

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-02-10 12:58 VZ, revision 25703

Win64 compilation fixes: use wxUIntPtr instead of long

2004-02-10 12:58 VZ, revision 25702

Win64 compilation fixes: define SIZEOF_SIZE_T, added wxUIntPtr

2004-02-10 12:57 VZ, revision 25701

added base array of size_t as under Win64 size_t > long

2004-02-10 12:56 VZ, revision 25700

added wxGet/SetWindowProc/UserData()

2004-02-10 11:19 VS, revision 25699

fixed samples compilation when using configure and mingw (missing include for windres)

2004-02-10 09:28 VS, revision 25698
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/minimal/mondrian.ico
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/minimal/mondrian.xpm

use generic samples icon

2004-02-09 23:28 VZ, revision 25697

don't just drop click events resulting from triple clicks

2004-02-09 23:20 VZ, revision 25696

no changes, simply added a comment

2004-02-09 23:19 VZ, revision 25695

size combobox/choices properly initially by considering the length of the strings specified in the ctor/Create() (bug 893380)

2004-02-09 23:01 VZ, revision 25694

use correct name for the icon

2004-02-09 22:30 VZ, revision 25693

don't assert when creating an initially empty wxCB_READONLY combobox

2004-02-09 22:04 VZ, revision 25692

multiline checkbox doesn't make sense for listbook

2004-02-09 22:00 RD, revision 25691

wxUSE_VC_CRTDBG needs to be dependent on wxUSE_MEMORY_TRACING too

2004-02-09 21:44 JS, revision 25690

Changed no-remap to msw.remap

2004-02-09 21:41 VZ, revision 25689

wxUniv compilation fix after last commit

2004-02-09 21:37 JS, revision 25688

Applied WinCE fix, though data file still not found

2004-02-09 20:01 DS, revision 25687

Applied patch #885752: "wxPoem less MSW specific + cleanup".

2004-02-09 16:14 JS, revision 25686

Documented no-remap

2004-02-09 16:04 JS, revision 25685

Documented tbar95.cpp backports

2004-02-09 16:02 JS, revision 25684

Added no-remap system option so colourful toolbar buttons aren't mangled Toolbar buttons are now centred if the bitmap size is smaller than the specified default size

2004-02-09 16:00 JS, revision 25683

Fix needed for free MS SDK

2004-02-09 12:06 DS, revision 25682

MinGW warnings fixed; TRUE/FALSE cleanup.

2004-02-09 05:12 DE, revision 25681

Do not try to set the proper position if creating a window with a NULL parent.

2004-02-09 05:01 DE, revision 25680

Implement right mouse down/dragged/up

2004-02-09 04:44 DE, revision 25679

When destroying the window, only remove it from its Cocoa parent if the Cocoa window for its wxWindows parent is its Cocoa parent.

2004-02-09 03:46 DE, revision 25678

Don't close dialogs in ~wxDialog as it just hides other problems

2004-02-09 03:27 DE, revision 25677

wxBitmap::GetNSImage(): Added trace messages. Release maskImage. wxMask_CreateFromBitmapData(): Don't clobber byte past the end of dest buffer.

2004-02-09 02:53 PKO, revision 25676

shell.autoCompleteAutoHide added with default of True.

2004-02-08 23:22 JS, revision 25675

Fixed Unicode breakage

2004-02-08 23:17 RR, revision 25674

Fix redraw problem in multiple selection listctrl.

2004-02-08 23:00 RR, revision 25673

Improvements for splitter sash hack. GTK2 look good now, GTK1.2 jumps two pixels for some reason.

2004-02-08 22:54 SN, revision 25672

Script install-sh wants a '-c' parameter, otherwise it 'moves' the header files instead of copying them.

2004-02-08 22:51 SN, revision 25671

On 'make clean' don't remove the resource file on OS/2 (It's shared between all apps!).

2004-02-08 22:09 VZ, revision 25670


2004-02-08 22:04 VZ, revision 25669

resolving conflicts in files I had forgot to commit (sorry)

2004-02-08 22:01 JS, revision 25668

Spacing corrections

2004-02-08 21:48 PKO, revision 25667

Fixed problem with Calltip tab not refreshing properly on Windows.

2004-02-08 21:39 DS, revision 25666

Fixed relative paths to lib/.

2004-02-08 21:37 JS, revision 25665

New versions

2004-02-08 20:58 RR, revision 25664

Corrected redrawing of sash when resizing the columns. No longer any ghost line.

2004-02-08 20:37 RR, revision 25663

Draw listctrls's headers right for themes.

2004-02-08 20:36 RR, revision 25662

Correctly center lables vertically.

2004-02-08 20:33 JS, revision 25661

0 -> 0u to keep gcc happy

2004-02-08 20:01 JS, revision 25660

Added missing MSWGetStyle prototype

2004-02-08 19:37 JS, revision 25659

wx2msPenStyle forward declaration required

2004-02-08 19:28 PKO, revision 25658

Cosmetic changes.

2004-02-08 18:58 VZ, revision 25657

updated the year

2004-02-08 18:56 VZ, revision 25656

add line breaks in the base classes list

2004-02-08 18:56 VZ, revision 25655

make it clear that the size returned by Fit() is window, not client, size

2004-02-08 18:54 VZ, revision 25654