

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-07-26 16:08 DE, revision 47733

Silence the warning about lack of [NSApplication +setAppleMenu:]

2007-07-26 15:56 DE, revision 47732

Added missing #import <Foundation/NSArray.h>

2007-07-26 14:25 VZ, revision 47731

compilation fix after last commit

2007-07-26 13:54 VZ, revision 47730

many wxItemContainer-related changes: 1. the main function for item insertion is now DoInsertItems() which allows for much more efficient addition of many new items at once 2. the items client data management is done entirely in wxItemContainer itself, the derived classes don't have to distinguish between void and object client data 3. many fixes for sorted controls, in particular implemented wxCB_SORT support in wxGTK combobox

2007-07-26 11:43 VZ, revision 47729

removed called to deprecated wxPixelData::UseAlpha() which does nothing now

2007-07-26 02:32 BY, revision 47727

Sync with the trunk

2007-07-26 02:20 BY, revision 47726

Merge changes from trunk

2007-07-25 22:37 RR, revision 47724

Rewritten wxList docs

2007-07-25 18:46 RR, revision 47722

Use type safe list for model notifiers, sample corrected

2007-07-25 18:25 RR, revision 47721

call attributes attributes

2007-07-25 18:23 RR, revision 47720

Small correction

2007-07-25 18:18 RR, revision 47719

ItemDeleted now has (parent, item)

2007-07-25 18:09 RR, revision 47718

Patch from Bo, implement sorting in wxDVC

2007-07-25 17:42 VZ, revision 47716

fix warnings due to using deprecated-but-used-internally methods from the header file (which, of course, meant that they were also used during client code compilation)

2007-07-25 13:58 BY, revision 47714

Merge changes from trunk

2007-07-25 13:20 BY, revision 47713

Add a member to wxDataViewTreeNode for recording the visible numbers of node's subtree. This member is used to accelerate the ItemToRow and RowToItem. Also, I make a the node leaf to save memory space.

2007-07-25 10:19 RR, revision 47712

Add iterators to wxVector, use std::vector in STL mode, correct wxVector::erase()

2007-07-25 10:17 RR, revision 47711

make wxDataViewCtrl in STL mode

2007-07-25 07:18 JS, revision 47710

Typo correction

2007-07-25 07:17 JS, revision 47709

Typo correction

2007-07-24 20:00 VS, revision 47707

optimized wxStringTokenizer: it's now slightly faster in wchar_t build and much faster in UTF-8 build

2007-07-24 15:20 VZ, revision 47706

use To/FromWChar() in single parameter wxMBConv::cMB2WC/WC2MB() overloads too, instead of passing by the deprecated MB2WC/WC2MB()

2007-07-24 15:10 VZ, revision 47705

use wxMBConvStrictUTF8 instead of wxMBConvUTF8 in ConvertStr() and mb/wc_str()

2007-07-24 15:01 VZ, revision 47703

add wxMBConvStrictUTF8 class implementing just UTF-8 conversion, without support for PUA/octal mappings and use it for wxConvUTF8 as it's simpler and more efficient (~20% faster)

2007-07-24 12:22 BY, revision 47701

Merge changes from trunk and make the current row changing with the deletion of rows. That means if the user delete the current row which is the last visible row, the current row will automatic change to the last visible row.