

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-04-16 10:38 JS, revision 33653

Applied patch [ 1178610 ] datectlg.cpp: wxDropdownButton + bug fixes Jaakko Salli This patch modifies datectlg.cpp's wxDropdownButton in such manner that it should be much easier to convert it into a generic drop button class. Also, it is now more universal in the respect that it should work on platforms other than wxMSW and wxGTK (wxBitmapButton being prime prerequisite). Plus there are some bug fixes for wxDatePickerCtrlGeneric.

2005-04-16 10:32 JS, revision 33652

Applied patch [ 1178610 ] datectlg.cpp: wxDropdownButton + bug fixes Jaakko Salli This patch modifies datectlg.cpp's wxDropdownButton in such manner that it should be much easier to convert it into a generic drop button class. Also, it is now more universal in the respect that it should work on platforms other than wxMSW and wxGTK (wxBitmapButton being prime prerequisite). Plus there are some bug fixes for wxDatePickerCtrlGeneric.

2005-04-16 10:16 JS, revision 33651

APplied patch [ 1182682 ] Fixes wxDebugReportUpload fail when app name contains spaces by eco

2005-04-16 10:03 JS, revision 33650


2005-04-16 09:52 JS, revision 33649

Applied patch [ 1183153 ] [wxGTK] DrawComboBoxDropButton pressed state Jaakko Salli

2005-04-16 09:45 JS, revision 33648

Applied patch [ 1183157 ] Compilation with GCC 4.0 by Michal Cihar. Also added typedef for SQLINTEGER in built-in iODBC.

2005-04-16 09:11 RN, revision 33647

fix for w/o expat

2005-04-16 06:29 RD, revision 33646


2005-04-16 06:29 RD, revision 33645

new configure flags

2005-04-16 06:08 RD, revision 33644


2005-04-16 05:56 RD, revision 33643

wxCharBuffer typemap

2005-04-16 05:55 RD, revision 33642


2005-04-16 05:53 RD, revision 33641

Corrected a potential NULL pointer dereference in the SWIG runtime

2005-04-16 05:25 RD, revision 33640

Store the type table name in a variable so it can be reused

2005-04-16 04:53 RD, revision 33639

Add several "Raw" functions for setting/getting text from the document buffer. They behave similarly to the same methods without the "Raw" in the name, except they don't use wxStrings. This can save some conversions to/from unicode and utf-8 in a Unicode build.

2005-04-16 04:08 RD, revision 33638

Allow wxCharBuffer to be constructed without parameters (making a zero length string by default) so it can be used in SWIG typemaps.

2005-04-16 01:36 RD, revision 33637

Use a wxPopupWindow for the AutoComplete box too. We don't need to artificially set the clipping region on wxGTK anymore.

2005-04-16 00:14 RD, revision 33636

Patch from Joe "shmengie" Brown o Adjusted spin control size/placement (On Windows ctrls were overlapping). o Set Ok/Cancel buttons to wx.ID_OK & wx.ID_CANCEL to provide default dialog behaviour. o If no date has been clicked clicked, OnOk set the result to calend's date, important if keyboard only navigation is used.

2005-04-15 21:39 RD, revision 33635

Squash exception on exit bug

2005-04-15 20:44 RD, revision 33634

wx-config doesn't need to output the resource file name, since it is no longer built for wxMac

2005-04-15 19:41 RD, revision 33633

Patch #1183952, Create to return bool

2005-04-15 18:55 RD, revision 33632

No longer a need for changing the names to protect against multiple definitions.

2005-04-15 18:34 VS, revision 33631

re-added missing wxUSE_PLUINGS

2005-04-15 16:49 ABX, revision 33630

Build fix for wxUSE_FILE=0.

2005-04-15 16:48 ABX, revision 33629

Missing include.

2005-04-15 16:47 ABX, revision 33628

Simpler for readable diffs in future new ports.

2005-04-15 16:44 ABX, revision 33627

Simpler constructor available.

2005-04-15 15:51 MW, revision 33626

New syntax for --with-gtk

2005-04-15 15:16 JS, revision 33625

Manul version number update Script updates

2005-04-15 15:00 JS, revision 33624

Another buffer check

2005-04-15 14:18 MW, revision 33623

New --with-gtk=VERSION syntax, and restore --disable-gtk2 for backward compatibility

2005-04-15 14:12 JS, revision 33622

Don't crash if buffer null

2005-04-15 09:32 ABX, revision 33621

Buildable under WinCE smartphone.

2005-04-15 07:22 JS, revision 33620

Fixed presumed typo - crash when frame is NULL

2005-04-15 03:11 RD, revision 33619

Applied patch [ 1167891 ] wxNotebook display problem on MSW w/ XP theming

2005-04-15 03:04 RD, revision 33618

For wxMSW capture and release the mouse as the cursor moves out or back in to the transient popup window to enable the transient to be automatically dismissed when a click happens outside of it.

2005-04-15 03:00 RD, revision 33617

Don't clip hidden windows from the staticbox's refresh. Also handle non wxWindows better.

2005-04-15 00:14 VZ, revision 33616

use premultiplied RGB in raw image demo

2005-04-14 22:11 RD, revision 33615

Removed rules for copying the Mac resource file since they are no longer needed for wxMac

2005-04-14 22:03 MBN, revision 33614

Fix previous change in case somebody is still using WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_EVENT_TYPES from wxWidgets 2.2...

2005-04-14 21:12 MBN, revision 33613

Fix building Plot contrib as DLL.

2005-04-14 16:04 JS, revision 33612

Forgot to remove #endif

2005-04-14 15:12 JS, revision 33611

Try to find comctl32.dll version even if we don't have shlwapi.h available, otherwise the version is wrongly guessed and we can end up with bad toolbar backgrounds.

2005-04-14 15:11 ABX, revision 33610

Correction in comment in closing #endif.

2005-04-14 15:07 ABX, revision 33609

Correction in comment in closing #endif. Is VC++ 4 supported?

2005-04-14 15:05 ABX, revision 33608

Comment correction, source cleaning.

2005-04-14 14:53 ABX, revision 33607

Missing includes.

2005-04-14 14:15 JJ, revision 33606

Committing in . OpenVMS updates Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms wxWidgets/src/generic/descrip.mms ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2005-04-14 09:29 VS, revision 33605

check the syntax when compiling .po files into .mo

2005-04-14 07:26 JS, revision 33604

Removed unnecessary fix (caused by erroneous user code)