

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-10-29 13:46 VZ, revision 49518

define HDS_DRAGDROP and HDS_FULLDRAG if the SDK is too old to define them

2007-10-29 13:33 CE, revision 49517

DMC work round

2007-10-29 12:13 VZ, revision 49516

fix syntax errors in the example

2007-10-29 12:11 VZ, revision 49515

fix syntax error in the example

2007-10-29 12:10 VZ, revision 49514

fix more unused parameters warnings

2007-10-29 12:09 VZ, revision 49513

run libtiff configure when --with-libtiff=builtin is specified

2007-10-29 09:10 VS, revision 49512

added WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_FOO macros to 2.8 branch for forward compatibility with wx3

2007-10-29 00:38 VZ, revision 49510

use TTF_TRANSPARENT to fix problem with flashing tooltips (patch 1821229)

2007-10-29 00:33 VZ, revision 49509

use fixed TOOLINFO struct size instead of trying to (wrongly) deduce it from the _WIN32_IE value, fixes bug with tooltips not appearing under Windows 95

2007-10-28 18:52 SN, revision 49508

Applied patch #1821711 (workaround for Watcom inconsistency wrt Posix functions)

2007-10-28 18:50 SN, revision 49507

Applied patch #1821711 (workaround for Watcom inconsistency wrt Posix functions)

2007-10-28 18:36 SN, revision 49506

OS/2 currently unsupported due to platform's insufficient Unicode support.

2007-10-28 10:54 CE, revision 49503

2.4 GTK fix as at

2007-10-28 01:08 VZ, revision 49500

define wxTIFFHandler ctor in the .cpp file even if wxUSE_STREAMS==0 as it's declared in the header in this case (this doesn't really make much sense as the class is unusable anyhow but the other handlers do it like this so let's do the same thing here for consistency and maybe fix all of them at once later)

2007-10-28 01:03 VZ, revision 49499

use the same #if wxUSE_XXX checks in platform-specific files as around wxTextEntryBase implementation

2007-10-28 01:00 VZ, revision 49498

reverted unrelated changes accidentally committed as part of r49411

2007-10-27 22:24 PC, revision 49497

build fixes

2007-10-27 21:16 VZ, revision 49496

don't delete uninitialized m_eventHandler pointer if initialization failed (patch 1819944)

2007-10-27 19:45 PC, revision 49495

don't include platform headers from public wx header

2007-10-27 18:05 PC, revision 49494

correct access for virtuals

2007-10-27 17:57 VZ, revision 49493

fix memory leak in the usage example

2007-10-27 17:38 JS, revision 49492

Implementation of wxSysColourChangedEvent on wxGTK

2007-10-27 17:37 JS, revision 49491

Skip the event to allow further child processing Don't change the background colour explicitly on wxGTK

2007-10-27 17:35 JS, revision 49490

Warning fix

2007-10-27 17:00 JS, revision 49489

wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW is no longer hard-wired in wxGTK Added function to reset stored system colours