

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-03-16 20:14 CE, revision 52572

remove daily build of docs

2008-03-16 17:23 FM, revision 52571

sort the errors so it's easy to see if already processed headers still give out warnings

2008-03-16 17:00 FM, revision 52570

fix wxMSW build after wxBrush changes: return wxBRUSHSTYLE_MAX instead of zero; fix include loop in MSW headers

2008-03-16 16:47 FM, revision 52569

introduce wxBrushStyle enum and replace 'int style' occurrences in wxBrush code with 'wxBrushStyle style'; the change is backward compatible and documented in changes.txt

2008-03-16 14:43 FM, revision 52568

enable the search engine so that the manual which gets built on become 'searchable'

2008-03-16 13:50 JS, revision 52567

Don't accept picker text events from any old text control

2008-03-16 13:50 JS, revision 52566

Don't accept picker text events from any old text control

2008-03-16 11:10 VS, revision 52565

ShowWithEffect must call wxWindowBase::Show

2008-03-16 02:22 VZ, revision 52564

don't use generic process callback for wxGTK/Motif/MGL which have their own versions of it

2008-03-16 00:37 VS, revision 52562

Fixed generic art provider to scale bitmaps down to client-specific best size if needed.

2008-03-16 00:36 VS, revision 52561

Fixed generic art provider to scale bitmaps down to client-specific best size if needed.

2008-03-16 00:35 VS, revision 52560

if we can't detect tooltip color, yellow as used by Tiger is still better than white, which isn't used anywhere

2008-03-16 00:35 VS, revision 52559

if we can't detect tooltip color, yellow as used by Tiger is still better than white, which isn't used anywhere

2008-03-16 00:09 VZ, revision 52558

ignore WinCE projects and build directories

2008-03-16 00:08 VZ, revision 52557

ignore WinCE build directories

2008-03-16 00:04 VZ, revision 52556

added test of focusing/selecting another item

2008-03-16 00:02 BP, revision 52555

Removed layout constaints related docs as discussed on wx-dev.

2008-03-15 23:44 VZ, revision 52554

correct typo in wxDIR_STOP

2008-03-15 18:15 FM, revision 52553

revised base64.h;bitmap.h

2008-03-15 18:11 PC, revision 52552

use a different method to prevent an early size_allocate, removing child has undesirable size effects, such as unsetting the default widget

2008-03-15 16:53 VZ, revision 52551

rename fobr95.{cpp,h} files to foobar.{cpp,h}

2008-03-15 16:46 VZ, revision 52550

add support for asynchronous execution in wxBase (patch 1906889)

2008-03-15 13:58 FM, revision 52549

turn GENERATE_HTML on otherwise CHM generation does not work correctly

2008-03-15 13:36 FM, revision 52548

put the CHM in the out folder instead of out/html; be quiet during output generation

2008-03-15 12:33 VS, revision 52547

wxMSW: generate wxClipboardTextEvent from wxTextCtrl with wxTE_RICH style too