

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-01-27 11:00 SC, revision 31603

pragma and prec-header patch applied

2005-01-27 10:57 SC, revision 31602

storing ATSU style in the font itself

2005-01-26 21:14 KH, revision 31601

Added wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE wrapper around DoPopupMenu to match header

2005-01-26 19:25 RD, revision 31600

Allow unicode objects in wxPyDrawTextList

2005-01-26 16:19 SN, revision 31599

Fixed C++ comments.

2005-01-26 16:07 SN, revision 31598

Cleanup for previous bug fix.

2005-01-26 16:03 SN, revision 31597

Fixed a compilation problem on AIX.

2005-01-26 07:35 JJ, revision 31596

Committing in . Update OpenVMS compile support Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms wxWidgets/src/common/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/generic/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/unix/descrip.mms ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2005-01-25 15:59 ABX, revision 31595

Syntax fix.

2005-01-25 15:49 ABX, revision 31594

Warning fixes.

2005-01-25 13:58 VZ, revision 31593

fixed memory leak with client data when using DeleteAllItems() (bug 1107215)

2005-01-25 12:22 ABX, revision 31592

TrackMouse DMC fix.

2005-01-25 11:52 ABX, revision 31591

comment in C code fix

2005-01-25 07:24 ABX, revision 31590

Save dialog for printing. Source cleaning.

2005-01-25 06:55 ABX, revision 31589

wxButton, wxCheckBox, wxSlider, wxToggleButton native implementations for PalmOS.

2005-01-24 16:41 ABX, revision 31588

Source cleaning.

2005-01-24 16:37 JS, revision 31587

Doc fixes

2005-01-24 14:45 KH, revision 31586

Create non-GUI log target until GUI logging is available, allows stderr messages in non-Unicode builds when GTK fails to initialize (Patch 1017789)

2005-01-24 14:44 DS, revision 31585

fixed unreachable code warning (MSVC6)

2005-01-24 14:39 DS, revision 31584

fixed unused param warning

2005-01-24 14:30 DS, revision 31583

applied patch #1044865 (fixes problem: "On Win2K, the month combobox's dropdown height in the wxCalendar is only about 1 pixel")

2005-01-24 13:17 ABX, revision 31582

Code cleaning.

2005-01-24 11:16 ABX, revision 31581

Unicode markup.

2005-01-24 11:15 ABX, revision 31580

Missing include.

2005-01-24 11:14 ABX, revision 31579

Avoid hiding virtual wxWindow::IsEnabled() in wxMenuBar class.

2005-01-24 07:38 ABX, revision 31578

Native PalmOS wxControl and wxButton implementation. wxTLW without fixed size. Unused MSW code cleaning.

2005-01-24 07:23 ABX, revision 31577

Note about deprecating some wxSystemSettings members.

2005-01-24 06:53 KO, revision 31576

Fixing notebook 'flashing' bug where the WebView would flash while not visible.

2005-01-24 05:08 KH, revision 31575

For consistency between WMs and with MSW, TOOL_WINDOW explicilty includes NO_TASKBAR

2005-01-24 05:07 KH, revision 31574

For consistency between WMs and with MSW, TOOL_WINDOW explicitly includes NO_TASKBAR

2005-01-23 23:07 RR, revision 31573

Forgot to commit sample testing update ui events for wxTaskBarIcon.

2005-01-23 22:39 RR, revision 31572

Enable UpdateUI events in wxTaskBarIcon.

2005-01-23 22:16 KH, revision 31571

We need to update the scrollbar even if it's not shown, otherwise it can get stuck in a scrolled down position when the scrollbar disappears (such as deleting all items in a list control or resizing). Patch 1102197 for bug 861063

2005-01-23 20:17 KH, revision 31570

Added inverse checkbox to test sliders with wxSL_INVERSE style

2005-01-23 18:44 RR, revision 31569

Applied patch for keyboard control in composite windows as discussed in patch 1102862.

2005-01-23 18:36 RR, revision 31568

Fixed compilation for GTK 1.2

2005-01-23 15:21 RD, revision 31567

Fixed event binding in NotebookPage

2005-01-23 07:32 KO, revision 31566

Added documentation for wxStdDialogButtonSizer.

2005-01-23 02:03 KO, revision 31565

Greatly improved wxWebKitCtrl positioning logic to accomodate most situations.

2005-01-22 19:16 RR, revision 31564

Probably a bug in the MINGW32 header.

2005-01-22 16:54 SN, revision 31563
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/os2/setup0.h

Removed setup0.h - we are using configure generated setup.h on OS/2.

2005-01-22 14:13 SN, revision 31562

Blind fix for bug [ 1106890 ] (undeclared symbols on Solaris).

2005-01-22 13:48 KH, revision 31561

gtk_range_set_inverted only available on GTK2

2005-01-22 13:42 MBN, revision 31560

Warning fixes.

2005-01-22 13:28 MBN, revision 31559

Fix wxSortedArray::Index() when wxUSE_STL == 1, with tests.

2005-01-21 22:12 RD, revision 31558

Disable wxDatePickerCtrl if wxPopupWindow is not available

2005-01-21 21:04 ABX, revision 31557

Headers cleaning.

2005-01-21 20:56 VZ, revision 31556

added wxStaticBoxSizer ctor creating a new static box

2005-01-21 20:38 RD, revision 31555

* Some WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_4 changes, as well as flagging other things that will need fixing when WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_4 is turned off. * Create a custom version of the "default" ctor for wxCursor on wxGTK * Switch to new format string and name string constants for default values * Changes some public data members of event classes into properties as they are no longer public in the C++. * Added wxSL_INVERSE

2005-01-21 20:25 RD, revision 31554

Added setter to wxMoveEvent