

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-06-02 15:53 FM, revision 64465

Make wxConfig ctor docs more readable. Add a simple stub for wxRegConfig class so that Doxygen highlights it just like it does with wxFileConfig.

2010-06-02 13:58 VZ, revision 64464

Fix recently broken forwarding of events between event handlers. After the recent changes to the event processing logic, forwarding an event from one event handler to another one stopped working correctly because the per-event "process here only" flag prevented it from following the event handler chain after forwarding. This notably broke keyboard navigation in wxComboCtrl under MSW in wx itself and probably quite a few of other things in user code. Fix this by replacing the boolean flag with a pointer to the handler to which the processing of this event should be restricted. This allows the full processing to still take place if an event is forwarded to another handler. So wxEvent::ShouldProcessHereOnly() is now called ShouldProcessOnlyIn() and takes a wxEvtHandler parameter. This made appear a problem in wxScrollHelperEvtHandler code that was hidden by the bug above: the events were still processed multiple times in it. To fix this, also add wxEvent::DidntHonourProcessOnlyIn() and take it into account in the base class code. Did I mention that wxScrollHelperEvtHandler must die? Add another unit test checking that forwarding works correctly.

2010-06-02 13:58 VZ, revision 64463

Fix drawing of scaled bitmaps in wxCairoContext. We must offset the coordinate system before scaling it, otherwise incorrect offset is used. Add a test for drawing translated/scaled bitmaps to the drawing sample. See #11097.

2010-06-02 13:58 VZ, revision 64462

Don't hard code position of the drawing sample window and increase its size. Hardcoding position to 50,50 is inconvenient, let the window manager position the window as configured by user. Also, the vertical size of the sample was too small to see the contents of most pages, increase it.

2010-06-02 13:58 VZ, revision 64461

Remove unused GetTextExtent() call from wxProgressDialog. This seems to be a left-over from the old, manual positioning code. As we use sizers now, it's not needed any more.

2010-06-02 12:49 FM, revision 64460

disable FTPTestCase by default. Add a warning for the user when running --list without arguments: not all tests are listed, only those enabled by default (e.g. FTPTestCase doesn't appear there)!

2010-06-01 17:38 JMS, revision 64459

Interpret arrow keys correctly in wxMSW wxComboCtrl::IsKeyPopupToggle()

2010-06-01 17:31 JMS, revision 64458

Interpret arrow keys correctly in wxMSW wxComboCtrl::IsKeyPopupToggle() (fixes #12114)

2010-06-01 17:01 JMS, revision 64457

In wxComboPopupEvtHandler::OnMouseEvent(), when need to relay event to drop-down button, call HandleButtonMouseEvent() directly, if possible. This is less confusing for the platform-specific wxComboCtrl implementations, and fixes issue where the drop-down button could remain in pressed state after the mouse button was lifted.

2010-06-01 16:17 JMS, revision 64456

For clarity: wxComboPopupExtraEventHandler -> wxComboPopupEvtHandler (there is nothing particularly extra about it)

2010-06-01 15:46 JMS, revision 64455

Refactored wxComboPopupExtraEventHandler::OnMouseEvent(). Now block mouse events from the popup control until mouse button has been seen in 'up' state (ignoring first mouse up). This matches Windows native combo box behavior (fixes #12115).

2010-05-31 16:59 VZ, revision 64454

Update AUI floating windows position and not just size on resize. When a window is resized, its position can change as well as its size but it wasn't updated before. Do it now. Closes #11421.

2010-05-31 16:59 VZ, revision 64453

Regenerate wxstd.pot with the recently added translatable strings. Simply reran "make wxstd.pot" in locale subdirectory.

2010-05-31 16:59 VZ, revision 64452

Don't disable wxID_PRINT_SETUP even when there is no active document. Printer can be setup without active document, remove the EVT_UPDATE_UI handler for wxID_PRINT_SETUP. See #11394.

2010-05-31 16:59 VZ, revision 64451

Translate strings used in doc-view printing code. Simply use _() instead of wxT() for the user-visible strings. Closes #12110.

2010-05-31 13:55 VZ, revision 64450

Use C locale for numbers in wx(File)Config. Using the current locale decimal point in config files results in problems when moving the files to another machine or even using a different locale on the same one, so don't do it. Always write the numbers using C locale and try to read them in C locale too first, but also try the current locale if we failed for backwards compatibility and to be tolerant with users who edit their config files by hand.

2010-05-31 13:55 VZ, revision 64449

Add wxString::FromDouble() and FromCDouble(). wxString::FromCDouble() is needed inside wxWidgets itself to format numbers independently of the current locale. FromDouble() was added for symmetry with ToDouble/ToCDouble() functions. Use std::locale for the implementation if available and manual wxLocale-based fallback otherwise.

2010-05-31 13:55 VZ, revision 64448

Make wxString::ToCXXX() methods always available. We use these methods inside wxWidgets itself and so want to always have them, even when wxUSE_XLOCALE==0. Provide replacement manual implementations for this case.

2010-05-31 13:55 VZ, revision 64447

No real changes, just avoid an unnecessary heap allocation in a test. We don't need to allocate the locale object in StringTestCase::ToDouble() on the heap (and then delete it -- or not, if an assertion fails before the function end), it's enough and simpler to just create it as a local variable.

2010-05-31 01:28 VZ, revision 64446

Fix wxFont::IsFixedWidth() under MSW to always return correct result. This function worked erratically, returning the correct result or not depending on the way it was created. Reimplement it using GetTextMetrics() to get the correct result in any case. Closes #4714.

2010-05-31 01:28 FM, revision 64445

Add a simple example to make it easier to get started (by copy&paste).

2010-05-31 01:28 FM, revision 64444

implement * and / operators for wxPoint, not only wxSize. Add to their documentation a note about the fact that the real operators are not class members but rather global functions.

2010-05-31 01:12 VZ, revision 64443

Add <span> tag and limited support for CSS styles to wxHTML. Parse "style" attributes of the HTML tags and honour those of them that can be mapped to the HTML 3 attributes. Also add a handler for <span> tag. Closes #10631.

2010-05-30 22:49 SJL, revision 64442

Add a basic wxUIActionSimulator::Text function for alpha characters

2010-05-30 22:05 VZ, revision 64441

No changes, just rebaked and reran autoconf. It seems that autoconf_inc.m4 hadn't been regenerated by a previous change as rerunning bakefile_gen resulted in a lot of changes in it, do it now without any other changes to ensure that the next commit only contains the changes due to its modification of files.bkl.

2010-05-30 22:05 VZ, revision 64440

Activate the view of a newly created document. This appears to be necessary under Mac where views are top level windows and should do no harm elsewhere. Also factor out the activation code in a new wxDocManager::ActivateDocument() method to avoid duplicating it. Closes #11417.

2010-05-30 22:05 VZ, revision 64439

Store page setup data in wxDocManager. Printing of documents from wxDocManager always used default page setup data, allow the user to configure it now. Add wxDocManager::m_pageSetupDialogData and add a handler for wxID_PRINT_SETUP command to it. Closes #11394.

2010-05-30 22:05 VZ, revision 64438

Don't generate AUINOTEBOOK_BG_DCLICK when clicking inactive arrow. Clicking on a disabled arrow shouldn't do anything, in particular it shouldn't generate a wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_DCLICK event. See #12084.

2010-05-30 22:01 RR, revision 64437

Patch update, probably fixes #12090: wxGTK cursor handling revamp

2010-05-30 19:45 RR, revision 64436

Use GTKXXX notation for some more wxGTK specific methods for consistency

2010-05-30 18:53 VS, revision 64435

wxrc -g should output filenames in Unix format. It is customary in C source code and xgettext has problems with backslahes in #line comments. Fixes #10727.

2010-05-30 16:00 JS, revision 64434

Caret position corrected to end of selection

2010-05-30 16:00 JS, revision 64433

Caret position corrected to end of selection

2010-05-30 14:21 VS, revision 64432

Fix Shift+TAB navigation from wxNotebook. When the focus was on a tab label, Shift+TAB didn't move it out of the notebook to the preceding control, as it should. Instead, focus moved to the last control in the current notebook page. This change fixes it, TAB and Shift-TAB cycling through controls now behaves identically modulo direction.

2010-05-30 08:38 PC, revision 64431

Remove pizza backing window. When it is present, no-window widgets sometimes don't get expose events for reasons I could not determine. And it is dubious that it improved scrolling performance on modern hardware anyway, and almost certainly doesn't help now that GTK+ is using "client side windows".

2010-05-29 22:48 JWE, revision 64430

2010-05-29 12:35 VZ, revision 64429

Add "filter changed" event to wxFileCtrl. Generate an event when the selection in the filter combobox of wxFileCtrl changes. Closes #12099.

2010-05-29 12:35 VZ, revision 64428

Add wxConfig::Read(float *) overload. This uses Read(double *) but casts the result to float after checking that it is in the correct range. Closes #12100.

2010-05-29 12:35 VZ, revision 64427

Show OLE errors using wxLogDebug() in wxAutomationObject. Enable the previously commented out ShowException() but use wxLogDebug() in it instead of wxLogWarning() to avoid confusing the users with errors they don't care about. Closes #11632.

2010-05-29 12:01 JMS, revision 64426

Fixed assert when editing wxFontProperty with unspecified value (fixes #12086)

2010-05-29 10:22 FM, revision 64425

remove test code for wxScopeGuard (there's already a better ScopeGuardTestCase)

2010-05-29 10:20 FM, revision 64424

remove wxCmdLineParser tests; there is already a much more complete test suite (CmdLineTestCase). Refactor single instance checker test.

2010-05-29 10:00 FM, revision 64423

get rid of socket tests; there are marked as broken and we already have SocketTestCase in CppUnit test classes.

2010-05-29 09:56 FM, revision 64422

move all non-interactive FTP tests from the console sample to a new CppUnit FTPTestCase test.

2010-05-28 22:31 FM, revision 64421

Add examples of usage for easy copy-and-paste. Minor corrections and markup changes.

2010-05-28 15:31 JJ, revision 64420

Update configuration for wxX11 on OpenVMS

2010-05-27 22:03 JMS, revision 64419

In wxComboPopupExtraEventHandler::OnMouseEvent(): Also include wxEVT_LEFT_UP among the mouse events to be blocked when the cursor is outside the popup area. This fixes wxMSW bug where the popup disappears immediately after mouse button is released (see #12087).

2010-05-27 21:50 JWE, revision 64418

add regenerated files

2010-05-27 21:19 JWE, revision 64417

Add some fetaure in maskfield. I have created the skel of maskedfield. Regenerated bakefile. Tomorrow I will finish maskedit and if I have the time, begin unitary test.

2010-05-27 19:07 VZ, revision 64416

Ignore "%*" in the shell command strings in MSW registry. Apparently "%*" can be used now in addition to the usual "%1" in the MSW shell command strings. As we don't support passing more than one file to a command at once anyhow, simply ignore them. At least this avoids errors when trying to open files with some extensions. Closes #12091.

2010-05-27 19:07 VZ, revision 64415

Fall back on using tree/list control item text in wxDragImage. Use the item text instead of its image if it doesn't have any when creating a wxDragImage from a wxTreeCtrl or wxListCtrl item instead of just failing. Closes #4390.

2010-05-27 19:07 VZ, revision 64414

Correct wxEVT_AUXn_XXX event types names. They had a wrong "MOUSE" part in them while "MOUSE" is only used for the event table macros but not the event types themselves for some reason. Closes #12095.

2010-05-27 19:07 VZ, revision 64413

Add missing samples to samples.dsw. Add all the samples to the workspace file to allow building all of them at once easily. Closes #12098.

2010-05-27 17:11 JMS, revision 64412

Make wxComboCtrl::SetButtonPosition() now again work on wxMSW

2010-05-27 17:02 JMS, revision 64411

Disable Vista/Win7-style wxComboCtrl rendering in wx2.8 by default (define wxUSE_COMBOCTRL_VISTA_RENDERING=1 to enable it), as it may cause subtle drawing bugs with custom wxComboCtrls

2010-05-27 16:51 JMS, revision 64410

Fixed wxComboCtrl::SetButtonPosition() on Vista/Win7 by marking the drop-down button as 'non-standard' when its size or position is changed

2010-05-27 16:04 JMS, revision 64409

Added change log entry about the wxComboCtrl focus draw change

2010-05-27 15:45 JJ, revision 64408

use wxToggleButtonXmlHandler::DoCreateBitmapToggleButton on supoorted platforms only

2010-05-27 11:30 JWE, revision 64407

Finished to write maskedField classe Beginning test and after beginning wxEditCtrl

2010-05-27 01:05 FM, revision 64406

add docs for the global wxStringTokenize() function which were lost during latex=>doxygen conversion

2010-05-27 00:44 FM, revision 64405

fix incoherency between the wxThread implementation based on MSW threads and pthread: Delete()ing a thread which hasn't started yet must return wxTHREAD_MISC_ERROR

2010-05-26 19:37 RR, revision 64404

Applied patch, fixes #12090: wxGTK cursor handling revamp

2010-05-26 17:15 JMS, revision 64399

ComboControl -> ComboCtrl

2010-05-26 17:12 JMS, revision 64398

wxComboControl -> wxComboCtrl

2010-05-26 17:08 JMS, revision 64397

Backported wxComboCtrl::ShouldDrawFocus() from wxWidgets 2.9. This makes wxMSW wxOwnerDrawnComboBox look more native when wxCB_READONLY is used.

2010-05-26 16:54 JMS, revision 64396

Backported from wx2.9 improved wxComboCtrl/wxOwnerDrawnComboBox appearance under Vista/Win7. Should have been done years ago, really.

2010-05-25 23:15 VZ, revision 64394

Fix setting the fonts for wxMSW wxTextCtrl with wxTE_RICH(2) style. Using WM_SETFONT seemed to work with rich edit controls but in fact it doesn't, it only changes the font used by the control initially apparently but it can be reset later. Use EM_SETCHARFORMAT which is more reliable.

2010-05-25 17:32 JMS, revision 64393

Draw wxPropertyGrid drop down items with consistent (non-bold) font (fixes #12088)

2010-05-24 22:37 SJL, revision 64392

Improve wxUIActionSimulator modifier support. Add support for modifiers to the X11 implementation and improve the order of keys sent in the MSW implementation.

2010-05-24 15:09 JMS, revision 64391

Always call OnSetValue() for a property when values are being set for its children (fixes #12085)

2010-05-23 21:07 FM, revision 64390

remove streams tests: they're very basic and already-existing CppUnit stream tests are much more complete and extended.

2010-05-23 20:44 RR, revision 64389

non-PCH compilation

2010-05-23 18:31 PC, revision 64388

compile fix for GTK2 systems which have X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h

2010-05-23 12:53 VZ, revision 64387

Remove non-working or semi-working tests added from console.cpp. Remove tests added in r64324, there is no need to have commented out code here and UTF-8 test was pretty strange as well (it's far from clear what should the result of converting "utf8Invalid" be). This also suppresses a warning that these changes introduced.

2010-05-22 18:14 VZ, revision 64386

Added wxMessageQueue::Clear(). This method can be called from the posting thread to remove any still pending requests if they became unnecessary. Closes #10905.

2010-05-22 18:14 VZ, revision 64385

Fix for user input processing in wxProgressDialog. Yield for input event processing before updating the dialog instead of doing it after this as the latter apparently doesn't always work. Closes #10645.

2010-05-22 17:48 VZ, revision 64384

Use GTK+ functions for wxDisplay implementation. There is no need to use Xinerama for what GDK can do itself (see #11053). Also don't check for Xinerama in configure when using wxGTK2.

2010-05-22 17:43 VZ, revision 64383

Restore selection on click in row/column selection mode in wxGrid. This might be less consistent with the other selection modes but seems to be more convenient in practice, so restore the old, 2.8 behaviour and select the entire row/column on a simply click in row/column selection mode. Closes #12062.

2010-05-22 16:57 VZ, revision 64382

Modify wxBoxSizer minimal size calculations to respect the proportions. Make wxBoxSizer minimal size big enough to not only give each item enough space to satisfy its minimal size but also to respect the proportions among the items by default.

2010-05-22 14:07 VZ, revision 64381

Set wild card in the base class too in wxGTK wxFileDialog. Calling wxFileDialogBase::SetWildcard() ensures that GetWildcard() returns the correct value after wxFileDialog::SetWildcard() was called. The new code will also work correctly if we change SetWildcard() to handle empty wildcard as the default one (see #12079). Closes #12080.

2010-05-22 13:58 VZ, revision 64380

Correct notebook sample layout. Use a sizer for the frame to make sure its initial and minimal size correspond to the best size of the panel inside it. Also add a Layout() call on the panel which was somehow not done initially. And finally don't centre the frame, this is unnecessary.

2010-05-22 12:51 VZ, revision 64379

Unset the debug report preview dialog as critical window when it's hidden. Otherwise no events can be dispatched to any other window after wxDebugReportPreviewStd::Show() is called, resulting in apparent hanging of the application as can be seen in debugrpt sample.

2010-05-21 22:13 RR, revision 64378

Second try to get wxDataViewChoiceByIndex and its name right, hopefully fixes #11970: wxDataViewChoiceRenderer set/get methods should use the current selection index not a string

2010-05-21 17:25 VZ, revision 64377

Document wxDocManager::CloseDocument(). CloseDocuments() was documented but not CloseDocument(), this probably wasn't intentional.

2010-05-21 15:17 VZ, revision 64376

Minor corrections to wxFont size-changing methods. Closes #11959.

2010-05-21 15:17 VZ, revision 64375

Erase the column label background in wxGrid to avoid display artefacts. Apparently the column label text is not always drawn correctly when double buffering is used, so erase the background completely before drawing the text. Unfortunately this might result in flicker but presumably correct display is more important. Closes #12055.

2010-05-21 15:17 VZ, revision 64374

Use ListView_CancelEditLabel() to implement wxListCtrl::EndEditLabel(). Windows XP and later finally added a special message to cancel label editing, use it if available. Also improve the documentation of this method. See #7663.

2010-05-21 14:52 VZ, revision 64373

Always define SIZEOF_WCHAR_T if it's not defined under Windows. The assumption that SIZEOF_EVERYTHING_ELSE is defined when SIZEOF_INT is is wrong. While wxWidgets configure does define all SIZEOF_XXX at once, SIZEOF_INT could also be defined in some third party headers (e.g. Python.h) and we still need to define the other ones. In particular, doing this fixes the problem with SIZEOF_WCHAR_T not being defined during wxPython build. Closes #12013.

2010-05-21 14:51 VZ, revision 64372

Simplify and correct MSW selection of background brush for children painting. Check for the transparency of the window background in MSWGetBgBrush() itself and let MSWGetBgBrushForChild() just return the brush to be used. This required adding a MSW-specific hack to wxPanel to allow inheriting background of wxNotebook by its children which is slightly ugly but is exactly what we need to do in this case and makes the rest of the code much simpler. Also add a possibility to set the background of the page containing the control being tested to the widgets sample to test for background inheritance. This shows problems with wxSlider and wxRadioBox backgrounds but they're not new with this patch. Closes #12057.

2010-05-21 14:51 VZ, revision 64371

Fix focus debugging in the controls sample. A wrong format string was used in Printf() resulting in useless output.

2010-05-21 14:07 VZ, revision 64370

Yet another fix to event propagation in scrolled windows. Calling ProcessEventLocally() didn't work because the command events were not propagated to the parent window any more, breaking a lot of things including wxDataViewCtrl event generation in the generic version. So do restore ProcessEvent() call but use it on the next handler (i.e. the window itself) and not this one now. This still results in some duplicate calls but at least the events should be passed everywhere where they are expected to arrive. wxScrollHelperEvtHandler must die. Closes #12078.

2010-05-21 13:46 VZ, revision 64369

Fix cast from pointer to int in wxDataViewCtrl. This fixes compilation in 64 bit. Closes #12073.

2010-05-21 00:04 VZ, revision 64368

Fix wxListCtrl::EndEditLabel() which simply didn't work. Also document it (even though it's wxMSW-only for now) and add a test for it in the sample. Closes #7663.

2010-05-20 21:54 JTN, revision 64367

Implementation of most wxDC drawing functions

2010-05-20 21:30 SC, revision 64366

fixing infinite recursion

2010-05-20 20:52 JTN, revision 64365

Very basic support for wxDC and wxMemoryDC (rectangles and brushes)

2010-05-20 20:50 SC, revision 64364

def include was missing

2010-05-20 20:43 SC, revision 64363

adding more infos, links

2010-05-20 20:39 RR, revision 64362

Make GetIndexOf() and get_path() work for virtual list models, fixes #12073: wxDataViewCtrl crashes when deleting an item

2010-05-20 20:06 SC, revision 64361

adding building iphone projects