

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-05-08 04:52 SC, revision 45881

if it's a separate thread, it's allowed to hang (perf issue reported by BOINC)

2007-05-08 02:50 RD, revision 45880

select the parent or the root if the current/selected item is one being deleted.

2007-05-08 02:48 RD, revision 45879

add a Py 2.5 build on OSX 10.3

2007-05-08 02:46 RD, revision 45878

test app for TLW transparency

2007-05-08 02:44 RD, revision 45877

Avoid using wx.ClientDC

2007-05-08 02:44 RD, revision 45876

Adapt to ProgressDialog.Update change

2007-05-08 02:42 RD, revision 45875

docstring fixEnsure that wnd is not None before calling Hide

2007-05-08 02:41 RD, revision 45874

Ensure that wnd is not None before calling Hide

2007-05-08 02:40 RD, revision 45873

SetFont fixes

2007-05-08 02:34 RD, revision 45872

more backports

2007-05-07 23:44 RD, revision 45871

Assert on NULL window

2007-05-07 22:25 ROL, revision 45870

* bugfixes for tree move operations and undo/redo * Mac LnF ameliorations * some sizing/spacing changes

2007-05-07 20:58 DE, revision 45869

Move src/cocoa/utils.cpp to src/cocoa/

2007-05-07 20:10 ROL, revision 45868

iconization of the properties window together with the main to fix blocking on wxGTK; do not put Open/Save/... toolbar icons on Mac - they are ugly

2007-05-07 20:08 ROL, revision 45867

Yield causes premature redrawing of the test window

2007-05-07 09:34 CE, revision 45866

add univ files to MGL build

2007-05-07 07:51 RR, revision 45865

[ 1713933 ] docs for wxEditableListBox

2007-05-07 00:26 VZ, revision 45864

just return the min size needed by the sizer for the windows with sizers from their DoGetBestSize() instead of adjusting it upwards to the current size via GetWindowSizeForVirtualSize() call: this might be wrong as it could reintroduce the bug fixed in rev 1.66 of src/generic/scrlwing.cpp (but it's not really clear just what exactly this bug was) but the existing code was definitely wrong as the best size of the window must not change as it's being resized

2007-05-06 20:14 RR, revision 45863

More preview code for the DC reorganisation.

2007-05-06 14:11 VS, revision 45862

fix compation with Watcom after latest vararg templates changes

2007-05-06 12:57 VS, revision 45861

backported wxString::From/ToUTF8 to 2.8 for forward compatibility with wx3

2007-05-06 11:50 VZ, revision 45860

fix PCH-less compilation

2007-05-06 03:59 MR, revision 45859

Fix "depreciated" to "deprecated".

2007-05-06 03:48 MR, revision 45858

Fix "depreciated" to "deprecated".

2007-05-05 22:15 VZ, revision 45857

fix warning about signed/unsigned comparison; use STL-compatible methods