

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-04-08 13:51 JS, revision 53093

Try standard XDG location for documents directory

2008-04-08 12:38 RR, revision 53092

Update Unicode overview to 3.0

2008-04-08 11:17 RR, revision 53091

Adapt MSW's renderer's alignment to use column header's alignment by default

2008-04-08 11:05 JS, revision 53090

Don't send event from ChangeValue

2008-04-08 11:04 JS, revision 53089

Don't send event from ChangeValue

2008-04-08 10:40 RR, revision 53088

We do use templates now

2008-04-08 10:39 RR, revision 53087

By default, align renderers as column header under GTK+, too.

2008-04-08 05:34 BP, revision 53086

Finished initial review of [cl*-cm*] interface headers.

2008-04-08 00:31 KO, revision 53085

Since we use C-style casts to grab the pointer from an item id, we can return an invalid item if the control has extra items appended.

2008-04-07 20:12 VZ, revision 53084

don't ask for bounding rectangle of a hidden root, this fixes a crash introduced by the previous patch

2008-04-07 18:53 RD, revision 53083

wxVideoMode is a class not a struct

2008-04-07 18:52 RD, revision 53082

fix typedef

2008-04-07 17:41 FM, revision 53081

better integration of the window sizing overview in the wx docs; revised it removing python-like syntaxes; misc fixes to the wording

2008-04-07 12:25 JS, revision 53080

Avoid the use font setters to avoid any memory leaks

2008-04-07 10:46 RR, revision 53079

Put sample code back in, removed during conversion to Doxygen

2008-04-07 10:37 RR, revision 53078

Further corrections to container class docs

2008-04-07 09:27 RR, revision 53077

Split wxDataViewVirtualModel fork wxDataViewIndexModel to make the code clearer and let wxDataViewIndexModel behave the same on all platforms

2008-04-07 08:23 RR, revision 53076

Compilo after wxVideoMode change, MSW part

2008-04-07 06:23 KO, revision 53074

Enable popupwin on Mac.

2008-04-07 03:44 KO, revision 53073

Add somehow uncommitted file.

2008-04-07 01:06 VZ, revision 53072

correct positioning of the control and removed workarounds for old MSW bugs

2008-04-07 00:17 RR, revision 53071

Some corrections to container class docs.

2008-04-07 00:07 RR, revision 53070

Mention that the renderer's alignment is ignored under OS X, reorder docs

2008-04-06 23:28 RR, revision 53069


2008-04-06 23:16 RR, revision 53068

Test header and renderer aligment separately, II

2008-04-06 23:07 RR, revision 53067

Test header and renderer aligment separately

2008-04-06 23:04 RR, revision 53066

Added alignment parameter to renderers' constr

2008-04-06 22:59 RR, revision 53065

Mention wxDataViewRenderer Set/GetAlignment

2008-04-06 20:31 RR, revision 53064

Fix compilo

2008-04-06 20:02 VZ, revision 53063

no changes, just fix typo in variable name

2008-04-06 17:02 VZ, revision 53062

don't bounce back events to the text control recursively as this results in infinite recursion under wxGTK and probably other ports

2008-04-06 16:24 FM, revision 53061

stdobjects is used for both objects and pointers

2008-04-06 16:19 FM, revision 53060

my revision of o-p interface headers

2008-04-06 16:14 VZ, revision 53059

delay setting the window shape until it is realized (slightly modified patch 1935497)

2008-04-06 16:01 VZ, revision 53058

added a note about entry point in Unicode build (patch 1934836)

2008-04-06 15:57 VZ, revision 53057

use background colour, not WINDOW_COLOR, in OnDrawItem() (patch 1934179)

2008-04-06 15:55 VZ, revision 53056

use kind, not id, of a menu item to test whether it's a separator: this allows having separators with ids other than wxID_SEPARATOR in case it's useful to distinguish between them (patch 1929039)

2008-04-06 15:46 VZ, revision 53055

demo toggling border and 3D sash styles (last part of patch 1927817)

2008-04-06 15:45 VZ, revision 53054

use wxJoin() instead of redoing it manually in the code logging the messages (part of patch 1927817)

2008-04-06 15:42 VZ, revision 53053

demonstrate fuller about dialog in ShowFullAboutDialog() (part of patch 1927817)

2008-04-06 15:41 VZ, revision 53052

removed (unused) occurrences of _WX_DEFINE_DATE_EVENTS_ (part of patch 1927817)

2008-04-06 15:37 VZ, revision 53051

refresh the item after adding its first child as, apparently, otherwise the '+' is not always drawn immediately (patch 1927179)

2008-04-06 15:35 FM, revision 53050

give a name to the enumeration of the values which can be passed to OnDrawItem to make it easier to document it

2008-04-06 15:34 FM, revision 53049

documented wxVideoMode (otherwise wxDisplay docs are not very useful)

2008-04-06 15:31 VZ, revision 53048

continue with other handlers if some handler fails in LoadFile() after returning true from CanRead() (modified patch 1926226)

2008-04-06 15:28 FM, revision 53047

make sure all wxDefault* and all wxNull* global instances are documented

2008-04-06 15:25 VZ, revision 53046

corrected inverted test in IsEmpty() (patch 1936052)

2008-04-06 15:14 VZ, revision 53045

reset m_selection in DeleteAllPages() (patch 1922215); some cleanup of DoRemovePage() in trunk

2008-04-06 14:49 FM, revision 53044

small typo fix

2008-04-06 14:43 FM, revision 53043

improved rendering of styles and events sections: put the description of those items on new lines; put the prototype of event handlers on a separate line, too. This change requires that @event and @style macros are _not_ followed by a colon.

2008-04-06 13:57 VZ, revision 53042

no changes, just some cleanup (patch 1918720)

2008-04-06 12:52 FM, revision 53041

revisions contributed by Utensil Candel

2008-04-06 10:01 CE, revision 53040

SF bug 1895101

2008-04-06 09:31 CE, revision 53039

SF bug 1895101

2008-04-06 02:38 RD, revision 53038

use the same constant the other ports use instead of a magic number

2008-04-06 02:13 RD, revision 53037

Slight reorg of last change

2008-04-06 00:00 KO, revision 53036

Initial implementation of wxGraphicsContext::GetMultilineTextExtent, so that wxGraphicsContext has all the same drawing APIs as wxDC.

2008-04-05 21:00 SN, revision 53035

Tests for declarations of snprintf/vsnprintf/vsscanf should be done in C++.

2008-04-05 20:46 VZ, revision 53034

include more headers for PCH-less compilation

2008-04-05 18:25 RR, revision 53033

Also right-align second column

2008-04-05 18:22 RR, revision 53032

Always interpret a column width of -1 as 80 until somthing better is found

2008-04-05 17:54 VZ, revision 53031

use wxCHECK instead of wxASSERT in Alloc() to avoid crashing when (trying to) use strings of length close to INT_MAX (bug 1933693)

2008-04-05 17:50 VZ, revision 53030

document Alloc() vs returning bool (part of bug 1933693)

2008-04-05 17:29 RR, revision 53029

Added test for right alignment of 1st column

2008-04-05 17:28 VZ, revision 53028

don't crash in ReadString() if the length read from the stream is too big (bug 1933560)

2008-04-05 17:26 RR, revision 53027

Added test for left/centre/right alignment

2008-04-05 17:07 VZ, revision 53026

fix for g++ signed/unsigned comparison warning

2008-04-05 17:05 VZ, revision 53025

include the headers needed for its compilation from the header itself

2008-04-05 13:40 RR, revision 53024

Fixed bug that made adding a child to a branch (that was previously made empty) impossible

2008-04-05 12:37 RR, revision 53023

Bugs-1934787 ] Bug in wxDataViewSpinRenderer::CreateEditorCtrl()

2008-04-05 12:33 RR, revision 53022

Probable fix for [ 1933745 ] Crash in wxDataViewHeaderWindowBase::GetColumn()

2008-04-05 12:24 RR, revision 53021

[ 1922123 ] Generic wxDataViewCtrl leaks

2008-04-05 12:09 RR, revision 53020

Support renderer::LeftClick() in generic code, removed unsupported RightClick(), corrected docs, added test to sample

2008-04-05 09:12 BP, revision 53019

Finished initial review of [ca*-ch*] interface headers.

2008-04-04 23:07 VZ, revision 53014

set focus to the control when it's clicked

2008-04-04 22:30 VZ, revision 53013

use wxWANTS_CHARS to allow arrows to work inside the control

2008-04-04 22:25 VZ, revision 53012

make GenerateEvent() public again to fix wxGTK compilation

2008-04-04 18:39 VZ, revision 53011

regenerate VC8 project files after addition of native MSW version of wxCalendarCtrl too

2008-04-04 16:35 VZ, revision 53010

implemented toggling of wxCAL_MONDAY_FIRST in the native MSW version of wxCalendarCtrl

2008-04-04 16:26 VZ, revision 53009

implemented Mark() in the native MSW version of wxCalendarCtrl

2008-04-04 15:49 VZ, revision 53008

generate double click events in the native MSW version of wxCalendarCtrl

2008-04-04 15:26 VZ, revision 53007

generate the correct events in the native MSW version of wxCalendarCtrl

2008-04-04 14:58 VZ, revision 53006

implemented HitTest() in the native MSW version; added test for it to the sample

2008-04-04 14:24 VZ, revision 53005

implement EnableMonthChange() by restricting the dates range to the current month (this is not ideal as the UI of the control doesn't change, but better than nothing)

2008-04-04 13:07 VZ, revision 53004

compilation fix for PCH-less build

2008-04-04 06:20 BP, revision 53003

Intial review of calctrl.h.

2008-04-04 04:17 VZ, revision 53002

initial native implementation of wxCalendarCtrl for MSW

2008-04-03 23:28 RD, revision 53000

Fix AdjustForOverflow to use item->CalcMin, not item->GetSize

2008-04-03 23:27 RD, revision 52999

Fix AdjustForOverflow to use item->CalcMin, not item->GetSize

2008-04-03 18:57 VS, revision 52998

Fixed timing of malformed animated GIFs in wxHTML (patch #1926825 by Gennady Feller)

2008-04-03 18:55 VS, revision 52997

Fixed timing of malformed animated GIFs in wxHTML (patch #1926825 by Gennady Feller)

2008-04-03 12:47 VZ, revision 52996

replace wrong wxUSE_DYNAMIC_LOADER test with the correct wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS one

2008-04-03 12:09 SC, revision 52995

fixing the build for wxMAC_USE_COCOA=1

2008-04-03 11:47 SC, revision 52994

GetPixel isn't returning RGBColor anymore, so change call

2008-04-03 11:41 SC, revision 52993

GetPixel isn't returning RGBColor anymore, so change call

2008-04-03 08:37 FM, revision 52992
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/html

removed FAQs: they are already available in the website; there's no reason to duplicate them here

2008-04-03 06:43 RD, revision 52990

Call ValueChanged after SetValue so other views will be updated

2008-04-03 03:33 RD, revision 52989

fix warnings

2008-04-03 03:33 RD, revision 52988

fix warnings

2008-04-03 02:50 RD, revision 52987

Fix for potential layout glitches in wxGridBagSizer when items span cells but some other item affects the size of one of spanned rows/cols.

2008-04-03 02:45 RD, revision 52986

Fix for potential layout glitches in wxGridBagSizer when items span cells but some other item affects the size of one of spanned rows/cols.

2008-04-02 13:54 VZ, revision 52982

regenerated after vsscanf() changes

2008-04-02 13:51 VZ, revision 52981

wxMac compilation fix: must explicitly qualify non-dependent MacSetClipChildren() in wxScrolled::Create()

2008-04-02 12:05 SN, revision 52980

Added detection of vsscanf and whether or not a prototype exists in headers.

2008-04-02 11:05 FM, revision 52979

first revision (contains wxHelpEvent and wxNavigationKeyEvent modifications which needs to be solved)

2008-04-02 10:06 VS, revision 52976

backported wxXmlNode::InsertChildAfter and its use during XML parsing to 2.8

2008-04-02 10:04 JS, revision 52975

Only update the toolbar buttons if the toolbar is visible

2008-04-02 10:03 JS, revision 52974

Only update the toolbar buttons if the toolbar is visible

2008-04-02 09:36 VS, revision 52973

changing label invalidates best size

2008-04-02 05:29 BP, revision 52972

Restored the old Classes by Category page to live side-by-side with the full Classes by Category grouping. Also changed the license pages to include the actual license files verbatim rather than duplicated in comments. Cleaned up the Development Tips page a little fixing some minor issues and wrapping at 80 columns. Recategorized the WXDEBUG_NEW() macro from the RTTI group to the Debugging group.

2008-04-02 01:23 BP, revision 52971

115% line height on lists is more than enough, especially for the class hierarchy and class members pages. Also turned off REPEAT_BRIEF for when we add brief descriptions to classes.

2008-04-02 00:10 VZ, revision 52970

log error before returning, not after

2008-04-02 00:04 KO, revision 52969

Commit preliminary fix for wxGraphicsBitmap drawing code on Mac.

2008-04-01 23:53 KO, revision 52968

Use CreateMeasuringContext to do text measurements when we don't have a valid graphics context. (e.g. wxMemoryDC on Mac)

2008-04-01 23:44 VZ, revision 52967

suppress VC++ /Wp64 warnings

2008-04-01 23:43 VZ, revision 52966

move all appearace-related methods down to wxCalendarCtrlBase from wxGenericCalendarCtrl

2008-04-01 22:48 VZ, revision 52965

wxMimeTypesManagerImpl and wxFileTypeImpl are in base, not core

2008-04-01 22:19 SN, revision 52964

Another attempt at fixing Watcom compilation.

2008-04-01 19:43 SN, revision 52963

Added header needed for Solaris to find finite() prototype.

2008-04-01 15:40 VS, revision 52962

compilation fix for wxMSW and r52961

2008-04-01 15:07 VS, revision 52961

Generalized wxScrolledWindow into wxScrolled<T> that can derive from anything (typically wxPanel or wxWindow). Fixed generic wxListCtrl to use wxScrolled<wxWindow> - this fixes focus problems with label-editing text control. Fixes to wxScrolledWindow doxygen docs.

2008-04-01 13:59 FM, revision 52960

replace @b Note with @note; replace '' with "

2008-04-01 13:55 FM, revision 52959

first raw revision

2008-04-01 04:35 RD, revision 52954

Don't force wxBORDER_SUNKEN so the programmer can specify some other style.

2008-03-31 20:32 FM, revision 52952

move readme_vms.txt in a folder ad-hoc

2008-03-31 20:29 FM, revision 52951

add a list of the samples yet to document

2008-03-31 16:39 VZ, revision 52940

improve best height calculation for empty listbox [backport of r52927 from trunk]

2008-03-31 15:22 VZ, revision 52939

throw away the now invalid items in wxSelectionStore::SetItemCount() (bug 1929823) and added a unit test for this class

2008-03-31 15:00 VZ, revision 52938

give an error message when ran from a wrong location instead of just saying that config.status is not found

2008-03-31 14:53 VZ, revision 52937

fix unused parameter warning

2008-03-31 14:42 VZ, revision 52936

store selected indices as unsigned int, not size_t, in wxSelectionStore, we don't need to waste twice the memory needed under Win64

2008-03-31 14:39 FM, revision 52935

update links to the TODO lists

2008-03-31 14:35 FM, revision 52934
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/gtk/COPYING.LIB
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/gtk/changes.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/gtk/licence.txt

remove old files not needed anymore

2008-03-31 14:35 FM, revision 52933
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/todo30.txt

moved to the wiki

2008-03-31 14:21 FM, revision 52932
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/cocoa/todo.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/gtk/todo.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/mac/todo.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/motif/todo.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/todo.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/wine/todo.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/x11/todo.txt

moved old TODO lists to the Wiki:

2008-03-31 14:14 FM, revision 52931

move TODO items for wxDocs from the wxwiki to the doxygen manual

2008-03-31 14:06 FM, revision 52930

CSS changes: make lists more spaced; use sans-serif font by default

2008-03-31 14:05 FM, revision 52929

moved translations list to the doxygen manual

2008-03-31 13:27 FM, revision 52928

merge "strategies" page with devtips.h; add mention of Bakefile and wx presets in devtips.h; add explanation of the difference between static/shared builds; reorganize the main page of the manual to improve its usability.

2008-03-31 00:40 VZ, revision 52927

don't leave empty listboxes with tiny best size

2008-03-30 23:34 FM, revision 52926

s/NB:/@note; revised wxFFile

2008-03-30 23:04 FM, revision 52925

typo fix

2008-03-30 18:30 KO, revision 52924

Merge build script updates from 2.8 branch.

2008-03-30 15:50 FM, revision 52923

optimization for faster execution: don't use wxString::Replace() all the times a wxType comparison is required

2008-03-30 14:49 FM, revision 52922

further revision (done by me)

2008-03-30 14:48 FM, revision 52921

revision contributed by Utensil Candel

2008-03-30 13:09 FM, revision 52920

add references to wxWebsite,wxWiki,wxForum

2008-03-30 10:27 VS, revision 52919

added wxXmlNode::InsertChildAfter and use it for (much) faster XML parsing (based on patch by Francesco Montorsi)

2008-03-30 10:12 SN, revision 52918

Add OS/2 to buildbot (patch #1929212).

2008-03-30 00:55 FM, revision 52915

updated the index page: 1) removed sample list: it duplicated (and was out-of-date) the doxygen samples page; 2) removed tex2rtf and odbc references; 3) merged with html/index.htm so that the entire 'html' folder can be removed; temporarily commented-out the FAQ (need to decide how to handle them) and the platforms/i18n pages (need to decide how to handle them)

2008-03-29 22:57 VS, revision 52914

fixed wxXmlNode::InsertChild() documentation to match the code

2008-03-29 22:55 VS, revision 52913

1. fixed wxXmlNode::InsertChild() documentation to match the code 2. added tests for InsertChild() 3. simplified InsertChild() code without changing what it does

2008-03-29 21:18 SN, revision 52912

Linker fixes for OS/2 build.

2008-03-29 19:34 SN, revision 52911

OS/2 port: reorganized wxBitmap/wxBitmapHandler classes to use wxBitmapType instead of "long" where possible; made them const-correct etc. (see r52820)

2008-03-29 19:10 FM, revision 52910
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/word

ODBC is not part of wx anymore

2008-03-29 19:09 FM, revision 52909
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/toback24.txt

noone is going to backport stuff to wx2.4 anymore

2008-03-29 19:03 FM, revision 52908
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/latex

removed latex sources of wxDocs; wxWidgets now uses Doxygen on the 'interface' headers to create its documentation

2008-03-29 18:14 VS, revision 52907

set initial GTK_CAN_FOCUS value to match AcceptsFocus (fixes wxTreeCtrl text control dismissing after r52476)

2008-03-29 18:14 VS, revision 52906
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/gtk/win_gtk.c

removed no longer used win_gtk.c file

2008-03-29 17:27 KO, revision 52905

Porting wxNonOwnedWindow and wxPopupWindow Mac support to wxWebKitBranch.

2008-03-29 15:01 VS, revision 52904

be tolerant of XHTML self-closing tags when parsing the input in wxHTML (patch by

2008-03-28 16:47 FM, revision 52901

add more pure virtuals to wxBrushBase; fix the GetColour() functions to return a wxColour object and not a reference; remove from docs the non-existent SetColour(const wxString&) overloads

2008-03-28 16:19 FM, revision 52900

substitute '@b NB:' with '@note'; first partial revision of e*h headers; replace @beginEventTable with @beginEventTable{1} which provides the prototype of the event handler

2008-03-28 10:13 VZ, revision 52895

compilation fix for ANSI build: use reinterptre_, not static_cast, to convert from BYTE* to char*

2008-03-28 02:47 VZ, revision 52891

added native GTK implementation of wxCalendarCtrl (modified patch 1925439)

2008-03-28 01:45 VZ, revision 52887

fix gcc warning about assigning -1 to a guint

2008-03-27 21:32 RD, revision 52872

Use SetCanFocus

2008-03-27 21:27 FM, revision 52871

build fix for non-PCH builds (thanks to buildbot emails ;))

2008-03-27 21:27 RD, revision 52870

Use C++ names in the text, not wxPython names

2008-03-27 21:26 RD, revision 52869

Fix line endings

2008-03-27 21:25 RD, revision 52868

wxPython needs win_gtk.h to be installed

2008-03-27 21:25 RD, revision 52867

A bit of cleanup for STC's use of PopupWindow

2008-03-27 21:23 RD, revision 52866

Use SetCanFocus

2008-03-27 21:15 FM, revision 52865

avoid even more false warnings better handling numeric default values

2008-03-27 21:14 FM, revision 52864

final fixes to [a-b]*h headers

2008-03-27 20:57 FM, revision 52863

add 'availability' infos to both wxMethod and wxClass: in this way ifacecheck does not warn about methods documented to be available only for port X, which are missing from the gcc XML, if the gcc XML was produced for a port different than X; this requires @onlyfor ALIAS to output <onlyfor> tags in the XML output

2008-03-27 20:54 FM, revision 52862

add @onlyfor tags to remove further ifacecheck warnings

2008-03-27 19:15 FM, revision 52861

add the ability to parse the gccxml preprocessor output in order to reduce the number of false positives; fix wrong wxASSERT in wxMethod::IsOk; provide more help when called with --help

2008-03-27 19:13 VZ, revision 52860

lock wxPendingEventsLocker when deleting the handler from wxPendingEvents (patch 1925946)

2008-03-27 16:41 VZ, revision 52859

compilation fix for PCH-less compilation (thanks buildbot)

2008-03-27 16:17 VZ, revision 52858

fixed typo (extra underscore) in wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOXDOUBLECLICKED

2008-03-27 16:13 VZ, revision 52857

added convenient wxON_BLOCK_EXIT_SET() macro

2008-03-27 15:37 VZ, revision 52856

added convenient wxON_BLOCK_EXIT_THISn() macros wrapping wxON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJn(*this)

2008-03-27 14:03 FM, revision 52853

removed old utils (helpgen, tex2rtf, helphtml, nplugin, wxprop, wxole)

2008-03-27 13:03 VZ, revision 52851

don't blit too much when copying static box border in OnPaint()

2008-03-27 08:30 SC, revision 52845

graphics bitmap implementation, fix for bitmap scaling

2008-03-27 00:32 VZ, revision 52842

MSW fixes for the last change: call Realize() after changing the toolbar; hide/show the window when removing/adding it back as it isn't done by Remove/InsertTool() under MSW unlike under GTK (should it?)

2008-03-27 00:28 VZ, revision 52841

don't use gtk_notebook_insert_page() return value as some old GTK+ versions (the one in Solaris 9 for instance) don't have it; also don't use gtk_notebook_get_nth_page() which we need this return value for at all in the trunk as it seems to be unnecessary

2008-03-27 00:10 VZ, revision 52840

Several fixes for removing/readding controls to the toolbar: 1. Don't destroy the control in wxToolBar::RemoveTool() as this prevents it from being added back with is the purpose of using RemoveTool() rather than DeleteTool(). 2. Call wxToolBarTool::Attach/Detach() from the base code, not just from wxMSW and wxMac (wasn't called by wxGTK at all). 3. Allow adding back the removed control tool in wxGTK. 4. Add test for removing/adding back a control tool to the sample.

2008-03-26 23:45 VS, revision 52839

fixed focus related regression in wxListCtrl's wxTextCtrl handling after r52476

2008-03-26 18:40 MW, revision 52838

Add Solars 9 builds.

2008-03-26 16:40 FM, revision 52837

added the script and the setup_gccxml.h file to make it easier to generate the gccxml output for ifacecheck

2008-03-26 15:49 JS, revision 52836

Added GetId() to Connect calls to ensure only the relevant events are processed

2008-03-26 15:49 JS, revision 52835

Added GetId() to Connect to ensure only the relevant events are processed

2008-03-26 15:06 FM, revision 52834


2008-03-26 11:16 SC, revision 52832

popup activation scope and l&f

2008-03-26 10:55 SC, revision 52831

fixing custom background on non owned windows

2008-03-26 10:54 SC, revision 52830

fixing custom background on non owned windows

2008-03-26 08:48 JS, revision 52827

Fixed selection clearing.

2008-03-26 08:47 JS, revision 52826

Fixed selection clearing.

2008-03-25 23:53 VZ, revision 52825

several g++ 4 warning fixes

2008-03-25 22:06 FM, revision 52824

final revision of prototypes for b*h (and few others)

2008-03-25 21:36 SC, revision 52823

moving tlw list up, cleanup

2008-03-25 21:34 SC, revision 52822

moving tlw list up, cleanup

2008-03-25 21:19 FM, revision 52821

build fix

2008-03-25 20:31 FM, revision 52820

reorganized wxBitmap/wxBitmapHandler classes to use wxBitmapType instead of "long" where possible; made them const-correct; introduce wxBITMAP_SCREEN_DEPTH instead of -1 for clearness (specially in the docs); remove wxBitmapHandler empty stubs and rename wxBitmapHandlerBase as wxBitmapHandler

2008-03-25 19:50 SC, revision 52819

porting reordering of controls back from 2.8

2008-03-25 17:41 FM, revision 52818

mention that both gccxml and doxygen are smart enough to mark as virtual functions declared so in base classes but not explicitely declared virtuals in derived classes

2008-03-25 17:04 JS, revision 52817

Fix for non-pch

2008-03-25 16:07 FM, revision 52816

further improve the automatic modify mode: wrap correctly inserted prototypes at comma boundaries, add @deprecated only if needed, update the locations of the methods below the fixed one

2008-03-25 16:01 FM, revision 52815

final prototype fixes to a*h headers; s/WXTYPE/wxEventType

2008-03-25 15:36 SC, revision 52814

adding 10.4 code for making focus events behave as similar to 10.5 as possible

2008-03-25 15:21 VZ, revision 52813

document On{Open,Save}Document()

2008-03-25 14:51 VZ, revision 52812

call OnReadWaiting(), not OnExceptionWaiting(), when we receive EPOLLHUP

2008-03-25 13:45 VZ, revision 52811

implement wxListItem::operator=()

2008-03-25 13:33 VZ, revision 52810

ANSI mode compilation fix

2008-03-25 13:00 SC, revision 52808

fix adding non owned window for mac

2008-03-25 12:26 FM, revision 52807

for each prototype make sure that if the n-th argument has a default value, then all the following arguments have a default value, too

2008-03-25 12:22 FM, revision 52806

prototype fixes (in particular fix missing default value initializers)

2008-03-25 08:21 SC, revision 52804

rebake after adding non owned window for mac

2008-03-25 08:02 SC, revision 52803

non owned window implementation

2008-03-25 08:01 SC, revision 52802

non owned window implementation

2008-03-25 07:59 SC, revision 52801

non owned window implementation

2008-03-25 07:57 BP, revision 52800

Removed the old, manual entry function, macro, and class category pages and replaced them with the new, finished versions auto-generated by Doxygen.

2008-03-25 07:54 SC, revision 52799

non owned window implementation

2008-03-25 07:53 SC, revision 52798

non owned window implementation

2008-03-25 07:52 SC, revision 52797

non owned window implementation

2008-03-25 07:49 SC, revision 52796

non owned window implementation

2008-03-25 07:48 SC, revision 52795

non owned window implementation

2008-03-25 07:47 SC, revision 52794

non owned window implementation

2008-03-25 07:42 SC, revision 52793

non owned window implementation

2008-03-25 07:41 SC, revision 52792

non owned window installation

2008-03-25 07:39 SC, revision 52791

make popup on mac behave as on msw

2008-03-25 07:36 BP, revision 52790

Finished review/fixes of the rest of the functions and macro categories (Network/User/OS, Process Control, Strings, Threads, and Time).

2008-03-25 07:35 SC, revision 52789

make popup on mac behave as on msw

2008-03-25 07:32 SC, revision 52788

turning off QuickDraw on the iPhone

2008-03-25 07:31 SC, revision 52787

addind nonowned window implementation

2008-03-25 07:30 SC, revision 52786

addind nonowned window implementation

2008-03-25 07:29 SC, revision 52785

addind nonowned window implementation

2008-03-25 07:27 SC, revision 52784

addind nonowned window implementation

2008-03-25 07:27 SC, revision 52783

addind nonowned window implementation

2008-03-25 07:26 SC, revision 52782

addind nonowned window implementation

2008-03-24 23:22 FM, revision 52774

added the process-only option

2008-03-24 23:13 VZ, revision 52773

fix wxExecute() compilation in ANSI build

2008-03-24 22:17 FM, revision 52771

prototype fixes (this time including pure virtual function detection)

2008-03-24 22:08 FM, revision 52770

added wxArgumentType; added parsing of argument names, so that the modify mode retains them when writing correct prototypes

2008-03-24 18:44 FM, revision 52769

add pure virtual function parsing; give more informative warnings; fix the initial line to delete when in modify mode

2008-03-24 18:17 FM, revision 52768

further prototype revisions; rename interface/aui.h to interface/framemanager.h since wxAuiManager and wxAuiPaneInfo are declared in the latter (in the real headers)

2008-03-24 15:07 VS, revision 52767

no need to export private list/arrays of generic controls' implementations

2008-03-24 13:39 FM, revision 52766

fix for built with compat 2.8 off