

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-01-08 00:10 RD, revision 51085


2008-01-07 19:58 RR, revision 51084

doc syntax errors

2008-01-07 19:04 VZ, revision 51081

initialize wxMSWSystemMenuFontModule stuff on demand only, there is no need to create menu font if we never use owner-drawn menu items

2008-01-07 19:02 VZ, revision 51080

added wxNativeFontInfo() ctor from LOGFONT, this is convenient for MSW code

2008-01-07 18:50 VZ, revision 51079

adjust the minimal menu item height to be lesser than the menubar height; some code cleanup

2008-01-07 18:46 VZ, revision 51078

don't use wxSubwindows with a single element to store the dummy radio item, store it in radiobox itself (patch 1866053)

2008-01-07 18:43 VZ, revision 51077

check that HWNDs are non-NULL before doing anything with them (part of patch 1866053)

2008-01-07 15:12 RR, revision 51076

Correct wxObjectDataPtr<> assignment from *T to not increase the ref count

2008-01-07 13:59 SC, revision 51075

adding back support for font encoding in non-unicode builds

2008-01-07 13:04 RR, revision 51074

[ 1865141 ] wxNotebook::DeletePage can result in invalid page selection

2008-01-07 13:02 RR, revision 51073

[ 1865141 ] wxNotebook::DeletePage can result in invalid page selection

2008-01-07 12:18 RR, revision 51072


2008-01-07 12:10 RR, revision 51071

Commit correct docs for wxwxScopedPtr

2008-01-07 12:09 RR, revision 51070

Templatize wxScopedPtr

2008-01-07 10:59 RR, revision 51069

Added docs to wxTrackable and wxWeakRef<T>

2008-01-07 10:27 VS, revision 51068

don't call wxString::Len() from operator==; use IsSameAs() instead of move the length check to there (for non-UTF8 builds)

2008-01-07 01:54 VZ, revision 51065

store ids of sub-items directly in wxSubwindows instead of using a parallel data structure (patch 1865577)

2008-01-07 01:46 VZ, revision 51064

compilation fix for MSVC: remove implicit wxStringImpl::iterator conversion to pointer as otherwise built-in operator+(void *, size_t) conflicts with our operator taking ptrdiff_t

2008-01-07 01:36 VZ, revision 51063

correct wrong last commit

2008-01-07 01:35 VZ, revision 51062

added another ParseFormat() overload for better backwards compatibility

2008-01-07 01:33 VZ, revision 51061

removed useless inclusion of wx/datetime.h

2008-01-07 01:20 VZ, revision 51060

compilation fix after wxDateTime::ParseFormat() changes

2008-01-07 00:17 VZ, revision 51059

make wxDateTime::ParseXXX() functions char*-friendly

2008-01-06 22:57 VZ, revision 51056

added WX_ASSERT_MESSAGE macro to simply using CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE with wxString::Format()

2008-01-06 22:47 SN, revision 51055

Allow using socket from both wxBase and wxCore (adopting to changes from r50831) Use Unix' gsocketiohandler files for wxBase.