

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-11-13 21:09 FM, revision 49937

allow wxpresets to be used with xcode2 format (even if it's not fully functional yet)

2007-11-13 20:56 FM, revision 49936

use docparam instead of simple italic tag for parameter docs

2007-11-13 20:54 FM, revision 49935

add 'Application and process-management classes', 'OpenGL classes', 'Multimedia classes' and 'stc classes' to the categories

2007-11-13 20:50 FM, revision 49934

document wxDECLARE_APP

2007-11-13 20:48 FM, revision 49933


2007-11-13 20:46 FM, revision 49932

user proper markup for the url to unicode website

2007-11-13 20:46 FM, revision 49931

small fix to inheritance hierarchy

2007-11-13 20:43 FM, revision 49930

update the file handling part of the manual; update the Acknowledgement section including a list of the core developers (some of them were missing) and separating them from the list of occasional contributors

2007-11-13 20:38 FM, revision 49929

keep function description before parameter documentation

2007-11-13 20:18 BIW, revision 49928

added null pointer check and assert

2007-11-13 20:17 BIW, revision 49927

added null pointer check and assert

2007-11-13 20:04 PC, revision 49926

fix for missing gtk_icon_size_lookup, broken in rev 46605

2007-11-13 18:09 PC, revision 49921

fix border glitches after rev 49907

2007-11-13 18:00 RD, revision 49920

Fix pathname for copying the editra icon

2007-11-13 17:32 VZ, revision 49919

fix another minor bug in DLGC_WANTMESSAGE handling in MSWProcessMessage()

2007-11-13 17:23 VZ, revision 49918

unselect all selected items, not just the currently focused one, when the mouse is right clicked outside of selection to minimize user confusion (patch 1702201, bug 1676471) [backport of r49916 from trunk]

2007-11-13 17:19 VZ, revision 49917

override GetDefaultBorder() to return wxBORDER_NONE, radio buttons shouldn't have borders by default

2007-11-13 17:18 VZ, revision 49916

unselect all selected items, not just the currently focused one, when the mouse is right clicked outside of selection to minimize user confusion (patch 1702201, bug 1676471)

2007-11-13 17:11 VZ, revision 49915

use GDK_SIZING instead of GDK_FLEUR which looks more like the cursor used for moving than for sizing (replaces patch 1830348)

2007-11-13 16:16 VZ, revision 49914

fix unreachable code warning in TranslateBorder()

2007-11-13 16:16 VZ, revision 49913

correction to the changes of r49805 to make the code work as expected

2007-11-13 15:22 VZ, revision 49912

disambiguate between 2 base class IsEmpty() versions too (bug 1831121)

2007-11-13 15:11 JS, revision 49911

Added missing return type

2007-11-13 14:51 JS, revision 49910

Take wxBORDER_THEME, and the default border style, into account

2007-11-13 14:44 JS, revision 49909

wxBORDER_THEME processing for Motif and X11