

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-01-13 15:44 ROL, revision 25153
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/wxPython/wx/tools/XRCed/CHANGES

replaced by CHANGES.txt

2004-01-13 15:31 JS, revision 25152

Corrected wrong reference to Gizmos location

2004-01-13 14:48 JS, revision 25151

Improved colours in wxUniv -- white (window colour) was being used as the default.

2004-01-13 14:45 JS, revision 25150

Suppress spurious icon-related log messages

2004-01-13 14:37 JS, revision 25149

Added extra check in case CopyFromIcon fails

2004-01-13 13:32 JS, revision 25148

Must have event.Skip() in OnSize for wxUniv

2004-01-13 03:42 RD, revision 25147

Starting to update the tarball and rpm spec files for 2.5. Mostly done but some fine tuning still needs done.

2004-01-13 03:41 RD, revision 25146

Use "import wx". wxPython.wx now has backwards compatible DC's and so since this module was using the new DC's it could no longer use wxPython.wx.

2004-01-13 03:33 RD, revision 25145

Fixed the docstring, default module is now wx, not wxPython.wx

2004-01-13 03:32 RD, revision 25144

Forgot to output the first string

2004-01-13 03:31 RD, revision 25143

Don't allow parameterless wxDropSource

2004-01-13 03:28 RD, revision 25142

API and etc. updates

2004-01-13 03:25 RD, revision 25141

new DC API fix

2004-01-13 03:17 RD, revision 25140

More demo conversion and cleanup from Jeff

2004-01-13 02:07 DS, revision 25139

To use "#pragma warning" a #ifdef __VISUALC__ guard should be used, not a #ifdef _MSC_VER one (CW defines _MSC_VER).

2004-01-13 02:02 DS, revision 25138

Applied patch #875647, fixes an unused variable warning reported by Borland; Some minor changes such as tab removal, TRUE/FALSE->true/false.

2004-01-13 01:36 RD, revision 25137

x11/popupwin.h wasn't being installed

2004-01-12 11:42 JS, revision 25136

Added some constants. wxRAISED_BORDER not GTK+-only.

2004-01-12 10:51 JS, revision 25135

Unicode and ODBC are now compatible

2004-01-11 22:08 JS, revision 25134

Applied patch [ 825396 ] dbbrowse demo compatible with Unicode Wlodzimierz Skiba

2004-01-11 20:58 JS, revision 25133

Applied patch [ 838940 ] notebook labels are not shown when built with GTK2

2004-01-11 20:52 JS, revision 25132

Applied patch [ 827399 ] sqltypes.h included without windows.h under Borland

2004-01-11 18:41 JS, revision 25131

Applied patch [ 851052 ] [msw] Clipboard: Allow automatic format conversions By Kevin Edwards (ingenuus)

2004-01-11 17:38 JS, revision 25130

Reverted bad fix.

2004-01-11 17:32 JS, revision 25129

Reverted last change.

2004-01-11 16:54 JS, revision 25128

Applied patch [ 849212 ] Sets SO_REUSEADDR flag on server sockets

2004-01-11 16:42 JS, revision 25127

Applied patch [ 850483 ] Toolbar bugfix (Mac)

2004-01-11 16:34 JS, revision 25126

Applied patch [ 858324 ] Calling EndModal inside an EVT_INIT_DIALOG event handler

2004-01-11 16:03 JS, revision 25125

Applied patch [ 791573 ] New feature for FL toorbar buttons

2004-01-11 15:52 JS, revision 25124

Recorded patch [ 837515 ] wxIPaddress + docs patch

2004-01-11 15:50 JS, revision 25123

Applied patch [ 837515 ] wxIPaddress + docs patch (Ray Gilbert)

2004-01-11 15:47 JS, revision 25122

Compatibility with 2.5 wxIPaddress, patch [ 837515 ]

2004-01-11 15:33 JS, revision 25121

Applied patch [ 832096 ] Final separation for GUI and console for Open Watcom (Watcom compiler doesn't like ctor implementation in headers)

2004-01-11 15:28 JS, revision 25120

Always use XPMs in this sample

2004-01-11 14:35 JS, revision 25119

Applied patch [ 864469 ] WaitForAccept(): 100% CPU Usage (NON-GUI application) (Alex Thuering)

2004-01-11 14:28 JS, revision 25118

Applied patch [ 800086 ] GridCellTextEditor wxTE_RICH misbehaving Don't set the value of the hidden editor control (useless)

2004-01-11 14:22 JS, revision 25117

Applied patch [ 842285 ] comparison for wxIPV4address

2004-01-11 14:16 JS, revision 25116

Applied patch [ 853850 ] Fixes for wxFormatConverter (M.J.Wetherell) Added wxConvertFormat function in debug mode to allow for unit testing Added tests/formatconverter

2004-01-11 11:49 JS, revision 25115

Applied patch [ 869522 ] Cleaning of deprecated contrib

2004-01-11 11:47 JS, revision 25114

Applied patch [ 874495 ] wxMSW: Flat buttons

2004-01-11 11:46 JS, revision 25113

Added missing description for wxNO_BORDER

2004-01-10 10:38 RN, revision 25112

Removed old tests file and replaced with tcl version....

2004-01-09 18:34 RD, revision 25111

Beginings of wxX11 support. Much more to do but I have no more time for it today.

2004-01-09 11:32 JS, revision 25110

Added FromAscii, ToAscii docs

2004-01-09 08:41 JS, revision 25109

Removed duplicated style

2004-01-09 02:11 RD, revision 25108

doc tweaks, typo fixed, etc.

2004-01-09 02:10 RD, revision 25107

little tweaks to match wxWin changes

2004-01-08 22:20 RD, revision 25106

Updated layout

2004-01-08 22:20 JS, revision 25105

Added wxWS_EX_BLOCK_EVENTS style

2004-01-08 21:37 RD, revision 25104

Set the DC font before drawing the label