, revision 78253
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/expat/.cvsignore
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/expat/conftools/.cvsignore
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/expat/examples/.cvsignore
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/expat/gennmtab/.cvsignore
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/expat/lib/.cvsignore
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/expat/tests/.cvsignore
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/expat/win32/.cvsignore
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/expat/xmlwf/.cvsignore

Remove .cvsignore files from expat sources. These files shouldn't be included in the distribution and it's simpler to just remove them, as it is pretty unlikely that a new Expat release is going to be made, and even less likely that it would still use CVS if it does happen, than to filter them out from the distribution creation scripts. Closes #16711.

2014-12-07 14:46 VZ, revision 78252
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/WX_3_0_BRANCH/src/expat/.cvsignore
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/WX_3_0_BRANCH/src/expat/conftools/.cvsignore
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/WX_3_0_BRANCH/src/expat/examples/.cvsignore
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/WX_3_0_BRANCH/src/expat/gennmtab/.cvsignore
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/WX_3_0_BRANCH/src/expat/lib/.cvsignore
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/WX_3_0_BRANCH/src/expat/tests/.cvsignore
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/WX_3_0_BRANCH/src/expat/win32/.cvsignore
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/WX_3_0_BRANCH/src/expat/xmlwf/.cvsignore

Remove .cvsignore files from expat sources. These files shouldn't be included in the distribution and it's simpler to just remove them, as it is pretty unlikely that a new Expat release is going to be made, and even less likely that it would still use CVS if it does happen, than to filter them out from the distribution creation scripts. Closes #16711.

2014-12-07 02:52 VZ, revision 78251

Fix appearance of wxMSW wxToggleButtons with bitmaps in pressed state. Correct the "pushed" state determination in our own drawn code, it didn't work for wxToggleButton which doesn't return BST_PUSHED from BM_GETSTATE. But it does have BM_GETCHECK returning its state directly, so add a new virtual MSWIsPushed() method and implement it differently for it. Closes #13755.

2014-12-06 14:07 VZ, revision 78250

Move MSWGetDefaultLayout() outside of #if wxUSE_EXCEPTIONS block. Build fix for wxUSE_EXCEPTIONS==0 after r78236.

2014-12-06 00:09 VZ, revision 78249

Build fix for wxOSX after the changes of r78230. Fix wrong signature of DoHandleMenuEvent() by getting rid of this function entirely, it's not just a trivial wrapper for ProcessMenuEvent() anyhow, so just use the latter directly.

2014-12-05 23:19 VZ, revision 78248

Fix checked disabled wxToolBar tools with custom images in wxMSW. Windows doesn't use the correct image for checked disabled tools, at least up to and including Windows 7, so don't put such tools in the "checked" state at all: this doesn't matter as they are disabled anyhow, but shows the correct image for them. Closes #12989.

2014-12-05 23:19 VZ, revision 78247

Don't generate wxEVT_MENU_{OPEN,CLOSE} for disabled top menus in wxMSW. Windows still sends these messages even if a top level menu is disabled, for some reason, so filter them out manually. Closes #2168.

2014-12-05 23:19 VZ, revision 78246

No real changes, just make wxMenuBar::MSWGetMenu() const. There is no reason not to.

2014-12-05 23:19 VZ, revision 78245

Handle updating tooltip text in wxCompositeWindow correctly. While calling SetToolTip(wxToolTip*) overload already worked correctly for wxCompositeWindow, using SetToolTip(wxString) did not if a tooltip already existed, as it didn't use the virtual DoSetToolTip() in this case, resulting in e.g. impossibility to update wxSpinCtrlDouble tooltip using this method. Fix this by introducing DoSetToolTipText() virtual which is used by that overload now and overriding it in wxCompositeWindow. Also don't override DoSetToolTip() in wxSpinCtrlGenericBase any more, it is not necessary as it's already done by its base class wxCompositeWindow. Closes #16595.

2014-12-05 23:19 VZ, revision 78244

Don't keep out of date column widths in generic wxDataViewCtrl. The cached widths need to be invalidated whenever an item is expanded or collapsed, whether it's done programmatically (which was already handled) or interactively by the user (which wasn't). Closes #16678.

2014-12-05 23:18 VZ, revision 78243

Use another bool constant instead of BOOL one in wxBitmapComboBox. Just s/FALSE/false/ See #16690.

2014-12-05 23:18 VZ, revision 78242

Measure wxBitmapComboBox height correctly if it has images. This fixes a regression introduced in r77548 (see #14279): wxBitmapComboBox must be higher than a normal wxComboBox if it has big enough bitmaps. Closes #16690.

2014-12-05 23:18 VZ, revision 78241

Prefer file types with a defined open command in Unix wxMimeTypesManager. It can happen that more than one file type maps to the given extension, in this case prefer the one which has an open command defined for it as it is typically more useful. See #16703.

2014-12-05 23:18 VZ, revision 78240

Load *.desktop files recursively in wxMimeTypesManager under Unix. Not all .desktop files are directly under /usr/share/applications, some or, in some cases, most of them, may be under its subdirectories, so look for them there as well. See #16703.

2014-12-05 23:18 VZ, revision 78239

No changes, just fixes for typos in comments in wxMSW headers. Closes #16706.