

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-03-21 12:45 VZ, revision 32953

fixed warnings about possibly uninitialized variables; commented non trivial piece of code

2005-03-21 12:44 VZ, revision 32952

unreachable code warning fix (Unicode build)

2005-03-21 12:27 VZ, revision 32951

added orient parameter to wxMDIParentFrame::Tile()

2005-03-21 11:29 VZ, revision 32950

another compilation fix after wxMenuBar ctor patch

2005-03-21 10:36 VZ, revision 32949

fixed SetColumnWidth() in wxLC_LIST mode (set column to 0, not -1)

2005-03-21 10:36 VZ, revision 32948

regenerated after qa lib changes

2005-03-21 10:34 VZ, revision 32947

added qa dll

2005-03-21 01:07 VZ, revision 32946

generated makefiles after qa library creation

2005-03-21 00:51 VZ, revision 32945

set wxUSE_DEBUGREPORT to 1 by default again

2005-03-21 00:15 VZ, revision 32944

mention which files should be changed when adding a new library in a few places where this was less clear

2005-03-21 00:14 VZ, revision 32943

added closing parenthesis inside comment, no real changes

2005-03-21 00:11 VZ, revision 32942

added qa library (currently consisting of wxDebugReport and related classes only); moved debugrpt.* files there

2005-03-20 22:08 VZ, revision 32941

define wxNO_RTTI/EXCEPTIONS/THREADS if corresponding USE_XXX is set to 0

2005-03-20 20:08 MBN, revision 32940

Fix wxFileConf crash demonstrated by the 'DeleteLastGroup' unit test.

2005-03-20 19:35 JS, revision 32939

Updated readme

2005-03-20 18:51 DW, revision 32938

Fixes compile warnings

2005-03-20 18:48 VZ, revision 32937

Seek(-1, mode) should work instead of giving an error if mode != wxFromStart

2005-03-20 17:12 JS, revision 32936

Compilo fix

2005-03-20 15:42 VZ, revision 32935

added wxString ctor from std::string (inside #ifdef wxUSE_STD_STRING); removed pragma interface/implementation which force all inline functions to be defined in string.cpp

2005-03-20 15:10 VZ, revision 32934

oops, removed duplicate SetIcons[s]() added in last commit

2005-03-20 15:04 VZ, revision 32933

wxMDIChildFrame::Maximize() should have default value for its argument just as wxFrame does; override other functions which don't make sense for wxGTK implementation of MDI

2005-03-20 12:02 JS, revision 32932

Fixes for WinCE toolbar

2005-03-20 11:58 JS, revision 32931
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/demos/life/setup/wince/life.ini

Removed spurious file

2005-03-20 11:54 JS, revision 32930

Fixes for WinCE toolbar Don't disable wxFileConfig for WinCE Don't disable common dialogs for WinCE

2005-03-20 11:52 JS, revision 32929

Fix wxFileConfig for WinCE Provide standard WinCE Windows path for wxStandardPaths

2005-03-20 11:01 VZ, revision 32928

compilation fix after last commit (missing semicolon added)

2005-03-19 23:11 MBN, revision 32927

Allow building with GCC 2.95.

2005-03-19 23:09 MBN, revision 32926

Correct compilation conditions for wxURL::SetProxy.

2005-03-19 23:07 MBN, revision 32925

Use the correct WXDLLEXPORT declaration.

2005-03-19 23:04 MBN, revision 32924

Avoid redefining _GNU_SOURCE.

2005-03-19 22:33 RD, revision 32923

Fixed bug #1163384. Moved the code that handles activating the cell editors to a EVT_CHAR event handler. This is done so the character inserted into the editor will be the "cooked" char value (including accented or composed keys) rather than the raw code provided by the EVT_KEY_DOWN.

2005-03-19 22:21 RD, revision 32922


2005-03-19 22:03 RD, revision 32921

Turn off the expando-matic rubber band thing for mac

2005-03-19 22:02 RD, revision 32920

Better capture of unicode character events

2005-03-19 21:55 RD, revision 32919

docstring update

2005-03-19 21:54 RD, revision 32918


2005-03-19 21:53 RD, revision 32917


2005-03-19 21:53 RD, revision 32916

Add some new WXK codes

2005-03-19 21:52 RD, revision 32915

Ensure that the encoding returned from locale.getdefaultlocale() is valid, default to sys.getdefaultencoding() if not.

2005-03-19 21:14 RD, revision 32914

Call evt.Skip by default

2005-03-19 19:51 JS, revision 32913

Fixed toolbar bitmap bug introduced by deriving wxToolMenuBar from wxToolBar Documented PPC installation

2005-03-19 19:45 JS, revision 32912

Added scripts to demonstrate how to package a PocketPC app

2005-03-19 16:14 VZ, revision 32911

added a test for/example of assert dialog box

2005-03-19 16:14 VZ, revision 32910

show call stack in the assert dialog box

2005-03-19 15:44 VZ, revision 32909

removed C++ comment added by last commit

2005-03-19 12:06 JS, revision 32908

Added wxDialog::GetToolBar for PocketPC Added note about creating installers for PPC

2005-03-19 00:38 RD, revision 32907

Bumped subrelease number

2005-03-18 21:38 JS, revision 32906

(Flickery) fix for droppings when there are no notebook pages

2005-03-18 19:57 RN, revision 32905

Fix recursiveness on error...

2005-03-18 19:46 RN, revision 32904

* Turn off by default...

2005-03-18 19:45 RN, revision 32903

* Quicktime lib no longer needed....

2005-03-18 19:44 RN, revision 32902

* Dynamically load all quicktime stuff using a version of Robert Roeblings wxDL_ macros

2005-03-18 19:32 ABX, revision 32901

Fixed bug #1022383: 'several ComboBoxes appear selected'

2005-03-18 19:20 JS, revision 32900

Expanded wxSystemOptions docs, documented wxTE_CAPITALIZE

2005-03-18 17:34 RN, revision 32899

* Fix refreshing bug with control not showing up intially and asserting on resize

2005-03-18 16:51 VZ, revision 32898

include extern variables declarations in the tags file too

2005-03-18 15:27 VZ, revision 32897

restored const operator[]s for the compilers which need them

2005-03-18 15:16 VZ, revision 32896

continue with generating EVT_CONTEXT_MENU if EVT_TREE_ITEM_MENU not handled

2005-03-18 15:13 VZ, revision 32895


2005-03-18 15:03 VZ, revision 32894

avoid asserts from calling isprint(c) with non ASCII c

2005-03-18 14:26 JS, revision 32893

Added WXK_SPECIAL... keycodes for special hardware buttons Made (Un)RegisterHotKey WinCE-aware. Added wxEVT_HIBERNATE event. Now fakes wxEVT_ACTIVATE_APP to be symmetrical with wxEVT_HIBERNATE. Added wxTE_CAPITALIZE for CAPEDIT controls.

2005-03-18 14:07 VZ, revision 32892

compilation fix after last commit (missing semicolon added)

2005-03-18 11:50 RN, revision 32891

* Update for new event handler stuff * Update notebook page text on file change * Some other misc. cleanups (remove strmiids.lib dependancy, cleanup enums, etc.)

2005-03-18 11:46 RN, revision 32890

Update for new event handler stuff

2005-03-18 11:04 RN, revision 32889

Reworked directshow implementation. * Removes the strmiids.lib dependancy * Uses the direct quartz automation interface, thus removing the dshow.h header dependancy * Let COM handle loading quartz.dll

2005-03-18 10:11 JS, revision 32888

Script updates

2005-03-18 10:05 JS, revision 32887

Add sample icon

2005-03-18 09:46 JS, revision 32886

Use sample icon, and title correction

2005-03-18 09:44 JS, revision 32885

Use sample icon

2005-03-18 09:33 JS, revision 32884

Doc tweaks

2005-03-18 09:31 JS, revision 32883

SetSashSize doc'ed

2005-03-18 08:50 CE, revision 32882

wxbase bug

2005-03-18 00:16 DS, revision 32881

fixed signed/unsigned mismatch warning

2005-03-17 23:45 VZ, revision 32880

implemented wxMenuBar ctor taking array of menus/titles for all ports; added optional flags argument to it (patch 1162726)

2005-03-17 23:24 VZ, revision 32879

return if abort dialog couldn't be created (part of patch 1160117)

2005-03-17 23:23 VZ, revision 32878

fixed bug due to missing break in GetColourFromGTKWidget() (part of patch 1160117)

2005-03-17 23:23 VZ, revision 32877

missing break in ParseFormat() (part of patch 1160117)

2005-03-17 23:19 VZ, revision 32876

iterator methods fixes (patch 1164808)

2005-03-17 23:11 VZ, revision 32875

fixed wxDateTime::SetToWeekDayInSameWeek(Sun, Monday_First)

2005-03-17 22:58 VZ, revision 32874

revert togglable tools to previous state if the change was vetoed by OnLeftClick()

2005-03-17 22:39 VZ, revision 32873

removed #ifdef __WXMAC__ as the code is now the same in both branches anyhow

2005-03-17 22:35 RD, revision 32872

Use Update() instead of yielding and waiting for the update to happen there.

2005-03-17 22:29 VZ, revision 32871

GetVirtualSize() returns client size values for the m_virtualSize components which are not set (i.e. allow setting only one component of m_virtualSize instead of either none or both)

2005-03-17 22:27 VZ, revision 32870

don't set virtual size of the window to (0, 0) if scrollbars are removed from it

2005-03-17 22:19 VZ, revision 32869

removed just added UnsetVirtualSize(), it's not needed finally

2005-03-17 22:18 VZ, revision 32868

added UnsetVirtualSize()

2005-03-17 21:38 VZ, revision 32867

removed commented out calls to ReleaseMouse() (no real changes)

2005-03-17 21:21 JS, revision 32866

Provided GetBestVirtualSize and DoGetBestSize implementations for generic and GTK+ wxScrolledWindow. wxWindowBase::DoGetBestSize was returning a virtual size if there were child controls, which was then used to set the scrolled window actual size. Similarly, wxWindowBase::GetBestVirtualSize was returning the actual window size; now we return the virtual size for dimensions that have scrolling (e.g. vertical scrolling direction), or the minimum/actual size for those that don't (e.g. the maximum control width if there is no horizontal scrolling). This allows the scrolled window to be properly sized, whereas before it would start off at the virtual size (giving enormous layouts).

2005-03-17 21:17 VZ, revision 32865

added wxSizerSpacer and modified wxSizerItem to contain a pointer to either wxWindow, wxSizer or wxSizerSpacer (instead of containing either a pointer or just wxSize for spacers) and implement IsShown() and Show() by forwarding it to the appropriate pointer: this means that now you can directly hide/show windows/sizers/spacers instead of having to pass by containing sizers Show(child) method

2005-03-17 20:16 VZ, revision 32864

removed const operator[]s (should fix 1162115)

2005-03-17 17:47 DE, revision 32863

Fixed MW and XLC tests when using -C (cache) option with configure.

2005-03-17 17:46 ABX, revision 32862

Fixed strange situation when we had wxPathExists and wxDirExists with the same finctionality. Using wxPathExists instead wxFileExists (fixes bug #865628). Minor source cleaning.

2005-03-17 17:38 DE, revision 32861

Updated configure and aclocal.m4 for new 0.1.8 Bakefile on account of the recent commit to autoconf_inc.m4 using Bakefile 0.1.8 (CVS).

2005-03-17 12:43 JS, revision 32860

Small fixes for compiling Cygwin (with --disable-sockets)

2005-03-17 09:54 JS, revision 32859

Correct compilo for non-WinCE

2005-03-17 09:10 JS, revision 32858

stopwatch.h needed for wxGetLocalTimeMillis

2005-03-17 08:05 JJ, revision 32857

Committing in . setup.h_vms : updated VMS configuration msgdlg.cpp : corrected include file path Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms wxWidgets/src/motif/msgdlg.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2005-03-16 22:54 , revision 32856
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatedll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatelib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/contrib/build/fl/fl_fldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/contrib/build/fl/fl_fllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/contrib/build/net/netutils.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/contrib/build/stc/stc_stcdll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/contrib/build/stc/stc_stclib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/contrib/build/svg/svg_svgdll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/contrib/build/svg/svg_svglib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/demos/dbbrowse/makefile.gtk
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/lib/dummy
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/grid/bitmap1.bmp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/grid/bitmap2.bmp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/internat/internat.def
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/internat/internat.rc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/internat/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/internat/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/layout/expt.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/layout/fload.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/layout/layout.def
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/layout/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/mdi/chart.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/mdi/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/mdi/mdi.def
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/mdi/mdi.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/mdi/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/png/pngdemo.rc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/printing/fload.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/printing/printing.def
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/resource
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/splitter/mondrian.ico
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/tab
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/samples/treectrl/treetest.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/common/
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/expat
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/expat/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/expat/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/expat/expat.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/expat/lib/expat.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/expat/lib/internal.h
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/expat/lib/macconfig.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/expat/lib/winconfig.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/expat/lib/xmlparse.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/expat/lib/xmlrole.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/expat/lib/xmltok.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/gtk/bdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/gtk/cdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/gtk/cross.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/gtk/fdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/gtk/horiz.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/gtk/verti.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/gtk1/bdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/gtk1/cdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/gtk1/cross.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/gtk1/fdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/gtk1/horiz.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/gtk1/verti.xbm
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/html/htmlfilter.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/html/htmlhelp.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/html/search.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/.cvsignore
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/ANNOUNCE
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/ansi2knr.1
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/ansi2knr.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/CHANGES
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/example.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/INSTALL
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/KNOWNBUG
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/LICENSE
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/libpng.3
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/libpng.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/libpngpf.3
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/MAKEFILE.VA
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/makefile.dos
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/makefile.unx
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/makefile.wat
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/makemac6.mcp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/png.5
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/png.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/png.dsp
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/png.dsw
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/png.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngasmrd.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngconf.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngerror.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pnggccrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngget.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngM5.xml
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngM7.mcp
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngM8.xml
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngmem.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngpread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngrio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngrtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngrutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngset.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngtest.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngtrans.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngvcrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngwio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngwrite.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngwtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/pngwutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/projects/beos
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/projects/beos/x86-shared.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/projects/beos/x86-static.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/projects/borland
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/projects/msvc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/README
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/scripts/makefile.bd32
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/scripts/makefile.sgi
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/scripts/pngdef.pas
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/TODO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/png/Y2KINFO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/regex/regfronts.c
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/unix/net.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/zlib/algorithm.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/zlib/crc32.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/zlib/FAQ
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/zlib/INDEX
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/zlib/inflate.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/zlib/README
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/src/zlib/trees.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/utils/HelpGen/helpgen.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/utils/HelpGen/makefile.bcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/utils/HelpGen/makefile.gcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/utils/HelpGen/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/utils/HelpGen/makefile.wat
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/utils/wxprop
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_4_1/wxPython

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'wxPy_2_5_4_1'.

2005-03-16 22:54 RD, revision 32855

Drop the "rc"

2005-03-16 22:53 RD, revision 32854

The --enable-rpath configure option doesn't work the same way it did before. Work around that by specifying the rpath option myself on the command-line.

2005-03-16 17:51 JS, revision 32853

Implemented PocketPC menubar/toolbar as wxToolMenuBar derived from wxToolBar, solving the problem of how normal toolbars can co-exist with combined ones. Tidied up WinCE toolbar code. Implemented wxToolBar as 'dummy' toolbar under Smartphone. Dialogs now show an empty menubar to hide inactive one underneath.

2005-03-16 16:18 ABX, revision 32852

Use defs.h (and automatically setup.h and chkconf.h) before first wxUSE_* check (bug #1164141).

2005-03-16 16:03 KH, revision 32851

Unlike the preferences item which should only be enabled if it exists and is enabled, the quit item should be enabled unless it both exists and is disabled, otherwise Quit will not be enabled unless the application specifically adds wxID_EXIT. This should fix David's bug but still retain the old functionality. [ modified previously committed patch 1160343 ]

2005-03-16 10:20 JS, revision 32850

Not forgetting PalmOS

2005-03-16 10:18 JS, revision 32849


2005-03-16 09:09 JS, revision 32848

Removed checklistbox test

2005-03-16 05:31 KH, revision 32847

Allow using negative angles with DrawRotatedText. [ patch 1162771 ]

2005-03-16 05:16 KH, revision 32846

Quit application menu item needs special handling like the Preferences item. [ patch 1160343 ]

2005-03-16 05:11 KH, revision 32845

Added comments explaining more about the changes in my last commit. Also, removed __DARWIN__ check for enabling CONNECTION events, always wait to enable them until after the connect() call.

2005-03-15 23:20 VZ, revision 32844

set wxUSE_DEBUGREPORT to 0 by default; fixed a couple of typos

2005-03-15 21:51 JS, revision 32843

UPdated notes

2005-03-15 21:50 JS, revision 32842

Chose different set of buttons for toolbar

2005-03-15 21:48 JS, revision 32841

Fixed wxToolBar for WinCE so normal bitmaps can be used; no longer uses standard buttons. wxToolBar under Smartphone no longer tries to create buttons since a toolbar makes no sense on this platform.

2005-03-15 21:22 JS, revision 32840

Regenerated files

2005-03-15 21:18 JS, revision 32839

WinCE doesn't have wxCheckListBox, and doesn't like wxRmDir

2005-03-15 21:10 ABX, revision 32838

SetLeft|RightMenu is supposed to be API for all smartphones. TODO comment.

2005-03-15 20:55 JS, revision 32837

Fixed wxPropertySheetDialog for Smartphone

2005-03-15 20:33 ABX, revision 32836

More wxWidgets in poem demo.

2005-03-15 17:40 JS, revision 32835


2005-03-15 11:56 JS, revision 32834

No zero id

2005-03-15 11:29 JS, revision 32833

Don't start ids at zero

2005-03-14 22:40 JS, revision 32832

Added wxPropertySheetDialog for implementing settings dialogs in the appropriate way on small devices and desktop platforms (abstracting is the only way to unify the API)

2005-03-14 22:26 VZ, revision 32831

simplified code (removed 2 unnecessary tests) in CalcMin(), no real changes

2005-03-14 22:24 JS, revision 32830

Improve standard button spacing on Windows

2005-03-14 21:55 MBN, revision 32829

Remove wrong clasing bracket.

2005-03-14 21:52 MBN, revision 32828

Blind fix for VC6 compilation when wxUSE_STL == 1.

2005-03-14 20:40 VZ, revision 32827

disable debug report for now

2005-03-14 20:00 ABX, revision 32826

'Dummy' warning fixes (might be used uninitialized).

2005-03-14 19:52 ABX, revision 32825

Unicode fix.

2005-03-14 19:13 JS, revision 32824

Updated symbols

2005-03-14 17:15 JS, revision 32823

Frames have Ctrl+Q accelerator set automatically, as per the PocketPC guidelines Documented issues in manual under wxWinCE topic. wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLES rationalised so we can make use of styles such as wxCLOSE_BOX in future (OK button on titlebar) Added Set/GetAffirmativeId and DoOK so that titlebar OK button can be customised

2005-03-14 17:10 JS, revision 32822

Don't call Layout

2005-03-14 17:09 ROL, revision 32821

README scrolling fix fix for Mac (opts inside try/except)

2005-03-14 17:09 RD, revision 32820

If the parents are nothing but a panel and a frame then MSWGetBgBrushForChild will still return NULL. Fallback to a solid background colour in this case.

2005-03-14 16:37 JS, revision 32819

More PocketPC adaptations

2005-03-14 16:05 VZ, revision 32818

made GetDataDir() return the directory where the program is installed under MSW

2005-03-14 14:50 JS, revision 32817

Define Ctrl+Q accelerator on PocketPC for quitting the application, as per guidelines

2005-03-14 14:41 GT, revision 32816

Added support (barely tested) for MaxDB from MySQL Added dbmsFutureX to the database enumerations to allow for adding support for new databases between releases of wxWidgets

2005-03-14 14:40 GT, revision 32815

Fixed unicode builds that were not on MSW Added dbmsFutureX to the database enumerations to allow for adding support for new databases between releases of wxWidgets

2005-03-14 14:38 KH, revision 32814

Removed unneeded semicolon after DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS [ bug 1162938 ]

2005-03-14 13:31 DS, revision 32813

refactored scrollbar creation code to use CreateControl, MSWCreateControl, and MSWGetStyle: fixes default colour inheriting from parent and allows the scrollbar to be hidden initially (with 2-step creation)

2005-03-14 10:19 ABX, revision 32812

Incomplete setup build fix (wxPalmOS).

2005-03-14 09:08 CE, revision 32811

fix bug which was trashing gifs

2005-03-14 04:47 DE, revision 32810

Make wxCocoa compile on Tiger.

2005-03-14 03:33 RN, revision 32809

"test" for testing a [fixed] proxy crash (from last commit)

2005-03-14 02:15 DE, revision 32808

Dammit, try it again this time actually removing it instead of adding it again (forgot to give patch the -R).

2005-03-14 02:12 DE, revision 32807

Reverted 1.32. This breaks my Tiger builds which is part of the reason I reverted the last incarnation of this in the first place!!!

2005-03-14 01:45 DE, revision 32806

Rebaked (changes to proper WXMAC/NOTWXMAC handling from the other day)

2005-03-14 01:42 DE, revision 32805

Update to include recent acinclude.m4 changes. Yes, they aren't any longer used by configure but they're still in acinclude.m4 so now they're here too.

2005-03-14 01:24 MW, revision 32804

The DLL version of Watcom's C runtime doesn't have fileno, but the static version does

2005-03-13 21:01 MW, revision 32803

Temporary fix for Watcom link error 'fileno'

2005-03-13 18:57 RR, revision 32802

Query for "default_border" not "default_outside_border" since that is what is done in the gtk code. Correct wrong pos in scrolled window.

2005-03-13 18:23 MW, revision 32801

Add wxTempFileOutputStream, patch 1152042 by Stas Sergeev

2005-03-13 17:46 JS, revision 32800

Added wxNB_FLAT for WinCE property sheet tabs Titlebar OK button on PocketPC now looks for OK, Cancel, Close buttons. Dialog size now takes into account SIP or menubar. Panels more naturally white on PocketPC. wxDIALOG_EX_CONTEXTHELP ignored on WinCE since it interferes with correct titlebar style.

2005-03-13 17:32 JS, revision 32799

PocketPC adaptations

2005-03-13 17:31 JS, revision 32798

Added wxNB_FLAT for WinCE property sheet tabs Titlebar OK button on PocketPC now looks for OK, Cancel, Close buttons. Dialog size now takes into account SIP or menubar. Panels more naturally white on PocketPC. wxDIALOG_EX_CONTEXTHELP ignored on WinCE since it interferes with correct titlebar style.

2005-03-13 17:08 MBN, revision 32797

Fixed compilation for GCC 3.4 when wxUSE_STL == 1. Should be compatible with VC6.

2005-03-13 16:20 MW, revision 32796

Add wxTempFileOutputStream

2005-03-13 15:35 ABX, revision 32795

Better margin on Smartphone.

2005-03-13 15:32 ABX, revision 32794

Correct sending of wxW event from wxChoice on MS Smartphone.

2005-03-13 15:26 ABX, revision 32793

Make Smartphone buildable with current flags.

2005-03-12 22:04 RD, revision 32792

regenerated ReST docs

2005-03-12 21:03 RD, revision 32791

Don't use the PyGILState_* APIs with Python 2.3, it causes a problem with Boa's debugger. :-(

2005-03-12 21:01 RD, revision 32790


2005-03-12 21:01 RD, revision 32789

Add a note about a few other wxGTK changes that were made

2005-03-12 21:00 RD, revision 32788

disable debugreport option

2005-03-12 20:59 RD, revision 32787

some demo tweaks

2005-03-12 20:58 RD, revision 32786

Bumped up rc number

2005-03-12 20:57 RD, revision 32785

"As is" means the current size (or position) not the best size. Factored out AsIs size calculations to an inline so it can be experimented with further if desired.

2005-03-12 20:43 VZ, revision 32784

ensure that either RTLD_LAZY or RTLD_NOW is always used as calling dlopen() with flags == 0 fails withrecent glibc versions

2005-03-12 20:37 VZ, revision 32783

changed wxDL_DEFAULT to be same as wxDL_NOW as this makes more sense for portable programs because wxDL_NOW is the only flag supported by Win32

2005-03-12 20:33 RD, revision 32782


2005-03-12 20:26 RD, revision 32781


2005-03-12 20:25 RD, revision 32780

Allow wxStaticText to have a custom fg without a custom bg

2005-03-12 19:35 DE, revision 32779

Fix compilation of generic message dialog.

2005-03-12 19:24 DE, revision 32778

Added trailing newline.

2005-03-12 19:20 DE, revision 32777

Added back trailing newline. Please be more careful when using dumb editors like Xcode's.

2005-03-12 19:11 VZ, revision 32776

readded back wxUSE_OLE and wxUSE_WXDIB

2005-03-12 18:09 RD, revision 32775


2005-03-12 18:07 RD, revision 32774

GetSize --> GetSizeHint

2005-03-12 14:16 GD, revision 32773

corrected typo in comment

2005-03-12 12:26 RR, revision 32772

gtk updates

2005-03-12 12:24 RR, revision 32771

Correct orientation of splitter sash again. Query splitter sash size at runtime.

2005-03-12 10:44 RR, revision 32770

Make tree control more GTK-is in the HTML help system.

2005-03-12 10:33 RR, revision 32769

Applied patch for ArtProvider.

2005-03-12 10:30 RR, revision 32768

There shouldn't be any need to draw the backgound under a sash.

2005-03-11 22:49 DS, revision 32767

ignore vc_dll directory

2005-03-11 22:13 MW, revision 32766

Add samples mobile and ownerdrw. Make sample richedit available on all platforms for fixing.

2005-03-11 21:48 DE, revision 32765


2005-03-11 21:42 DE, revision 32764

Rename BASE_MAC_OSX_(SRC|HDR) to BASE_MACOSX_WXMAC_(SRC|HDR). Put $BASE_MAC_(SRC|HDR) inside of these definitions since they're always needed for these cases anyway.

2005-03-11 21:34 DE, revision 32763


2005-03-11 21:03 RR, revision 32762

GTK compilation.

2005-03-11 20:47 RR, revision 32761

GTK+ 2.0 compilation.

2005-03-11 18:59 VZ, revision 32760

compilation fix for non PCH build

2005-03-11 18:56 RR, revision 32759


2005-03-11 15:44 VZ, revision 32758

don't use private URL in the sample

2005-03-11 15:34 ABX, revision 32757

Base for wxMessageDialog with common checks for style.

2005-03-11 15:12 ABX, revision 32756

Warning and build fixes focused with Borland and Watcom.

2005-03-11 11:49 VZ, revision 32755

call wxOle[Un]Initialize() in wxClipboard ctor/dtor to ensure that when wxTheClipboard is destroyed at program shutdown and its Clear() method is called OLE is still initialized

2005-03-11 11:47 VZ, revision 32754

extracted code calling {Ole|Co}[Un]Initialize() to wxOle[Un]Initialize() functions in oleutils.h

2005-03-11 11:19 VZ, revision 32753

Unix compilation warning fixes

2005-03-11 09:33 JJ, revision 32752

Committing in . OPenVMS updates Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms wxWidgets/src/unix/stdpaths.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2005-03-11 09:15 SC, revision 32751

border handling streamlined

2005-03-11 07:35 ABX, revision 32750

Use empty check consistent with other parts.

2005-03-11 07:32 ABX, revision 32749

Bring back help turned off as in previous WinCE setup.h. Perhaps it should be !__SMARTPHONE__.

2005-03-11 07:21 ABX, revision 32748

chkconf.h of wince has to be included in files.bkl

2005-03-11 03:03 VZ, revision 32747

added debugrpt.cpp and dbgrptg.cpp

2005-03-11 03:02 VZ, revision 32746

test background bitmap

2005-03-11 03:01 VZ, revision 32745

do use PCH with gsocket.cpp

2005-03-11 02:55 VZ, revision 32744

added wxDebugReport

2005-03-11 02:13 VZ, revision 32743

gave default value of wxID_ANY to id parameter of wxStaticLine ctor as nobody uses anything else for it anyhow

2005-03-11 01:55 VZ, revision 32742

added wxSizerFlags::Left/Right()

2005-03-11 01:15 VZ, revision 32741

correct relative paths for headers

2005-03-11 00:26 VZ, revision 32740

regenerated with /EHsc instead of /GX (this requires cvs bakefile, please don't overwrite these changes with previous bakefile versions)

2005-03-11 00:19 VZ, revision 32739


2005-03-11 00:19 VZ, revision 32738

cosmetic fix to a message

2005-03-11 00:02 VZ, revision 32737

corrected wxLogErrors() in Clear() and Flush()

2005-03-10 23:55 RD, revision 32736


2005-03-10 23:54 RD, revision 32735

add default action methods

2005-03-10 23:06 RR, revision 32734

Reenable dead keys under GTK2.

2005-03-10 22:02 JS, revision 32733

When drawing a solid page background, don't use theme painting

2005-03-10 20:51 ABX, revision 32732

Missing API of wxMenuItem. const corrections. PalmOS specific note.

2005-03-10 20:14 ABX, revision 32731

Warning fix.

2005-03-10 19:59 ABX, revision 32730

Disable wxID_EXIT on PalmOS with all consequences in content of menu (separators). Remove msw related code in wxPalmOS.

2005-03-10 19:37 VZ, revision 32729

disable drag and drop

2005-03-10 19:34 ABX, revision 32728

Use initial book from available controls. Select it in menu correctly.

2005-03-10 19:23 VZ, revision 32727

wxGetEnv() should return wxChar *, even if it's a macro and not a function

2005-03-10 19:22 ABX, revision 32726

Apart smartphones use choicebook when notebook is not available (like testing smartphone layout using desktop build).

2005-03-10 19:20 VS, revision 32725

use dummy.cpp with eVC, too

2005-03-10 19:20 VS, revision 32724

use dummy.cpp with eVC, too

2005-03-10 19:20 VZ, revision 32723

define wxGetEnv() as macro, not inline function, for WinCE as otherwise extended.c compilation fails

2005-03-10 19:19 VZ, revision 32722

Unicode fix after last commit

2005-03-10 19:16 VZ, revision 32721

ignore build files for stuff which is not in the cvs

2005-03-10 19:14 VZ, revision 32720

define wxGetenv() for WinCE which doesn't have _tgetenv() to always return NULL

2005-03-10 19:14 VZ, revision 32719

use wxGetenv() instead of getenv() which doesn't exist under WinCE

2005-03-10 19:11 VZ, revision 32718

moved WinCE-specific part into wx/msw/wince/chkconf.h; added more stuff to it (partly moved from wince/setup.h)

2005-03-10 19:07 RD, revision 32717

Give the wxChoice an explicit width so the min size of the panel won't be too large, preventing the splitter from resizing it back down to a manageble size.

2005-03-10 19:06 VZ, revision 32716

disable wxUSE_EXCEPTIONS when compiling with VC++ but without /GX (a.k.a. /EHsc) switch

2005-03-10 18:54 VZ, revision 32715

unused param warning with wxUSE_OLE=0

2005-03-10 18:26 VZ, revision 32714

generate (common part of) include/wx/msw/wince/setup.h automatically, as for MSW, Mac and Unix setup.h versions

2005-03-10 15:47 SC, revision 32713

cursor setting corrected

2005-03-10 15:46 SC, revision 32712

make sure we don't have two associations pointing to the same control

2005-03-10 14:49 VZ, revision 32711

check that wxYES and wxNO are always used together as the native msg box can't use them separately (related to bug 1160422)

2005-03-10 14:18 ABX, revision 32710

Smartphone adjustements to generic log dialog.

2005-03-10 00:45 RD, revision 32709


2005-03-10 00:41 RD, revision 32708

Catch possible exception from getdefaultlocale

2005-03-09 23:17 JS, revision 32707

Added some missing samples

2005-03-09 23:01 VS, revision 32706

fixed wxrc's dependencies

2005-03-09 22:52 VS, revision 32705

AddFile usage clarifications

2005-03-09 22:49 RD, revision 32704


2005-03-09 22:31 RD, revision 32703

Added some missing files

2005-03-09 22:30 RD, revision 32702

User newer APIs for setting up scrolling

2005-03-09 22:28 RD, revision 32701

Use the PyGILState_* APIs on Python >= 2.3

2005-03-09 19:04 RR, revision 32700


2005-03-09 18:54 RN, revision 32699

cgimagecreate from wxbitmap crashes 10.2 - turn off. Put in right click handler to avoid double-creation of the menus

2005-03-09 18:53 RN, revision 32698

Don't pass empty string to wxFileNameFSSpec or you get a crash

2005-03-09 18:12 KH, revision 32697

Automatic use of MSG_NOSIGNAL or SO_NOSIGPIPE (checked at compile time); moved enabling of connection events on Darwin after connection has been accepted in WaitConnection; in Connect, enable events only after connection has succeeded rather than unconditionally before; do not close connection when a socket call results in EWOULDBLOCK, EAGAIN or EINTR, as these do not indicate a closed connection; loop around calls to send and recv so that socket calls returning EINTR can be immediately retried; check for invalid socket pointer in Detected_Read

2005-03-09 16:37 DS, revision 32696

minor cleanup (doc typos fixed, removed tabs)

2005-03-09 16:29 ABX, revision 32695

Missing casts to event handling functions.

2005-03-09 15:23 VZ, revision 32694

made wxStaticCast more backwards compatible by allowing it to cast away const as well (in release build)

2005-03-09 07:36 ABX, revision 32693

WinCE fixes.

2005-03-09 07:29 ABX, revision 32692

Missing flags.

2005-03-09 00:02 VZ, revision 32691

slightly clarified test

2005-03-08 22:55 RR, revision 32690

Applied dir control token patch.

2005-03-08 22:50 RR, revision 32689

Applied DnD patch, adding a field for setting a default action.

2005-03-08 22:37 RR, revision 32688

Override OnSize in the scrollsub sample to disable sizer and scrollarea interferance. Made some code in wxScrolledWindow slightly clearer and removed a hack for something that shouldn't happen any more.

2005-03-08 21:05 RN, revision 32687

Fix crash when using a proxy (m_protocol already gets cleaned up via CleanData())

2005-03-08 20:53 ABX, revision 32686

Casting fix for events. Needs check by ARM eVC4 users.

2005-03-08 20:43 ABX, revision 32685

More cleaning and wxFileOffset usage.

2005-03-08 20:43 RD, revision 32684


2005-03-08 20:16 VZ, revision 32683

return name and extension by const ref, not by value, to prevent bugs as the one just fixed by patch 1159289 from compiling

2005-03-08 20:13 VZ, revision 32682

fixed wrong use of = instead of == (patch 1159289)

2005-03-08 20:11 VZ, revision 32681

removed unused wxDirToWinStyle() (part of patch 1159289)

2005-03-08 20:02 KH, revision 32680

GTK1 compilation fix from Mart R., followup to patch 1157735

2005-03-08 19:37 KH, revision 32679

Removed descriptions of now-private m_ variables and moved the detailed information about the event information for each field to the appropriate Get() method descriptions.

2005-03-08 15:18 ABX, revision 32678

Correct header filename (part of bug #1154011).

2005-03-08 13:12 VZ, revision 32677

don't need AC_CXX_DYNAMIC_CAST for now

2005-03-08 13:09 VZ, revision 32676

use static_cast<> for wxStaticCast; updated comment in front of wxDynamicCast()

2005-03-08 11:17 VZ, revision 32675

mention Linux/AMD64 build fix

2005-03-08 11:17 VZ, revision 32674

removed wx_dynamic_cast(), it can't be implemented properly without real dynamic_cast<>

2005-03-08 10:56 VZ, revision 32673

set wxDIALOG_UNIT_COMPATIBILITY to 0 by default

2005-03-08 10:44 ABX, revision 32672

Allow forward declaration of wxSlider in wxMSW (bug 1157614). Remove unused header from wxSliderMSW.

2005-03-08 10:37 VZ, revision 32671

fixed loop deleting the old filters in SetWildcard() after last commit

2005-03-08 10:04 ABX, revision 32670

Missing flags.

2005-03-08 09:51 ABX, revision 32669

XTI has own wxObjectEventFunction and has to follow event.h

2005-03-08 01:47 RD, revision 32668

Workaround for toolbartool tooltip not getting written to the XRC file.

2005-03-08 01:16 RD, revision 32667


2005-03-08 01:14 RD, revision 32666

Fix compilation error

2005-03-08 01:06 RD, revision 32665


2005-03-08 00:43 RD, revision 32664

Little tweaks to match CVS changes

2005-03-08 00:41 RD, revision 32663

Move wxPyCallback back to derive from wxObject

2005-03-08 00:40 VZ, revision 32662

honour stateMask in GetItem() too (patch 1153451)

2005-03-08 00:38 RD, revision 32661

Allow wxBufferedDC to be constructed with just a wxDC.

2005-03-08 00:29 VZ, revision 32660

init member variables properly (patch 1156088)

2005-03-08 00:10 VZ, revision 32659

update from Hakki Dogusan

2005-03-08 00:08 VZ, revision 32658


2005-03-08 00:07 VZ, revision 32657

PPC 2003 SDK doesn't seem to have setlocale() neither so just don't use it under Win CE at all

2005-03-08 00:01 VZ, revision 32656

fixed bug in Set(double jdn): don't test whether the date is valid before setting it (closes 1158535)

2005-03-07 23:41 VZ, revision 32655

fix top margin for static box sizer when wxDIALOG_UNIT_COMPATIBILITY == 0

2005-03-07 23:37 VZ, revision 32654

extracted platform-specific code to determine static box borders to wxStaticBox::GetBordersForSizer()

2005-03-07 23:07 VZ, revision 32653

don't exclude msw/gsocket.cpp and msw/gsockmsw.cpp from using PCH, there is no reason to do it now that these files are in C++ and not in C

2005-03-07 22:48 VZ, revision 32652


2005-03-07 22:42 VZ, revision 32651

added file with WinCE-specific configuration options checks

2005-03-07 22:40 VZ, revision 32650

compilation fix for CE with Standard SDK

2005-03-07 22:37 VZ, revision 32649


2005-03-07 22:17 JS, revision 32648

Need wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_SIZE for the background to erase properly (needs to be optimized)

2005-03-07 22:12 VZ, revision 32647

compilation fix for VC6 (patch 1158433)

2005-03-07 21:52 JS, revision 32646

Added metal styles

2005-03-07 21:50 JS, revision 32645

Added wxFRAME_EX_METAL, wxDIALOG_EX_METAL for Mac metal appearance (saves #ifdefing)

2005-03-07 21:35 VZ, revision 32644

look in /usr/lib64 before standard locations, this should fix build on Linux AMD64

2005-03-07 20:44 JS, revision 32643

Removed very very obsolete flags from 1.x

2005-03-07 20:18 ABX, revision 32642

More wxFileOffset usage and making layout of the code little more readable.

2005-03-07 20:06 VZ, revision 32641

fix evaluation order bug (patch 1158099)

2005-03-07 19:50 VZ, revision 32640

harmless warning fixes for WinCE (mostly unused parameters)

2005-03-07 19:26 VZ, revision 32639

harmless warning fixes for WinCE (mostly unused parameters)

2005-03-07 19:22 VZ, revision 32638

fix to avoid eVC crashes: restored wxObjectEventFunction declaration so that it defines a wxObject method, not wxEvtHandler one

2005-03-07 19:10 ABX, revision 32637

Inform settings about wxWindow class existence.

2005-03-07 18:28 RD, revision 32636

Don't enable the mediactrl on jaguar

2005-03-07 17:39 ABX, revision 32635

Warning fix.

2005-03-07 17:38 RR, revision 32634

Applied GetSystemMetric patch to suppurt GTK and multihead display.

2005-03-07 17:27 RR, revision 32633

Applied patch to reenable single selection mode.

2005-03-07 17:25 RR, revision 32632

This fixes a problem in the two tree and list controls that are trigger if the user app shows dialog in reaction to the user pressing e.g. <ENTER>. The edit text control will lose focus and emit another event. Might be possible to fix without adding another field, but this way it surely works. Also added correction to treecontrol as per listcontrol in the situation when a label change happens by losing the focus and the user cannot reject it, another event is emitted.

2005-03-07 17:20 RR, revision 32631

Readd support for prelight tree control triangles (visual effect when mouse is over the triangle/button)

2005-03-07 17:19 RR, revision 32630

Use GtkPixmap instead of GtkImage as the latter incorrectly displays greyed images for some reason.

2005-03-07 02:11 VZ, revision 32629

replaced complicated and not working test for WinCE version with a simple and working test for whether WM_CONTEXTMENU is defined

2005-03-07 02:01 VZ, revision 32628


2005-03-06 20:47 JS, revision 32627

Removed spurious comment

2005-03-06 17:16 JS, revision 32626

Doc tweaks SetAxisOrientation: Y is top down by default, not bottom up!

2005-03-06 13:43 VZ, revision 32625

fix warning about comparing (signed) -1 with (unsigned) in_addr_t under Solaris

2005-03-06 12:16 VZ, revision 32624

replaced C++ comment with a C one

2005-03-06 03:31 RD, revision 32623

Added toolbar wxTB_TEXT flag and tool label property

2005-03-05 23:36 VZ, revision 32622

(blind) GTK1 compilation fix

2005-03-05 23:24 MW, revision 32621

Fix for problem with wxGetFileKind on WinCE

2005-03-05 17:16 MBN, revision 32620

Use the common wxParseCommonDialogsFilter function in wxMotif wxFileDialog.

2005-03-05 16:13 MBN, revision 32619

Avoid uninitialized variable warnings.

2005-03-05 16:11 MBN, revision 32618

Use the IsMDIChild() function instead of wxRTTI, avoiding linking MDI classes in all programs.

2005-03-05 16:09 MBN, revision 32617

Corrected wxStringListBase implementation of DeleteFunction. Since wxStringList, when wxUSE_STL == 1 is a list of object (not pointers to objects) it requires and empty DeleteFunction.

2005-03-05 16:06 MBN, revision 32616

Use the correct WXDLLIMPEXT declaration for wxStringListBase.

2005-03-05 00:57 RD, revision 32615


2005-03-05 00:52 RD, revision 32614

Docstring updates

2005-03-05 00:52 RD, revision 32613

Added wx.ArtProvider.GetSize

2005-03-05 00:40 RD, revision 32612


2005-03-05 00:24 RD, revision 32611

bump the version flags

2005-03-05 00:21 RD, revision 32610

Tweak how we cheat on the resource files

2005-03-05 00:18 RD, revision 32609

Add Resize, SetRGBRect, Size, and GetOrFindMaskColour methods to wx.Image Added wx.Rect.IsEmpty

2005-03-05 00:17 RD, revision 32608

Added wx.Rect.IsEmpty

2005-03-05 00:15 RD, revision 32607

Add Resize, SetRGBRect, Size, and GetOrFindMaskColour methods to wx.Image

2005-03-05 00:13 RD, revision 32606

Remove refrences to building OGL

2005-03-04 23:23 RR, revision 32605

Try to catch theme change on the fly in button in order to resize buttons.

2005-03-04 19:32 ABX, revision 32604

Better wxFile support, warning fixes and minor source cleaning.

2005-03-04 19:29 ABX, revision 32603

Unicode markup.

2005-03-04 19:27 ABX, revision 32602

Removed ambiguity between deprecated and new constructor.

2005-03-04 19:23 ABX, revision 32601

Small warning fixes.

2005-03-04 19:19 ABX, revision 32600

Name conflict correction.

2005-03-04 19:14 RR, revision 32599

Trying to get default button placement and size right.

2005-03-04 18:33 RR, revision 32598

Applied John L's patches for curson scaling, image resizing without scaling and the art provider resize bitmap patch. I'll look into adapting the generic file dialog to it.

2005-03-04 17:31 RR, revision 32597

Changed wxFileName::SetExt() as per the discussion, added ClearExt() and SetEmptyExt() and documented it.

2005-03-04 07:24 ABX, revision 32596

#pragma implementation fix.

2005-03-04 07:18 ABX, revision 32595

Complete wxW set of files in PalmOS makefile (still builds fine due to wxUSE_XXX flags). Initial (BASE) movement towards files.bkl.

2005-03-03 21:07 ABX, revision 32594

Warning fixes for formating.

2005-03-03 20:57 RD, revision 32593

reworded a bit

2005-03-03 20:21 ABX, revision 32592

Warning fix.

2005-03-03 20:13 RD, revision 32591


2005-03-03 19:58 RD, revision 32590

new style flags for wxBufferedDC

2005-03-03 19:56 RD, revision 32589

Add copy ctor for wxPyCBInputStream and use it to prevent double deletion of the wxInputStream passed to wxFSFile

2005-03-03 19:50 ABX, revision 32588

Source cleaning.

2005-03-03 19:46 ABX, revision 32587

Allow build without fatal exceptions support.

2005-03-03 19:45 RR, revision 32586

Adapt SetExt() to new availability of m_hasExt. I also added SetNoExt() as there needs to be a way to remove the extension. One wonders what SetExt( "" ) is supposed to do. Maybe adding SetEmptyExt() would be better and backwards compatible.

2005-03-03 19:37 ABX, revision 32585

Usage of common default colours in OGL + minor warning fixes.

2005-03-03 19:21 ABX, revision 32584

Source cleaning.

2005-03-03 19:19 ABX, revision 32583

Warning fixes.

2005-03-03 19:17 ABX, revision 32582

Follow api of wxInputStream (warning fixes).

2005-03-03 19:15 ABX, revision 32581

Warning fix.

2005-03-03 19:12 ABX, revision 32580

Huge streams checking and warning fixes.

2005-03-03 19:09 ABX, revision 32579

Recent commits added new variables for length when there is already one available with warnings silenced.

2005-03-03 17:18 VS, revision 32578

fixed crash when wxHtmlWindow's content is updated when making selection

2005-03-03 13:46 VZ, revision 32577

fixed bug in ReadAll(): it always returned error when reading files with DOS EOLs in text mode

2005-03-03 12:52 JJ, revision 32576

Committing in . OpenVMS compile support updates Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms wxWidgets/src/common/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/common/string.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2005-03-03 10:54 VZ, revision 32575

use HINSTANCE for first DllMain() parameter (should fix compilation with VC 2005)

2005-03-03 10:53 VZ, revision 32574

added wx_dynamic_cast()

2005-03-03 10:39 VZ, revision 32573


2005-03-03 06:56 JS, revision 32572


2005-03-03 01:51 RD, revision 32571

Add SetDefault()

2005-03-02 22:49 MW, revision 32570

Add forcelnk.h and version.rc to distribution tars and zips

2005-03-02 22:16 RN, revision 32569

get rid of duplicate comment :)

2005-03-02 22:11 RD, revision 32568


2005-03-02 22:02 RD, revision 32567


2005-03-02 21:35 RD, revision 32566

Reduce the value of the fkey guard for unicode characters

2005-03-02 20:42 RD, revision 32565

allow border flags

2005-03-02 20:41 RD, revision 32564

more build load-balancing

2005-03-02 20:38 RD, revision 32563

don't need to import xml.sax anymore

2005-03-02 18:32 RD, revision 32562

Add GetToolTip accessor

2005-03-02 18:32 RD, revision 32561

Set the mouse pos for the drag events, add support for the tooltip event

2005-03-02 18:31 RD, revision 32560

Set the mouse pos for the drag events

2005-03-02 17:45 SC, revision 32559

unicode character events

2005-03-02 10:57 ABX, revision 32558

In MSWUniv wxWindow and wxWindowMSW are different classes so we can't access some of protected members (catched only by Borland). Therefore some of the flags related to background needs reading API.

2005-03-02 10:44 JS, revision 32557

Must use GetAdjustedBestSize for getting child window sizes, since DoGetBestSize returns standard control size e.g. 100x100 on Windows, and not an explicit size passed to it. This may be because the splitter window isn't a true sizer and m_bestSizeCache isn't updated properly (see window.h, GetBestSize: IsFullySpecified fails.)

2005-03-02 08:16 JS, revision 32556

Fixed wxBufferedPaintDC for scrolled windows

2005-03-02 05:17 RN, revision 32555

*** empty log message ***

2005-03-02 02:47 RN, revision 32554

note that GetFromWindow is windows only

2005-03-02 01:08 RN, revision 32553

Document wxDisplay::GetFromWindow

2005-03-02 01:05 RN, revision 32552

fix unresolved reference

2005-03-02 01:03 RN, revision 32551

fix backslashes

2005-03-02 00:54 RN, revision 32550


2005-03-02 00:53 RN, revision 32549

clear up the 'something'

2005-03-02 00:51 RN, revision 32548

reword a bit - get rid of mention of the platforms it supports because nearly all of them do now (all major ones do)

2005-03-02 00:15 KH, revision 32547

Add missing wxFileDialog flags to both dialog overview and wxFileDialog description (modified patch 1154022)

2005-03-01 23:52 RD, revision 32546

Added newDirectory flag to DirBrowseButton

2005-03-01 23:49 RD, revision 32545


2005-03-01 23:36 RD, revision 32544

Make IsSelected be a bit more specific

2005-03-01 20:18 MBN, revision 32543

Revert my last commit, GetClientAreaOrigin was already implemented in common code by ABX.

2005-03-01 19:13 KH, revision 32542

Revert last change moving wxFloodFill from imagfill.cpp to dcbase.cpp, which broke compilation across the board when wxUSE_IMAGE is defined.

2005-03-01 17:52 VZ, revision 32541

restored alpha test in raw image frame (why had it been commented out?)

2005-03-01 17:49 VZ, revision 32540

don't use WXDLLEXPORT with nested template classes: this doesn't work

2005-03-01 17:42 VZ, revision 32539

don't try to save invalid image: added a wxCHECK(Ok()) to Save() overloads which didn't already have it

2005-03-01 17:11 MW, revision 32538

Minor fixes for gcc

2005-03-01 17:08 MW, revision 32537

Add samples to configure: ipc, keyboard, listbox, multimon, popup, vscroll richedit (partly), regtest, nativdlg, oleauto

2005-03-01 16:53 ABX, revision 32536

Warning fixes.

2005-03-01 16:22 RD, revision 32535

Use GetMark if available

2005-03-01 15:47 SC, revision 32534

correct placard under toolbar

2005-03-01 14:13 MW, revision 32533

No res-include for rpmspec wx24dsp

2005-03-01 14:09 MW, revision 32532

Add $(TOP_SRCDIR)include for windres

2005-03-01 11:54 ABX, revision 32531

Warning fix.

2005-03-01 11:43 ABX, revision 32530

Missing header.

2005-03-01 11:30 RN, revision 32529

wxUSE_TOOLTIPS and wxUSE_IMAGE furthur fixes

2005-03-01 11:10 RN, revision 32528

Move wxDoFloodFill to dc.cpp so that it can be 'used' without wxImage. Fixes related to this

2005-03-01 11:06 RN, revision 32527

work w/o bitmap button

2005-03-01 10:59 RN, revision 32526

More wxUSE_STATTEXT fixes

2005-03-01 10:55 RN, revision 32525


2005-03-01 10:48 RN, revision 32524


2005-03-01 10:42 RN, revision 32523

wxUSE_IMAGLIST fix (good grief...)

2005-03-01 10:33 RN, revision 32522

wxUSE_TOOLTIPS fix (good grief I think I just did this a couple days ago...)

2005-03-01 10:28 RN, revision 32521

wxUSE_XX fix

2005-03-01 10:27 RN, revision 32520

wxUSE_XXX fix

2005-03-01 10:25 RN, revision 32519

fixup for last commit

2005-03-01 10:23 RN, revision 32518


2005-03-01 10:19 RN, revision 32517

wxUSE_IMAGE cleanup

2005-03-01 10:19 VZ, revision 32516

fix for crash when using wxEXEC_NODISABLE

2005-03-01 10:16 RN, revision 32515

wxUSE_IMAGE cleanup, fix warning

2005-03-01 09:54 RN, revision 32514

compile w/o tooltips

2005-03-01 09:36 ABX, revision 32513

wxChoicebook styles typo fix.

2005-03-01 09:24 JS, revision 32512

Typo fixes

2005-03-01 07:38 ABX, revision 32511

More styles in XRC handlers of book controls.

2005-03-01 05:45 SC, revision 32510

have CGImage Support in all OSX builds

2005-03-01 05:31 SC, revision 32509

have CGImage Support in all OSX builds

2005-03-01 05:21 SC, revision 32508

fix for non-quartz branch

2005-03-01 01:26 VZ, revision 32507

don't compare iterator after calling erase() in ProcessPendingEvents() (replaces patch 1153906)

2005-03-01 01:21 VZ, revision 32506

added accessor function to hide __VISAGECPP__ ugliness and avoid having #ifdef's for it every other line

2005-03-01 01:15 VZ, revision 32505

update from Hiroshi Saito (patch 1153720)

2005-03-01 00:03 VZ, revision 32504

added wxDP_ALLOWNONE (patch 1153889)

2005-02-28 23:05 VS, revision 32503

workaround for lack of res-define in our custom formats

2005-02-28 22:29 RR, revision 32502

Minimal layout change.

2005-02-28 21:16 JS, revision 32501

Search path correction (in line with intl.cpp)

2005-02-28 21:14 ABX, revision 32500

Don't use the 'unix-like' check for Palm.

2005-02-28 20:35 RD, revision 32499

delete singleInstanceChecker when exiting

2005-02-28 20:32 RD, revision 32498

NotebookSizer is deprecated

2005-02-28 20:31 RR, revision 32497

Implemented wxRadioBox using a GtkTable.

2005-02-28 20:16 RD, revision 32496

Updates for doc/view from Morgan Hua

2005-02-28 20:09 RN, revision 32495

note wxURI change

2005-02-28 20:06 RD, revision 32494


2005-02-28 20:03 RD, revision 32493

Updates for MouseGestures

2005-02-28 20:01 RN, revision 32492

rename wxURI::GetUser to wxURI::GetUserInfo and add wxURI::GetUser and wxURI::GetPassword

2005-02-28 19:47 RD, revision 32491


2005-02-28 19:34 RD, revision 32490

Oops, checked in wrong file by mistake. Reverted last change.

2005-02-28 19:31 RD, revision 32489

updated setup.h changes for MSW

2005-02-28 19:30 RD, revision 32488

Don't build the old versions of OGL or iewin by default anymore

2005-02-28 19:19 RD, revision 32487

Don't build the old versions of OGL or iewin by default anymore

2005-02-28 18:50 ABX, revision 32486

Missing include.

2005-02-28 18:46 ABX, revision 32485

XRC for wxListbook [patch 1152306] and wxChoicebook. Regenerated makefiles.

2005-02-28 18:45 RD, revision 32484

Added more image options

2005-02-28 18:45 RD, revision 32483

Patch from Will Sadkin: Enclosed are two patches, one for timectrl, re: exceptions (now?) thrown on wxDateTime.strftime(%p) in a non-am/pm locale, and one for a problem that prevented input into the integer digit of a integerwidth=1 numctrl, if the current value was 0.

2005-02-28 18:43 RD, revision 32482

Undeprecated AddWindow, AddSizer, AddSpacer and etc.

2005-02-28 18:43 RD, revision 32481

Added wx.PrintData.Get/SetPrivData

2005-02-28 18:41 RD, revision 32480

GetSelection is available on wxGTK now too.

2005-02-28 18:41 RD, revision 32479

Added GetBitmap, GetIcon to wx.ImageList.

2005-02-28 18:40 RD, revision 32478

Fix GetAmPmStrings wrapper

2005-02-28 18:40 RD, revision 32477

doc updates

2005-02-28 18:37 RD, revision 32476

Build/distrib updates

2005-02-28 18:36 RD, revision 32475

use wxMin

2005-02-28 18:35 RD, revision 32474

avoid buffer overrun

2005-02-28 18:18 RN, revision 32473

wxDisplay::GetFromWindow is only on msw evidently

2005-02-28 17:28 SC, revision 32472

mask access row bytes fixed

2005-02-28 17:23 VZ, revision 32471

trying to fix dmc warning about potential overload ambiguity

2005-02-28 17:20 VZ, revision 32470

return const ref to label from GetLabel() and other accessors instead of copying it, this fixes 1153178

2005-02-28 16:13 CE, revision 32469

fix missing defines with DMC

2005-02-28 16:05 VZ, revision 32468

removed strange bit flipping under wxGTK when saving TIFFs

2005-02-28 16:02 SC, revision 32467

correcting last commit

2005-02-28 15:14 RR, revision 32466

This change will make the parent TLW come to the front again after it has been sent to the back for some unknown reason, after a message dialog has been show.

2005-02-28 15:01 JS, revision 32465

Unicode fix

2005-02-28 14:45 RR, revision 32464

Apply combobox patch II.

2005-02-28 14:41 JS, revision 32463

Removed call to obsolete (and presumably redundant) SetPageSize

2005-02-28 14:38 RR, revision 32462

Changed ComboDropDown button under GTK+ so that it will create a transparent button. This works for the date control, but should be generalized somehow.

2005-02-28 13:55 JS, revision 32461

Documented wxImage XPM data ctor

2005-02-28 13:08 VZ, revision 32460

don't hide m_cal when disabling the control (bug 1150830)

2005-02-28 12:28 VZ, revision 32459

restored manual calls to gtk_glwindow_realized/map_callback() and added comment explaining why they're (sometimes) needed

2005-02-28 11:36 JS, revision 32458

Applied patch [ 1121371 ] configtool NULL pointer accesses

2005-02-28 11:36 JS, revision 32457

Applied socket destruction bug patch

2005-02-28 11:34 JS, revision 32456

WinCE doesn't have DFCS_FLAT

2005-02-28 11:33 JS, revision 32455

WinCE doesn't have GetThreadLocale

2005-02-28 11:31 JS, revision 32454

MSW doesn't have EOVERFLOW, WinCE additionally doesn't have errno.h