

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-03-25 22:41 VZ, revision 45056

don't use wxControlContainer if wxHAS_NATIVE_TAB_TRAVERSAL is defined (currently it never is)

2007-03-25 22:36 VZ, revision 45055

don't check whether the window is shown and enabled in AcceptsFocus() itself as it makes overriding it in derived classes problematic; provide a separate non virtual CanAcceptFocus() method checking whether the window accepts focus and if it can accept it now and use it instead of AcceptsFocus(); documented AcceptsFocus() and AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard()

2007-03-25 21:17 VZ, revision 45054

why was this class made a wxControlContainer (rev. 1.7), this doesn't seem to make sense -- and if it does it should probably be done at the base class level, not here

2007-03-25 19:46 VS, revision 45053

remove wxStringBase::AllocCopy(), it wasn't used anywhere

2007-03-25 13:54 VZ, revision 45052

remove all the tags for development branch

2007-03-25 13:43 VZ, revision 45051

update status bar display when we don't have focus too

2007-03-25 02:03 VZ, revision 45050

make wxNO_BORDER work with wxRadioBox (patch 1525406) [backport from HEAD]

2007-03-25 01:57 VZ, revision 45049

make wxNO_BORDER work with wxRadioBox (patch 1525406)

2007-03-25 01:30 VZ, revision 45048

respect the current default style in SetValue() (modified patch 1684613)

2007-03-25 00:54 VZ, revision 45047

document GetBufferSize() (patch 1687070)

2007-03-25 00:53 VZ, revision 45046

corrected name of wxWS_EX_PROCESS_UI_UPDATES style (part of patch 1686335)

2007-03-25 00:52 VZ, revision 45045

corrected link to gettext manual (part of patch 1686335)

2007-03-25 00:51 VZ, revision 45044

extract popup menu item labels from Scintilla sources too (patch 1679509)

2007-03-24 14:42 VZ, revision 45043

moved Write(const wxString&) to .cpp files as they're going to be changed again soon; removed unnecessary casts

2007-03-24 10:21 JS, revision 45042

Test for encoding conversion success in wxFile::Write to avoid crash

2007-03-24 10:20 JS, revision 45041

Test for encoding conversion success in wxFFile::Write to avoid crash

2007-03-23 16:24 VZ, revision 45040

more changes from 2.8.4 added

2007-03-23 16:23 VZ, revision 45039

don't use TPM_RECURSE under NT4, it results in TrackPopupMenu() not showing the menu at all (bug 1663216) [backport from HEAD]

2007-03-23 16:20 VZ, revision 45038

don't use TPM_RECURSE under NT4, it results in TrackPopupMenu() not showing the menu at all (bug 1663216)

2007-03-23 15:16 VZ, revision 45037

fixed compilation for Windows compilers now after last change: replaced conversions to ushort and uint with a conversion to wint_t but do it for (non-Apple) gcc only

2007-03-23 15:00 VZ, revision 45036

added conversions to unsigned short: this fixes compilation for some platforms where wint_t is ushort (mingw32)

2007-03-23 14:53 KO, revision 45035

If using the system Window menu on OS X, integrate any Window wxMenu items into the system menu, rather than having duplicate Window menus (current behavior).

2007-03-23 14:20 VZ, revision 45034

compilation fix after wxCStrData changes

2007-03-23 14:14 VZ, revision 45033

compilation fix after wxCStrData changes

2007-03-23 14:13 VZ, revision 45032

compilation fix after last commit