

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-06-07 20:58 SC, revision 20998

MacHandleControlClick extended by mouseStillDown state for supporting things like THUMBRELEASE

2003-06-07 20:34 SC, revision 20997

changing inheritance and delegation

2003-06-07 20:29 SC, revision 20996

adapting MacHandleControlClick to know about mouse state

2003-06-07 15:54 RD, revision 20995

revert my last change

2003-06-07 14:39 VZ, revision 20994

printf() format warrning fix

2003-06-07 13:55 JS, revision 20993

Applied patch [ 748638 ] wxDos2UnixFilename for unicode

2003-06-07 13:22 JS, revision 20992

Reports suggest that _sometimes_ WS_VSCROLL/WS_HSCROLL are needed. So map wxVSCROLL/wxHSCROLL to these.

2003-06-07 12:40 VZ, revision 20991

DoGiveHelp() should be defined even if !wxUSE_STATUSBAR

2003-06-07 11:19 VZ, revision 20990

no changes

2003-06-07 10:52 rgammans, revision 20989

Make changes to configure to fix mbug noted by David Elliot . (fix is based on david's patch ). Add odbc library status to the summary provided by configure. Fix typo it prologio test.

2003-06-07 10:12 JS, revision 20988

Typo fixed

2003-06-07 09:59 JS, revision 20987

Fix for [ 748805 ] Assert failure for specified situation in samples/controls

2003-06-07 05:34 RD, revision 20986

SWIGged updates for wxMac

2003-06-07 04:30 RD, revision 20985

SWIGged updates for wxMSW

2003-06-07 04:24 RD, revision 20984

Forgot this wxRTTI fix

2003-06-07 04:23 RD, revision 20983

Simplified how the wxSizer methods are wrapped, changed the name of the "option" parameter to "proportion" ("option" is still accepted for compatibility, but this will go away in a future release,) SetItemMinSize can now take a wxSize (or 2-tuple) parameter, and Spacers can be specified with a wxSize (or 2-tuple) parameter

2003-06-07 03:59 RD, revision 20982

Fix for new refresh code. (It's possible for m_wxwidnow to be NULL.)

2003-06-07 02:20 DE, revision 20981

Place m_lastDoubleClick initialization inside existing #if wxUSE_CLIPBOARD

2003-06-07 02:16 DE, revision 20980

Added #if wxUSE_DATAOBJ guard around header

2003-06-07 01:38 DE, revision 20979

Added stub for the new pure virtual DoInsert method

2003-06-07 01:34 DE, revision 20978

include "wx/module.h" for wxModule

2003-06-07 00:49 RD, revision 20977

Some fixes for some bad wxRTTI names

2003-06-06 23:59 RD, revision 20976

SWIGged updates for wxMac

2003-06-06 23:56 RD, revision 20975

SWIGged updates for wxMSW

2003-06-06 23:46 RD, revision 20974

fix so wxMenu::InsertItem actually inserts rather than overwrites

2003-06-06 23:15 RD, revision 20973

Just silently return NULL like the other ports

2003-06-06 21:34 RD, revision 20972

Don't get picky about unicode mode. Scintilla doesn't set the mode for calltip windows anyway.

2003-06-06 21:31 RD, revision 20971

Don't add -dbg to the build dir, it makes the clean command get confused

2003-06-06 21:30 RD, revision 20970

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2003-06-06 21:29 RD, revision 20969

Patch from Will Sadkin, allows the emptyInvalid flag to apply to subfields

2003-06-06 21:25 RD, revision 20968

Added wxPy versions of wxPrintPreview, wxPreviewFrame, and wxPreviewControlBar so they can be derived from in Python and be able to override the C++ virtual methods.

2003-06-06 21:24 RD, revision 20967

Moved hangman to samples

2003-06-06 20:12 SN, revision 20966

Fixed Refresh to clip update rectangles to the visible area of a (scrolled) window. If there are many invisible/partly visible rectangles in the update region GTK+-1.2.10 starts complaining about bad match errors and soon crashes.

2003-06-06 20:04 RD, revision 20965

Some demo tweaks

2003-06-06 16:32 JS, revision 20964

Include module.h

2003-06-06 15:40 VZ, revision 20963

typo in the event type name

2003-06-06 10:46 JS, revision 20962

Fixed usage

2003-06-06 10:46 JS, revision 20961

More useful usage reporting

2003-06-06 10:34 CE, revision 20960

fix erase in makefile

2003-06-06 00:43 RD, revision 20959

Put terminating NUL in the buffer since MB2WC doesn't do it. [#749825]

2003-06-06 00:43 RD, revision 20958

Put terminating NUL in the buffer since MB2WC doesn't do it.

2003-06-05 23:48 RD, revision 20957

Add the test for __main__ to all that didn't have it, so all demo samples can be run standalone

2003-06-05 23:18 RD, revision 20956

Converted the main demo framework files to the new namespace, (none of the actual samples yet except NewNamespace...) Added the GridDragAndDrop sample Fixed the NewNamespace sample to actually have something to display

2003-06-05 21:33 VS, revision 20955


2003-06-05 21:32 VS, revision 20954

documented wxHW_NO_SELECTION

2003-06-05 20:33 RD, revision 20953

Patches for wxTreeListCtrl from Alberto

2003-06-05 20:33 JS, revision 20952

Reverted the warning fix since it breaks MinGW

2003-06-05 20:30 VS, revision 20951

added line selection

2003-06-05 20:30 VS, revision 20950

added text selection

2003-06-05 18:59 RD, revision 20949

Added some missing renamer modules