

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-09-11 22:23 VZ, revision 29103

typo in last commit

2004-09-11 22:17 VZ, revision 29102

added As/DissociateHandle() and implemented it for MSW (modified patch 972356)

2004-09-11 22:07 VZ, revision 29101

deprecated SetToTheWeek() and GetWeek(); added and documented new and well-defined SetToWeekOfYear()

2004-09-11 21:37 VZ, revision 29100

fixed GetWeekOfYear() for first/last week in some cases (patch 908793)

2004-09-11 20:26 VZ, revision 29099

fixed CopyFromBitmap() for shared wxIcon objects by adding CloneRefData() implementation (patch 1026453)

2004-09-11 19:21 VZ, revision 29098

BC++ 5.5 and later supports wxUSE_ON_FATAL_EXCEPTION

2004-09-11 19:18 VZ, revision 29097

msw/helpchm and helpwin.cpp should be LOWLEVEL; msw/dirdlg.cpp should not

2004-09-11 19:10 VZ, revision 29096

added a missing delete which resulted in a small memory leak on each wxExecute() (fixes 926802)

2004-09-11 18:47 VZ, revision 29095

default MB -> WC conversion under Win32 now fails if it encounters invalid MB chars; this is more iconv-compatible and fixes wxTextInputStream::NextChar()

2004-09-11 18:42 VZ, revision 29094

overload operator<<() for wchar_t too (if applicable/possible); this fixes the problem with << '\n' producing '10' on output

2004-09-11 18:39 VZ, revision 29093

define wxWCHAR_T_IS_REAL_TYPE macro: 1 for compilers having real wchar_t native type and 0 for broken ones which define it as a typedef

2004-09-11 08:25 SC, revision 29092

NO_DEFAULT support added

2004-09-11 07:42 SC, revision 29091

support for sys-opted window variant

2004-09-10 21:44 RD, revision 29090

Accomodate either {prefix}/lib or {prefix}/lib64 (the latter is used on SuSE x86_64 distro)

2004-09-10 21:44 RD, revision 29089


2004-09-10 21:42 RD, revision 29088


2004-09-10 21:36 RD, revision 29087

ensure that the wxString gets all the wide chars

2004-09-10 21:34 RD, revision 29086

another change note

2004-09-10 20:54 RD, revision 29085

Forgot about CalendarEvent

2004-09-10 20:53 RD, revision 29084

Extended the wx.calendar.CalendarCtrl class with methods that get/set a Python datetime or date object. (These will only work with Python 2.3+) The methods are PySetDate, PyGetDate, PySetLowerDateLimit, PySetUpperDateLimit, PySetDateRange, PyGetLowerDateLimit, and PyGetUpperDateLimit.

2004-09-10 20:36 VZ, revision 29083

make background colour apply to choice/combobox dropdown listbox as well as the main part (patch 1023669)

2004-09-10 20:08 RD, revision 29082

Fixed typo

2004-09-10 20:06 RD, revision 29081

Add depth param to ConvertToBitmap

2004-09-10 20:01 RD, revision 29080

Added GetListView accessor

2004-09-10 19:54 RD, revision 29079


2004-09-10 13:24 ABX, revision 29078

Some unnecessary wxUSE_MFC occurences removed following Vadim's experience (see wx-dev on 6.8.2004).

2004-09-10 12:56 ABX, revision 29077

Source cleaning: whitespaces, tabs, TRUE/true, FALSE/false, -1/wxID_ANY/wxDefaultCoord, !!/!IsEmpty().

2004-09-10 12:09 ABX, revision 29076

DMC reality.

2004-09-10 04:54 RD, revision 29075


2004-09-09 23:14 RD, revision 29074

fixed case typo

2004-09-09 21:02 RD, revision 29073


2004-09-09 20:37 RD, revision 29072

undo last change

2004-09-09 20:35 RD, revision 29071

default is gtk2 & unicode

2004-09-09 20:34 RD, revision 29070

dependencies for the new swig runtime files

2004-09-09 19:16 RD, revision 29069

Added RequestUserAttention

2004-09-09 19:07 RD, revision 29068

Removed my copy of distutils from the wxPython source tree.

2004-09-09 19:03 RD, revision 29067

Added RequestUserAttention

2004-09-09 18:59 RD, revision 29066

New SWIG runtime files and api updates for the move to SWIG 1.3.22

2004-09-09 18:58 RD, revision 29065

Added StockButtons to main demo list

2004-09-09 18:53 RD, revision 29064

typo fixed

2004-09-09 18:48 RD, revision 29063

New SWIG runtime files and api updates for the move to SWIG 1.3.22

2004-09-09 18:32 RD, revision 29062

New patch for SWIG, updated to SWIG 1.3.22. Removed old patches that have already been put in to SWIG

2004-09-09 18:29 RD, revision 29061

For editors and renderers the type registry takes precedence over the default attr, so we need to register the new editor/renderer for the string data type in order to make setting a default editor/renderer appear to work correctly.

2004-09-09 17:42 ABX, revision 29060

Source cleaning: TRUE/true, FALSE/false, whitespaces, tabs.

2004-09-09 17:26 RD, revision 29059

Removed my copy of distutils from the wxPython source tree.

2004-09-09 14:34 VZ, revision 29058

compilation fix for VC6 (closes 1025093)

2004-09-09 14:33 VZ, revision 29057

define WINVER as 0x0400 for VC++ 6 because its headers give a warning if WINVER >= 0x0500 is used and are generally broken for higher WINVER values

2004-09-09 14:14 ABX, revision 29056

Correct positioning of the entry text dialog.

2004-09-09 13:14 ABX, revision 29055

WinCE fixes.

2004-09-08 23:50 RD, revision 29054

Fixed wrong append() name