

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-03-15 12:28 VS, revision 52546

wxMSW: generate wxClipboardTextEvent from wxTextCtrl with wxTE_RICH style too

2008-03-15 12:26 FM, revision 52545

update generation info and mention that you need doxygen >= 1.5.4 to correctly regen wx docs

2008-03-15 12:25 VS, revision 52544

restored missing parts of wxClipboardTextEvent docs lost in the conversion

2008-03-15 04:10 VZ, revision 52543

implement wxSpinCtrl::Reparent() to properly reparent both the spin button and the text control part (slightly modified patch 1914190)

2008-03-15 03:45 VZ, revision 52542

use quotes around SRCROOT to handle the case when it contains spaces (patch 1912354)

2008-03-15 03:42 VZ, revision 52541

protect access to ms_aTraceMasks with a critical section (replaces patch 1911172)

2008-03-15 03:36 VZ, revision 52540

call OnNativeDestroyed() if the native window is destroyed independently from us

2008-03-15 03:28 VZ, revision 52539

fix crash in DoGetBestSize() if default widths are used (corrects patch 1386199 applied in r45202)

2008-03-15 03:14 BP, revision 52538

Categorized all functions and macros in the Debugging and Version categories.

2008-03-15 03:12 VZ, revision 52537

don't assign the returned value in wxMDIParentFrame::OnCreateClient() to any member variables, this is the job of the caller (according to documentation and wxMSW code) (modified patch 1910602)

2008-03-15 03:05 VZ, revision 52536

use less expensive GetLastPosition() instead of GetValue() to implement IsEmpty()

2008-03-15 03:04 VZ, revision 52535

don't call GetLastPosition() unnecessarily in SelectAll(), all platforms should support SetSelection(-1, -1) according to the docs (but wxGTK didn't, so fix it to do)

2008-03-15 02:58 VZ, revision 52534

refactored code reused in several different places in wxTextEntry::RemoveSelection() (patch 1910166)

2008-03-15 02:52 VZ, revision 52533

no real changes, just use more readable helper wxTextEntry methods (patch 1910165 )

2008-03-15 02:47 VZ, revision 52532

no real changes, just use more readable helper wxTextEntry methods (patch 1910160)

2008-03-15 02:38 VZ, revision 52531

initialize m_nCurLine in wxTextBuffer ctor (part of patch 1908134)

2008-03-15 02:33 VZ, revision 52530

added support for double arguments to wxCmdLineParser (patch 1907289)

2008-03-15 02:24 VZ, revision 52529

use wxTE_PROCESS_{ENTER,TAB} with the wxGridCellChoiceEditor combobox (slightly modified patch 1906581)

2008-03-15 02:12 VZ, revision 52528

don't generate duplicate resume events for PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC

2008-03-15 02:12 VZ, revision 52527

call OnNativeDestroyed() if the native window is destroyed independently from us

2008-03-15 02:10 VZ, revision 52526

initialize m_initial{Recv,Send}BufferSize in wxSocketClient ctor (patch 1905981)

2008-03-15 02:08 VZ, revision 52525

remove/replace redundant SetAutoLayout() and Fit() calls, leave just SetSizer[AndFit]() ones (patch 1905759)

2008-03-14 23:59 FM, revision 52524

replace @seealso with @see; as Vaclav pointed out we shouldn't use custom aliases only for styling purposes, CSS is designed for that; besides @seealso was already removed from all interface headers and from Doxygen_inc

2008-03-14 23:57 VZ, revision 52523

don't delete the context in ~wxGLCanvas(), the base class will do it (patch 1912776)

2008-03-14 23:49 VZ, revision 52522

changed eol-style to native for all .h files