

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-09-16 17:29 CE, revision 48724

remove refernce to removed samples

2007-09-16 14:29 VZ, revision 48723

more fixes for using wxSocket in console applications (patch 1756260)

2007-09-16 11:19 VZ, revision 48722

expand the table cells to fill the entire table width (patch 1722794)

2007-09-16 11:04 VZ, revision 48721

fix divide by 0 bug in UpdateScrollbars() (part of patch 1716763)

2007-09-16 10:57 VZ, revision 48720

destroy the old clipping region before setting the new one (part of patch 1716763)

2007-09-16 10:55 VZ, revision 48719

removed apparent off by 1 bug in the end line calculation in ShowPosition() (part of patch 1716763)

2007-09-16 10:50 VZ, revision 48718

added XRCSIZERITEM() allowing to directly retrieve the sizer from XRC by name (patch 1782080)

2007-09-16 10:24 VZ, revision 48717

use ListView_RedrawItems() to implement wxListCtrl::RefreshItems(); added tests for it to the sample

2007-09-15 23:52 VZ, revision 48716

check whether clipping region is empty, not whether it's null; disable USE_PAINT_REGION which seems to be more harmful than useful (part of patch 1716763)

2007-09-15 23:43 VZ, revision 48715

fix off by one (or rather "off by border width") bug in ScrollWindow() (part of patch 1716763)

2007-09-15 23:35 VZ, revision 48714

fix the bug with not showing all the text in the text control even if there is enough space (replaces patch 1716758)

2007-09-15 22:30 VZ, revision 48713

corrected m_strings array creation broken by last changes

2007-09-15 22:06 RR, revision 48712

Implement wxWindow::SetFocusIgnoringChildren for GTK+

2007-09-15 21:23 VZ, revision 48711

wxX11 compilation fixes after wxTRANSLATE/wxCmdLineEntryDesc Unicode changes

2007-09-15 11:05 RR, revision 48710

Correct GetLabelItemRect to not include image (as per 2.8 branch)

2007-09-15 10:31 RR, revision 48709

Remove redundant test later in keypress handling

2007-09-15 10:29 RR, revision 48708

Only send keypress events to focus widget, not its parents

2007-09-15 10:28 RR, revision 48707

Only send keypress events to focus widget, not its parents

2007-09-15 02:58 PC, revision 48706

let GtkRange clamp scroll position

2007-09-15 01:09 VZ, revision 48704

get rid of the built-in drop target in rich text controls before setting the user-defined one as otherwise it fails

2007-09-15 00:36 VZ, revision 48703

always NUL-terminate the buffers returned by cWC2MB/cMB2WC() overloads taking input length, even if the input is not NUL-terminated (part of patch 1795174)

2007-09-15 00:32 VZ, revision 48702

fix wxStringOutputStream to deal with NUL bytes correctly (incidentally fixes bug 1792727, part of patch 1795174)

2007-09-15 00:18 VZ, revision 48701

use wxSafeConvertWX2MB() instead of mb_str() in operator<<(wxString)

2007-09-15 00:17 VZ, revision 48700

always return positive pixel size, even for negative LOGFONT height values

2007-09-15 00:16 VZ, revision 48699

fix wxMBConvUTF8::cMB2WC/cWC2MB() broken by the introduction of wxMBConvStrictUTF8: as it overrides From/ToWChar(), wxMBConvUTF8 needs to do it (instead of deprecated MB2WC/WC2MB) as well