

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-03-27 20:57 FM, revision 52863

add 'availability' infos to both wxMethod and wxClass: in this way ifacecheck does not warn about methods documented to be available only for port X, which are missing from the gcc XML, if the gcc XML was produced for a port different than X; this requires @onlyfor ALIAS to output <onlyfor> tags in the XML output

2008-03-27 20:54 FM, revision 52862

add @onlyfor tags to remove further ifacecheck warnings

2008-03-27 19:15 FM, revision 52861

add the ability to parse the gccxml preprocessor output in order to reduce the number of false positives; fix wrong wxASSERT in wxMethod::IsOk; provide more help when called with --help

2008-03-27 19:13 VZ, revision 52860

lock wxPendingEventsLocker when deleting the handler from wxPendingEvents (patch 1925946)

2008-03-27 16:41 VZ, revision 52859

compilation fix for PCH-less compilation (thanks buildbot)

2008-03-27 16:17 VZ, revision 52858

fixed typo (extra underscore) in wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOXDOUBLECLICKED

2008-03-27 16:13 VZ, revision 52857

added convenient wxON_BLOCK_EXIT_SET() macro

2008-03-27 15:37 VZ, revision 52856

added convenient wxON_BLOCK_EXIT_THISn() macros wrapping wxON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJn(*this)

2008-03-27 14:03 FM, revision 52853

removed old utils (helpgen, tex2rtf, helphtml, nplugin, wxprop, wxole)

2008-03-27 13:03 VZ, revision 52851

don't blit too much when copying static box border in OnPaint()

2008-03-27 08:30 SC, revision 52845

graphics bitmap implementation, fix for bitmap scaling

2008-03-27 00:32 VZ, revision 52842

MSW fixes for the last change: call Realize() after changing the toolbar; hide/show the window when removing/adding it back as it isn't done by Remove/InsertTool() under MSW unlike under GTK (should it?)

2008-03-27 00:28 VZ, revision 52841

don't use gtk_notebook_insert_page() return value as some old GTK+ versions (the one in Solaris 9 for instance) don't have it; also don't use gtk_notebook_get_nth_page() which we need this return value for at all in the trunk as it seems to be unnecessary

2008-03-27 00:10 VZ, revision 52840

Several fixes for removing/readding controls to the toolbar: 1. Don't destroy the control in wxToolBar::RemoveTool() as this prevents it from being added back with is the purpose of using RemoveTool() rather than DeleteTool(). 2. Call wxToolBarTool::Attach/Detach() from the base code, not just from wxMSW and wxMac (wasn't called by wxGTK at all). 3. Allow adding back the removed control tool in wxGTK. 4. Add test for removing/adding back a control tool to the sample.

2008-03-26 23:45 VS, revision 52839

fixed focus related regression in wxListCtrl's wxTextCtrl handling after r52476

2008-03-26 18:40 MW, revision 52838

Add Solars 9 builds.

2008-03-26 16:40 FM, revision 52837

added the script and the setup_gccxml.h file to make it easier to generate the gccxml output for ifacecheck

2008-03-26 15:49 JS, revision 52836

Added GetId() to Connect calls to ensure only the relevant events are processed

2008-03-26 15:49 JS, revision 52835

Added GetId() to Connect to ensure only the relevant events are processed

2008-03-26 15:06 FM, revision 52834


2008-03-26 11:16 SC, revision 52832

popup activation scope and l&f

2008-03-26 10:55 SC, revision 52831

fixing custom background on non owned windows

2008-03-26 10:54 SC, revision 52830

fixing custom background on non owned windows

2008-03-26 08:48 JS, revision 52827

Fixed selection clearing.

2008-03-26 08:47 JS, revision 52826

Fixed selection clearing.