

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-01-30 19:58 VZ, revision 75742

Reduce the number of realloc() calls in wxHtmlTableCell. Don't call realloc() after adding each row, this is horribly inefficient, so preallocate more memory to avoid this. Closes #15931.

2014-01-30 04:32 VZ, revision 75741

Update copyright year in the library versions. Update the version info dialog and the version info included in MSW DLLs.

2014-01-29 23:29 VZ, revision 75740

Don't mark wxMSW applications as being DPI aware. Because they are not, fully. While our standard controls do appear correctly in any DPI, anything using bitmaps/icons (e.g. toolbars, AUI title bars, ...) isn't usable at all without scaling at high DPI, so it's better to avoid pretending that we're DPI aware at all rather than doing it without being it for 100%. This reverts the changes of r63990.

2014-01-29 23:26 VZ, revision 75739

Fix a bug which could result in two default buttons in wxMSW dialogs. Exchange the order of setting/resetting the new/old button as the default one when focus is lost/gained to avoid the possibility of having two simultaneously default buttons at once. Closes #9528.

2014-01-29 23:25 VZ, revision 75738

Fix handling of wxSET, wxCLEAR and wxINVERT ROPs in wxMSW. Avoid passing source HDC to MaskBlt() for these ROPs which only use the destination HDC as they produce garbage instead of just ignoring the source in if it's non-NULL. Closes #2047.

2014-01-29 23:25 VZ, revision 75737

Fix wxClientDC::Clear() for scrolled windows in wxMSW. Take the DC origin into account when clearing a window DC and not only a memory one. Closes #2048.

2014-01-29 23:25 VZ, revision 75736

Fix wxPrinterDC::DrawIcon() in wxMSW. Make DrawIcon() work when printing: it previously didn't, as we used ::DrawIconEx() Windows function which wasn't supported when printing. Work around this by using DrawBitmap() if necessary. Closes #379.

2014-01-29 23:25 VZ, revision 75735

Fix display of bitmaps with alpha in wxStaticBitmap under MSW. Avoid double alpha pre-multiplication by converting the bitmap into a non pre-multiplied format before passing it to STM_SETIMAGE. Closes #2395.

2014-01-29 23:25 VZ, revision 75734

Virtualize wxXmlNode methods used by wxAuiToolBarXmlHandler. This fixes the DLL build of aui library as it can now be linked without leaving any unresolved dependencies to the code in xml library (where wxXmlNode is implemented). Closes #15686.

2014-01-29 23:25 VZ, revision 75733

Fix bug with non-NUL-terminaed inputs in wxMBConvUTF8. We read beyond the provided maximal length as we didn't update the remaining length while parsing the remaining bytes of an UTF-8-encoded code point. Fix this and add a test for it. Closes #15901.

2014-01-29 23:24 VZ, revision 75732

Fix a bug which could result in two default buttons in wxMSW dialogs. Exchange the order of setting/resetting the new/old button as the default one when focus is lost/gained to avoid the possibility of having two simultaneously default buttons at once. Closes #9528.

2014-01-29 23:24 VZ, revision 75731

Fix handling of wxSET, wxCLEAR and wxINVERT ROPs in wxMSW. Avoid passing source HDC to MaskBlt() for these ROPs which only use the destination HDC as they produce garbage instead of just ignoring the source in if it's non-NULL. Closes #2047.

2014-01-29 23:24 VZ, revision 75730

Fix wxClientDC::Clear() for scrolled windows in wxMSW. Take the DC origin into account when clearing a window DC and not only a memory one. Closes #2048.

2014-01-29 23:24 VZ, revision 75729

Fix wxPrinterDC::DrawIcon() in wxMSW. Make DrawIcon() work when printing: it previously didn't, as we used ::DrawIconEx() Windows function which wasn't supported when printing. Work around this by using DrawBitmap() if necessary. Closes #379.

2014-01-29 23:24 VZ, revision 75728

Fix bug with non-NUL-terminaed inputs in wxMBConvUTF8. We read beyond the provided maximal length as we didn't update the remaining length while parsing the remaining bytes of an UTF-8-encoded code point. Fix this and add a test for it. Closes #15901.

2014-01-29 23:24 VZ, revision 75727

Fix display of bitmaps with alpha in wxStaticBitmap under MSW. Avoid double alpha pre-multiplication by converting the bitmap into a non pre-multiplied format before passing it to STM_SETIMAGE. Closes #2395.

2014-01-28 17:52 VZ, revision 75725

Fix embarrassing typo in the last commit.

2014-01-28 14:45 VZ, revision 75724

Add forward declaration of wxCmdLineParser to fix compilation. This should fix the build after the previous commit.

2014-01-28 14:04 VZ, revision 75723

Allow iterating over wxCmdLineParser arguments in order. This allows the meaning of the options to depend on their order relatively to the other options which wasn't possible before. See

2014-01-27 08:53 RD, revision 75718

Add some of the Draw* methods that have been available in wxPython.

2014-01-27 08:50 RD, revision 75716

Add some of the Draw* methods that have been available in wxPython.

2014-01-26 17:24 VZ, revision 75715

Try rounding the values when resizing wxImage instead of truncating. This would seem to make more sense and might also fix the test failures resulting from tiny differences in arithmetic operations when compiled with different compilers/under different architectures. Regenerate the test files and commit (disabled) change to the unit test allowing to do it again in the future.

2014-01-26 15:08 VZ, revision 75714

Don't keep dangling pointers in other wxRibbonButtonBar members neither. This should have been part of r75710: after deleting the button, also reset any stored pointers to it. Closes #15909.

2014-01-26 15:08 VZ, revision 75713

Fix `wx-config --libs` in monolithic build. Don't include non-existent libraries (which are built as part of the main monolithic one) in this case. Closes #15567.

2014-01-26 14:52 VZ, revision 75712

Fix `wx-config --libs` in monolithic build. Don't include non-existent libraries (which are built as part of the main monolithic one) in this case. Closes #15567.