

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-05-10 09:46 JS, revision 53537

Fix conversion from variant array

2008-05-10 09:44 FM, revision 53536

other f*h header reviews

2008-05-10 09:40 FM, revision 53535

replace use of 'long/int bitmapType' with 'wxBitmapType bitmapType' in richtext and wxMemoryFSHandler

2008-05-10 09:37 FM, revision 53534

added version check against gcc-generated xml; added readme and few other notes about ifacecheck

2008-05-10 05:35 KO, revision 53533

svn merge -r 53388:53532

2008-05-10 00:05 RD, revision 53524

Add some additional renderer functions for Mac and MSW (so far) but do it as standalone functions in order to not disrupt the ABI. These are primarily needed for wxWebKit which is why they are going in to 2.8 instead of straight into 2.9 the proper way (as new methods of the wxRenderer* classes.)

2008-05-09 22:18 RD, revision 53511

Merge r53510 from 2.8 branch

2008-05-09 22:15 RD, revision 53510

Avoid asserts when wxDP_ALLOWNONE is used and the date is set to wxDefaultDateTime

2008-05-09 21:53 VS, revision 53509

fixed wxMac compilation after ShowWithEffect() changes; also fixed to use correct directions meaning

2008-05-09 18:59 BIW, revision 53508

applied patch 1908782 wxAuiMDIChildFrame not removed from wxAuiMDIClientWindow

2008-05-09 18:58 BIW, revision 53507

applied patch 1908782 wxAuiMDIChildFrame not removed from wxAuiMDIClientWindow

2008-05-09 16:57 SC, revision 53506

reverting style of include back to user include as before

2008-05-09 08:47 JS, revision 53505

Apply previous paragraph style if pasting plain text, but not if pasting rich text.

2008-05-09 08:46 JS, revision 53504

Apply previous paragraph style if pasting plain text, but not if pasting rich text.

2008-05-09 08:30 MW, revision 53503

Move MinGW builds to another machine as td165 is down.

2008-05-09 04:48 SC, revision 53502

applying 1960600 (avoid dereferencing lc if it hasn't been set)

2008-05-08 22:50 VZ, revision 53501

update the documentation after the patch 1876663

2008-05-08 22:45 VZ, revision 53500

extracted wxWrapSizer in separate files and somewhat improved it (heavily modified patch 1876663)

2008-05-08 21:56 VS, revision 53499

changed ShowWithEffects() to use directional wxSHOW_EFFECT_XXX flags instead of additional wxDirection argument that doesn't always make sense; this also means the direction is never implicit

2008-05-08 20:46 BP, revision 53498

More interface header reviews by Azriel Fasten, along with a simple item "add" group for wxSizer.

2008-05-08 19:42 BP, revision 53497

Updates to wiki links, and XHTML source cleanups.

2008-05-08 18:58 VZ, revision 53495

add wxSizer::SetDimension() overload taking wxPoint/wxSize instead of 4 ints

2008-05-08 14:57 VZ, revision 53494

don't call TB_GETITEMRECT with invalid tool index

2008-05-08 14:48 VZ, revision 53493

fix some unused variables warnings reported by Borland

2008-05-08 14:15 VZ, revision 53492

correct the signature of the overriden Reparent()