

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-08-07 20:25 JS, revision 28703

More likely to find the about.htm instructions now

2004-08-07 19:41 VS, revision 28702

fixed plugins naming in samples

2004-08-07 19:35 SC, revision 28701

blind fix for trails of border after resize operations

2004-08-07 19:23 SC, revision 28700

we have to include the mac/private header in order to the OSX macro at all

2004-08-07 17:25 JS, revision 28699

Help button left-aligned in wizard

2004-08-07 14:37 SC, revision 28698

support for Mac Help Button added (wxID_HELP) is automatically translated

2004-08-07 14:26 JS, revision 28697

Need to include scrolwin.h

2004-08-07 14:09 SC, revision 28696

moving focus rect overlap problems to the vis region of a window

2004-08-07 13:27 SC, revision 28695

drawing the border based on the native control's border, as things like calctrl may override the GetPosition etc. call, so that we'd draw a border around the overall control instead of the day's part

2004-08-07 13:25 SN, revision 28694

Fixed typo reported in patch 1004953.

2004-08-07 05:28 SC, revision 28693

moving popup-button closer to text

2004-08-07 05:22 SC, revision 28692

making the width of the popup button dependent from the window variant, adding a one pixel safety border below the readonly combobox, and moving the popup button one pixel to the left in order to avoid chop-off

2004-08-07 05:18 SC, revision 28691

forward declaration for combobox members

2004-08-07 03:43 RD, revision 28690

version number update

2004-08-07 03:43 RD, revision 28689

some cleanup

2004-08-07 03:04 RD, revision 28688

At least correct the compile error until we decide what to for real.

2004-08-07 03:02 RD, revision 28687

Hide the page before adjusting its size, otherwise it might get painted

2004-08-07 02:17 RD, revision 28686

update the overview text before updating the pages

2004-08-07 02:06 RD, revision 28685

Changed the order that the demo and code pages are created

2004-08-06 23:09 RD, revision 28684

A better workaround for Bug# 901694 that works with GTK+ 1.2, 2.2 *and* 2.4.

2004-08-06 22:30 DE, revision 28683

Get rid of inline C compatibility methods

2004-08-06 22:28 DE, revision 28682

Use delete foo; instead of GSocket_destroy(foo);

2004-08-06 22:14 DE, revision 28681

Use native C++ GSocket interface

2004-08-06 20:56 DE, revision 28680


2004-08-06 20:32 DE, revision 28679

Use native C++ GSocket interface

2004-08-06 19:56 DE, revision 28678
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/mac/carbon/gsocket.c

gsocket.c has been replaced by gsocket.cpp

2004-08-06 19:47 DE, revision 28677

Compile gsockpm.cpp instead of gsockpm.c for wxOS/2

2004-08-06 19:37 DE, revision 28676
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/os2/gsocket.c

According to Stefan Neis this file isn't used by anything other than the now defunct IBM Visual Age C++.

2004-08-06 19:34 DE, revision 28675
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/os2/gsockpm.c

Removed unused file (replaced by src/os2/gsockpm.cpp)

2004-08-06 19:28 DE, revision 28674

wxMac CFM never has a GSocketGUIFunctionsTable

2004-08-06 19:22 DE, revision 28673

OS/2 now uses C++ gsocket.

2004-08-06 19:18 DE, revision 28672

C->C++ conversion

2004-08-06 19:11 DE, revision 28671

include wx/mac/gsockmac.h when compiling wxMac CFM

2004-08-06 19:04 DE, revision 28670

wxMac GSocket C -> C++

2004-08-06 18:55 DE, revision 28669

Copied src/mac/carbon/gsocket.c revision 1.20

2004-08-06 18:49 SC, revision 28668

correcting border drawing for clientareaorigin in notebooks etc.

2004-08-06 18:30 SC, revision 28667

corrected positioning of focus rect in hierarchies and changed the redraw after a control lost focus to do an invalidation instead of a redraw, because in the situations where we have wrong z-order (static boxes) a wrong shade of gray will get painted otherwise.

2004-08-06 18:28 VZ, revision 28666

removed not existing GiveFeedback() parameter

2004-08-06 18:23 RD, revision 28665

Update the notebook before running the sample in case it is a modal dialog, (but the best thing to do is to just always make a panel with buttons to launch the dialog...) Fix the find text to ensure that the found text is visible Added ability to open a PyShell window that has the app and demo frame preloaded in the namespace.

2004-08-06 17:35 ABX, revision 28664

DMC distrubutes broken header which will not be fixed due to MS ownership.

2004-08-06 17:27 ABX, revision 28663

Deleting void is undefined.

2004-08-06 16:28 DS, revision 28662

made code slightly more readable

2004-08-06 15:53 SC, revision 28661

undoing last change, widgets sample had slider label offset

2004-08-06 15:52 SC, revision 28660

moving stacking event handlers and event ref to central location, border handling when using native theme methods moved to native event handler, so that we can always make sure we only draw on the updateRgn, otherwise things get darker and darker....

2004-08-06 15:50 SC, revision 28659

moving stacking event handlers and event ref to central location

2004-08-06 13:23 DS, revision 28658

fixed MSVC6 compiler warning

2004-08-06 09:30 SC, revision 28657

switch to draw borders from the parent window, as we are not getting all redraws otherwise

2004-08-06 09:19 SC, revision 28656

add a outside area for borders and focus rects of 3 pixels to a wxWindowDC's clip region

2004-08-06 00:47 RD, revision 28655


2004-08-06 00:37 RD, revision 28654

Fixed typo