

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-05-16 12:50 SN, revision 53606

Ensure that wxApp::Yield is always processing pending event by creating a temporary event loop if needed.

2008-05-16 12:49 RR, revision 53605

[ 1965257 ] wxMac implementation of wxDataViewColumn::SetResizeable()

2008-05-16 12:37 RR, revision 53604

Option for variable line heights (MSW and GTK+ sofar)

2008-05-15 17:24 PC, revision 53599

fix some warnings from GCC -Wextra

2008-05-15 11:53 RR, revision 53595

Missing semicolon

2008-05-15 11:50 RR, revision 53594

[ 1960295 ] wxWeakRef - Reorganization and comments

2008-05-14 14:27 SC, revision 53593

fixing 64-32 bit conversion warnings, no brush must be set for color bitmaps, only for monochrome ones

2008-05-14 09:27 RR, revision 53592

[wx-dev] [ wxwindows-Bugs-1566309 ] wxDir::IsOpened() and wxDir::Open() always true

2008-05-14 09:04 JJ, revision 53591

Update OpebVMS compile support

2008-05-14 01:30 VZ, revision 53590

generate size event when the dialog is shown for consistency with frames and other ports (bug 1961671); this also makes workaround for showing the gripper in the previous revision unnecessary

2008-05-14 00:53 VZ, revision 53589

delay gripper positioning until the dialog is shown to ensure that it doesn't overwrite other dialog children

2008-05-13 20:52 SC, revision 53588

adapting to new m_font handling in base (it's not always valid, so use GetFont())

2008-05-13 19:40 VZ, revision 53587

fix bug introduced by the last change: we could overwrite the buffer if the file size changed while we were reading it

2008-05-13 02:51 PC, revision 53586

fix overload ambiguity when compiler doesn't know NULL is a pointer

2008-05-13 00:20 RD, revision 53585

fixed last commit

2008-05-12 23:55 RD, revision 53583

Need to allow wxMemoryDC's at any time. (It derives from wxPaint event so the 2nd half of the test catches that.)

2008-05-12 23:54 RD, revision 53582

Resolve overload ambiguities

2008-05-12 22:42 BP, revision 53581

Fixed bug #1340071 (outdated documentation of wxFrame::CreateStatusBar() function default values).

2008-05-12 12:47 SN, revision 53573

Clarified difference between wrap width and width of control in wxStaticText.

2008-05-12 12:21 SN, revision 53572

Fixed link to page with third party tools.

2008-05-12 11:22 VZ, revision 53571

don't dereference end iterator

2008-05-12 06:27 PC, revision 53570

fix wxColourData::FromString() not restoring 16th color, bug 1844355

2008-05-12 00:05 VZ, revision 53568

add wxCAL_SHOW_WEEK_NUMBERS support (patch 1960860)

2008-05-12 00:03 VZ, revision 53567

add wxCmdLineParser::AddUsageText() and wxCMD_LINE_USAGE_TEXT (modified patch 1957542)

2008-05-11 23:46 VZ, revision 53566

make GetUsageString() public, this is useful at least for the tests