

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-07-20 15:08 JTN, revision 65025

Event loop now generates wxIdleEvent's and processes pending events when idle

2010-07-20 13:37 JTN, revision 65024


2010-07-20 13:37 JTN, revision 65023

Use colour-masks when converting images

2010-07-20 13:05 SJL, revision 65022

Remove duplicate test in ListCtrlTestCase.

2010-07-20 11:27 SJL, revision 65021

Update GridTestCase to take account of the fact that double right clicking is not supported with native headers.

2010-07-20 11:11 SJL, revision 65020

Minor tidy of RearrangeListTestCase, by keeping the pointers as wxClientData we remove the need to cast them later.

2010-07-19 21:23 SJL, revision 65019

Add test for wxLogTextCtrl in existing TextCtrlTestCase.

2010-07-19 19:58 JTN, revision 65018

Better argc/argv handling

2010-07-19 14:41 JWE, revision 65016

add combobox common

2010-07-19 14:09 JWE, revision 65015

optimize my code and add unitary tests. correct the "len" bug.

2010-07-19 10:24 VZ, revision 65014

Tag 2.9.1 release.

2010-07-19 05:36 RAW, revision 65013

Changed wxStdDialogButtonSizer to properly layout Yes/No buttons under GTK2.

2010-07-19 05:33 RAW, revision 65012

Missing header from previous commit.

2010-07-18 18:32 PMO, revision 65011

Introducing wxQtSignalForwarder and fixing non-PCH build

2010-07-18 15:39 VZ, revision 65010

Correct printf parameter mismatch in wxWndProc. LPARAM is a 64 bit type in Win64 and doesn't match the size expected by "%l" printf format specifier. Instead of showing it as a 32 bit number in 32 bit build and 64 bit in 64 bits, just truncate it to the lower 32 bits in any case for now, this should be enough for the diagnostic messages. Closes #12242.

2010-07-18 15:39 VZ, revision 65009

Update release notes file for 2.9.1 release. Mention 2.9.1-specific stuff; remove obsolete information; update some URLs.

2010-07-18 13:58 VZ, revision 65008
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_9_1

Remove the prematurely made 2.9.1 release tag. It will be recreated to point to the new trunk soon.

2010-07-18 13:55 VZ, revision 65007

Update AUI frame capture when it changes. Set the updated label in wxAuiManager::Update() to ensure the labels stored two places are always in sync.

2010-07-18 13:53 VZ, revision 65006

Ensure that validators work even in presence of pushed event handlers. Call pre-processing hooks for each of the handlers in the chain and not only the first one. This ensures that a validator (which is invoked during the pre-processing stage) of a window is used even if a window has an event handler pushed on top of it. Closes #12177.

2010-07-18 13:53 VZ, revision 65005

Don't reuse the same event object for multiple events in wxGTK. The old code simply called SetEventType() to change the type of the event and called HandleWindowEvent() again with it. This was incorrect as the event was modified after being processed the first time, notably its WasProcessed() flag was set and so wxApp::FilterEvent() wasn't called when it was being processed the second time. In practice this meant that FilterEvent() was never called for wxEVT_CHAR events -- for which it's nevertheless very useful to have as it allows to implement application-wide keyboard processing. Also refactor the code to avoid duplication, exactly the same event sending code was used in gtk_window_key_press_callback() and gtk_wxwindow_commit_cb(). Extract it now in a private SendCharHookAndCharEvents() function.

2010-07-18 13:52 VZ, revision 65004

Don't run printf("%n") tests when _FORTIFY_SOURCE >= 2. This prevents the test from aborting on Linux distributions which ship with "fortified" version of gcc, such as recent Ubuntu, Fedora and Gentoo. Closes #12240.

2010-07-18 10:51 PMO, revision 65003

Renamed 'GetEventReceiver()' to 'GetEventHandler() const' and 'receiver' to 'handler'

2010-07-18 08:16 SC, revision 65002

organizing code, adding offset correction for update region when non native control borders are used, fixes #12229

2010-07-17 20:41 SJL, revision 65001

Rebake project files

2010-07-17 20:29 SJL, revision 65000

Merge in from trunk r64200 to r64999

2010-07-17 18:18 VZ, revision 64999

Add a script for finding all files using native eol style in svn. This is a companion script for build/tools/git-make-release but can also be useful independently.

2010-07-17 18:17 VZ, revision 64998

Add scripts to make releases from a git-svn repository. This can't replace the official release script yet as not everybody uses git but they are much more convenient to use than the old ones for me and also faster so I'm adding them to svn in case they can be useful to others.

2010-07-17 17:24 VZ, revision 64997

Create tag WX_2_9_1

2010-07-17 16:55 VZ, revision 64996

Really set svn:eol-style property. The last commit used incorrect property name, remove the erroneous property and set the correct svn:eol-style one.

2010-07-17 16:44 MYA, revision 64995

Basic floating feature comes

2010-07-17 15:46 VZ, revision 64994

Set EOL style property to "native" for more files. Some files were using CR LF even in Unix checkouts unnecessarily, fix this.

2010-07-17 13:55 VZ, revision 64993

Don't redefine wxNO_EXCEPTIONS in wx/except.h if it's already defined. This symbol can be defined on compiler command line already, don't redefine it in this case to avoid a warning. Closes #12235.

2010-07-17 10:40 RR, revision 64992

Document methods indicating what kind of client data is associated with an item container (HasClientData() etc.)

2010-07-17 08:08 SC, revision 64991

removing early init, fixes #12231

2010-07-16 16:41 MYA, revision 64988

Complete LayoutFloat

2010-07-16 14:23 SJL, revision 64987

Add a pause to the wxBitmapToggleButton tests as the control is not very responsive to rapid successive clicks.

2010-07-16 13:39 VZ, revision 64986

Use -headerpad_max_install_names option for fractal demo under OS X. Without it, changing install name fails which probably makes the demo unrunnable and also prevents the Buildbot build from succeeding.

2010-07-16 12:31 RR, revision 64985

Don't pass NULL to wxDir, rather hop over when trying to find dir with translation

2010-07-15 22:32 JTN, revision 64984

Fixed some destructors. Apps now exit cleanly except for parameters deletion

2010-07-15 21:56 JTN, revision 64983

Destructors for wxWindow and derivates

2010-07-15 20:53 JTN, revision 64982

wxMessageDialog implementation

2010-07-15 20:28 JTN, revision 64981

Split Qt's wxDialog implementation to a separate file (needed for compiling)

2010-07-15 19:37 JTN, revision 64980

wxDialog implementation

2010-07-15 18:37 SJL, revision 64979

Add tests for wxBitmapComboBox. This is especially important as on some platforms it is not a wxComboBox derivative.

2010-07-15 18:36 JTN, revision 64978

Implemented all missing functions in 'utils'. wxGetKeyState still needs a platform-specific implementation as there is no Qt equivalent

2010-07-15 16:54 JTN, revision 64977

wxWindow::DoPopupMenu implementation

2010-07-15 16:06 JTN, revision 64976

More window event handlers

2010-07-15 15:38 SJL, revision 64975

Add tests for wxBitmapToggleButton, based on the wxToggleButton tests.

2010-07-15 15:34 SJL, revision 64974

Use DestroyChildren to properly destroy the wxGauge.

2010-07-15 14:29 SJL, revision 64973

Add set of tests for wxGauge. This includes tests for direction, range and value.

2010-07-15 10:07 JWE, revision 64972

tab behavior is ok, now finished sample verifie unit test, and update sample.

2010-07-15 01:06 VZ, revision 64971

Remove dllexport declaration from a nested struct. Try a blind fix for VC6 linking problems in DLL build related to wxFileTypeInfo ctor. This is unlikely to fix it but DLL-exporting a nested struct which, moreover, has only inline methods, seems unnecessary and it just might help too.

2010-07-15 00:43 VZ, revision 64970

Don't compile platform-specific methods when using wxUniversal. Various wxTextEntry::GetEditXXX() methods shouldn't be used in wxUniv build.

2010-07-14 17:57 SJL, revision 64969

Add set of tests for wxToggleButton.

2010-07-14 17:48 SJL, revision 64968

USe DestroyChildren to properly destroy the wxRadioBox.

2010-07-14 16:59 MYA, revision 64967

Add more helper functions for layout floats

2010-07-14 16:52 VZ, revision 64966

Don't use wxRendererNative::DrawFocusRect() under Mac. This function doesn't do the right thing there, it draws the focus border as it's drawn around controls such as buttons. This border overflows the item rectangle and results in garbage remaining on screen when selection changes. See #12229.

2010-07-14 16:52 VZ, revision 64965

Use correct format specifiers in wxOSX/Carbon font caching code. The specifiers used didn't match the actual argument types resulting in the asserts from the new wxPrintf() code. Correct them to match the real types. Closes #12186.

2010-07-14 16:45 SJL, revision 64964

Update some of the comments in ButtonTestCase and remove an unnecessary include.

2010-07-14 16:38 SJL, revision 64963

Add extra tests to wxTreebook for adding and inserting pages, expanding them and deleting them.

2010-07-14 14:08 JTN, revision 64962

wxTimer implementation (wxQtTimerImpl)

2010-07-14 13:23 SJL, revision 64961

Add set of tests for wxRadioBox.

2010-07-14 13:20 VZ, revision 64960

Suppress warnings about double to int truncation in wxHTML code. Actually it's not totally clear if truncation or rounding was intended here but when in doubt preserve the old code semantics.

2010-07-14 13:18 JTN, revision 64959

Save window style

2010-07-14 13:18 JTN, revision 64958

Emulate enter and leave events while dragging

2010-07-14 13:12 VZ, revision 64957

Generate key events in generic wxDataViewCtrl implementation. Forward wxEVT_CHAR events from wxDataViewMainWindow to the parent window so that they could be processed at wxDataViewCtrl level. Call DisableKeyboardScrolling() to ensure that cursor movement keys are not always eaten by the parent window but can be used for the navigation in the control if they're not processed by user. Add a test keyboard handler to the dataview sample to check that handling keys in wxDataViewCtrl does work.

2010-07-14 13:11 VZ, revision 64956

No changes, just use better names in wxDataViewCtrl sample. ID_DELETE_MUSIC button deleted selected items so use ID_DELETE_SEL and OnDeleteSelected() handler for it instead.

2010-07-14 11:54 SJL, revision 64955

Add set of tests for wxCheckBox.

2010-07-14 11:33 JWE, revision 64954

add doc and remove useless methods.

2010-07-14 10:36 SJL, revision 64953

Also use existing wxGrid tests with native headers where applicable.

2010-07-13 22:11 JTN, revision 64952

wxDC: Draw icons and arcs

2010-07-13 21:01 JTN, revision 64951

wxMemoryDC: Extra check to make sure a bitmap is valid as a painting target

2010-07-13 20:39 JTN, revision 64950

Save which widget has the grab

2010-07-13 20:24 JTN, revision 64949

Use mouse position relative to widget (not global)

2010-07-13 20:22 JTN, revision 64948

Proper wxClientDC implementation (temporary store to a QPicture and paint in the next paintEvent)

2010-07-13 19:00 JTN, revision 64947

Mouse events handling

2010-07-13 17:54 JMS, revision 64946

wxArrayStringProperty::m_delimiter default value was missing. Also cleaned up relevant string formatting.

2010-07-13 16:13 VZ, revision 64945

Really fix interactive output test compilation in ANSI build. Use a temporary wxString to make sure the code compiles in both ANSI and STL versions too.

2010-07-13 16:13 VZ, revision 64944

Compilation fix for wxUSE_FONTENUM==0 case. Fix another error in minimal wxGTK buildbot build.

2010-07-13 15:29 VZ, revision 64943

Fix file paths in the header comments. Consistently use only "wx/foo.h" instead of "include/wx/foo.h" ("include" is always implicit anyhow). Also use "src/osx" instead of "src/mac" for the files in this directory. See #12165.

2010-07-13 15:29 VZ, revision 64942

Fix a few minor typos in comments. See #12165.

2010-07-13 15:29 VZ, revision 64941

Globally rename all occurrences of "XCode" to "Xcode". The official spelling of the Apple IDE doesn't capitalize "C" so neither should we. See #12165.

2010-07-13 15:29 VZ, revision 64940

Globally use "wxWindows licence" consistently. Use "wxWindows licence" and not "wxWidgets licence" (the latter doesn't exist) and consistently spell "licence" using British spelling. See #12165.

2010-07-13 15:27 VZ, revision 64939

Remove hard TABs from 3rd party files in src directory. This is necessary to be able to commit upcoming changes to them.

2010-07-13 14:59 SJL, revision 64938

Add test for wxItemContainer::Set().

2010-07-13 14:38 VZ, revision 64937

Send right and double click events in wxGrid when using native header. Previously only simple left click event was sent in this case, now also generate right and double click ones. Closes #12156.

2010-07-13 14:19 SJL, revision 64936

Stop deriving base test classes from CppUnit::TestCase. This means we can derive actual test classes from multiple bases, for example ComboBoxTestCase from both TextEntryTestCase and ItemContainerTestCase. We do now have to derive every class that actually performs tests from CppUnit::TestCase however.

2010-07-13 13:36 VZ, revision 64935

Initialize wxGrid::m_batchCount before using it. Adjust the initialization order in wxGrid::Init() to avoid using uninitialized variables. Closes #12226.

2010-07-13 13:33 VZ, revision 64934

Fix wxMotif compilation with g++ 4.4. wxMenu::CreateMenu() parameter called "index" was mistakenly wrapped in WXUNUSED() making it invisible inside the function body and the (BSD string function) index() was used instead. This somehow compiled before but not with g++ 4.4. In any case, the code was wrong even when it did compile. Remove WXUNUSED() from the parameter and also rename it to avoid clashes with (semi-)standard function which can also be defined as macro on some systems.

2010-07-13 13:33 VZ, revision 64933

Revert the wxDataObjectComposite checks added by r58549. The checks for data format duplication in wxDataObjectComposite::Add() added by this revision were broken and didn't actually check anything. It also doesn't seem clear why do we need them at all so simply remove them. See #10437 for more details. This also closes #12113 as a side effect because the messages are not present any more.

2010-07-13 13:32 VZ, revision 64932

Romanian translations update from Catalin.

2010-07-13 12:46 SJL, revision 64931

Add that wxList::ClearAll() sends an event to the documentation.

2010-07-13 12:31 SJL, revision 64930

Tidy code formatting in wxRichTextEvent documentation.

2010-07-13 12:17 SJL, revision 64929

Add event types to event documentation for wxListCtrl as it makes it easier for users of Bind and Connect. It also makes it consistent with wxGrid documentation.

2010-07-13 12:07 SJL, revision 64928

Add event types to event documentation for wxTreeCtrl as it makes it easier for users of Bind and Connect. It also makes it consistent with wxGrid documentation.

2010-07-13 11:20 SJL, revision 64927

Clarify documentation for wxTreeCtrl and wxListCtrl as middle click events are only sent by the generic control. Fixes #12175.

2010-07-13 11:13 SJL, revision 64926

Remove unnecessary 'or' in wxAnimation documentation.

2010-07-13 11:02 SJL, revision 64925

Tidy links in wxArtProvider documentation. One of the existing links did not work correctly as the full stop at the end of the sentence was treated as part of the link.

2010-07-13 00:50 VZ, revision 64924

Only compile wxStd{Input,Output}Stream if wxUSE_STREAMS==1. This fixes compilation of minimal wxWidgets build.

2010-07-13 00:50 VZ, revision 64923

Compilation fix for wxAnyTestCase in ANSI-only build. Comparison of wxAny with wide strings is not available in this case.