

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-06-24 13:25 VS, revision 64716

Compilation fix for compilers that don't have native wchar_t.

2010-06-24 12:56 SJL, revision 64715

Add a TextCtrlTestCase::ReadOnly test to ensure that SetEditable overrides wxTE_READONLY as it is supposed to.

2010-06-24 12:35 SJL, revision 64714

Add TextEntryTestCase::Editable test to check that text events are not sent from a non-editable text entry control.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64713

Add tests for printf arguments validation code.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64712

Check if there aren't too many variadic arguments.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64711

Format strings fixes in test suite.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64710

Check wxPrintf etc. arguments types. Implements checks similar to gcc's compile-time checks: verify that the arguments are of correct types. This works partially at compile time (e.g. passing an object as argument fails to compile) and partially at runtime (assert if the specifier doesn't match the type).

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64709

Add correct wxArgNormalizer code for signed char. Signed char is distict type (see 3.9.1 [basic.fundamental] part of the standard), covering just char and unsigned char is not enough.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64708

Always NUL-terminate wxPrintfConvSpec::m_szFlags. The array was initialized and terminating NUL was only added in some cases. In combination with strchr() calls, this would result it incorrect calculations or even crashes. Fixed by initializing the array to zeros. This is less error-prone than fixing the few places where explicitly adding the terminating NUL was missing.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64707

Check that wxSIZE_T_IS_* macros are always defined.

2010-06-24 12:33 VS, revision 64706

Fix thread ID formatting in log messages.

2010-06-24 12:33 VS, revision 64705

Corrected formatting of archiver command in the tests. wxString::Format() was used even when the first argument didn't contain any %s, yet a string argument was always passed to it.

2010-06-24 12:08 SJL, revision 64704

Update the unit testing tech note with extra information on wxUIActionSimulator based testing.

2010-06-24 11:48 SJL, revision 64703

Add an intentionally simple ButtonTestCase, mainly for demonstration purposes.

2010-06-24 11:20 JWE, revision 64702

Add the test with mask like this: #{12}, allow correctly the space

2010-06-23 22:30 SJL, revision 64701

Tidy the SocketTestCase so that it doesn't unset the current event loop without putting it back at the end as this causes later tests using wxUIActionSimulator to fail.

2010-06-23 22:01 SJL, revision 64700

Add an event loop to TestApp to allow the use wxUIActionSimulator in unit tests. Also show the frame so it can be used.

2010-06-23 13:44 MYA, revision 64698

Add a new 'Insert Image...' MenuItem to the sample

2010-06-23 09:24 MYA, revision 64697

'Image Property' works well when scroll occurs.

2010-06-22 23:59 JWE, revision 64696

continue to modify sample and beginning to add more possibilities with mask like #{4} -> ####

2010-06-22 22:57 JTN, revision 64695

wxDC: Fix DrawLines

2010-06-22 22:57 JTN, revision 64694

wxBitmap: Set/Get masks

2010-06-22 19:56 JTN, revision 64693

wxMask implementation

2010-06-22 15:55 MYA, revision 64692

Add the 'Image Property' for context menu.

2010-06-22 15:48 SC, revision 64691

paint events cannot be constructed outside a native redraw in OSX

2010-06-22 14:46 SC, revision 64690

paint events cannot be constructed outside a native redraw in OSX

2010-06-22 13:49 SC, revision 64689

trying to get it building at least

2010-06-22 13:05 SJL, revision 64688

Revert to using Connect rather than Bind in TextEntryTestCase::TextChangeEvents for maximum compatibility.

2010-06-22 12:38 SJL, revision 64687

Add missing SVN properties to wxTestableFrame and wxUIActionSimulator files.

2010-06-22 12:20 SJL, revision 64686

Add a more flexible event count mechanism to wxTestableFrame using wxEventType. Specific event counts or the total number of events can be obtained. Also tidy the constructor to remove unused parameters.

2010-06-22 11:55 VZ, revision 64685

Add an explicit t_str() to fix wxMSW compilation with wxUSE_STL=1. wxString is not implicitly convertible to TCHAR* in this case and we need to use t_str() explicitly. Closes #12169.

2010-06-22 11:50 VZ, revision 64684

Undo/replace the workaround for Doxygen crash from r64630. According to simply adding an empty line after @since should be enough to fix the problem and this does seem to work in practice so restore @since removed by r64630.

2010-06-22 10:08 JJ, revision 64683

Update OpenVMS compile support

2010-06-22 05:20 RAW, revision 64682

Merge commit, from trunk r64198 to r64680.

2010-06-22 01:32 FM, revision 64681

blind buildbot fix

2010-06-21 23:46 FM, revision 64680

small warning+PCH fixes

2010-06-21 23:03 FM, revision 64679

move console sample's interactive tests to two different CppUnit testsuites: InteractiveInputTestCase which requires user input and InteractiveOutputTestCase which outputs stuff to be checked from the user. Leave in the console sample only a barebone console application (i.e. a real example). Closes #11960

2010-06-21 21:47 FM, revision 64678

better DirTestCase::DirExists test; fix test cases /usr//bin and /usr///bin: they succeed because wxDir::Exists does not care about redundant path separator (and this holds also for non-Unix platforms); add some more test case

2010-06-21 21:44 FM, revision 64677

minor change: use a "positive" logic: use shouldSucceed instead of shouldFail and use more descriptive names for non-existing folders; add a few test cases

2010-06-21 21:38 JTN, revision 64676

wxWindow::Update() native implementation

2010-06-21 21:38 JTN, revision 64675

wxDc::SetDeviceOrigin native implementation

2010-06-21 21:37 JTN, revision 64674

wxDc::SetDeviceOrigin native implementation

2010-06-21 21:37 JTN, revision 64673

Moving wxWindow and subclasses event handling to a template class

2010-06-21 18:45 JWE, revision 64672

add a new tab in sample and began to modify masked behavior to make it look like the one of wxPython

2010-06-21 18:36 SC, revision 64671

adding mimetype patch, closes #12072

2010-06-21 17:30 SC, revision 64670

adding HitTest to osx_cocoa implementation of listbox, refactoring code, fixes #11972

2010-06-21 16:01 SC, revision 64669

fixing year display, see #11444

2010-06-21 16:00 SC, revision 64668

adding bestsize for osx_cocoa combobox

2010-06-21 14:19 VZ, revision 64667

Correct the expected result of directory existence check. As /.. is the same as /, a directory with any number of ".." in it will always exist.

2010-06-21 14:19 VZ, revision 64666

Remove references to joytest.rc that was recently removed. Another fix to samples compilation after recent changes removing unneeded icons and resource files.

2010-06-21 14:19 VZ, revision 64665

Suppress bogus g++ warnings about uninitialized variables. The variables are always initialized but for some reason (at least the Apple version of) g++ gives warnings for them.

2010-06-21 13:50 SC, revision 64664

adding fix for non-precomp header build

2010-06-21 12:14 SC, revision 64663

storing current event for dnd support, adding default data-drag image, fixes #12065

2010-06-21 09:50 SC, revision 64662

text updated events were not always sent out correctly, fixes #11462

2010-06-20 20:36 JWE, revision 64660

Finished wxTextCtrl, add beginning to add a new sample. Tomorrow beginning to write wxCombox mask support

2010-06-20 20:18 VZ, revision 64659

Remove references to not existing any more griddemo.rc file. The file was removed in a recent commit but the bakefile was not updated. Do it now and rebake the makefiles.

2010-06-20 20:18 VZ, revision 64658

Correct the name of the XPM file containing the icon in xrc sample. This fixes a compilation error introduced during de-mondrianization of the samples.

2010-06-20 20:18 VZ, revision 64657

Gracefully disconnect clients in wxDDEServer dtor. Remove the SetConnected(false) call which prevented the connection from notifying the client about its destruction. Closes #12164.

2010-06-20 20:18 VZ, revision 64656

Use wxDELETE() and wxDELETEA() when possible. Use wxDELETE[A]() functions which automatically NULL out their arguments after deleting them instead of doing it manually. Closes #9685.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64655

Quote file names with spaces in wxFileType::ExpandCommand(). Add double quotes around the file name inserted into the command to open the file by wxFileType::ExpandCommand() if the file name contains any spaces and if it's not already quoted by the command line itself. While this doesn't completely fix the problem, it does help with opening the files with spaces in their names under Windows and shouldn't do any harm under Unix. Closes #4607.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64654

Fix activation handling in generic wxDataViewCtrl renderers. Handling of activation in the generic implementation of standard renderers was broken since r62589 which stopped calling their Activate() method. Restore it by introducing a special WXOnActivate() replacing it (but clearly marked as private and implementation-only) and calling it instead. Closes #11460.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64653

Extract tags from private headers under wxMSW too. Added include/wx/msw/private/*.h to the list of files passed to ctags.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64652

Add a system option to exit immediately on assert failure. This option will allow to test for absence of asserts in wxWidgets samples in the future. Closes #10697.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64651

Document and improve system options definition in the environment. Document that system options can be defined in the environment. Replace another character (dash) invalid in environment variable names but present in some standard system option names with underscore.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64650

Add a test for selecting the last item in the tree control sample. This allows to test whether an item is brought into view by selecting it, see #11154.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64649

Use wxFont::Bold() in wxGenericTreeCtrl instead of wrongly duplicating it. Creating a new wxFont from the components of the existing one doesn't always work because we may not have a valid value for the old font family so attempt to use it as a family of the new font results in an assert. Just use wxFont::Bold() instead to avoid the problem. It's much shorter and obviously correct and doesn't result in asserts.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64648

Use PBM_SETMARQUEE to implement indeterminate mode in wxMSW wxGauge. The old code which simply used PBM_SETPOS after setting PBS_MARQUEE style often worked but sometimes apparently didn't, so switch to the officially sanctioned PBM_SETMARQUEE to implement this. Also make wxGauge::SetDeterminateMode() and SetIndeterminateMode() methods private as they are not part of the public class API. Closes #11357.

2010-06-20 19:42 VZ, revision 64647

Don't enable scrollbar if it can't do anything in wxMSW. Only reenable scrollbar in wxWindow::SetScrollbar() in wxMSW if its range is large enough to allow scrolling it. Closes #11373.

2010-06-20 19:42 VZ, revision 64646

Use wxTE_RICH2 for in-place wxGrid text editor control. This works around a bug with the plain text edit control under MSW which seems to totally lose its caret when we hide it and show it again for another cell. This is not a proper fix for the problem, of course, but at least it does allow to edit wxGrid cells in the meanwhile. Closes #11681.

2010-06-20 19:42 VZ, revision 64645

Remove unnecessary mondrian.{ico,xpm} files from samples directory. Standardize on using sample.rc and sample icon in all the samples, it was confusing that some of them used it and other didn't, without any apparent logic. Remove the now unnecessary icon files, including the dialogs sample icon which seemed to be corrupted (this closes #11146). Also replace multiple OS/2 resource files with a single one in the sample directory. The OS/2 projects/makefiles would need to be updated to use them. Remove dialogs sample icon.

2010-06-20 19:41 VZ, revision 64644

No real changes, just convert a Mac-specific file to UTF-8. This is needed in order to be able to commit the next change, updating it.

2010-06-20 17:24 SC, revision 64643

using proper dylib for darwin

2010-06-20 16:53 SC, revision 64642

no trailing slash for OSX_CARBON

2010-06-20 16:49 SC, revision 64641

no trailing slash for OSX_CARBON

2010-06-20 16:46 SC, revision 64640

no trailing slash for OSX_CARBON

2010-06-20 16:15 SJL, revision 64639

Add an overload to wxUIActionSimulator::MouseMove that takes a wxPoint for convenience.

2010-06-20 13:46 VZ, revision 64638

Ensure that wxFileName::GetTempDir() doesn't return trailing slashes. Sanitize the value returned by GetTempDir() to ensure that it doesn't have any trailing path separators. This happened at least under OS X where standard TMPDIR has a trailing slash and was inconsistent with the behaviour under the other platforms.

2010-06-20 09:08 JMS, revision 64637

VC6 Fix: Use wxANY_AS() instead of wxAny::As<>()

2010-06-19 14:48 FM, revision 64636

group all interactive tests together to make it easier to understand what's going on when running the sample

2010-06-19 14:32 FM, revision 64635

Move dir tests from the console sample to DirTestCase

2010-06-19 14:28 FM, revision 64634

fix for non-PCH builds

2010-06-19 14:28 PMO, revision 64633

Improved internal Convert() functions and corrected some other minor source code format issues

2010-06-19 13:07 FM, revision 64632

Remove identic implementations of wxDir::Exists from platform-specific files and put it in dircmn.cpp (they all used wxDirExists). Add wxDir::Make() and wxDir::Remove() for coherency with wxDir::Exists() and document them as simple aliases to wxFileName functions, just a bit more readable.

2010-06-19 13:01 JMS, revision 64631

Added (sanity) checks for the inplace allocation

2010-06-19 11:22 VZ, revision 64630

Work around Doxygen crash due to using @since inside event table. All versions of doxygen seem to crash when encountering @since inside an event table description, so don't use it there. Also fixed a typo and improved wording of wxFileCtrl description slightly.

2010-06-18 21:39 JTN, revision 64629

Bare minimum for wxFrame child autosizing (when only one)

2010-06-18 20:47 JTN, revision 64628

Use GetContainer() in wxFrame

2010-06-18 20:02 JTN, revision 64626

Add GetContainer() to wxWindow

2010-06-18 15:32 JMS, revision 64625

Made wxAny::IsNull() doc string a bit clearer

2010-06-18 15:30 JMS, revision 64624

Added wxAny::HasSameType()

2010-06-18 15:18 JMS, revision 64623

Use placement new when storing value in wxAnyValueBuffer. This should allow using any data type, regardless whether it is Plain Old Data or copyable or not.

2010-06-18 11:05 VZ, revision 64622

Install headers in ribbon subdirectory. Add RICHTEXT_HDR to ALL_GUI_HDR variable in files.bkl to ensure that they're installed as part of "make install". Closes #12158.

2010-06-18 00:30 VZ, revision 64621

Allow specifying non default port for wxFTP connections. Add a wxFTP::Connect() overload taking a port number. Also specify the default port (21) explicitly if resolving "ftp" service name failed. Closes #12145.

2010-06-18 00:30 VZ, revision 64620

Backport fix from bakefile svn for autoconf 2.65. Use AC_REQUIRE() instead of directly using a macro, the latter doesn't work with autoconf 2.65. This is a backport of r1337 from bakefile svn to allow people to use autoconf 2.65 immediately and will become unnecessary when we update to the next bakefile version.

2010-06-18 00:30 VZ, revision 64619

Don't use excessive quoting with AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED in WX_CHECK_FUNCS. This provokes warnings from autoconf 2.65 and seems to be unnecessary even with the previous versions.

2010-06-17 22:36 JTN, revision 64618

Implementation of screen size getters

2010-06-17 22:20 JTN, revision 64617

wxFont implementation

2010-06-17 20:53 JTN, revision 64616

Better wxBitmap depth handling

2010-06-17 20:39 JTN, revision 64615

wxDC text adjustments (position and colors)

2010-06-17 20:29 JTN, revision 64614

Painting monochrome bitmaps uses text colors