

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-06-17 19:55 JTN, revision 64613

Restored image sample

2010-06-17 19:53 JTN, revision 64612

wxBitmap XBM loading

2010-06-17 19:09 JTN, revision 64611

Fixing last commit

2010-06-17 19:02 JTN, revision 64610

Renaming conversion functions and GetHandle()

2010-06-17 17:47 JWE, revision 64609

Correct input bugs. To complete, I have to test multi-fields and found a utf8 execution error

2010-06-17 16:39 VS, revision 64608

Document that wxTextEntry was added in 2.9.0.

2010-06-17 15:04 VS, revision 64607

Compilation fix for GetAvailableTranslations().

2010-06-17 15:04 VS, revision 64606

Make the wxArrayString(int) ctor explicit.

2010-06-17 11:33 SJL, revision 64605

Add very basic implementation of wxTestableFrame. Update TextEntryTestCase to use the new event counting system.

2010-06-16 21:57 JWE, revision 64604

correct some bugs like size of mask and Apply formatcode. Update unitary test

2010-06-16 16:09 VS, revision 64597

Add wxTranslations::GetAvailableTranslations().

2010-06-15 23:31 JWE, revision 64595

fix bugs with ApplyFormatCodes, finished to connect the text ctrl and the mask, beginning testing and correct bugs. Update methods and unitary tests

2010-06-15 15:34 JMS, revision 64594

Fix compilation when wxAny was disabled (fixes #12148)

2010-06-15 14:55 JWE, revision 64593

added the connection between the mask and the textCtrl. Compiled and linked

2010-06-15 10:56 MYA, revision 64592

Modify according to Julian advice. 1. Dialog controls change 2. Copy function added.

2010-06-14 17:12 JMS, revision 64589

Added wxIsPod<>. Use it in wxAny instead of wxIsMovable<>.

2010-06-14 14:08 JWE, revision 64588

add sample and connected the textCtrl with the mask

2010-06-14 10:58 MW, revision 64587

Corrections to the previous commmit.

2010-06-14 08:00 MW, revision 64586

Add --disable-gui and --disable-all-features builds to the ravnsgaard buildbot.

2010-06-13 16:30 FM, revision 64583

moved non-interactive tests for wxDynamicLibrary, wxGet/SetEnv, wxTempFile, wxCopyFile to appropriate CppUnit test suites; removed wxFile and wxTextFile tests (complete testsuites already exist for them)

2010-06-13 16:05 MYA, revision 64582

Some remain works for image rescale. 1. Use wxDynamicCast instead of C++ one; 2. Use a temp wxImage to rescale and show; 3. We can use two digits under dicemal dot.

2010-06-13 15:35 MYA, revision 64580

The image can scale with user input now.

2010-06-13 12:00 JMS, revision 64578

Use wxComboCtrl::SetTextCtrlStyle() in the combo sample

2010-06-13 11:59 JMS, revision 64577

Added wxComboCtrl::SetTextCtrlStyle()

2010-06-13 10:46 JMS, revision 64576

Documented pythonic iterators

2010-06-13 09:06 MYA, revision 64574

Change to a better name. :)

2010-06-13 08:40 MYA, revision 64573

Validate the input data from image dialog.

2010-06-13 07:38 MYA, revision 64572

Popup the image dialog in richtext sample.

2010-06-12 23:26 VZ, revision 64571

Fix scrolling to the bottom in wxTextCtrl::AppendText(). The old code used EM_LINESCROLL which could scroll too far if the caret wasn't in the first line of the control. Instead of trying to compute the correct number of the lines to scroll, just use WM_VSCROLL with SB_BOTTOM parameter instead. Closes #12123.

2010-06-12 23:10 SJL, revision 64570

Add support for wxKeyCode conversion in OSX wxUIActionSimulator code. Improve key sending order. Closes #12117

2010-06-12 20:21 VZ, revision 64569

Fix processing of events for MRU entries #10 and more in docview. We only handled events for wxID_FILE1..wxID_FILE9 range but there can be more than 9 entries in the MRU list. Handle events for as many of them as there are correctly. This required adding a fallback handler for all menu events and checking if the id of the menu item is in the MRU range inside it. Also move this to wxDocManager itself from wxDocParentFrameAnyBase as it's common for all kinds of frames anyhow. Closes #12141.

2010-06-12 13:28 VZ, revision 64566

Stop the timer in console IPC client sample once we don't need it any more. Under MSW the timer appeared to be flooding the message queue with timer events faster than we could process them (which seems incredible for the timer interval of 1 second but still seems to happen), so the idle events were never generated and the sample didn't work at all. Now stop the timer once we get a last notification from it to let the program become idle and run the test function scheduled from the timer handler. See #11528.

2010-06-12 13:28 VZ, revision 64565

Avoid sending spurious socket read notifications in wxMSW. If a read notification is generated for a socket, it should be possible to read something from it without blocking but this doesn't seem to be always the case under MSW for some reason. And this results in all sorts of problems in wxSocket and wxIPC code, so check for this at wxSocketImpl level and not send the notification at all if there is no data to read. See #11528.

2010-06-12 12:31 JMS, revision 64564

For wxTextCtrl editor, set the bold font before margins are set up or it will not work properly

2010-06-12 11:47 JMS, revision 64563

Keyboard handling was blocked by label editor. Also try to maintain label editor focus state when navigating between properties.

2010-06-12 11:30 JMS, revision 64562

Added wxPropertyGrid::DedicateKey(), which prevents specific key presses from being eaten by editor controls. This is useful for customizing keyboard navigation. Also added utility function wxPGFindInVector<>(), which is used in the new code, and also in some other places.

2010-06-11 22:42 VZ, revision 64559

Add wx/msgqueue.h to the list of wxBase headers and rebake. This header has somehow never been added to build/bakefiles/files.bkl, do add it now.

2010-06-10 17:17 JWE, revision 64557

unitary test finished for wxMaskedEdit

2010-06-10 16:56 VZ, revision 64555

Fix typo in an error message in XTI code. Closes #12139.

2010-06-10 16:36 MYA, revision 64554

Make the dialog and the sample ready, now deal with the simple aligment/resize layout.

2010-06-10 14:43 RR, revision 64552

Implemented wxDataViewColumn for wxOSX/Cocoa

2010-06-10 13:53 RR, revision 64550

Suppress warning about double->int conversion

2010-06-10 13:47 RR, revision 64549

Make wxDataViewCtrl::GetColumnPosition() return the index under MSW as per GTK and the docs (fixes #12129), give immediate visual feedback after calling e.g. wxDataViewColumn::SetHidden(true) under MSW, also per GTK+ and as I'd expect. Make GTK+ control emit header click events also for non-reorderable columns. Add a few tests for wxDataViewColumn::SetHidden() and wxDataViewCtrl::GetColumnPosition()

2010-06-10 12:40 VZ, revision 64548

Add missing Init() call to one of wxListBox ctors in wxMSW. Overloaded ctor taking wxArrayString didn't call Init() so the wxListBox fields were not initialized. Fix it by adding the Init() call. Closes #12138.

2010-06-09 22:35 JMS, revision 64544

wxAny CheckType() member functions are now const

2010-06-09 22:22 JMS, revision 64543

wxAny CheckType() member functions should be const

2010-06-09 20:10 JTN, revision 64542

WindowDC implementation

2010-06-09 20:05 JTN, revision 64541

Fixes QImage -> wxImage conversion

2010-06-09 20:04 JTN, revision 64540

Fix #64534 commit

2010-06-09 20:03 FM, revision 64539

Increase interoperability between wxPoint and wxRealPoint introducing constructors which convert between the two classes.

2010-06-09 19:58 FM, revision 64538

fix bug in wxGDIPlusMatrixData::Rotate: it must take radians for coherency with docs and other ports but GDI+ wants degrees.

2010-06-09 19:55 FM, revision 64537

fix couple of warnings; remove wxUsleep dummy test

2010-06-09 19:51 JTN, revision 64536

Always create a QPen/QBrush associated to wxPen/wxBrush (including default constructor)

2010-06-09 19:49 JTN, revision 64535

Basic wxWindow implementation and paintEvent

2010-06-09 19:47 JTN, revision 64534

Better default value handling for wxPoint and wxSize

2010-06-09 16:28 FM, revision 64533

Implement wx-prefixed macros versions of DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE, BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE* and END_EVENT_TABLE macros. Implement compatibility aliases for non-prefixed macro names. Require a final semicolon where possible.

2010-06-09 15:55 FM, revision 64532

Implement wx-prefixed macros versions of DECLARE/IMPLEMENT*CLASS macros. Implement compatibility aliases for non-prefixed macro names. Require a final semicolon where possible. Correct a recurring error in the docs: IMPLEMENT/DECLARE_CLASS are alias to the DYNAMIC macros, not to the ABSTRACT macros.

2010-06-09 15:23 FM, revision 64531

Implement wx-prefixed macros versions of DECLARE/IMPLEMENT_APP_* macros. Implement compatibility aliases for non-prefixed macro names. Require a final semicolon where possible.

2010-06-09 13:13 VZ, revision 64527

Don't use -kAddToPopUp() gettext hack with Scintilla. Instead, create a dummy file containing the user-visible strings defined in Scintilla sources. For now it's manually managed but it might make sense to automatically generate it in the future.

2010-06-08 15:34 MYA, revision 64525

Use dialog instead of wxPanel as the property interface. Only change to panels if we really need in the future.

2010-06-08 00:02 JWE, revision 64523

resolved some wxMaskedField problems and begin to debug wxMaskedEdit

2010-06-07 19:16 VZ, revision 64521

Include locale.h in cmdline.cpp to ensure LC_ALL is defined. This is needed for at least VC++ 6 and is more correct anyhow.

2010-06-07 09:39 JS, revision 64520

GetStyleMergedWithBase no longer hangs if there's a loop implied by based-on styles.

2010-06-07 09:39 JS, revision 64519

GetStyleMergedWithBase no longer hangs if there's a loop implied by based-on styles.

2010-06-06 20:52 FM, revision 64515

revert previous revision about localization of decimal points in GetHumanReadableSize() test strings: using CLocaleSetter is a better solution.

2010-06-06 17:45 FM, revision 64514

add to wxRealPoint the same operators already available for wxPoint and wxSize

2010-06-06 17:44 FM, revision 64513

fix building without PCH

2010-06-06 17:41 FM, revision 64512

Move a couple of wxFileName tests from the console sample to the existing FileNameTestCase. Fix FileNameTestCase::TestGetHumanReadable to check the result against expected strings using the correct decimal point for the locale used on the test machine.

2010-06-06 16:21 FM, revision 64511

remove some tests from the console sample: - wxLog already has a better cppunit test class - wxLocale test in the console sample didn't work on Windows and wasn't very useful move some tests from the console sample to CppUnit tests: - wxPathList => PathListTestCase - wxModule => ModuleTestCase remove some tests about removed functions of wxMimeTypesManager

2010-06-06 14:41 VZ, revision 64510

Don't post process events twice but return correct value from ProcessEvent(). This is a further complication to the event handling code which aims to handle correctly the case of wxScrollHelperEvtHandler which doesn't respect the request to process events only in it but always passes it to the next handler in the chain itself while still returning the correct value from ProcessEvent() itself to avoid breaking code that relies on it, like the background painting code in wxHtmlWindow. This replaces the change of r64495 and does return true from DoTryChain() in wxScrollHelperEvtHandler case but sets the "skipped" flag in the event itself to indicate that it wasn't really processed and ProcessEvent() now checks it after calling ProcessEventLocally() and returns the correct value appropriately.

2010-06-06 14:41 VZ, revision 64509

Fix compilation errors in wxGTK wxDataViewCtrl in ANSI mode. wxGTK_CONV() macro can only be used in classes which have m_font member, otherwise the font needs to be specified explicitly.

2010-06-06 14:35 JMS, revision 64508

To make it clear in the sample that a custom animation is used, use wxSHOW_EFFECT_BLEND instead of SLIDE_TO_BOTTOM, and add a text '(custom animaton)'

2010-06-06 13:37 FM, revision 64507

get rid of wxMimeTypesManager::ReadMailcap and wxMimeTypesManager::ReadMimeTypes from old include files and from the docs.

2010-06-06 13:35 FM, revision 64506

document wxTransparentColour global instance

2010-06-06 13:34 FM, revision 64505

more readable argument names for wxDC::DrawArc

2010-06-06 11:35 JMS, revision 64504

In wxComboCtrlBase::DoShowPopup(), if the popup window is a generic TLW or a 'perfect' wxPopupWindow, then try to set focus to the popup control at the end of show

2010-06-06 11:15 JMS, revision 64503

Use ShowWithEffect() in the sample wxComboCtrlWithCustomPopupAnim instead of manual window manipulation in timer event

2010-06-06 00:58 VZ, revision 64500

Don't send selection events for an already selected item in wxMSW wxListBox. Remember the last item for which a listbox notification event had been sent and don't send it again if the user clicks on an already selected item. This is consistent with wxGTK behaviour and generally makes more sense: why should we send an event if the selection didn't really change?

2010-06-06 00:58 VZ, revision 64499

Don't send listbox selection events when mouse wasn't clicked on an item. Windows sends events even if the mouse is clicked in the area below the items, filter them out by checking the item under the mouse ourselves. Also use synchronous GetMessagePos() function to get the mouse position instead of the asynchronous GetCursorPos() which was wrongly used by the old code.

2010-06-06 00:58 VZ, revision 64498

Use mouse position to find the item for selection events in wxMSW listbox. Using LB_GETCARETINDEX doesn't work when the mouse is used to make selection because it always returns the index of the last item, even if the mouse is clicked below it, on an area without any listbox items. So use the mouse position to find the item in this case but still use LB_GETCARETINDEX to find the item when the keyboard is used. This required adding a flag to wxListBox storing the kind of the last input message that it received as there doesn't seem to be any way to determine how the message was generated otherwise. This code will be refactored/improved further in the next two commits.

2010-06-06 00:57 VZ, revision 64497

No changes, just refactor wxListBox initialization in wxMSW. Extract member fields initialization in Init() method instead of duplicating it in default ctor and Create().

2010-06-06 00:57 VZ, revision 64496

Refactor listbox event sending code to avoid duplication. wxMSW wxListBox implementation contained the same code as the private LBSendEvent() function in lboxcmn.cpp, so make this function a (protected) member of wxListBoxBase and reuse it instead. Also change its and CalcAndSendEvent() return type to bool to be able to return whether the event was processed or not. As the result of this refactoring, the "is selected" flag is now set correctly for the selection events under MSW (it was always off before).

2010-06-06 00:57 VZ, revision 64495

Don't return true from DoTryChain() if the event wasn't really processed. Correct the return value when an event handler didn't honour "process only in this handler" flag: we shouldn't pass the event to the further handlers in this case but we shouldn't return true neither as the event wasn't really processed. This corrects background painting of wxHtmlWindow broken by previous changes.

2010-06-05 19:28 PMO, revision 64491

Some minor implementations for wxWindow

2010-06-05 18:40 PMO, revision 64490

More menu related implementations (checked, radio)

2010-06-05 03:23 RD, revision 64489

m_id was already set, don't set it to the passed in value again as then we lose the value which may have been calculated for wxID_ANY.

2010-06-05 00:04 VZ, revision 64483

Correct EVT_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT macro name in the documentation. The "LIST" part was missing. Closes #12124.

2010-06-04 11:07 JWE, revision 64482

unitary test

2010-06-03 23:14 FM, revision 64480

no real change: just rename "near" into "onNearPart" (MSVC doesn't like 'near' as variable name)

2010-06-03 17:25 JMS, revision 64477

Backported from wx2.9: Greatly reduce rare animation garbage in wxOwnerDrawnComboBox drop-down animation (see #12087)

2010-06-03 17:16 JMS, revision 64476

Greatly reduce rare animation garbage in wxOwnerDrawnComboBox drop-down animation (fixes #12087)

2010-06-03 12:35 VZ, revision 64475

Drop the column being dragged at the correct position in wxGrid. The column was being always dropped after the column at drop position but this was incorrect and didn't correspond to the visual feedback drawn by wxHeaderCtrl: if the drop position is over the "near" part of the column, the column should be dropped before it instead. Do the check for this in wxGrid code too now. Closes #12120.

2010-06-03 12:35 VZ, revision 64474

Test for wxPen validity before testing for its style in wxGTK wxDC. Calling wxPen::GetStyle() on an invalid pen resulted in an assert, breaking the grid column drawing while reordering them, for example, because the code in wxGrid uses wxDC::DrawRectangle() after calling SetPen(wxNullPen). Fix this by testing for the pen validity first.

2010-06-03 12:35 VZ, revision 64473

Assert if an invalid column index is specified when inserting wxListCtrl item. This also catches the case of inserting an item in a report mode wxListCtrl without adding any columns to it first. Previously this did result in an assert but with a less clear error message and, most importantly, still a crash afterwards. Assert only now, don't crash. The message could still be improved but hopefully people will be able to understand that inserting items when no columns are defined is not the right thing to do. Closes #12119.

2010-06-02 17:02 MYA, revision 64471

Recreate the image control dialog panel using DialogBlocks. Add a new richtextimagepage.h/cpp and update the bakefiles.

2010-06-02 16:56 FM, revision 64470

fix StringTestCase::FromDouble: newer MSVC versions use three digits for the exponent width

2010-06-02 16:51 FM, revision 64469

remove wxFileConfig tests: FileConfigTestCase already tests features tested by console sample and is much more complete.

2010-06-02 16:42 FM, revision 64468

Move some wxPrintf() tests (taken from glibc) to VsnprintfTestCase. Other tests are more difficult to convert in CppUnit style and not worth the effort (since now we don't use wx's own vsnprintf implementation anymore typically).

2010-06-02 16:17 JWE, revision 64467

add documentation and unitary test file for maskedEdit.

2010-06-02 16:12 FM, revision 64466

Move wxRegConfig tests from console sample to a new wxRegConfigTestCase class. Remove wxRegKey tests from console sample: on newer Windows they only work when run with admin privileges; also we can expect wx[Reg]ConfigTestCase to already check a good number of wxRegKey features.