

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-10-17 21:52 DE, revision 49205

Apply modified patch 1785299 to trunk and 2.8.

2007-10-17 20:57 RR, revision 49204

Make wxRenderer::DrawItemSelectionRect() draw a focus outline of wxCONTROL_CURRENT and wxCONTROL_FOCUSED is given, blind patch for wxMac

2007-10-17 18:30 VZ, revision 49203

explicitly mention that IsChecked() can't be used with wxCheckListBox

2007-10-17 18:22 VZ, revision 49202

remove wxWindow::Clear() from wxDFB and wxMGL which was unused (probably replaced by ClearBackground()) and conflicted with methods with the same name in other classes

2007-10-17 18:19 VZ, revision 49201

test for __DARWIN__ with ifdef, not if

2007-10-17 17:55 VZ, revision 49200

include -DWXUSINGDLL in wx-config output under all platforms and not only Cygwin/Mingw32

2007-10-17 17:32 VZ, revision 49199

fix references to wxCmdLineParser ctor

2007-10-17 17:29 VZ, revision 49198

fix broken links

2007-10-17 09:43 RR, revision 49196

Correct focus rect to not appear in unfocussed controls (currently doesn't appear at all under XP

2007-10-17 09:21 RR, revision 49195

Correct EnsureVisible() to show last item entirely

2007-10-17 09:17 RR, revision 49194

More alignment issues

2007-10-17 08:50 RR, revision 49193

Change default alignment to centre vertically

2007-10-17 08:49 RR, revision 49192

Document alignment parameter

2007-10-17 08:37 RR, revision 49191

Ensure item is visible when selection moves, remove compile warnings

2007-10-17 08:03 RR, revision 49190

Minor doc updates

2007-10-17 07:57 RR, revision 49189

Minor doc updates

2007-10-17 07:56 RR, revision 49188

Minor doc updates

2007-10-17 07:56 RR, revision 49187

Minor doc updates

2007-10-17 06:58 BP, revision 49186

Corrected doc typo (missing escaped underscore). Patch by Tim Stahlhut.

2007-10-17 02:59 PC, revision 49185

remove C++ comment

2007-10-17 02:58 PC, revision 49184

Fix declaration-after-statement compile error, remove C++ comments, remove unused GtkPizzaAdjData

2007-10-16 21:49 RR, revision 49183

Moved paragraph to right place

2007-10-16 21:48 RR, revision 49182

Minor sample corrections

2007-10-16 21:41 RR, revision 49181

Correct activate logic for <ENTER>

2007-10-16 21:38 RR, revision 49180

Correct activate logic for mouse clicks