

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-08-03 14:50 VZ, revision 72289

Make wxRect2D::Get{Position,Size}() const. Accessors should be const. Closes #14555.

2012-08-03 05:57 RD, revision 72285

Revert change that installs the wx/gtk/dc.h header file, since we no longer need wxDCImpl classes to be public.

2012-08-03 05:56 RD, revision 72284

Add the ability to trigger a print from JavaScript for the OSX backend of the wxWebView control. Closes #14241

2012-08-03 05:56 RD, revision 72283

Add the ability to trigger a print from JavaScript for the old wxWebKitCtrl.

2012-08-02 22:25 RD, revision 72282

Enable the wxMediaCtrl backend for wxOSX-cocoa in the build and fix some bugs that were causing it to not send the EVT_MEDIA_LOADED events and to not have a valid best size set. Closes #13065

2012-08-02 22:25 RD, revision 72281

Have wxDCImpl::GetHandle return NULL by default instead of being pure virtual.

2012-08-02 18:37 PC, revision 72280

remove unused OSX includes

2012-08-02 18:25 PC, revision 72279

Fix wxGCDC::Clear() for Cairo, and possibly MSW. Maximum positive coordinate Cairo can handle is 2^23 - 1. Also convert coordinates to logical so it works right with modified origin or scale. See #14529

2012-08-02 07:38 RD, revision 72271

Add ctors for wxFileSystemWatcherEvent

2012-08-02 00:05 VZ, revision 72270

No changes, just fix typos in comments in wxOSX files. Closes #14549, #14552.

2012-07-31 18:49 VZ, revision 72269

Uncomment and improve wxFileName::CreateTempFileName() documentation. Most of CreateTempFileName() documentation was commented out in r57994 for some reason, uncomment it back and also improve it. Closes #14545.

2012-07-31 18:49 VZ, revision 72268

Fix comparisons of char and wchar_t with wxUniChar[Ref]. Comparisons didn't work correctly in the other direction as they were not reversed as needed. Fix this by adding wxDEFINE_COMPARISON_REV() macro which defines comparisons in terms of the reverse operations and use it for both wxUniChar and wxUniCharRef. Closes #14547.

2012-07-31 13:29 VZ, revision 72267

Fix wxKeyEvent::m_uniChar for EVT_CHAR for native controls in wxGTK. It was mistakenly set to the same value as in EVT_KEY_DOWN event but, just as m_keyCode, it may be different for EVT_CHAR. Use gdk_keyval_to_unicode() to set it correctly instead of inheriting EVT_KEY_DOWN value.

2012-07-31 13:09 VZ, revision 72266

Add an option to use wxTextCtrl as input window in keyboard sample. Keyboard handling is subtly different in wxGTK for native controls and generic wxWindows so add a way to test both of them in the sample.

2012-07-31 12:31 VZ, revision 72265

Allow setting LCID used by wxAutomationObject. Default user-locale-dependent LCID may be inappropriate for some situations, notably Microsoft Excel uses localized formula names for non-English LCIDs. So add a way to change the LCID to use at wxAutomationObject level while preserving the old behaviour by default. Closes #14540.

2012-07-31 12:31 VZ, revision 72264

Use compatibility_iterator instead of "Node*" in wxWinCE toolbar code. This allows the code to compile in all build configurations. Closes #14541.

2012-07-31 12:31 VZ, revision 72263

No changes, just fix some typos in wxDFB comments. Closes #14538.

2012-07-30 21:16 VZ, revision 72262

Use (newly) added wxStaticCastVariantData() to fix wxNO_RTTI build. Don't define wxDynamicCastVariantData if RTTI is disabled and don't use it in wxConvertVariantToOle() code as we don't really need it there anyhow.

2012-07-30 19:53 VZ, revision 72261

Add expand/collapse button to wxRibbonBar. This allows the user to toggle the ribbon bar visibility. Closes #14530.

2012-07-30 13:39 VZ, revision 72260

Fix the size of the buffer passed to wxTmemcpy() in wxTextDataObject. This corrects fatal bug introduced in r72259: we must not multiply the string length by sizeof(wxChar) as wxTmemcpy() does this internally. See #14444.

2012-07-30 00:08 VZ, revision 72259

Translate wxTextDataObject to/from native EOL format. The text data should use CR LF EOLs under Windows but the data inside the program typically has only LF EOLs, so translate between them automatically in wxTextDataObject. Closes #14444.

2012-07-30 00:08 VZ, revision 72258

No real changes, just use accessors in wxTextDataObject. Use {Set,Get}Text() instead of using m_text directly in wxTextDataObject as these virtual methods overridable and should be called in case the class doesn't actually use m_text for its storage at all.

2012-07-30 00:08 VZ, revision 72257

Support wxID_HELP_{INDEX,SEARCH} and wxID_MDI_WINDOW_XXX in XRC. Add missing wxStandardID enum elements to AddStdXRCID_Records(). Also add blank lines to make the code in this function align with the enum declaration to make side-by-side comparison easier.

2012-07-30 00:08 VZ, revision 72256

Fix bug in wxNumberFormatter::ToString() for negative numbers. Don't include the possible leading sign in the span of digits to be grouped as this gave nonsensical strings such as "-,123" when adding thousands separators to "123". Closes #14526.

2012-07-30 00:08 VZ, revision 72255

Remove workaround for slow scrolling in wxStyledTextCtrl. We don't need to drop mouse wheel events coming too fast after the previous commit as now scrolling in wxStyledTextCtrl works quickly enough. Closes #9057.

2012-07-30 00:08 VZ, revision 72254

Remove unnecessary Update() in wxStyledTextCtrl scrolling code. Calling Update() every time ScrollText() dramatically slowed down scrolling and doesn't seem to be necessary, so remove it. See #9057.

2012-07-30 00:08 VZ, revision 72253

Make keyboard sample output less confusing. Warn if key presses occur when the input window doesn't have focus as the usual key events are not generated then which could be understood as a bug in the sample instead of the correct result.

2012-07-30 00:08 VZ, revision 72252

Generate clipboard events for wxComboBox in wxGTK too. These events were only generated for wxTextCtrl but should be sent for non-readonly wxComboBox too, so refactor the code to allow its reuse from wxComboBox. Also add EVT_TEXT_PASTE handlers for both controls to the widgets sample for testing. Closes #14520.

2012-07-30 00:08 VZ, revision 72251

Revert HasModifiers() change in behaviour, add HasAnyModifiers(). In 2.8 wxKeyEvent::HasModifiers() returned false if (only) Shift was pressed as it tested for Control and Alt only but when it was moved to wxKeyboardState in r55745 it started checking for all modifiers as this made more sense now that it was used by wxMouseEvent. However it broke existing code using it, including in wxWidgets itself (in wxTreeCtrl), so revert it now and add HasAnyModifiers() that does check for all modifiers, including Shift.

2012-07-30 00:07 VZ, revision 72250

Add a wxGTK-specific function to set wxNotificationMessage icon name. It's trivial to use a stock icon with the given name in wxGTK with libnotify, so provide a way to do it. However this is not as simple as that in other implementations (notably Windows), so make it private to this port for now. In the future we should try to support arbitrary wxIcons as well as extend wxIconLocation to support FreeDesktop stock icon names.

2012-07-29 10:52 VS, revision 72249

Fix installed wx-config broken by r72205. In an attempt to fix DESTDIR support on platforms without symbolic links, this commit completely broke the wx-config symlink created by "make install" everywhere (unless you were insane enough to use "--prefix=/", that is): $(libdir) is absolute path and so using ../$(libdir) has no chance of working. Fixed by using `basename $(libdir)`. This is still unsatisfactory, because it assumes that $(libdir) and $(bindir) are at the same level in the filesystem -- which, while usually true, is by no means guaranteed. But at least this works most of the time. See #14517.

2012-07-28 23:52 RD, revision 72246

Add GetHandle for wxGnomePrinterDCImpl

2012-07-28 21:31 RD, revision 72226

wxDC::GetHandle support for wxGTK

2012-07-28 21:31 RD, revision 72225

wxDC::GetHandle support for wxMSW

2012-07-28 21:31 RD, revision 72224

Adding wxDC::GetHandle for wxOSX-cocoa and wxOSX-carbon

2012-07-27 21:36 VZ, revision 72220

Move new wxGTK wxNotificationMessage files to adv from core. The new files were erroneously added to the wrong place, move them where they belong.

2012-07-27 18:03 VZ, revision 72219

Fix compilation of new wxNotificationMessage for wxGTK without libnotify. Add the wxUSE_LIBNOTIFY check forgotten by the previous commit.

2012-07-27 17:36 VZ, revision 72218

Implement wxNotificationMessage using libnotify in wxGTK. Use libnotify -- if detected by configure -- to provide native notifications in wxGTK. Our API maps to libnotify one in rather straightforward way, we might consider extending it to cover more of libnotify functionality (categories, user-defined icons and, especially, actions) later. Also update the dialogs sample to show another kind of notification and the documentation to clarify the behaviour of various methods.

2012-07-27 17:36 VZ, revision 72217

Add a private wrapper for GError to wxGTK. This class simply calls g_error_free() automatically.

2012-07-27 17:36 VZ, revision 72216

Add all extra GTK libraries to GUI_TK_LIBRARY in configure. Some libraries (e.g. Pango) were added to GUI_TK_LIBRARY already while others (e.g. Hildon) had their own EXTRALIBS_HILDON variables that were then added to EXTRALIBS_GUI separately. Finally, some others were simply broken because neither EXTRALIBS_GNOMEVFS nor EXTRALIBS_GTKPRINT were set anywhere. Standardize on using GUI_TK_LIBRARY for everything.

2012-07-26 17:58 BP, revision 72214

Updated VCS checkout build instructions.

2012-07-26 00:21 VZ, revision 72213

wxOSX/Carbon compilation fix after the changes of r72207. Don't use position for keyboard events in Carbon code neither.

2012-07-25 18:31 VS, revision 72212

wxMSW: Use TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE for toolbar buttons with horizontal text. Without this style, all buttons share the same width and look ugly when their labels differ even a little in their lengths. With TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE, toolbar buttons use the size of their image plus label's width and look better, even though their sizes differ.

2012-07-25 01:13 VZ, revision 72211

Another wxOSX compilation fix after the changes of r72207. Don't use position for keyboard events in wxWebKitCtrl code neither.

2012-07-24 23:59 VZ, revision 72210

Add wxWebView::GetNativeBackend() method. This allows to use platform-specific methods in user code.

2012-07-24 23:44 VZ, revision 72209

Build fix for wxOSX after removing position in MacCreateKeyEvent(). This fixes compilation after the changes of r72207.

2012-07-24 23:43 SC, revision 72208

I don't think this is still necessary, see #13625

2012-07-24 22:45 VZ, revision 72207

Don't eagerly set wxKeyEvent position fields. This results in a noticeable delay when using wxGTK via a remote X11 connection for every key event as a round trip to server is needed to get the mouse pointer position every time a key is pressed or released. Only provide the position on demand. And explain that it's actually not very useful as it's simply the same as the current mouse position. Closes #14361.

2012-07-24 22:45 VZ, revision 72206

Extract OS X non-GUI event loop in a separate header. This will allow its reuse from non-wxOSX ports, e.g. wxGTK under OS X. Closes #14519.

2012-07-24 22:45 VZ, revision 72205

Use relative path for wx-config symlink in "make install". This fixes "make DESTDIR=..." Broken by r71050 but still allows "make DESTDIR=... install" to work even under MinGW where "ln -s" is mapped to "cp" and so doesn't work with non-existing first argument. Closes #14517.