

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-01-19 00:19 VZ, revision 44256

disabled wxMBConv(wxFONTENCODING_UTF7) test -- it doesn't work under Unix with iconv()

2007-01-18 22:38 VZ, revision 44255

added wxCONFIG_USE_SUBDIR flag to wxFileConfig (patch 1620876)

2007-01-18 21:56 PC, revision 44254

revert last, GUI mutex isn't GUI-only

2007-01-18 21:51 RD, revision 44253

styles, toolbar, and other visual tweaks

2007-01-18 21:51 RD, revision 44252

Use kControlContentIconRef when recreating the tool for toggled state

2007-01-18 20:39 VZ, revision 44251

added wxCSConv::IsOk() (patch 1637944)

2007-01-18 20:37 VZ, revision 44250

corrected VC warning about possibly uninitialized variable in the last change

2007-01-18 20:29 VZ, revision 44249

make wxTextFile work with unseekable files again (patch 1632613, bug 1629581)

2007-01-18 19:53 VZ, revision 44248

reverted last change: wxGTK-specific wxMutextGui code breaks linkage of wxBase programs

2007-01-18 19:10 RD, revision 44247

Add GetDateOnly

2007-01-18 18:27 VS, revision 44246

compilation fix for !wxUSE_STATBOX

2007-01-18 18:13 PC, revision 44245

use GTK-specific GUI lock

2007-01-18 17:00 VZ, revision 44244

added wx/window.h included needed by last change using wxWindow::NewControlId() (fixed PCH-less builds, bug 1638781)

2007-01-18 14:15 VZ, revision 44243

use wxWindow::NewControlId() instead of wxNewId() to avoid clashes with the user-defined ids

2007-01-18 14:06 VZ, revision 44242

added wxDateTime::GetDateOnly()

2007-01-18 14:03 VZ, revision 44241

corrected crash: need to set m_frame eariler (Wlodek Szafran, closes bug 1636225)

2007-01-17 23:39 RD, revision 44240

minor tweaks for the widget inspector

2007-01-17 23:37 RD, revision 44239

The inspect module is now a widget browser plus a shell.

2007-01-17 23:32 RD, revision 44238


2007-01-17 23:31 VZ, revision 44237

discard time part of m_date, otherwise comparisons with other dates fail

2007-01-17 23:23 RD, revision 44236

Make GridBagSizer.GetItem use FindItem if possible, to allow a GBSizerItem to be returned instead of a SizerItem

2007-01-17 23:05 RD, revision 44235

some minor tweaks to make it possible to not show the default intro text

2007-01-17 23:03 RD, revision 44234

Use the system settings for the selection colours

2007-01-17 15:26 JS, revision 44233

Spacing corrections, removed duplicate functions

2007-01-17 14:51 JS, revision 44232

Corrected typos