

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-02-25 00:29 FM, revision 52073

precision: the listed chars don't need to be escaped when they appear inside @code or @verbatim

2008-02-25 00:25 FM, revision 52072

add the missing < > symbols

2008-02-25 00:09 FM, revision 52071

reworked link anchors and link text

2008-02-25 00:03 FM, revision 52068

fixed anchor link naming, indentation in some places, added the <hr> divisor, fixed the <>& removal in sample XRC and C++ code, wrapped long lines

2008-02-24 23:38 VZ, revision 52064

use wxLogLastError() to show the last error value when reporting failure to create a control (replaces patch 1890940)

2008-02-24 23:28 VZ, revision 52062

always return 471 from wxApp::GetComCtl32Version() under CE as its commctrl.dll includes all comctl32.dll v4.71 functionality (replaces patch 1890933)

2008-02-24 23:24 VZ, revision 52061

don't forcefully disable regex and tiff, they build fine with VC8 (and not eVC)

2008-02-24 23:20 VZ, revision 52060

don't define, nor use, LVS_EX_LABELTIP under WinCE

2008-02-24 23:06 VZ, revision 52059

set TOOLKIT to WINCE for VC8 builds targeting pocketpc2003

2008-02-24 23:05 VZ, revision 52058

compilation fixes for Unicode build in !TIF_PLATFORM_CONSOLE case (fixes WinCE compilation)

2008-02-24 23:04 VZ, revision 52057

WinCE adjustments

2008-02-24 22:59 VZ, revision 52056

don't use hook code for positioning message box under WinCE, it doesn't compile there

2008-02-24 22:59 VZ, revision 52055

restore checks for SM_SWAPBUTTON, it is not defined in WinCE SDK

2008-02-24 22:32 VZ, revision 52054

don't include wx/msw/dc.h from wx/msw/private.h, this results in circular inclusion of wx/stream.h from wx/filefn.h before wxFileOffset is defined which results in compilation errors under WinCE and is bad/confusing anyhow

2008-02-24 20:39 FM, revision 52053

fixed end of line and path separator

2008-02-24 18:57 SC, revision 52052

moving forward

2008-02-24 18:29 SC, revision 52051

moving forward

2008-02-24 18:01 SC, revision 52050

moving forward

2008-02-24 17:39 FM, revision 52049

added images for topic overviews

2008-02-24 17:36 SC, revision 52048

moving forward

2008-02-24 17:36 FM, revision 52047

fix some links

2008-02-24 17:26 FM, revision 52046

revised topic overviews (letters g,h)

2008-02-24 17:25 FM, revision 52045

fixing link anchors naming

2008-02-24 17:25 FM, revision 52044

adding reminder of a few ideas about new ALIASES

2008-02-24 17:22 SC, revision 52043

moving forward