

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-06-24 11:59 VS, revision 28003

Removed references to now-deprecated wxNotebookSizer from documentation.

2004-06-24 11:58 VS, revision 28002

deprecated wxBookCtrlSizer and wxNotebookSizer, they are no longer needed

2004-06-24 09:32 ABX, revision 28001

Fixed stream test.

2004-06-24 09:04 VS, revision 28000

set size hints so that the window won't shrink too much

2004-06-24 08:15 JJ, revision 27999

Committing in . OpenVMS updates Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms wxWidgets/src/gtk/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/motif/checkbox.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2004-06-24 08:05 ABX, revision 27998

Regenerated makefiles.

2004-06-24 08:00 ABX, revision 27997

Removed unused code.

2004-06-24 07:28 SC, revision 27996

unicode fix

2004-06-24 06:59 ABX, revision 27995

Fixes for Smartphone builds. Sample does not work yet but at least creates exacutable.

2004-06-24 06:54 ABX, revision 27994

Fixed WinCE build.

2004-06-24 06:46 VS, revision 27993

reverted previous commit: the _real_ bug was already fixed

2004-06-24 04:46 RD, revision 27992

work around a bug in TabCtrl_AdjustRect which will cause a crash on win2k, or on XP with themes disabled, if the wxNB_MULTILINE style is used and the rectangle is very small, (such as when the notebook is first created.)

2004-06-24 04:45 RD, revision 27991

removed a SetFont(parent->GetFont())

2004-06-24 04:45 RD, revision 27990

tweaks for testing

2004-06-24 03:04 RD, revision 27989


2004-06-23 22:20 VS, revision 27988

fixed UNC paths handling (patch #975038)

2004-06-23 22:18 VS, revision 27987

test UNC filenames conversion on MSW

2004-06-23 22:18 VS, revision 27986

compilation fix for gcc-3.4

2004-06-23 22:12 DS, revision 27985

fixed bug #976725: "RETURN closes dialog instead of combobox dropdown" (applied fix suggested in the bug's comment)

2004-06-23 21:54 VZ, revision 27984

added Set(jdn) test

2004-06-23 21:53 VZ, revision 27983

fixed bug in wxDateTime::Set(jdn) when DST was in effect

2004-06-23 21:18 VZ, revision 27982

extracted some wxDateTime tests from console sample to the unit test suite

2004-06-23 20:31 VS, revision 27981

ngettext() macro was removed

2004-06-23 20:30 VS, revision 27980

allow msgids in !=English languages (based on Stefan Kowski's patch)

2004-06-23 18:26 VZ, revision 27979

fixed sending 2 events (normal and bogus cancel one) when ending to edit a tree ctrl item (patch 978403)

2004-06-23 17:42 VZ, revision 27978

use ES_AUTOHSCROLL for multiline controls as well (fixes 966692)

2004-06-23 17:42 VZ, revision 27977

don't use wxHSCROLL for the rich edit window, not that it really works as expected it looks ugly in the sample

2004-06-23 17:39 RD, revision 27976

Create the wxPython dir (for the reverse renamers) if it doesn't exist

2004-06-23 17:31 VS, revision 27975

default colours are not stored in m_fore/backgroundColour variables anymore

2004-06-23 16:41 VS, revision 27974

refresh the window in OnSysColourChanged

2004-06-23 16:41 VS, revision 27973

no need to update default colours and refresh if syscolours change, wxWindow does it

2004-06-23 16:04 ABX, revision 27972

Make some long #ifs shorter but multiline so diffs of other ports are more readable.

2004-06-23 16:04 CE, revision 27971

fix bug with button doing nothing

2004-06-23 16:01 DE, revision 27970

wxCocoa: don't force DEFAULT_wxUSE_SCROLLBAR=no

2004-06-23 15:33 VS, revision 27969

gtk_widget_get_display is documented to be GTK >= 2.2 thing -- fixes report about compilation failure

2004-06-23 15:30 VS, revision 27968

GetFont doesn't return reference anymore

2004-06-23 15:26 DE, revision 27967

wxCocoa: Added wxScrollBar

2004-06-23 15:01 ABX, revision 27966

Make some long #ifs shorter but multiline so diffs of other ports are more readable.

2004-06-23 14:49 DS, revision 27965

fixed unresolved symbol main (occurred with wxMac)

2004-06-23 14:06 DE, revision 27964

Regenerated with Bakefile 0.1.4 (some WinCE files were added by someone else)

2004-06-23 11:55 ABX, revision 27963

Private macro moved in waiting for DektopPolicy implementation.

2004-06-23 11:52 VS, revision 27962

don't cache default colours

2004-06-23 11:51 VS, revision 27961

removed non-const wxWindow::GetFont and GetCursor

2004-06-23 11:34 VS, revision 27960

removed non-const wxWindow::GetFont and GetCursor

2004-06-23 10:57 ABX, revision 27959

Preserve previous state of sizers.

2004-06-23 10:44 ABX, revision 27958

Shortcuts for avoiding #ifdef __SMARTPHONE__ conditions.

2004-06-23 09:39 ABX, revision 27957

According to C99 standard (6.10.1 p3) defined() in #define is undefined, so we need replacement.

2004-06-23 09:06 VS, revision 27956

include bitmap.h not needed anymore

2004-06-23 08:22 JS, revision 27955

Font correction

2004-06-23 00:46 DE, revision 27954

Remove SendDestroyEvent() call from SetNSView() and call it from ~wxWindow and ~wxTopLevelWindow instead.